Update for integration build  (21 changes)
 370300: Avoid duplicate clone URIs
 bug 191522: provide full text search functionality over task comments
 bug 356790: configure all projects for Unix file endings
 bug 358554: [api] provide an extensible store for task-related
 bug 367789: review parameters for HttpClient
 bug 370620: fix priority comparator
 bug 371127: support notextile syntax
 bug 371747: consume latest version of HttpCore and HttpClient
 bug 371955: BuildServerWizardPage gets too wide when expanding
 bug 371984: [api] provide a generic storage API
 bug 371984: provide a generic storage API
 bug 372028: [user] Extracting change set from SVN project have an
 bug 372068: DELTA_TS is used for task and attachments
 bug 372237: remove files from build.properties that are not
 bug 372237: update build to use Tycho 0.14.0
 bug 372360: manage idle connections
 bug 372432: [api] provide a generic list for managing listeners
 fix name of all dev target
 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into e_4_1_m_3_x
 remove extra features from target
 update issue tracking
8 files changed