blob: 604027d05707ab99bedd7d324bc1ad9a025132f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003 - 2006 University Of British Columbia and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* University Of British Columbia - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.HtmlStreamTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.HtmlTag;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.core.HtmlStreamTokenizer.Token;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryOperation;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryTaskAttribute;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core.RepositoryTaskData;
* @author Shawn Minto
* @author Mik Kersten (hardening of prototype)
* @author Rob Elves
* Class to handle the positing of a bug
public class BugzillaReportSubmitForm {
private static final String KEY_ID = "id";
private static final String VAL_TRUE = "true";
private static final String KEY_REMOVECC = "removecc";
private static final String KEY_CC = "cc";
// private static final String POST_CONTENT_TYPE =
// "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
// private static final String REQUEST_PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE =
// "Content-Type";
// private static final String REQUEST_PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH =
// "Content-Length";
// private static final String METHOD_POST = "POST";
// private static final String KEY_BUGZILLA_PASSWORD = "Bugzilla_password";
// private static final String KEY_BUGZILLA_LOGIN = "Bugzilla_login";
// private URL postUrl;
// private Proxy proxySettings = Proxy.NO_PROXY;
// private String charset;
private static final String POST_BUG_CGI = "/post_bug.cgi";
private static final String PROCESS_BUG_CGI = "/process_bug.cgi";
public static final int WRAP_LENGTH = 90;
private static final String VAL_PROCESS_BUG = "process_bug";
private static final String KEY_FORM_NAME = "form_name";
private static final String VAL_NONE = "none";
private static final String KEY_KNOB = "knob";
// TODO change to BugzillaReportElement.ADD_COMMENT
private static final String KEY_COMMENT = "comment";
private static final String KEY_SHORT_DESC = "short_desc";
public static final String FORM_POSTFIX_218 = IBugzillaConstants.FORM_POSTFIX_218;
public static final String FORM_POSTFIX_216 = IBugzillaConstants.FORM_POSTFIX_216;
public static final String FORM_PREFIX_BUG_218 = IBugzillaConstants.FORM_PREFIX_BUG_218;
public static final String FORM_PREFIX_BUG_220 = IBugzillaConstants.FORM_PREFIX_BUG_220;
/** The fields that are to be changed/maintained */
// private List<NameValuePair> fields = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
private Map<String, NameValuePair> fields = new HashMap<String, NameValuePair>();
/** The prefix for how to find the bug number from the return */
private String prefix;
private String prefix2;
/** The postfix for how to find the bug number from the return */
private String postfix;
/** An alternate postfix for how to find the bug number from the return */
private String postfix2;
private String error = null;
private RepositoryTaskData taskData = null;
public boolean isNewBugPost = false;
public BugzillaReportSubmitForm() {
// charset = charEncoding;
public static BugzillaReportSubmitForm makeNewBugPost(String repositoryUrl, String userName, String password,
String characterEncoding, RepositoryTaskData model, boolean wrapDescription)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
BugzillaReportSubmitForm form = new BugzillaReportSubmitForm();
// if (characterEncoding != null) {
// form = new BugzillaReportSubmitForm(characterEncoding);
// } else {
// form = new
// BugzillaReportSubmitForm(IBugzillaConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8);
// }
// setConnectionsSettings(form, repositoryUrl, userName, password,
// proxySettings, POST_BUG_CGI);
// go through all of the attributes and add them to
// the bug post
Iterator<RepositoryTaskAttribute> itr = model.getAttributes().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
RepositoryTaskAttribute a =;
if (a != null && a.getID() != null && a.getID().compareTo("") != 0) {
String value = null;
value = a.getValue();
if (value == null)
form.add(a.getID(), value);
// form.add(KEY_BUG_FILE_LOC, "");
// specify the product
form.add(BugzillaReportElement.PRODUCT.getKeyString(), model.getProduct());
// add the summary to the bug post
form.add(BugzillaReportElement.SHORT_DESC.getKeyString(), model.getSummary());
String formattedDescription = formatTextToLineWrap(model.getDescription(), wrapDescription);
if (model.getDescription().length() != 0) {
// add the new comment to the bug post if there
// is some text in
// it
form.add(KEY_COMMENT, model.getDescription());
return form;
* TODO: refactor common stuff with new bug post
* @param characterEncoding
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public static BugzillaReportSubmitForm makeExistingBugPost(RepositoryTaskData model, String repositoryUrl,
String userName, String password, String characterEncoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
BugzillaReportSubmitForm form = new BugzillaReportSubmitForm();
// if (characterEncoding != null) {
// form = new BugzillaReportSubmitForm(characterEncoding);
// } else {
// form = new
// BugzillaReportSubmitForm(IBugzillaConstants.ENCODING_UTF_8);
// }
// setDefaultCCValue(bug, userName);
// setConnectionsSettings(form, repositoryUrl, userName, password,
// proxySettings, PROCESS_BUG_CGI);
// go through all of the attributes and add them to the bug post
for (Iterator<RepositoryTaskAttribute> it = model.getAttributes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
RepositoryTaskAttribute a =;
if (a.getID().equals(BugzillaReportElement.CC.getKeyString())
|| a.getID().equals(RepositoryTaskAttribute.REMOVE_CC)
|| a.getID().equals(BugzillaReportElement.REPORTER.getKeyString())
|| a.getID().equals(BugzillaReportElement.ASSIGNED_TO.getKeyString())
|| a.getID().equals(BugzillaReportElement.CREATION_TS.getKeyString())) {
if (a != null && a.getID() != null && a.getID().compareTo("") != 0 && !a.isHidden()) {
String value = a.getValue();
// add the attribute to the bug post
form.add(a.getID(), value != null ? value : "");
} else if (a != null && a.getID() != null && a.getID().compareTo("") != 0 && a.isHidden()) {
// we have a hidden attribute and we should send it back.
String value = a.getValue();
// Strip off timezone information
// 149513: Constant bugzilla mid-air collisions
if (a.getID().equals(BugzillaReportElement.DELTA_TS.getKeyString()) && value != null) {
value = stripTimeZone(value);
form.add(a.getID(), value);
// when posting the bug id is encoded in a hidden field named 'id'
form.add(KEY_ID, model.getAttributeValue(BugzillaReportElement.BUG_ID.getKeyString()));
// add the operation to the bug post
RepositoryOperation o = model.getSelectedOperation();
if (o == null)
form.add(KEY_KNOB, VAL_NONE);
else {
form.add(KEY_KNOB, o.getKnobName());
if (o.hasOptions()) {
String sel = o.getOptionValue(o.getOptionSelection());
form.add(o.getOptionName(), sel);
} else if (o.isInput()) {
String sel = o.getInputValue();
form.add(o.getInputName(), sel);
if (model.getAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.SHORT_DESC.getKeyString()) != null) {
form.add(KEY_SHORT_DESC, model.getAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.SHORT_DESC.getKeyString()).getValue());
if (model.getNewComment().length() != 0) {
form.add(KEY_COMMENT, model.getNewComment());
List<String> removeCC = model.getAttributeValues(RepositoryTaskAttribute.REMOVE_CC);
if (removeCC != null && removeCC.size() > 0) {
String[] s = new String[removeCC.size()];
form.add(KEY_CC, toCommaSeparatedList(removeCC.toArray(s)));
return form;
public static String stripTimeZone(String longTime) {
String result = longTime;
if (longTime != null) {
String[] values = longTime.split(" ");
if (values != null && values.length > 2) {
result = values[0] + " " + values[1];
return result;
private static String toCommaSeparatedList(String[] strings) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (i != strings.length - 1) {
return buffer.toString();
* Add a value to be posted to the bug
* @param key
* The key for the value to be added
* @param value
* The value to be added
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
private void add(String key, String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
// try {
// fields.add(new NameValuePair(key, URLEncoder.encode(value == null ?
// "" : value, charset)));
fields.put(key, new NameValuePair(key, value));
// BugzillaPlugin.ENCODING_UTF_8
// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// // ignore
// }
* Post the bug to the bugzilla server TODO: fix this mess
public String submitReportToRepository(BugzillaClient client) throws IOException, BugzillaException,
PossibleBugzillaFailureException, GeneralSecurityException {
NameValuePair[] formData = fields.values().toArray(new NameValuePair[fields.size()]);
InputStream inputStream = null;
String result = null;
PostMethod method = null;
try {
if (isNewBugPost()) {
method = client.postFormData(POST_BUG_CGI, formData);
} else {
method = client.postFormData(PROCESS_BUG_CGI, formData);
if (method == null)
throw new BugzillaException("Could not post form");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(method.getResponseBodyAsStream()));
HtmlStreamTokenizer tokenizer = new HtmlStreamTokenizer(in, null);
boolean existingBugPosted = false;
boolean isTitle = false;
String title = "";
for (Token token = tokenizer.nextToken(); token.getType() != Token.EOF; token = tokenizer.nextToken()) {
if (token.getType() == Token.TAG && ((HtmlTag) (token.getValue())).getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.TITLE
&& !((HtmlTag) (token.getValue())).isEndTag()) {
isTitle = true;
if (isTitle) {
// get all of the data in the title tag
if (token.getType() != Token.TAG) {
title += ((StringBuffer) token.getValue()).toString().toLowerCase() + " ";
} else if (token.getType() == Token.TAG
&& ((HtmlTag) token.getValue()).getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.TITLE
&& ((HtmlTag) token.getValue()).isEndTag()) {
if (!isNewBugPost
&& (title.toLowerCase().matches(".*bug\\s+processed.*") || title.toLowerCase().matches(
".*defect\\s+processed.*"))) {
existingBugPosted = true;
} else if (isNewBugPost && prefix != null && prefix2 != null && postfix != null
&& postfix2 != null && result == null) {
int startIndex = -1;
int startIndexPrefix = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase());
int startIndexPrefix2 = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix2.toLowerCase());
if (startIndexPrefix != -1 || startIndexPrefix2 != -1) {
if (startIndexPrefix != -1) {
startIndex = startIndexPrefix + prefix.length();
} else {
startIndex = startIndexPrefix2 + prefix2.length();
int stopIndex = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(postfix.toLowerCase(), startIndex);
if (stopIndex == -1)
stopIndex = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(postfix2.toLowerCase(), startIndex);
if (stopIndex > -1) {
result = (title.substring(startIndex, stopIndex)).trim();
if ((!isNewBugPost && existingBugPosted != true) || (isNewBugPost && result == null)) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IOException("Could not parse response from server.");
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
if (method != null) {
// return the bug number
return result;
private void setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
private void setPostfix(String postfix) {
this.postfix = postfix;
private void setPostfix2(String postfix) {
this.postfix2 = postfix;
public String getError() {
return parseError();
* remove all of the hyperlinks and erroneous info
* @return
private String parseError() {
String newError = "";
try {
HtmlStreamTokenizer tokenizer = new HtmlStreamTokenizer(new StringReader(error), null);
for (Token token = tokenizer.nextToken(); token.getType() != Token.EOF; token = tokenizer.nextToken()) {
if (token.getType() == Token.TAG && ((HtmlTag) (token.getValue())).getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.A) {
} else if (token.getType() == Token.TAG
&& ((HtmlTag) (token.getValue())).getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.FORM) {
for (Token token2 = tokenizer.nextToken(); token2.getType() != Token.EOF; token2 = tokenizer
.nextToken()) {
if (token2.getType() == Token.TAG) {
HtmlTag tag = (HtmlTag) token2.getValue();
if (tag.getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.FORM && tag.isEndTag())
} else {
newError += token.getWhitespace().toString() + token.getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
newError = error;
return newError;
private void setPrefix2(String prefix2) {
this.prefix2 = prefix2;
* Break text up into lines of about 80 characters so that it is displayed
* properly in bugzilla
private static String formatTextToLineWrap(String origText, boolean hardWrap) {
// BugzillaServerVersion bugzillaServerVersion =
// IBugzillaConstants.BugzillaServerVersion.fromString(repository
// .getVersion());
// if (bugzillaServerVersion != null &&
// bugzillaServerVersion.compareTo(BugzillaServerVersion.SERVER_220) >=
// 0) {
// return origText;
if (!hardWrap) {
return origText;
} else {
String[] textArray = new String[(origText.length() / WRAP_LENGTH + 1) * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++)
textArray[i] = null;
int j = 0;
while (true) {
int spaceIndex = origText.indexOf(" ", WRAP_LENGTH - 5);
if (spaceIndex == origText.length() || spaceIndex == -1) {
textArray[j] = origText;
textArray[j] = origText.substring(0, spaceIndex);
origText = origText.substring(spaceIndex + 1, origText.length());
String newText = "";
for (int i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
if (textArray[i] == null)
newText += textArray[i] + "\n";
return newText;
public boolean isNewBugPost() {
return isNewBugPost;
public void setNewBugPost(boolean isNewBugPost) {
this.isNewBugPost = isNewBugPost;
public RepositoryTaskData getTaskData() {
return taskData;
public void setTaskData(RepositoryTaskData taskData) {
this.taskData = taskData;
// public void setProxySettings(Proxy proxySettings) {
// this.proxySettings = proxySettings;
// }
// /**
// * Post the bug to the bugzilla server
// *
// * @return The result of the responses
// * @throws GeneralSecurityException
// */
// public String submitReportToRepository() throws IOException,
// BugzillaException, PossibleBugzillaFailureException, GeneralSecurityException
// {
// BufferedOutputStream out = null;
// BufferedReader in = null;
// String result = null;
// try {
// // connect to the bugzilla server
// HttpURLConnection postConnection = WebClientUtil.getUrlConnection(postUrl,
// proxySettings, false, null, null);
// // set the connection method
// postConnection.setRequestMethod(METHOD_POST);
// String contentTypeString = POST_CONTENT_TYPE;
// if (charset != null) {
// contentTypeString += ";charset=" + charset;
// }
// postConnection.setRequestProperty(REQUEST_PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE,
// contentTypeString);
// // get the url for the update with all of the changed values
// byte[] body = getPostBody().getBytes();
// postConnection.setRequestProperty(REQUEST_PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH,
// String.valueOf(body.length));
// // allow outgoing streams and open a stream to post to
// postConnection.setDoOutput(true);
// out = new BufferedOutputStream(postConnection.getOutputStream());
// // write the data and close the stream
// out.write(body);
// out.flush();
// int responseCode = postConnection.getResponseCode();
// if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK && responseCode !=
// HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
// throw new BugzillaException("Server returned HTTP error: " + responseCode + "
// - "
// + postConnection.getResponseMessage());
// }
// // open a stream to receive response from bugzilla
// in = new BufferedReader(new
// InputStreamReader(postConnection.getInputStream()));
// in.mark(10);
// HtmlStreamTokenizer tokenizer = new HtmlStreamTokenizer(in, null);
// boolean existingBugPosted = false;
// boolean isTitle = false;
// String title = "";
// for (Token token = tokenizer.nextToken(); token.getType() != Token.EOF; token
// = tokenizer.nextToken()) {
// if (token.getType() == Token.TAG && ((HtmlTag)
// (token.getValue())).getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.TITLE
// && !((HtmlTag) (token.getValue())).isEndTag()) {
// isTitle = true;
// continue;
// }
// if (isTitle) {
// // get all of the data in the title tag
// if (token.getType() != Token.TAG) {
// title += ((StringBuffer) token.getValue()).toString().toLowerCase() + " ";
// continue;
// } else if (token.getType() == Token.TAG
// && ((HtmlTag) token.getValue()).getTagType() == HtmlTag.Type.TITLE
// && ((HtmlTag) token.getValue()).isEndTag()) {
// if (!isNewBugPost
// && (title.toLowerCase().matches(".*bug\\s+processed.*") ||
// title.toLowerCase().matches(
// ".*defect\\s+processed.*"))) {
// existingBugPosted = true;
// } else if (isNewBugPost && prefix != null && prefix2 != null && postfix !=
// null
// && postfix2 != null && result == null) {
// int startIndex = -1;
// int startIndexPrefix = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase());
// int startIndexPrefix2 = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix2.toLowerCase());
// if (startIndexPrefix != -1 || startIndexPrefix2 != -1) {
// if (startIndexPrefix != -1) {
// startIndex = startIndexPrefix + prefix.length();
// } else {
// startIndex = startIndexPrefix2 + prefix2.length();
// }
// int stopIndex = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(postfix.toLowerCase(),
// startIndex);
// if (stopIndex == -1)
// stopIndex = title.toLowerCase().indexOf(postfix2.toLowerCase(), startIndex);
// if (stopIndex > -1) {
// result = (title.substring(startIndex, stopIndex)).trim();
// }
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// if ((!isNewBugPost && existingBugPosted != true) || (isNewBugPost && result
// == null)) {
// in.reset();
// BugzillaClient.parseHtmlError(in);
// }
// } catch (KeyManagementException e) {
// throw new BugzillaException("Could not POST form. Communications error: " +
// e.getMessage(), e);
// } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
// throw new BugzillaException("Could not POST form. Communications error: " +
// e.getMessage(), e);
// } catch (ParseException e) {
// throw new IOException("Could not parse response from server.");
// } finally {
// try {
// if (in != null)
// in.close();
// if (out != null)
// out.close();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// BugzillaCorePlugin.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR,
// BugzillaCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.ERROR,
// "Problem posting the bug", e));
// }
// }
// // return the bug number
// return result;
// }
// /**
// * Get the url that contains the attributes to be posted
// *
// * @return The url for posting
// */
// private String getPostBody() {
// String postBody = "";
// // go through all of the attributes and add them to the body of the post
// Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> anIterator =
// fields.entrySet().iterator();
// while (anIterator.hasNext()) {
// Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
// postBody = postBody + entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue();
// if (anIterator.hasNext())
// postBody = postBody + "&";
// }
// return postBody;
// }
// private void setCharset(String charset) {
// this.charset = charset;
// }
// private static void setConnectionsSettings(BugzillaReportSubmitForm form,
// String repositoryUrl, String userName,
// String password, Proxy proxySettings, String formName) throws
// UnsupportedEncodingException {
// String baseURL = repositoryUrl;
// if (!baseURL.endsWith("/"))
// baseURL += "/";
// try {
// form.postUrl = new URL(baseURL + formName);
// if (proxySettings != null) {
// form.proxySettings = proxySettings;
// }
// } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// // we should be ok here
// }
// // add the login information to the bug post
// //form.add(KEY_BUGZILLA_LOGIN, userName);
// //form.add(KEY_BUGZILLA_PASSWORD, password);
// }
// /**
// * Sets the cc field to the user's address if a cc has not been specified
// to
// * ensure that commenters are on the cc list. TODO: Review this mechanism
// *
// * @author Wesley Coelho
// */
// private static void setDefaultCCValue(BugzillaReport bug, String
// userName) {
// // RepositoryTaskAttribute newCCattr =
// // bug.getAttributeForKnobName(KEY_NEWCC);
// RepositoryTaskAttribute owner =
// bug.getAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.ASSIGNED_TO);
// // Don't add the cc if the user is the bug owner
// if (userName == null || (owner != null &&
// owner.getValue().indexOf(userName) != -1)) {
// // MylarStatusHandler.log("Could not determine CC value for
// // repository: " + repository, null);
// return;
// }
// // Don't add cc if already there
// RepositoryTaskAttribute ccAttribute =
// bug.getAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.CC);
// if (ccAttribute != null && ccAttribute.getValues().contains(userName)) {
// return;
// }
// RepositoryTaskAttribute newCCattr =
// bug.getAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.NEWCC);
// if (newCCattr == null) {
// newCCattr = new RepositoryTaskAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.NEWCC);
// bug.addAttribute(BugzillaReportElement.NEWCC, newCCattr);
// }
// // Add the user to the cc list
// newCCattr.setValue(userName);
// }