blob: 0f5e70dec9428b05d6e621e70815859e13fc8d19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 Tasktop Technologies and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Tasktop Technologies - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.sandbox.bridge.bugs;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.IBugzillaConstants;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.ui.BugzillaUiPlugin;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.TasksUiPlugin;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.TaskRepository;
* Queries the Bugzilla server for the list of bugs matching search criteria.
* @author Mik Kersten (hardening of initial prototype)
// TODO: Delete once not needed by sandbox
public class BugzillaSearchEngine {
protected static final String QUERYING_SERVER = "Querying Bugzilla Server...";
* regular expression matching values of query matches' attributes in Bugzilla
public static final Pattern reValue = Pattern.compile("<td><nobr>([^<]*)</nobr>");
public static final Pattern reValueBugzilla220 = Pattern.compile("<td style=\"white-space: nowrap\">([^<]*)");
// private final String urlString;
private final TaskRepository repository;
private final boolean maxReached = false;
// private String queryStringWithoutLogin;
public BugzillaSearchEngine(TaskRepository repository, String queryUrl) {
// urlString = queryUrl;
// queryStringWithoutLogin = urlString;
// urlString = urlString.concat(IBugzillaConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_RDF);
this.repository = repository;
// this.proxySettings = proxySettings;
// if (repository.hasCredentials()) {
// try {
// urlString = BugzillaClient.addCredentials(urlString,
// repository.getCharacterEncoding(), repository
// .getUserName(), repository.getPassword());
// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// /*
// * Do nothing. Every implementation of the Java platform is
// * required to support the standard charset "UTF-8"
// */
// }
// }
* Wrapper for search
* @param collector
* - The collector for the results to go into
public IStatus search(ProgressQueryHitCollector collector) throws LoginException {
return, 0, IBugzillaConstants.RETURN_ALL_HITS);
* Wrapper for search
* @param collector
* - The collector for the results to go into
* @param startMatches
* - The number of matches to start with for the progress monitor
public IStatus search(ProgressQueryHitCollector collector, int startMatches) throws LoginException {
return, startMatches, BugzillaUiPlugin.getDefault().getMaxResults());
* Executes the query, parses the response, and adds hits to the search result collector.
* @param collector
* - The collector for the search results
* @param startMatches
* - The number of matches to start with for the progress monitor
* @param maxHits
* - the maximum number of matches to return or IBugzillaConstants.RETURN_ALL_HITS for unlimited
public IStatus search(ProgressQueryHitCollector collector, int startMatches, int maxHits) throws LoginException {
IProgressMonitor monitor = collector.getProgressMonitor();
IStatus status = null;
boolean possibleBadLogin = false;
int numCollected = 0;
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
monitor.beginTask(QUERYING_SERVER, maxHits);// IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN
throw new OperationCanceledException("Bugzilla Active Searchn not implemented");
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// BugzillaRepositoryQuery query = new BugzillaRepositoryQuery(repository.getRepositoryUrl(), urlString,
// "summary");
// BugzillaRepositoryConnector bugzillaConnector = (BugzillaRepositoryConnector) TasksUi.getRepositoryManager()
// .getRepositoryConnector(BugzillaCorePlugin.CONNECTOR_KIND);
// BugzillaClient client = bugzillaConnector.getClientManager().getClient(repository,
// new NullProgressMonitor());
// client.getSearchHits(query, collector, bugzillaConnector.getTaskDataHandler()
// .getAttributeMapper(repository), new NullProgressMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
status = new MultiStatus(BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR,
"Core Exception occurred while querying Bugzilla Server " + repository.getRepositoryUrl() + ".\n"
+ "\nClick Details for more information.", e);
((MultiStatus) status).add(e.getStatus());
// write error to log
} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
status = new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.CANCEL, "", null);
// } catch (final UnrecognizedReponseException e) {
// PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
// public void run() {
// WebBrowserDialog.openAcceptAgreement(null, "Report Download Failed",
// "Unrecognized response from server", e.getMessage());
// }
// });
// status = new MultiStatus(BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR,
// "Unrecognized response from Bugzilla server " + repository.getRepositoryUrl(), e);
// IStatus s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR, e.getClass().toString()
// + ": ", e);
// ((MultiStatus) status).add(s);
// s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.OK, "search failed", e);
// ((MultiStatus) status).add(s);
} catch (Exception e) {
status = new MultiStatus(BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR,
"An error occurred while querying Bugzilla Server " + repository.getRepositoryUrl() + ".\n"
+ "\nCheck network connection and repository configuration in "
+ TasksUiPlugin.LABEL_VIEW_REPOSITORIES + ".", e);
IStatus s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR, e.getClass().toString()
+ ": ", e);
((MultiStatus) status).add(s);
s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.OK, "search failed", e);
((MultiStatus) status).add(s);
} finally {
if (monitor != null) {
try {
if (in != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
BugzillaCorePlugin.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.ERROR,
"Problem closing the stream", e));
// if we haven't collected any serach results and we suspect a bad
// login, we assume it was a bad login
if (numCollected == 0 && possibleBadLogin) {
throw new LoginException(IBugzillaConstants.MESSAGE_LOGIN_FAILURE + " for repository: "
+ repository.getRepositoryUrl() + " username: " + repository.getUserName());
if (status == null) {
return new Status(IStatus.OK, BugzillaUiPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, IStatus.OK, "", null);
} else {
return status;
// /** Old code used by a unit test. */
// public static BugzillaQueryHit createHit(Pattern regularExpression, IProgressMonitor monitor, BufferedReader in,
// String serverUrl, int id) throws IOException {
// String line;
// // String severity = null;
// String priority = null;
// // String platform = null;
// // String owner = null;
// String state = null;
// // String result = null;
// for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// Matcher matcher;
// do {
// matcher = null;
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// line = in.readLine();
// if (line == null)
// break;
// line = line.trim();
// matcher = regularExpression.matcher(line);
// } while (!matcher.find());
// if (null != matcher) {
// switch (i) {
// // case 0:
// // severity =;
// // break;
// case 1:
// priority =;
// break;
// // case 2:
// // platform =;
// // break;
// // case 3:
// // owner =;
// // break;
// case 4:
// state =;
// break;
// case 5:
// // result =;
// // break;
// }
// }
// }
// // two more
// line = in.readLine();
// line = in.readLine();
// String description = "<activate to view summary>";
// if (line != null) {
// description = line.substring(8);
// }
// if (description.startsWith(">")) {
// description = description.substring(1);
// }
// // String query = "";
// // try {
// // String recentQuery = BugzillaUiPlugin.getMostRecentQuery();
// // if (recentQuery != null)
// // query = recentQuery;
// // } catch (Exception e) {
// // // ignore, for testing
// // }
// BugzillaQueryHit hit = new BugzillaQueryHit(TasksUiPlugin.getTaskList(), description,
// priority, serverUrl, String.valueOf(id), null, state);
// return hit;
// }
public boolean isMaxReached() {
return maxReached;
// /** regular expression matching Bugzilla query results format used in
// Bugzilla */
// protected static final Pattern re = Pattern.compile("<a
// href=\"show_bug.cgi\\?taskId=(\\d+)\">", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
// /** regular expression matching Bugzilla query results format used in
// v2.12 */
// protected static final Pattern reOld = Pattern.compile("<a
// href=\"show_bug.cgi\\?taskId=(\\d+)\">\\d+</a>\\s*<td
// class=severity><nobr>([^>]+)</nobr><td
// class=priority><nobr>([^>]+)</nobr><td
// class=platform><nobr>([^>]*)</nobr><td
// class=owner><nobr>([^>]*)</nobr><td class=status><nobr>([^>]*)</nobr><td
// class=resolution><nobr>([^>]*)</nobr><td class=summary>(.*)$",
// /**
// * Executes the query, parses the response, and adds hits to the search
// result collector.
// *
// * <p>
// * The output for a single match looks like this:
// * <pre>
// * <tr class="bz_enhancement bz_P5 ">
// *
// * <td>
// * <a href="show_bug.cgi?taskId=6747">6747</a>
// * </td>
// *
// * <td><nobr>enh</nobr>
// * </td>
// * <td><nobr>P5</nobr>
// * </td>
// * <td><nobr>All</nobr>
// * </td>
// * <td><nobr></nobr>
// * </td>
// * <td><nobr>ASSI</nobr>
// * </td>
// * <td><nobr></nobr>
// * </td>
// * <td>Code Formatter exchange several blank lines w/ one
// * </td>
// *
// * </tr>
// * <pre>
// *
// * <p>Or in the older format:
// * <pre>
// * <A HREF="show_bug.cgi?taskId=8">8</A> <td
// class=severity><nobr>blo</nobr><td class=priority><nobr>P1</nobr><td
// class=platform><nobr>PC</nobr><td
// class=owner><nobr></nobr><td
// class=status><nobr>CLOS</nobr><td class=resolution><nobr>DUPL</nobr><td
// class=summary>"Document root" missing when querying on files and
// revisions
// * </pre>
// * @param collector - The collector for the search results
// * @param startMatches - The number of matches to start with for the
// progress monitor
// * @param maxMatches - the maximum number of matches to return or -1 for
// unlimited
// */
// public IStatus search(IBugzillaSearchResultCollector collector, int
// startMatches, int maxMatches)
// throws LoginException {
// IProgressMonitor monitor = collector.getProgressMonitor();
// IStatus status = null;
// boolean possibleBadLogin = false;
// int numCollected = 0;
// BufferedReader in = null;
// try {
// monitor.beginTask(QUERYING_SERVER, IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN);
// collector.aboutToStart(startMatches);
// URLConnection cntx = BugzillaPlugin.getDefault().getUrlConnection(new
// URL(urlString));
// if (cntx == null || !(cntx instanceof HttpURLConnection)) {
// return null;
// }
// HttpURLConnection connect = (HttpURLConnection) cntx;
// connect.connect();
// int responseCode = connect.getResponseCode();
// if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
// String msg;
// if (responseCode == -1 || responseCode ==
// HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
// msg = repository.getUrl()
// + " does not seem to be a valid Bugzilla server. Check Bugzilla
// preferences.";
// else
// msg = "HTTP Error " + responseCode + " (" + connect.getResponseMessage()
// + ") while querying Bugzilla Server. Check Bugzilla preferences.";
// throw new BugzillaException(msg);
// }
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connect.getInputStream()));
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// String line;
// while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
// if (maxMatches != -1 && numCollected >= maxMatches) {
// maxReached = true;
// break;
// }
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// // create regular expressions that can be mathced to check if we
// // have
// // bad login information
// Pattern loginRe = Pattern.compile("<title>.*login.*</title>.*");
// Pattern invalidRe =
// Pattern.compile(".*<title>.*invalid.*password.*</title>.*");
// Pattern passwordRe =
// Pattern.compile(".*<title>.*password.*invalid.*</title>.*");
// Pattern emailRe = Pattern.compile(".*<title>.*check e-mail.*</title>.*");
// Pattern errorRe = Pattern.compile(".*<title>.*error.*</title>.*");
// String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
// // check if we have anything that suggests bad login info
// if (loginRe.matcher(lowerLine).find() ||
// invalidRe.matcher(lowerLine).find() ||
// passwordRe.matcher(lowerLine).find()
// || emailRe.matcher(lowerLine).find() ||
// errorRe.matcher(lowerLine).find())
// possibleBadLogin = true;
// Matcher matcher = reOld.matcher(line);
// if (matcher.find()) {
// int taskId = Integer.parseInt(;
// String severity =;
// String priority =;
// String platform =;
// String owner =;
// String state =;
// String result =;
// String summary =;
// String query = BugzillaPlugin.getMostRecentQuery();
// if (query == null)
// query = "";
// String server = repository.getUrl();
// BugzillaSearchHit hit = new BugzillaSearchHit(server, taskId, summary,
// severity, priority,
// platform, state, result, owner, query);
// collector.accept(hit);
// numCollected++;
// } else {
// matcher = re.matcher(line);
// if (matcher.find()) {
// Pattern regularExpression;
// BugzillaServerVersion bugzillaServerVersion =
// IBugzillaConstants.BugzillaServerVersion.fromString(repository.getVersion());
// if (bugzillaServerVersion != null &&
// bugzillaServerVersion.compareTo(BugzillaServerVersion.SERVER_220) >= 0) {
// regularExpression = reValueBugzilla220;
// } else {
// regularExpression = reValue;
// }
// int taskId = Integer.parseInt(;
// BugzillaSearchHit hit = createHit(regularExpression, monitor, in,
// repository.getUrl(), taskId);
// collector.accept(hit);
// numCollected++;
// }
// }
// // } else if (re.matches(line, match)) {
// // RegularExpression regularExpression;
// // if
// (repository.getVersion().equals(BugzillaServerVersion.SERVER_220.toString()))
// {
// // regularExpression = reValueBugzilla220;
// // } else {
// // regularExpression = reValue;
// // }
// //
// // int taskId = Integer.parseInt(match.getCapturedText(1));
// // BugzillaSearchHit hit = createHit(regularExpression, monitor, in,
// match, repository.getUrl()
// // .toExternalForm(), taskId);
// // collector.accept(hit);
// // numCollected++;
// // }
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// }
// } catch (CoreException e) {
// status = new MultiStatus(IBugzillaConstants.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR,
// "Core Exception occurred while querying Bugzilla Server " +
// repository.getUrl()
// + ".\n" + "\nClick Details for more information.", e);
// ((MultiStatus) status).add(e.getStatus());
// // write error to log
// BugzillaPlugin.log(status);
// } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
// status = new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, IBugzillaConstants.PLUGIN_ID,
// IStatus.CANCEL, "", null);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// status = new MultiStatus(IBugzillaConstants.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR, "An
// error occurred while querying Bugzilla Server " + repository.getUrl() +
// ".\n"
// + "\nCheck network connection repository configuration in Task
// Repositories view.", e);
// IStatus s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, IBugzillaConstants.PLUGIN_ID,
// IStatus.ERROR, e.getClass().toString()
// + ": ", e);
// ((MultiStatus) status).add(s);
// s = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, IBugzillaConstants.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK,
// "search failed", e);
// ((MultiStatus) status).add(s);
// // write error to log
// //BugzillaPlugin.log(status);
// } finally {
// monitor.done();
// collector.done();
// try {
// if (in != null)
// in.close();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// BugzillaPlugin.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR,
// IBugzillaConstants.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR,
// "Problem closing the stream", e));
// }
// }
// // if we haven't collected any serach results and we suspect a bad
// // login, we assume it was a bad login
// if (numCollected == 0 && possibleBadLogin) {
// throw new LoginException(IBugzillaConstants.MESSAGE_LOGIN_FAILURE + " for
// repository: " + repository.getUrl() + " username: " +
// repository.getUserName());
// }
// if (status == null)
// return new Status(IStatus.OK, NewSearchUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, "",
// null);
// else
// return status;
// }