blob: 18b34bc7b533ec41827aa2bd38a7392f1a775032 [file] [log] [blame]
import '';
library ocl : ocl = ''
type String : PrimitiveType {
operation getSeverity() : Integer[1] => 'org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.string.CGStringGetSeverityOperation';
-- @deprecated use longer signature with optional feature, message and potentially rich status
operation logDiagnostic(object: OclAny[1], diagnostics : OclAny[?], context : OclAny[?], severity : Integer[1], status : Boolean[?], code : Integer[1]) : Boolean[1] validating => 'org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.string.CGStringLogDiagnosticOperation';
operation logDiagnostic(object: OclAny[1], feature: OclAny[?], diagnostics : OclAny[?], context : OclAny[?], message : String[?], severity : Integer[1], status : OclAny[?], code : Integer[1]) : Boolean[1] validating => 'org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.string.CGStringLogDiagnosticOperation';