| /******************************************************************************* |
| * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Willink Transformations and others. |
| * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 |
| * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html |
| * |
| * Contributors: |
| * E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation |
| * E.D.Willink (Obeo) - Bug 416287 - tuple-valued constraints |
| *******************************************************************************/ |
| grammar org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.oclinecore.OCLinEcore with org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.essentialocl.EssentialOCL |
| |
| import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore |
| import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.ecore" as pivot |
| import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.base/model/BaseCS.ecore" as base |
| import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.essentialocl/model/EssentialOCLCS.ecore" as essentialocl |
| import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.oclinecore/model/OCLinEcoreCS.ecore" |
| //generate oclinEcore2 "http://www.eclipse.org/ocl/examples/xtext/oclinecore/OCLinEcore" |
| |
| TopLevelCS : |
| {TopLevelCS} ('module' UnrestrictedName)? |
| (ownedImports+=ImportCS)* |
| (ownedPackages+=PackageCS)* |
| ; |
| |
| terminal UNQUOTED_STRING: // Never forward parsed; just provides a placeholder |
| '£$%^£$%^' // for reverse serialisation of embedded OCL |
| ; |
| |
| INTEGER returns ecore::EInt: |
| INT |
| ; |
| |
| SIGNED returns ecore::EInt: |
| '-'? INT |
| ; |
| |
| EnumerationLiteralName returns ecore::EString: |
| EssentialOCLUnrestrictedName |
| | 'abstract' |
| | 'attribute' |
| | 'body' |
| | 'callable' |
| | 'class' |
| | 'composes' |
| | 'datatype' |
| | 'definition' |
| | 'derivation' |
| | 'derived' |
| | 'enum' |
| | 'extends' |
| | 'id' |
| | 'import' |
| | 'initial' |
| | 'interface' |
| | 'key' |
| | 'library' |
| | 'module' |
| | 'operation' |
| | 'ordered' |
| | 'package' |
| | 'postcondition' |
| | 'precondition' |
| | 'primitive' |
| | 'property' |
| | 'readonly' |
| | 'reference' |
| | 'resolve' |
| | 'static' |
| | 'throws' |
| | 'transient' |
| | 'unique' |
| | 'unsettable' |
| | 'volatile' |
| ; |
| |
| InvariantConstraintCS returns OCLinEcoreConstraintCS: |
| (isCallable?='callable')? stereotype='invariant' (name=UnrestrictedName ('(' ownedMessageSpecification=SpecificationCS ')')?)? |
| ((':' ownedSpecification=SpecificationCS? ';') | ';') |
| ; |
| |
| PostconditionConstraintCS returns OCLinEcoreConstraintCS: |
| stereotype='postcondition' (name=UnrestrictedName ('(' ownedMessageSpecification=SpecificationCS ')')?)? ':' ownedSpecification=SpecificationCS? ';' |
| ; |
| |
| PreconditionConstraintCS returns OCLinEcoreConstraintCS: |
| stereotype='precondition' (name=UnrestrictedName ('(' ownedMessageSpecification=SpecificationCS ')')?)? ':' ownedSpecification=SpecificationCS? ';' |
| ; |
| |
| AnnotationCS returns base::AnnotationCS: |
| {base::AnnotationCS} 'annotation' name=(UnrestrictedName|SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? |
| ('(' ownedDetails+=DetailCS (',' ownedDetails+=DetailCS)* ')')? |
| (('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ownedContents+=ModelElementCS |
| | ownedReferences+=ModelElementRefCS |
| )+'}') |
| |';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| AnnotationElementCS returns base::AnnotationElementCS: |
| AnnotationCS | DocumentationCS | SysMLCS |
| ; |
| |
| AttributeCS returns base::AttributeCS: |
| ((qualifiers+='static' (qualifiers+='definition')?) | (qualifiers+='definition' (qualifiers+='static')?))? |
| 'attribute' name=UnrestrictedName |
| (':' ownedType=TypedMultiplicityRefCS)? |
| ('=' default=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? |
| ('{'((qualifiers+='derived' | qualifiers+='!derived' | |
| qualifiers+='id' | qualifiers+='!id' | |
| qualifiers+='ordered' | qualifiers+='!ordered' | |
| qualifiers+='readonly' | qualifiers+='!readonly' | |
| qualifiers+='transient' | qualifiers+='!transient' | |
| qualifiers+='unique' | qualifiers+='!unique' | |
| qualifiers+='unsettable' | qualifiers+='!unsettable' | |
| qualifiers+='volatile' | qualifiers+='!volatile' |
| ) ','? )+ |
| '}')? |
| ( ('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ('initial' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedDefaultExpressions+=SpecificationCS? ';') |
| | ('derivation' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedDefaultExpressions+=SpecificationCS? ';') )* '}') |
| | ';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| ClassCS returns base::ClassCS: |
| StructuredClassCS | DataTypeCS | EnumerationCS |
| ; |
| |
| DataTypeCS returns base::DataTypeCS: |
| isPrimitive ?= 'primitive'? 'datatype' name=UnrestrictedName |
| (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)? |
| (':' instanceClassName=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? |
| ('{' (isSerializable?='serializable' | '!serializable')? '}')? |
| ( ('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ownedConstraints+=InvariantConstraintCS)* '}') |
| | ';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| DetailCS returns base::DetailCS: |
| ; |
| |
| DocumentationCS returns base::DocumentationCS: |
| {base::DocumentationCS} 'documentation' value=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING? |
| ('(' ownedDetails+=DetailCS (',' ownedDetails+=DetailCS)* ')')? |
| ';' |
| ; |
| |
| EnumerationCS returns base::EnumerationCS: |
| 'enum' name=UnrestrictedName |
| (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)? |
| (':' instanceClassName=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? |
| ('{' (isSerializable?='serializable' | '!serializable')? '}')? |
| ( ('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ownedLiterals+=EnumerationLiteralCS |
| | ownedConstraints+=InvariantConstraintCS)* '}') |
| | ';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| EnumerationLiteralCS returns base::EnumerationLiteralCS: |
| (('literal' name=UnrestrictedName) | name=EnumerationLiteralName) (':' literal=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? ('=' value=SIGNED)? |
| (('{' ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS* '}') |
| |';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| ImportCS returns base::ImportCS: |
| ('import' | 'library') (name=UnrestrictedName ':')? ownedPathName=URIPathNameCS (isAll?='::*')? ';' |
| ; |
| |
| ModelElementCS returns base::ModelElementCS: |
| ClassCS | EnumerationLiteralCS | OperationCS | PackageCS | StructuralFeatureCS |
| ; |
| |
| ModelElementRefCS returns base::ModelElementRefCS: |
| 'reference' ownedPathName=PathNameCS ';' |
| ; |
| |
| OperationCS returns base::OperationCS: |
| ((qualifiers+='static' (qualifiers+='definition')?) | (qualifiers+='definition' (qualifiers+='static')?))? |
| 'operation' (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)? name=UnrestrictedName |
| '(' (ownedParameters+=ParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=ParameterCS)*)? ')' |
| (':' ownedType=TypedMultiplicityRefCS)? |
| ('throws' ownedExceptions+=TypedRefCS (',' ownedExceptions+=TypedRefCS)*)? |
| ('{'((qualifiers+='derived' | qualifiers+='!derived' | |
| qualifiers+='ordered' | qualifiers+='!ordered' | |
| qualifiers+='transient' | qualifiers+='!transient' | |
| qualifiers+='unique' | qualifiers+='!unique' |
| ) ','? )+ |
| '}')? |
| ( ('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ownedPreconditions+=PreconditionConstraintCS |
| | ('body' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedBodyExpressions+=SpecificationCS? ';') |
| | ownedPostconditions+=PostconditionConstraintCS)* '}') |
| | ';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| PackageCS returns base::PackageCS: |
| 'package' name=UnrestrictedName |
| (':' nsPrefix=UnrestrictedName)? ('=' nsURI=URI)? |
| (('{' |
| (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS | ownedPackages+=PackageCS | ownedClasses+=ClassCS)* |
| '}') |
| |';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| ParameterCS returns base::ParameterCS: |
| name=UnrestrictedName |
| (':' ownedType=TypedMultiplicityRefCS)? |
| ('{'(( qualifiers+='ordered' | qualifiers+='!ordered' | |
| qualifiers+='unique' | qualifiers+='!unique' |
| ) ','?)+ |
| '}')? |
| ('{' ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS* '}')? |
| ; |
| |
| ImplicitOppositeCS returns base::ImplicitOppositeCS: |
| 'opposite' name=UnrestrictedName |
| ':' ownedType=TypedMultiplicityRefCS |
| ('{'((qualifiers+='ordered' | qualifiers+='!ordered' | |
| qualifiers+='unique' | qualifiers+='!unique' |
| ) ','? )+ |
| '}')? |
| ; |
| |
| ReferenceCS returns base::ReferenceCS: |
| ((qualifiers+='static' (qualifiers+='definition')?) | (qualifiers+='definition' (qualifiers+='static')?))? |
| 'property' name=UnrestrictedName |
| ('#' referredOpposite=[pivot::Property|UnrestrictedName])? |
| (':' ownedType=TypedMultiplicityRefCS)? |
| ('=' default=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? |
| ('{'((qualifiers+='composes' | qualifiers+='!composes' | |
| qualifiers+='derived' | qualifiers+='!derived' | |
| qualifiers+='ordered' | qualifiers+='!ordered' | |
| qualifiers+='readonly' | qualifiers+='!readonly' | |
| qualifiers+='resolve' | qualifiers+='!resolve' | |
| qualifiers+='transient' | qualifiers+='!transient' | |
| qualifiers+='unique' | qualifiers+='!unique' | |
| qualifiers+='unsettable' | qualifiers+='!unsettable' | |
| qualifiers+='volatile' | qualifiers+='!volatile' |
| ) ','? )+ |
| '}')? |
| ( ('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ('key' referredKeys+=[pivot::Property|UnrestrictedName] (',' referredKeys+=[pivot::Property|UnrestrictedName])* ';') |
| | ('initial' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedDefaultExpressions+=SpecificationCS? ';') |
| | ('derivation' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedDefaultExpressions+=SpecificationCS? ';') |
| | (ownedImplicitOpposites+=ImplicitOppositeCS ';') |
| )* '}') |
| | ';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| SpecificationCS returns essentialocl::ExpSpecificationCS: |
| ownedExpression=ExpCS | exprString=UNQUOTED_STRING |
| ; |
| |
| StructuredClassCS returns base::StructuredClassCS: |
| isAbstract?='abstract'? |
| 'class' name=UnrestrictedName |
| (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)? |
| ('extends' ownedSuperTypes+=TypedRefCS (',' ownedSuperTypes+=TypedRefCS)*)? |
| (':' instanceClassName=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING)? |
| ('{' isInterface?='interface'? |
| '}')? |
| ( ('{' (ownedAnnotations+=AnnotationElementCS |
| | ownedOperations+=OperationCS |
| | ownedProperties+=StructuralFeatureCS |
| | ownedConstraints+=InvariantConstraintCS)* '}') |
| | ';' |
| ) |
| ; |
| |
| StructuralFeatureCS returns base::StructuralFeatureCS: |
| AttributeCS | ReferenceCS |
| ; |
| |
| SysMLCS returns SysMLCS: |
| {SysMLCS} 'sysml' ((ownedDetails+=DetailCS ';') | ('{' (ownedDetails+=DetailCS ';')* '}')) |
| ; |
| |
| TypeIdentifier: |
| UnrestrictedName |
| | PrimitiveTypeIdentifier |
| ; |
| |
| TypedMultiplicityRefCS returns base::TypedRefCS: |
| TypedRefCS (ownedMultiplicity=MultiplicityCS)? |
| ; |
| |
| //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Base overrides |
| //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| TemplateSignatureCS returns base::TemplateSignatureCS: |
| ('(' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS)* ')') |
| | ('<' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS)* '>') |
| ; |
| |
| TypedRefCS returns base::TypedRefCS: |
| TypeLiteralCS | TypedTypeRefCS |
| ; |
| |
| TypedTypeRefCS returns base::TypedTypeRefCS: |
| ownedPathName=PathNameCS (('(' ownedBinding=TemplateBindingCS ')') | ('<' ownedBinding=TemplateBindingCS '>'))? |
| ; |
| |
| UnrestrictedName returns ecore::EString: |
| EnumerationLiteralName |
| | 'annotation' |
| | 'documentation' |
| | 'invariant' |
| | 'literal' |
| | 'opposite' |
| | 'serializable' |
| | 'sysml' |
| ; |