blob: 8d6200ff553abd68e2fb324176215cc88cc57214 [file] [log] [blame]
// * Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 University Of British Columbia and others.
// * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// *
// *
// * Contributors:
// * University Of British Columbia - initial API and implementation
// *******************************************************************************/
//package org.eclipse.mylar.sandbox.tests;
//import junit.framework.TestCase;
//import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
//import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
//import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
//import org.eclipse.mylar.internal.bugzilla.core.IBugzillaConstants;
//import org.eclipse.mylar.internal.bugzilla.ui.BugzillaUiPlugin;
// * @author Mik Kersten
// * @author Marco Sferra
// */
//public class CollabNetRegularExpressionTest extends TestCase {
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal1 = new RegularExpression(
// "<span class=\"issue_type\">([^>]+)</span>", "i");
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal2 = new RegularExpression("<span class=\"priority\">([^>]+)</span>",
// "i");
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal3 = new RegularExpression("<span class=\"platform\">([^>]+)</span>",
// "i");
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal4 = new RegularExpression("<span class=\"owner\">([^>]+)</span>",
// "i");
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal5 = new RegularExpression("<span class=\"status\">([^>]+)</span>",
// "i");
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal6 = new RegularExpression(
// "<span class=\"resolution\">([^>]+)</span>", "i");
// private static final RegularExpression reColVal7 = new RegularExpression("<span class=\"summary\">([^>]+)</span>",
// "i");
// public void testMatchV220() throws IOException {
// BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(EXAMPLE_REPORT));
// Match match = new Match();
// BugzillaSearchHit hit = createHit(new NullProgressMonitor(), in, match,
// IBugzillaConstants.ECLIPSE_BUGZILLA_URL, 123);
// assertEquals("nor", hit.getSeverity());
// assertEquals("P2", hit.getPriority());
// }
// BugzillaSearchHit createHit(IProgressMonitor monitor, BufferedReader in, Match match, String serverUrl, int id)
// throws IOException {
// String severity = "none";
// String priority = "none";
// String platform = "none";
// String owner = "none";
// String state = "none";
// String result = "none";
// String summary = "none";
// do {
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// throw new OperationCanceledException("Search cancelled");
// }
// String line = in.readLine();
// if (line == null) {
// break;
// }
// line = line.trim();
// if (severity.equals("none")) {
// severity = readSeverity(line);
// }
// if (priority.equals("none")) {
// priority = readPriority(line);
// }
// if (platform.equals("none")) {
// platform = readPlatform(line);
// }
// if (owner.equals("none")) {
// owner = readOwner(line);
// }
// if (state.equals("none")) {
// state = readStatus(line);
// }
// if (result.equals("none")) {
// result = readResolution(line);
// }
// if (summary.equals("none")) {
// summary = readSummary(line);
// }
// } while (summary.equals("none"));
// String description = "<activate to view description>";
// // String server = "<unknown server>";
// String query = "";
// try {
// String recentQuery = BugzillaUiPlugin.getMostRecentQuery();
// if (recentQuery != null) {
// query = recentQuery;
// }
// // server = BugzillaPlugin.getDefault().getServerName();
// } catch (Exception exception1) {
// }
// return new BugzillaSearchHit(serverUrl, id, description, severity, priority, platform, state, result, owner,
// query);
// }
// private static final String EXAMPLE_REPORT = "<tr class=\"b\">\n" + "<td>\n"
// + "<a href=\"show_bug.cgi?id=1\">1</a>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"issue_type\">nor</span>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"priority\">P2</span>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"platform\">All</span>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"owner\">euxx</span>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"status\">NEW</span>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"resolution\">no result</span>\n" + "</td>\n"
// + "<td class=\"red\"><span class=\"summary\">Security context is not getting propagated</span>\n"
// + "</td>\n" + "</tr>\n";
// public static String readSeverity(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal1.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }
// public static String readPriority(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal2.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }
// public static String readPlatform(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal3.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }
// public static String readOwner(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal4.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }
// public static String readStatus(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal5.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }
// public static String readResolution(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal6.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }
// public static String readSummary(String line) {
// Match match = new Match();
// if (reColVal7.matches(line, match)) {
// return match.getCapturedText(1);
// } else {
// return "none";
// }
// }