blob: 0c793501411f6ff8dbf86a1ace43032cb89f94af [file] [log] [blame]
pluginName=Object Teams Development Tooling UI (Incubation) - Object Teams
# New OT project wizard
ObjectTeams = Object Teams
NewOTProject.label = Object Teams Project
NewOTProject.description = Create an Object Teams project
# NewTeamCreationWizard
NewTeam.label = Team
NewTeam.description = Create a team
# NewRoleCreationWizard
NewRole.label = Role
NewRole.description = Create a role
perspectiveName=Object Teams
viewCategoryName=Object Teams
packagesViewName=Package Explorer
# Compiler configurable options
OTCompilerPreferencePageName=Compiler (OT/J)
OTCompilerPropertyPageName=Java Compiler (OT/J)
preferenceKeywords.compiler.options=Java errors warnings ignore compiler options decapsulation basecall lifting callin playedBy role
OTGeneralPreferencePageName=Object Teams
# Context menu:
CompareWithBaseMethodAction.label=&Bound Base Method
CompareWithBaseMethodAction.description=Compare the current method with the base method it replaces.
# Repeated from
CompareWithMenu.label= Comp&are With