| Model Markup |
| |
| This model description is not a real EMF artifact. It was generated by the |
| org.eclipse.emf.examples.generator.validator plug-in to illustrate how EMF's |
| code generator can be extended. |
| This can be disabled with -vmargs -Dorg.eclipse.emf.examples.generator.validator=false. |
| |
| Package markup <http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/2015/MarkupCS> |
| |
| Class BulletElement -> CompoundElement |
| Attribute /level : EString |
| |
| Class CompoundElement -> MarkupElement |
| Reference elements : MarkupElement<<0..*>> |
| |
| Class FigureElement -> MarkupElement |
| Attribute /id : EInt |
| Attribute src : EString |
| Attribute alt : EString |
| Attribute def : EString |
| Attribute requiredWidth : EString |
| Attribute requiredHeight : EString |
| Attribute /actualWidth : EInt |
| Attribute /actualHeight : EInt |
| |
| Class FigureRefElement -> MarkupElement |
| Reference ref : FigureElement<<1..1>> |
| |
| Class FontElement -> CompoundElement |
| Attribute /font : EString<<1..1>> |
| |
| Class FootnoteElement -> CompoundElement |
| |
| Class HeadingElement -> CompoundElement |
| Attribute /level : EString |
| |
| Class Markup -> CompoundElement |
| |
| Class MarkupElement |
| Reference owner : CompoundElement |
| Attribute /uniqueId : EInt |
| |
| Class NewLineElement -> MarkupElement |
| Attribute text : EString<<1..1>> |
| |
| Class NullElement -> CompoundElement |
| |
| Class OCLCodeElement -> CompoundElement |
| |
| Class OCLEvalElement -> CompoundElement |
| |
| Class OCLTextElement -> CompoundElement |
| |
| Class TextElement -> MarkupElement |
| Attribute text : EString<<0..*>> |