blob: 160e6c2ad5f9480909a24e47739529fbf3278a6d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Steffen Pingel and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Tasktop Technologies - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.tests.client;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.trac.core.util.TracHttpClientTransportFactory;
* Test cases for <a href="">Trac XML-RPC Plugin</a> (revision 1188 or higher is
* required).
* <p>
* This class does not depend on any Mylyn (connector) classes except for TracHttpClientTransportFactory which is needed
* for initialization of HttpClient.
* @author Steffen Pingel
public class TracXmlRpcTest extends TestCase {
public static final String XMLRPC_URL = "/login/xmlrpc";
private XmlRpcClient xmlrpc;
private String username;
// private String password;
private Random random;
private ArrayList<Integer> tickets;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
random = new Random();
Credentials credentials = TestUtil.readCredentials(PrivilegeLevel.ADMIN);
createConnection(new URL(TracTestConstants.TEST_TRAC_010_URL + XMLRPC_URL), credentials.username,
tickets = new ArrayList<Integer>();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
for (int id : tickets) {
call("ticket.delete", id);
private void createConnection(URL url, String username, String password) throws Exception {
XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
xmlrpc = new XmlRpcClient();
TracHttpClientTransportFactory factory = new TracHttpClientTransportFactory(xmlrpc, new HttpClient());
this.username = username;
// this.password = password;
private int createTicket(String summary, String description, Map<String, Object> attributes)
throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id = (Integer) call("ticket.create", summary, description, attributes);
return id;
private Object call(String method, Object... parameters) throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
Object result = xmlrpc.execute(method, parameters);
if (result instanceof XmlRpcException) {
throw (XmlRpcException) result;
return result;
public Map<String, Object> createMultiCall(String methodName, Object... parameters) throws XmlRpcException,
IOException {
Map<String, Object> table = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
table.put("methodName", methodName);
table.put("params", parameters);
return table;
private void internalTestCrud(String module) throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
try {
call(module + ".delete", "foo");
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
call(module + ".create", "foo", "bar");
try {
assertHasValue((Object[]) call(module + ".getAll"), "foo");
assertEquals("bar", (String) (call(module + ".get", "foo")));
call(module + ".update", "foo", "baz");
assertEquals("baz", (String) (call(module + ".get", "foo")));
} finally {
call(module + ".delete", "foo");
private Object createValue(Object fieldName, Object clazz) {
if (clazz == String.class) {
return fieldName.toString() + random.nextInt();
} else if (clazz == Date.class) {
return new Date();
} else if (clazz == Boolean.class) {
return random.nextBoolean();
} else if (clazz == Double.class) {
return random.nextDouble();
} else if (clazz == Integer.class) {
return random.nextInt();
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid test data: " + fieldName + ", " + clazz);
private void internalTestComponent(String module, Object... fields) throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
try {
call(module + ".delete", "foo");
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 2) {
attributes.put((String) fields[i], createValue(fields[i], fields[i + 1]));
call(module + ".create", "foo", attributes);
try {
assertHasValue((Object[]) call(module + ".getAll"), "foo");
Map<?, ?> values = (Map<?, ?>) call(module + ".get", "foo");
for (String attribute : attributes.keySet()) {
assertEquals(attributes.get(attribute), values.get(attribute));
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i += 2) {
attributes.put((String) fields[i], createValue(fields[i], fields[i + 1]));
call(module + ".update", "foo", attributes);
values = (Map<?, ?>) call(module + ".get", "foo");
for (String attribute : attributes.keySet()) {
assertEquals(attributes.get(attribute), values.get(attribute));
} finally {
call(module + ".delete", "foo");
public void testMilestoneDate() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
try {
call("ticket.milestone.delete", "foo");
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
int due = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 1000;
int completed = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
attributes.put("description", "description");
attributes.put("due", due);
attributes.put("completed", completed);
call("ticket.milestone.create", "foo", attributes);
Map<?, ?> values = (Map<?, ?>) call("ticket.milestone.get", "foo");
assertEquals(new Integer(due), values.get("due"));
assertEquals(new Integer(completed), values.get("completed"));
call("ticket.milestone.delete", "foo");
private void assertHasValue(Object[] items, Object value) {
for (Object item : items) {
if (item.equals(value)) {
fail("Could not find expected value: " + value);
private void assertTicketHasAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes, int id, Object[] ticket) {
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id, ticket, true);
private void assertTicketHasAttributes(Map<String, Object> attributes, int id, Object[] ticket, boolean newTicket) {
assertEquals(id, ticket[0]);
assertTrue(ticket[1] instanceof Integer); // time created
// time changed
if (newTicket) {
assertEquals(ticket[1], ticket[2]);
} else {
assertTrue((Integer) ticket[2] >= (Integer) ticket[1]);
Map<?, ?> values = (Map<?, ?>) ticket[3];
for (String attribute : attributes.keySet()) {
assertEquals(attributes.get(attribute), values.get(attribute));
public void testGetTicket() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
attributes.put("type", "task");
attributes.put("status", "closed");
int id = createTicket("summary", "description", attributes);
attributes.put("summary", "summary");
attributes.put("description", "description");
Object[] ticket = (Object[]) call("ticket.get", id);
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id, ticket);
public void testGetTicketNonExistant() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
try {
call("ticket.delete", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
try {
List<?> ticket = (List<?>) call("ticket.get", Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fail("Expected XmlRpcException, got ticket instead: " + ticket);
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
// ignore
public void testGetTicketUmlaute() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
int id = createTicket("summarya\u0308O\u030b", "\u00d8", attributes);
attributes.put("summary", "summarya\u0308O\u030b");
attributes.put("description", "\u00d8");
Object[] ticket = (Object[]) call("ticket.get", id);
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id, ticket);
public void testUpdateTicket() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id = createTicket("summary", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
attributes.put("summary", "changed");
call("ticket.update", id, "my comment", attributes);
attributes.put("description", "description");
Object[] ticket = (Object[]) call("ticket.get", id);
Map<?, ?> values = (Map<?, ?>) ticket[3];
for (String attribute : attributes.keySet()) {
assertEquals(attributes.get(attribute), values.get(attribute));
public void testTicketCustomFields() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
attributes.put("custom_text_field", "myvalue");
int id = createTicket("summary", "description", attributes);
// check for default values
attributes.put("custom_checkbox_field", "1");
attributes.put("custom_select_field", "two");
attributes.put("custom_radio_field", "baz");
attributes.put("custom_textarea_field", "default text");
Object[] ticket = (Object[]) call("ticket.get", id);
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id, ticket);
attributes.put("custom_text_field", "myvalue2");
attributes.put("custom_checkbox_field", "0");
attributes.put("custom_select_field", "one");
attributes.put("custom_radio_field", "foo");
attributes.put("custom_textarea_field", "mytext");
call("ticket.update", id, "my comment", attributes);
ticket = (Object[]) call("ticket.get", id);
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id, ticket, false);
public void testGetChangeLog() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id = createTicket("summary", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
attributes.put("summary", "changed");
call("ticket.update", id, "my comment", attributes);
Object[] log = (Object[]) call("ticket.changeLog", id, 0);
Object[] entry = (Object[]) log[0];
assertTrue(entry[0] instanceof Integer); // time
assertEquals(username, entry[1]); // author
assertEquals("summary", entry[2]); // field
assertEquals("summary", entry[3]); // old value
assertEquals("changed", entry[4]); // new value
public void testMultiGetTicket() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id1 = createTicket("summary1", "description1", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
int id2 = createTicket("summary2", "description2", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
List<Map<?, ?>> calls = new ArrayList<Map<?, ?>>();
calls.add(createMultiCall("ticket.get", id1));
calls.add(createMultiCall("ticket.get", id2));
Object[] ret = (Object[]) call("system.multicall", calls);
Object[] ticket = (Object[]) ((Object[]) ret[0])[0];
Map<String, Object> attributes = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
attributes.put("summary", "summary1");
attributes.put("description", "description1");
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id1, ticket);
ticket = (Object[]) ((Object[]) ret[1])[0];
attributes.put("summary", "summary2");
attributes.put("description", "description2");
assertTicketHasAttributes(attributes, id2, ticket);
public void testAttachment() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id = createTicket("summary", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
String filename = (String) call("ticket.putAttachment", id, "attach.txt", "description", "data".getBytes(),
// the returned filename may differ, since another ticket may have an
// attachment named "attach.txt"
// assertEquals("attach.txt", filename);
Object[] ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.listAttachments", id);
assertEquals(1, ret.length);
Object[] attachment = (Object[]) ret[0];
assertEquals("attach.txt", attachment[0]);
assertEquals("description", attachment[1]);
assertEquals(4, attachment[2]);
// date
assertEquals(username, attachment[4]);
byte[] bytes = (byte[]) call("ticket.getAttachment", id, filename);
String data = new String(bytes);
assertEquals("data", data);
// test override
String filename2 = (String) call("ticket.putAttachment", id, filename, "newdescription", "newdata".getBytes(),
assertEquals(filename, filename2);
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.listAttachments", id);
assertEquals(1, ret.length);
attachment = (Object[]) ret[0];
assertEquals("attach.txt", attachment[0]);
assertEquals("newdescription", attachment[1]);
assertEquals(7, attachment[2]);
// date
assertEquals(username, attachment[4]);
bytes = (byte[]) call("ticket.getAttachment", id, filename);
data = new String(bytes);
assertEquals("newdata", data);
String filename3 = (String) call("ticket.putAttachment", id, "attach.txt", "description", "data".getBytes(),
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.listAttachments", id);
assertEquals(2, ret.length);
public void testDeleteAttachment() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id = createTicket("summary", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
String filename = (String) call("ticket.putAttachment", id, "attach.txt", "description", "data".getBytes(),
Object[] ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.listAttachments", id);
assertEquals(1, ret.length);
call("ticket.deleteAttachment", id, filename);
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.listAttachments", id);
assertEquals(0, ret.length);
public void testDuplicateAttachment() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id1 = createTicket("summary", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
int id2 = createTicket("summary", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
String filename1 = (String) call("ticket.putAttachment", id1, "attach.txt", "description", "data".getBytes(),
String filename2 = (String) call("ticket.putAttachment", id2, "attach.txt", "description", "data2".getBytes(),
assertEquals("attach.txt", filename1);
assertEquals(filename1, filename2);
byte[] bytes = (byte[]) call("ticket.getAttachment", id1, "attach.txt");
String data = new String(bytes);
assertEquals("data", data);
bytes = (byte[]) call("ticket.getAttachment", id2, "attach.txt");
data = new String(bytes);
assertEquals("data2", data);
public void testQuery() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
Object[] ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.query", "summary~=foo|bar|baz");
for (Object id : ret) {
call("ticket.delete", (Integer) id);
int id1 = createTicket("foobarsum1", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
int id2 = createTicket("foobaz sum2", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
int id3 = createTicket("foobarbaz3", "foobarbaz description3", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.query", "summary=foobarsum1|foobaz sum2");
assertEquals(2, ret.length);
assertEquals(id1, ret[0]);
assertEquals(id2, ret[1]);
// the first criterium is ignored
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.query", "summary~=foobarsum1&summary~=foobaz sum2");
assertEquals(1, ret.length);
assertEquals(id2, ret[0]);
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.query", "summary~=bar|baz");
assertEquals(3, ret.length);
ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.query", "description~=foobarbaz description3");
assertEquals(1, ret.length);
assertEquals(id3, ret[0]);
public void testQueryAll() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
int id = createTicket("foo", "description", new Hashtable<String, Object>());
Object[] ret = (Object[]) call("ticket.query", "order=id");
assertTrue(ret.length > 0);
assertHasValue(ret, id);
public void testPriorities() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
public void testSeverities() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
public void testType() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
public void testStatus() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
public void testResolutions() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
public void testVersions() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
internalTestComponent("ticket.version", "time", Integer.class, "description", String.class);
public void testComponents() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
internalTestComponent("ticket.component", "owner", String.class, "description", String.class);
public void testMilestones() throws XmlRpcException, IOException {
internalTestComponent("ticket.milestone", "due", Integer.class, "completed", Integer.class, "description",