blob: d7b8f08c266c3ff0893a12d1e680bd8fd76c734f [file] [log] [blame]
(object Petal
version 50
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(object Design "Logical View"
is_unit TRUE
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tool "Java"
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value "Internal Editor"))
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root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View"
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exportControl "Public"
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logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class_Category "persistence"
quid "4980838E02CE"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "Repository"
quid "498083B30109"
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "apply"
quid "4980885903B9"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "ChangeSet"
quid "49808868009C")
(object Parameter "Snapshot"
quid "4980886800AB"))
result "Snapshot"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0
quidu "498083B70251")
(object Operation "getCurrent"
quid "49808F5203C8"
result "Snapshot"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0
quidu "498083B70251")))
(object Class "Snapshot"
quid "498083B70251")
(object Class "SnapshotIdentifier"
quid "498083BC02CE"
|Snapshots may be identified, e.g., by a timestamp for which the repository can determine the last Snapshot created before that timestamp, or by a tag such as "HEAD" or "CURRENT" which identifies a snapshot by certain characteristics and which, if "dereferenced" at different times, would identify a different snapshot.
(object Class "Session"
quid "498084340138"
documentation "Currently represented by an instance of RiverInterpreter")
(object Class "TransactionBuffer"
quid "4980843A00EA"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4980887B01D4"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::ChangeSet"
quidu "49808875038A"))
operations (list Operations
(object Operation "commit"
quid "49808834029F"
parameters (list Parameters
(object Parameter "Repository"
quid "4980884101B5"))
result "Snapshot"
concurrency "Sequential"
opExportControl "Public"
uid 0
quidu "498083B70251")))
(object Class "RepositoryObject"
quid "498085300271")
(object Class "ClassTypedObject"
quid "49808540031C"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "49808554000F"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::RepositoryObject"
quidu "498085300271")))
(object Class "Link"
quid "49808541036B"
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "498085550167"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::RepositoryObject"
quidu "498085300271")))
(object Class "ChangeSet"
quid "49808875038A")
(object Class "Tag"
quid "4980B21E03AA"
|Specifies a snapshot by tag, such as "CURRENT" or "BASE".
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4980B29500D9"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "tag"
quid "4980B37300F4"
type "String"
exportControl "Public")))
(object Class "Timestamp"
quid "4980B2200020"
documentation "Represents the last snapshot committed to a repository before the timestamp specified."
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4980B296033A"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE"))
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
(object ClassAttribute "timestamp"
quid "4980B3580088"
type "Date"
exportControl "Public")))
(object Class "SpecificSnapshot"
quid "4980B22100BC"
documentation "Has a non-null snapshot assigned and never changes."
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
(object Inheritance_Relationship
quid "4980B2990165"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "498083CB037A"
|A snapshot identifier may not have a concrete snapshot assigned if it identifies the "current" snapshot, but that snapshot hasn't been determined and fixed yet.
|During its life cycle, a snapshot identifier may point to different snapshots. It is like a tag in a versioning system, such as "HEAD" which points to the current version of the trunk. Whenever a new version is committed to the trunk, the HEAD identifier would be updated to point to the snapshot resulting from the commit.
roles (list role_list
(object Role "snapshot"
quid "498083CC0157"
label "snapshot"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Snapshot"
quidu "498083B70251"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "498083CC0159"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
quid "498083D90203"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "snapshots"
quid "498083DA0000"
label "snapshots"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Snapshot"
quidu "498083B70251"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
quid "498083DA0002"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Repository"
quidu "498083B30109"
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$4"
quid "4980845202DE"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "buffer"
quid "498084530128"
label "buffer"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::TransactionBuffer"
quidu "4980843A00EA"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
Containment "By Value"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
quid "49808453012A"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Session"
quidu "498084340138"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_aggregate TRUE)))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
quid "4980847401F4"
|Identifies the snapshot to be used by default for queries such as "all". Typically, this would be something like "CURRENT" which denotes the snapshot that the Repository would tell as its current snapshot (the "head of the trunk" in terms of a versioning system).
|The session may be initialized with a different default snapshot identifier, but it does not seem like a good idea to allow this to change during the life of the session.
roles (list role_list
(object Role "default"
quid "4980847500BB"
label "default"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
quid "4980847500BD"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Session"
quidu "498084340138")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
quid "498084B80177"
|The snapshot that the changes recorded in this buffer can be applied to. This is not an identifier by a real, "resolved" snapshot as is required by the Repository's apply method.
|If not set, this means that the buffer has not yet been constrained to a particular snapshot. The first entry will have to fix this.
roles (list role_list
(object Role "base"
quid "498084B90196"
label "base"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Snapshot"
quidu "498083B70251"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
quid "498084B90198"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::TransactionBuffer"
quidu "4980843A00EA")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$10"
quid "4980853702AF"
documentation "If an object does not have a snapshot identifier assigned, this means it's transient or deleted (even if the deletion hasn't been committed). It if does have a snapshot identifier assigned, the SnapshotIdentifier tells from which snapshot the object was loaded or based on which it was created."
roles (list role_list
(object Role "snapshot"
quid "4980853800FA"
label "snapshot"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
quid "4980853800FC"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::RepositoryObject"
quidu "498085300271")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
quid "498088E00251"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "deleted"
quid "498088E200BB"
label "deleted"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::RepositoryObject"
quidu "498085300271"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
quid "498088E200BD"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::ChangeSet"
quidu "49808875038A")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
quid "498088E3002E"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "created"
quid "498088E4006D"
label "created"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::RepositoryObject"
quidu "498085300271"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
quid "498088E4006F"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::ChangeSet"
quidu "49808875038A")))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$16"
quid "4980896B01A5"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "predecessors"
quid "4980896D038A"
label "predecessors"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Snapshot"
quidu "498083B70251"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "successors"
quid "4980896D038C"
label "successors"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::Snapshot"
quidu "498083B70251"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")
is_navigable TRUE))
AssociationClass "Logical View::persistence::Repository")
(object Association "$UNNAMED$17"
quid "49808FA803D8"
|The "tag" for the *base* snapshot that will follow to the snapshot resulting from committing the changes. Postcondition for the commit operation is: self.commit(r) = underEdit.snapshot
|If persistent objects/links get deleted, their SnapshotIdentifier should be the one used as underEdit.
|If a so far transient entity object is explicitly saved (made persistent), it does not bear any particular reference to any snapshot. The session's default snapshot identifier may be used in this case. If the new object shall be saved into a branch, a session with a default snapshot identifier for that branch has to be used.
|If a link is made persistent due to an entity's persistence (e.g., because it connects to a persistent entity for which it is equality-relevant, or a so far transient entity to which it connects and for which it is equality-relevant is now saved), it will receive the same snapshot identifier as the entity on whose behalf it now becomes persistent. If it connects two entities, the snapshot identifiers (not only the snapshots to which they point) of the two entities must be equal.
|If it is explicitly saved because it connects two values for none of which it is equality-relevant, the session's default snapshot identifier will be used.
roles (list role_list
(object Role "underEdit"
quid "49808FA9035B"
label "underEdit"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::SnapshotIdentifier"
quidu "498083BC02CE"
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$18"
quid "49808FA9035D"
supplier "Logical View::persistence::TransactionBuffer"
quidu "4980843A00EA"))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Repository, Snapshots, Snapshot Pointers"
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max_width 1871
label "TODO: If a timestamp or specific snapshot is the snapshot of an entity to which a link is added, how does this snapshot identifier move to the snapshot resulting from committing these changes? Or shouldn't they move? What would a developer expect?")
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(1263, 544)))
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