580782: Fix nexus deployment rule violations

Current nexus staging maven plugin configuration leads to staging
rule violations. This commit addresses those:

* Ensure the eclipse jar signing process happens _before_ the GPG
signing as documented under

* Move the wikitext/core description and url elements to the root
mylyn docs POM. This is necessary now because the root POM, the
intermediate wikitext/pom and the wikitext/core artifacts are all
deployed to nexus.

* GPG signing configuration has been moved to the root POM because
the root POM, intermediate wikitext/pom and wikitext/core artifacts
must all be GPG signed during deployment.

* The wikitext plugins (core and UI) must follow CI Friendly
conventions and specify ${project.version} in <dependency> declarations.
https://maven.apache.org/maven-ci-friendly.html. Otherwise, the
deployed POMs will be invalid.

Change-Id: Ib3b1ee3e3704257d1525251fd1554c1326f9b0a9
Task-Url: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=580782
34 files changed
tree: a19447b9c082c7965ba1f9b28ed43660e2f9b289
  1. .mvn/
  2. aggregate/
  3. docs/
  4. epub/
  5. target-platform/
  6. wikitext/
  7. .gitignore
  10. pom.xml
  11. README.md


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