blob: db8b60e1c2cb5f8f25ba5382abbc351b80a4e343 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation
grammar org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.completeocl.CompleteOCL
with org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.essentialocl.EssentialOCL
import "" as ecore
import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.ecore" as pivot
import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.base/model/BaseCS.ecore" as base
import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.essentialocl/model/EssentialOCLCS.ecore" as essentialocl
import "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.completeocl/model/CompleteOCLCS.ecore"
* A Complete OCL document comprises
* bullet[model imports for referenced and complemented models]
* bullet[includes for additional Complete OCL documents]
* bullet[libraries to augment or override the OCL Standard Library]
* bullet[package declarations for package-grouped declarations]
* bullet[context declarations for independent declarations]
CompleteOCLDocumentCS returns CompleteOCLDocumentCS:
(ownedPackages+=PackageDeclarationCS | ownedContexts+=ContextDeclCS)*;
terminal UNQUOTED_STRING: // Never forward parsed; just provides a placeholder
'£$%^£$%^' // for reverse serialisation of embedded OCL
'^' | '^^';
ClassifierContextDeclCS returns ClassifierContextDeclCS:
'context' (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)? (selfName=UnrestrictedName)?
(('inv' ownedInvariants+=ConstraintCS)
| ownedDefinitions+=DefCS
* A Constraint such as
* oclText[IsNull('should be null') : self = null]
* comprises at least the OCL specification of the constraint. The constraint may
* additionally have a name which may be followed by a parenthesized expression defining an OCL
* expression to be evaluated to provide an error message.
ConstraintCS returns base::ConstraintCS:
(name=UnrestrictedName ('(' ownedMessageSpecification=SpecificationCS ')')?)? ':' ownedSpecification=SpecificationCS;
* A Context declaration can be a Classifier, Operation of Property Context declaration.
ContextDeclCS returns ContextDeclCS:
| ClassifierContextDeclCS
| OperationContextDeclCS;
* A definition can be an, Operation or Property definition.
DefCS returns DefCS:
* An operation definition provides an additional operation for its classifier context.
* oclText[static def redundantName: isEven(i : Integer) : Boolean = i mod 2 = 0]
* comprises at least an operation name, return type and an OCL expression that evaluates the operation value.
* The operation may have parameters and may be declared static in which case there is no oclText[self].
* For compatibility with invariants the definition may have a name that is never used.
DefOperationCS returns DefOperationCS:
(isStatic?='static')? 'def' UnrestrictedName? ':' (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)?
name=UnrestrictedName '(' (ownedParameters+=DefParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=DefParameterCS)*)? ')' ':' (ownedType=TypeExpCS)?
'=' ownedSpecification=SpecificationCS;
DefParameterCS returns base::ParameterCS:
name=UnrestrictedName ':' ownedType=TypeExpCS;
* A property definition provides an additional property for its classifier context.
* oclText[static def redundantName: upperCaseName : Boolean = name.toUpperCase()]
* comprises at least a property name, type and an OCL expression that evaluates the property value.
* The property may be declared static in which case there is no oclText[self].
* For compatibility with invariants the definition may have a name that is never used.
DefPropertyCS returns DefPropertyCS:
(isStatic?='static')? 'def' UnrestrictedName? ':' name=UnrestrictedName ':' ownedType=TypeExpCS
'=' ownedSpecification=SpecificationCS;
ImportCS returns base::ImportCS:
('import' | 'include' | 'library') (name=Identifier ':')? ownedPathName=URIPathNameCS (isAll?='::*')?;
* An operation context declaration complements an existing operation with additional details.
* oclText[context (T) Stack::pop() : T]
* oclText[pre NotEmptyPop: size() > 0]
* oclText[post: size()@pre = size() + 1]
* The operation declaration comprises at least an operation name, which must be qualified with at least a
* class name. If used outside a package declaration, package name qualification is also needed.
* If the return type is omitted OclVoid is used.
* The operation may also have operation parameters and template parameters.
* The declaration may be followed by any number of preconditions,
* and/or postconditions. It may also be followed by a body expression that defines the evaluation.
* For compatibility with invariants the body expression may have a name that is never used.
OperationContextDeclCS returns OperationContextDeclCS:
'context' (ownedSignature=TemplateSignatureCS)? ownedPathName=PathNameCS
'(' (ownedParameters+=ParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=ParameterCS)*)? ')' ':' (ownedType=TypeExpCS)?
(('pre' ownedPreconditions+=ConstraintCS)
| ('post' ownedPostconditions+=ConstraintCS)
| ('body' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedBodies+=SpecificationCS)
PackageDeclarationCS returns PackageDeclarationCS:
'package' ownedPathName=PathNameCS ('inv' ownedInvariants+=ConstraintCS)* (ownedContexts+=ContextDeclCS)* 'endpackage';
ParameterCS returns base::ParameterCS:
(name=UnrestrictedName ':')? ownedType=TypeExpCS;
* A property context declaration complements an existing property with additional details.
* oclText[context (T) Stack::isEmpty : Boolean]
* oclText[derive IsEmpty: size() = 0]
* The property declaration comprises at least a property name and type.
* The type must be qualified with at least a class name.
* If used outside a package declaration, package name qualification is also needed.
* The declaration may be followed by a derive constraint and/or an init expression.
* A derive constraint provides an alternate mechanism for defining a class invariant;
* the only difference is that the property is identified as a constrainedElement. As an
* invariant the constraint provides an OCL expression that should always be true.
* For a non-derived property, an init expression defines the value to be assigned to the property
* when its containing object is first created.
* For a derived property, an init expression defines the evaluation of the property, which
* may vary from access to access even for read-only properties.
* NB. RoyalAndLoyal gratuitously names its derived values.
PropertyContextDeclCS returns PropertyContextDeclCS:
'context' ownedPathName=PathNameCS ':' ownedType=TypeExpCS
(('derive' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedDefaultExpressions+=SpecificationCS)
| ('init' UnrestrictedName? ':' ownedDefaultExpressions+=SpecificationCS)
SpecificationCS returns essentialocl::ExpSpecificationCS:
ownedExpression=ExpCS | exprString=UNQUOTED_STRING;
// Base overrides
TemplateSignatureCS returns base::TemplateSignatureCS:
('(' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS)* ')')
| ('<' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS (',' ownedParameters+=TypeParameterCS)* '>')
TypedRefCS returns base::TypedRefCS:
TypeLiteralCS | TypedTypeRefCS
UnrestrictedName returns ecore::EString:
//| 'body'
//| 'context'
//| 'def'
//| 'derive'
//| 'endpackage'
| 'import'
| 'include'
//| 'init'
//| 'inv'
| 'library'
//| 'package'
//| 'post'
//| 'pre'
//| 'static'
// EssentialOCL overrides
NavigatingArgExpCS returns essentialocl::ExpCS:
({OCLMessageArgCS} '?')
| ExpCS
EssentialOCLNavigationOperatorName | CompleteOCLNavigationOperatorName;
| 'Integer'
| 'Real'
| 'String'
| 'UnlimitedNatural'
| 'OclAny'
| 'OclInvalid'
| 'OclMessage'
| 'OclState'
| 'OclVoid';