blob: 3ced1426514bb9ea517ea7f14a3380f81c69d438 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
* E.D.Willink - Bug 296409, 297541
package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.pivot.tests;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.tests.TestFileSystem;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.CompleteEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Model;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Operation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.PivotTables;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Property;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Type;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.CollectionTypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdResolver;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.TypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.complete.StandardLibraryInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.manager.MetamodelManagerInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.messages.PivotMessagesInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.utilities.EnvironmentFactoryInternal.EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.LibraryConstants;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.messages.PivotMessages;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.messages.StatusCodes;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.OCL;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.PivotConstants;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.PivotUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.SemanticException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ValueUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.BagValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.CollectionValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.InvalidValueException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.MapValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.OrderedSetValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.SequenceValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.SetValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.Value;
import org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.essentialocl.cs2as.EssentialOCLCS2ASMessages;
import org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.oclinecore.OCLinEcoreStandaloneSetup;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
* Tests for iterator expressions.
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class IteratorsTest4 extends PivotTestSuite
public static final @NonNull String VIOLATED_TEMPLATE = "The ''{0}'' constraint is violated for ''{1}''"; // _UI_GenericConstraint_diagnostic = The ''{0}'' constraint is violated on ''{1}''
public static class MyOCL extends TestOCL
// need a metamodel that has a reflexive EReference.
// Ecore will do nicely. Create the following structure:
// pkg1
// pkg1::pkg2
// pkg1::pkg2::jim
// pkg1::bob
// pkg1::pkg3
// pkg1::pkg3::pkg4
// pkg1::pkg3::pkg5
// pkg1::pkg3::pkg5::george
@NonNull Model root = PivotUtil.createModel(null);
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package pkg1 = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(root, "pkg1");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package pkg2 = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg1, "pkg2");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package jim = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg2, "jim");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package bob = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg1, "bob");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package pkg3 = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg1, "pkg3");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package pkg4 = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg3, "pkg4");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package pkg5 = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg3, "pkg5");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Package george = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(pkg5, "george");
public MyOCL(@NonNull TestFileSystem testFileSystem, @NonNull String testPackageName, @NonNull String name) {
super(testFileSystem, testPackageName, name, useCodeGen ? getProjectMap() : OCL.NO_PROJECTS);
MetamodelManagerInternal metamodelManager = getMetamodelManager();
// metamodelManager.addGlobalNamespace(PivotConstants.OCL_NAME, ClassUtil.nonNullState(metamodelManager.getASmetamodel()));
// helper.setContext(ClassUtil.nonNullState(metamodelManager.getPivotType("Package")));
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
Object[][] data = new Object[][]{{false}, {true}};
return Arrays.asList(data);
public IteratorsTest4(boolean useCodeGen) {
protected @NonNull String getTestPackageName() {
return "Iterators";
@BeforeClass public static void resetCounter() throws Exception {
protected @NonNull MyOCL createOCL() {
return new MyOCL(getTestFileSystem(), getTestPackageName(), getName());
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception {
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Tests the any() iterator.
@Test public void test_any() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class pkg1Type = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op->any(p : ocl::Package | p?.name = 'bob')");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op?->any(p : ocl::Package | = 'bob')");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op?->any(p : ocl::Package[1] | = 'bob')");
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(pkg1Type, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op->any(p : ocl::Package[1] | = 'bob')",
PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, "IteratorExp::UnsafeSourceCanNotBeNull", "op->any(p : Package[1] |'bob'))");
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(pkg1Type, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op->any(p : ocl::Package | = 'bob')",
PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, "PropertyCallExp::UnsafeSourceCanNotBeNull", "");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op->any(p | p?.name = 'bob')");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op?->any(p | = 'bob')");
// ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(pkg1Type, "ownedPackages->any(p | = 'bob')",
// PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, "PropertyCallExp", "UnsafeSourceMustBeNotNull", "");
// ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(pkg1Type, "ownedPackages?->any(p | p?.name = 'bob')",
// PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, "PropertyCallExp", "SafeSourceCannotBeNull", "p?.name");
// shortest form
// ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(pkg1Type, "ownedPackages->any(name = 'bob')",
// PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, "PropertyCallExp", "UnsafeSourceMustBeNotNull", "");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op?->any(name = 'bob')");
// negative
ocl.assertQueryNotSame(ocl.pkg1, ocl.bob, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op?->any(name = 'pkg2')");
// ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(pkg1Type, "ownedPackages->any(name = 'pkg2')",
// PivotMessages.ValidationConstraintIsNotSatisfied_ERROR_, "PropertyCallExp", "UnsafeSourceMustBeNotNull", "");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{}->any(s | s = false)"); // OMG Issue 18504
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Sequence{false}->any(s | s = false)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Sequence{false, false}->any(s | s = false)");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{}->any(s | s = null)"); // OMG Issue 18504
ocl.assertQueryNull(null, "Sequence{null}->any(s | s = null)");
ocl.assertQueryNull(null, "Sequence{null, null}->any(s | s = null)");
ocl.assertQueryDefined(ocl.pkg1, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op->any(true)");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(ocl.pkg1, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op->any(false)"); // OMG Issue 18504
ocl.assertQueryDefined(ocl.pkg1, "let op : Set(Package[*|?]) = ownedPackages in op?->any(true)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, 2, "Map{2 <- 1, 1 <- 2}->any(key <- value | key > value)");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Map{2 <- 1, 1 <- 2}->any(key <- value | key = value)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_any_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->any('true')"); // Bug 415669
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->any(2)"); // Bug 415669
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->any(b and b)");
// same deal for a null value (in the any case)
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->any(null.oclAsType(Boolean))");
* Tests the closure() iterator.
// pkg1
// pkg1::pkg2
// pkg1::pkg2::jim
// pkg1::bob
// pkg1::pkg3
// pkg1::pkg3::pkg4
// pkg1::pkg3::pkg5
// pkg1::pkg3::pkg5::george
@Test public void test_closure() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Type packageType = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
CollectionValue expected1 = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.pkg1, ocl.pkg3, ocl.pkg5,; // closure does include sources (george)
ocl.assertQueryEquals(, expected1, "self.oclAsType(Package)->closure(owningPackage)");
CollectionValue expected2 = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.pkg1, ocl.pkg2, ocl.jim, ocl.bob, ocl.pkg3, ocl.pkg4, ocl.pkg5,;
// CollectionValue expected2a = metamodelManager.createOrderedSetValue(null, pkg2, jim, bob, pkg3, pkg4, pkg5, george);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected2, "self.oclAsType(Package)->closure(ownedPackages)");
// FIXME not a valid test for UML's unordered nested packages
// ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected2a, "self->asSequence()->closure(ownedPackages)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected2, "self.oclAsType(Package)->closure(ownedPackages->asSequence())");
SetValue expected3 = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.pkg1, ocl.pkg2, ocl.jim, ocl.bob, ocl.pkg3, ocl.pkg4, ocl.pkg5,;
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected3, "self.oclAsType(Package)->asBag()->closure(ownedPackages)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected3, "self.oclAsType(Package)->closure(ownedPackages->asBag())");
// empty closure
CollectionTypeId collectedId = expected1.getTypeId();
// @SuppressWarnings("unused") DomainType elementType = collectionType.getElementType();
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, idResolver.createSetOfEach(collectedId, ocl.pkg1), "self.oclAsType(Package)->closure(owningPackage)");
//WIP ocl.assertQueryNotEquals(ocl.pkg1, getEmptySetValue(), "self->closure(owningPackage)");
// empty closure
collectedId = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, idResolver.createOrderedSetOfEach(collectedId, ocl.pkg1), "self.oclAsType(Package)->asSequence()->closure(owningPackage)");
//WIP ocl.assertQueryNotEquals(ocl.pkg1, metamodelManager.createOrderedSetValue(metamodelManager.getOrderedSetType(elementType)), "self->asSequence()->closure(owningPackage)");
* Tests that the closure() iterator handles cycles.
@Test public void test_closure_cycles() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class packageMetaclass = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(packageMetaclass.getTypeId());
Object ownedPackages = getAttribute(packageMetaclass, "ownedPackages", packageMetaclass);
Object owningPackage = getAttribute(packageMetaclass, "owningPackage", packageMetaclass);
assert (owningPackage != null) && (ownedPackages != null);
SetValue expected = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ownedPackages, owningPackage); // cyclic closure *does* include self
ocl.assertQueryEquals(owningPackage, expected, "self->closure(opposite)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ownedPackages, expected, "self->closure(opposite)");
* Tests parsing the closure of operation calls.
@Test public void test_closure_operations() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
Resource fakeResource = new XMIResourceFactoryImpl().createResource(URI.createURI("fake"));
Model fakeRoot = PivotUtil.createModel(null);
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package fakePkg = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(fakeRoot, "fake");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class fake = ocl.createOwnedClass(fakePkg, "Fake", false);
ocl.createGeneralization(fake, ocl.getStandardLibrary().getOclAnyType());
Operation getFakes = ocl.createOwnedOperation(fake, "getFakes", null, null, fake, true);
getFakes.setType(ocl.getCompleteEnvironment().getSetType(fake, false, null, null));
ocl.assertQuery(fake, "self->closure(getFakes())");
* Tests the validation of the closure() iterator.
@Test public void test_closureValidation() {
MyOCL ocl = createMyOCL();
// non-recursive reference
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(ocl.pkg1, "self->closure(xyzzy)");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
OCLMessages.NonStd_Iterator_, "closure");
} */
* Tests the validation of the closure() iterator for conformance of the
* body type with the iterator variable (source element) type.
@Test public void test_closureValidation_typeConformance_154695() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
StandardLibraryInternal standardLibrary = ocl.getStandardLibrary();
CompleteEnvironment completeEnvironment = ocl.getCompleteEnvironment();
Resource fakeResource = new XMIResourceFactoryImpl().createResource(URI.createURI("fake"));
Model fakeRoot = PivotUtil.createModel(null);
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package fakePkg = PivotUtil.createOwnedPackage(fakeRoot, "fake");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class fake = ocl.createOwnedClass(fakePkg, "Fake", false);
Operation getFakes = ocl.createOwnedOperation(fake, "getFakes", null, null, completeEnvironment.getSetType(fake, false, null, null), true);
// subclass the Fake class
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class subFake = ocl.createOwnedClass(fakePkg, "Subfake", false);
ocl.createGeneralization(subFake, fake);
ocl.createGeneralization(fake, standardLibrary.getOclAnyType());
// get sub-fakes from a fake
Operation getSubFakes = ocl.createOwnedOperation(fake, "getSubFakes", null, null, completeEnvironment.getSetType(subFake, false, null, null), true);
// helper.setContext(subFake);
// this should not parse because the result of the closure
// expression
// is more general than the iterator variable, so cannot be
// assigned recursively
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(subFake, "self->closure(getFakes())",
VIOLATED_TEMPLATE, "IteratorExp::ClosureBodyElementTypeIsIteratorType", "self.oclAsSet()->closure(1_ : fake::Subfake[1] | 1_.getFakes())");
// this should parse OK because the result of the closure expression
// is more specific than the iterator variable, so it can be
// assigned recursively
ocl.assertQuery(fake, "self->closure(getSubFakes())");
* Tests that the closure() body is not necessarily compatible.
@Test public void test_closure_body_393509() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class packageMetaclass = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
@SuppressWarnings("null") org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class propertyMetaclass = environmentFactory.getASClass("Property");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(packageMetaclass.getTypeId());
Property owningPackage = getAttribute(packageMetaclass, "owningPackage", packageMetaclass);
SetValue expected = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, owningPackage, packageMetaclass, packageMetaclass.eContainer(), packageMetaclass.eContainer().eContainer());
ocl.assertQueryEquals(owningPackage, expected, "self->closure(i : OclElement | i.oclContainer())");
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(propertyMetaclass, "self->closure(oclContainer())", VIOLATED_TEMPLATE, "IteratorExp::ClosureBodyElementTypeIsIteratorType", "self.oclAsSet()->closure(1_ : Property[1] | 1_.oclContainer())");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_closure_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
"let c : ocl::Type = invalid in ownedClasses->closure(c)", PivotMessages.InvalidLiteral, InvalidValueException.class);
// in the case of a null value, null is allowed in a collection, so
// it does not result in invalid
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Set{5, null}",
"let c : Set(Integer) = Set{null} in 5->closure(c)");
// Set<Object> expected = Collections.singleton(getNull());
// ocl.assertQueryEquals(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE, expected,
// "let c : Set(ocl::Type) = Set{null} in ownedType->closure(c)");
@Test public void test_closure_recursions_401302() throws IOException {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
if (!EcorePlugin.IS_ECLIPSE_RUNNING) {
String nodeModel =
"package nodes : nodes = 'http://nodes'{\n" +
// " class Root {\n" +
// " property nodes : Node[*] {composes};\n" +
// " }\n" +
" class Node {\n" +
" property nodes : Node[*] {ordered,!unique};\n" +
" property name : String;\n" +
" }\n" +
URI uri = createEcoreFile(ocl, "NodeModel", nodeModel);
Resource ecoreResource = ocl.getResourceSet().getResource(uri, true);
EPackage nodesEPackage = (EPackage) ecoreResource.getContents().get(0);
// EClass rootEClass = (EClass) nodesEPackage.getEClassifier("Root");
EClass nodeEClass = (EClass) nodesEPackage.getEClassifier("Node");
EAttribute nameEAttribute = (EAttribute) nodeEClass.getEStructuralFeature("name");
EReference nodesEReference = (EReference) nodeEClass.getEStructuralFeature("nodes");
EFactory nodesEFactory = nodesEPackage.getEFactoryInstance();
// EObject root = nodesEFactory.create(rootEClass);
EObject node1 = nodesEFactory.create(nodeEClass);
EObject node2 = nodesEFactory.create(nodeEClass);
EObject node3 = nodesEFactory.create(nodeEClass);
EObject node4 = nodesEFactory.create(nodeEClass);
EObject node5 = nodesEFactory.create(nodeEClass);
node1.eSet(nameEAttribute, "node1");
node2.eSet(nameEAttribute, "node2");
node3.eSet(nameEAttribute, "node3");
node4.eSet(nameEAttribute, "node4");
node5.eSet(nameEAttribute, "node5");
((List<EObject>)node2.eGet(nodesEReference)).add(node1); // This repetition terminated recursion erroneously
ocl.assertQueryEquals(node1, 5, "self->closure(nodes)->size()");
* Tests the collect() iterator.
@Test public void test_collect() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
// Abstract2Moniker.TRACE_MONIKERS.setState(true);
@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Type packageType = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
CollectionValue expected1 = idResolver.createBagOfEach(typeId, "pkg2", "bob", "pkg3");
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?->collect(p : ocl::Package |");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?->collect(p |");
// yet shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?->collect(name)");
// shortest form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?.name");
// flattening of nested collections
CollectionValue expected2 = idResolver.createBagOfEach(typeId, ocl.jim, ocl.pkg4, ocl.pkg5);
// ownedPackages is Set<Package>
// ownedPackages->collectNested(ownedPackages) is Bag<Set<Package>>
// ownedPackages->collectNested(ownedPackages)->flatten() is Bag<Package>
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected2, "ownedPackages?.ownedPackages");
ocl.assertQueryResults(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1,2}", "let s:Sequence(OclAny) = Sequence{'a','bb'} in s->collect(oclAsType(String)).size()");
ocl.assertQueryResults(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1,4,9}", "Sequence{1..3}->collect(k | k*k)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{null, null, null}", "Sequence{1..3}->collect(k | null)");
* Tests that the collect() iterator correctly deals with empty collections.
@Test public void test_collect_empty_217461() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
String self = "foo";
List<String> expected = Collections.emptyList();
ocl.assertQueryEquals(self, expected, "let c : Sequence(OrderedSet(String)) = Sequence{} in c->collect(s : OrderedSet(String) | s.toUpperCase())");
* Tests that the collect() iterator correctly flattens its result.
@Test public void test_collect_flattens_217461() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
String self = "foo";
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SEQUENCE.getSpecializedId(TypeId.STRING);
SequenceValue expected = idResolver.createSequenceOfEach(typeId, "THIS AND", "THAT", "THE OTHER");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(self, expected, "Sequence{Sequence{'this and', 'that'}, Sequence{'the other'}}->collect(s : Sequence(String) | s.toUpperCase())");
* Tests that parsing fails, in the case of an unknown property in a
* collection navigation, with an appropriate parse failure, not a
* <code>ClassCastException</code>.
@Test public void test_collect_implicit_unknownAttribute_232669() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
ocl.assertBadInvariant(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
environmentFactory.getASClass("Package"), "ownedPackages.unknownAttribute",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedProperty_ERROR_, "Set(Package)", "unknownAttribute");
* Tests that parsing fails, in the case of an unknown operation in a
* collection navigation, with an appropriate parse failure, not a
* <code>ClassCastException</code>.
@Test public void test_collect_implicit_unknownOperation_232669() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
ocl.assertBadInvariant(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
environmentFactory.getASClass("Package"), "ownedPackages.unknownOperation(self)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedOperationCall_ERROR_, "Set(Package)", "unknownOperation", PivotConstants.SELF_NAME);
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_collect_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->collect(Sequence{}->first())");
// in the case of a null value, null is allowed in a collection, so
// it does not result in invalid
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(TypeId.OCL_ANY);
BagValue expected = idResolver.createBagOfEach(typeId, null, null, null);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE, expected,
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->collect(null)");
* Tests the collectBy() iterator.
@Test public void test_collectBy() {
TestOCL ocl = createOCL();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(TypeId.INTEGER);
Map<Object,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
map.put(i, i*i);
MapValue expected1 = idResolver.createMapOfAll(TypeId.INTEGER, TypeId.INTEGER, map);
CollectionValue expected1k = idResolver.createSetOfAll(typeId, map.keySet());
CollectionValue expected1v = idResolver.createBagOfAll(typeId, map.values());
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, expected1, "Sequence{1..5}->collectBy(i : Integer | i*i)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, expected1k, "Sequence{1..5}->collectBy(i : Integer | i*i)->keys()");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, expected1v, "Sequence{1..5}->collectBy(i : Integer | i*i)->values()");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, expected1, "Sequence{1..5}->collectBy(i | i*i)");
// yet shorter form
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Map{9 <- Sequence{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 16, 16}, 10 <- Sequence{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 16, 16}}", "Sequence{9,10,9}->collectBy(Sequence{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 16, 16})");
// shortest form
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Map{1 <- '1', 2 <- '2', 3 <- '3', 4 <- '4', 5 <- '5', 99 <- '99' }", "Sequence{1..5,99}->collectBy(toString())");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k*k)", "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(i | i*i)->collectBy(k <- v | k*v)");
* Tests the collectNested() iterator.
@Test public void test_collectNested() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Type packageType = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
CollectionValue expected1 = idResolver.createBagOfEach(typeId, "pkg2", "bob", "pkg3");
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?->collectNested(p : ocl::Package |");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?->collectNested(p |");
// shortest form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected1, "ownedPackages?->collectNested(name)");
// nested collections not flattened
Set<org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Package> e1 = Collections.singleton(ocl.jim);
Set<?> e2 = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
HashSet<Object> e3 = new HashSet<Object>(Arrays.asList(new Object[] {ocl.pkg4, ocl.pkg5}));
CollectionValue expected2 = idResolver.createBagOfEach(typeId, e1, e2, e3);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected2, "ownedPackages?->collectNested(ownedPackages)");
// Bug 423489 - ensure return is collection of body type not source type
ocl.assertQueryResults(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1,2}", "let s:Sequence(OclAny) = Sequence{'a','bb'} in s->collectNested(oclAsType(String)).size()");
ocl.assertQueryResults(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{Sequence{1,2},Sequence{3,4}}", "let s:Sequence(Sequence(OclAny)) = Sequence{Sequence{'a','bb'},Sequence{'ccc','dddd'}} in s->collectNested(oclAsType(Sequence(String)))->collectNested(s | s.size())");
// Bug 423490 - ensure nested iteration uses iterator as implicit source
ocl.assertQueryResults(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{2,1}", "let s:Sequence(Sequence(OclAny)) = Sequence{Sequence{'a','bb'},Sequence{'ccc'}} in s->collectNested(size())");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_collectNested_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->collectNested(Sequence{}->first())");
// in the case of a null value, null is allowed in a collection, so
// it does not result in invalid
Set<BigInteger> e1 = Collections.singleton(BigInteger.valueOf(1));
Object e2 = null;
Set<BigInteger> e3 = Collections.singleton(BigInteger.valueOf(3));
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(TypeId.INTEGER);
BagValue expected = idResolver.createBagOfEach(typeId, e1, e2, e3);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE, expected,
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->collectNested(e | if e = 2 then null else Set{e} endif)");
* Tests the exists() iterator.
@Test public void test_exists() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{true}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryNull(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{false}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{}, Sequence{null}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{}}->exists(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}->exists(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'e'}->exists(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'd', 'e'}->exists(e | e = 'c')");
// when there are no values, they the desired result implictly
// does not occur
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{}->exists(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "ownedPackages->exists(true)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key <- value | key <> value)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key | key <> null)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', null <- null}->exists(key | key <> null)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', null <- null}->exists(key <- value| key = value)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', null <- 'null'}->exists(key <- value| key = value)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', 'null' <- null}->exists(key <- value| key = value)");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', invalid <- null}->exists(key <- value| key = value)");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', null <- invalid}->exists(key <- value| key = value)");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', 'null' <- null}->exists(key <- value| key = invalid)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key : OclAny | key <> null)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key1, key2 <- value2 | key1 <> value2)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key1 : OclAny, key2 : OclAny <- value2 : String | key1 <> value2)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key1 <- value1, key2 | key2 <> value1)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key <- value | key.toString().toUpper() = value)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->exists(key : OclAny <- value : String | key.toString().toUpper() = value)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_exists_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->exists('true')"); // Bug 415669
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->exists(2)"); // Bug 415669
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->exists(b and b)");
// same deal for a null value (in the exists case)
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->exists(null)");
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->exists(Sequence{}->first())");
* Tests the exists iterator with multiple iterator variables.
@Test public void test_exists_multipleIteratorVariables() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertInvariantTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1, 2, 3, 4}->exists(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)");
ocl.assertInvariantTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1, 2, 3, 4}->exists(e1, e2 | (e1 + e2) = 7)");
ocl.assertInvariantFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1, 2, 3, 4}->exists(e1, e2 | (e1 + e2) = 0)");
// when there are no values, the the desired result implictly
// does not occur
ocl.assertInvariantFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{}->exists(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)");
* Tests that the exists() iterator return invalid when the source
* collection is null or invalid.
@Test public void test_existsWithNullSource_143996() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
"let e : Collection(ocl::Package) = null in e->exists(" +
"p : ocl::Package | = 'bob')", StringUtil.bind(PivotMessages.TypedValueRequired, TypeId.ITERABLE_NAME, ValueUtil.getTypeName(null)), InvalidValueException.class);
"let e : Collection(ocl::Package) = invalid in e->exists(" +
"p : ocl::Package | = 'bob')", PivotMessages.InvalidLiteral, InvalidValueException.class);
* Tests the forAll() iterator.
@Test public void test_forAll() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{false}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryNull(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{true}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{false}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{null}, Sequence{}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{}, Sequence{null}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Sequence{Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{true}, Sequence{}}->forAll(e | e->first())");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}->forAll(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'd', 'e'}->forAll(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'c', 'c', 'c', 'c'}->forAll(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'c'}->forAll(e | e = 'c')");
// when there are no values, they implicitly all evaluate to the
// desired result
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{}->forAll(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "ownedPackages->forAll(true)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1..0}->forAll(false)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1..1}->forAll(false)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key <- value | key <> value)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key | key <> null)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key : OclAny | key <> null)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key1, key2 <- value2 | key1 <> value2)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key1 : OclAny, key2 : OclAny <- value2 : String | key1 <> value2)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key1 <- value1, key2 | key2 <> value1)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key <- value | key.toString().toUpper() = value)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{1 <- '1', true <- 'TRUE', false <- 'FALSE'}->forAll(key : OclAny <- value : String | key.toString().toUpper() = value)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_forAll_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->forAll('true')"); // Bug 415669
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->forAll(2)"); // Bug 415669
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->forAll(b and b)");
// check that the "check" API interprets invalid as a constraint
// violation
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1}->forAll(b and b)");
// same deal for a null value (in the forAll case)
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->forAll(null)");
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->forAll(Sequence{}->first())");
* Tests the forAll iterator with multiple iterator variables.
@Test public void test_forAll_multipleIteratorVariables() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertInvariantFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1, 2, 3, 4}->forAll(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)");
ocl.assertInvariantTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{1, 2, 3, 4}->forAll(e1, e2 | (e1 + e2) > e1)");
// when there are no values, the the desired result implictly occurs
ocl.assertInvariantTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{}->forAll(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the
* isUnique iterator expression treats it like any other value.
@Test public void test_isUnique_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->isUnique(Sequence{}->first())");
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->isUnique(null)");
* Tests the isUnique() iterator.
@Test public void test_isUnique_126861() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
// Abstract2Moniker.TRACE_MONIKERS.setState(true);
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}->isUnique(e | e)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'e'}->isUnique(e | e)");
// when there are no values, they implicitly all evaluate to a
// different result
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{}->isUnique(e | e)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{null}->isUnique(e | e)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{null,1}->isUnique(e | e)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{null,null}->isUnique(e | e)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "ownedPackages?->isUnique(name)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(null, "Map{2 <- 1, 1 <- 2}->isUnique(key <- value | key * value)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(null, "Map{2 <- 2, 1 <- 2}->isUnique(key <- value | key * value)");
* Tests the generic iterate() iterator.
@Test public void test_iterate() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(TypeId.STRING);
SetValue expected = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, "pkg2", "bob", "pkg3");
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->iterate(p; s : Set(String) = Set{} | s->including(");
// shorter forms
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->iterate(p; s : Set(String) = Set{} | s->including(");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->iterate(p; s = Set(String){} | s->including(");
// shortest forms
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->iterate(s : Set(String) = Set{} | s->including(name))");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->iterate(s = Set(String){} | s->including(name))");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, "pfx_a_b_c", "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(e : String; s : String = 'pfx' | s + '_' + e)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k)", "Sequence{1..3}->iterate(j; acc = Map(Integer,Integer){} | acc->including(j, j*j))");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k)", "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(i | i*i)->iterate(j <- v; acc = Map(Integer,Integer){} | acc->including(j, v))");
* Tests some bad separators in iterate() expressions.
@Test public void test_iterate_534626() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertSemanticErrorQuery(null, "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch, acc:String ='' , acc+ch)",
EssentialOCLCS2ASMessages.IterateExp_TooFewAccumulators, "iterate");
ocl.assertSemanticErrorQuery(null, "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch | acc1+ch)",
EssentialOCLCS2ASMessages.IterateExp_TooFewAccumulators, "iterate");
ocl.assertSemanticErrorQuery(null, "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch; acc1:String ='', acc2:String ='' | acc1+ch)",
EssentialOCLCS2ASMessages.IterateExp_TooManyAccumulators, "iterate");
ocl.assertSemanticErrorQuery(null, "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch; acc1:String =''; acc2:String ='' | acc1+ch)",
EssentialOCLCS2ASMessages.IterateExp_TooManyAccumulators, "iterate");
ocl.assertSemanticWarningQuery(null, "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch, acc:String ='' | acc+ch)",
EssentialOCLCS2ASMessages.IterateExp_BadAccumulatorSeparator, ",");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, "abc", "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch; acc:String ='' | acc+ch)");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(null, "abc", "Sequence{'a','b','c'}->iterate(ch; acc ='' | acc+ch)");
* Tests that the generic iterate() iterator returns invalid when the
* source collection is null or invalid.
@Test public void test_iterateWithNullSource_143996() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
"let e : Collection(ocl::Package) = null in e->iterate(" +
"p : ocl::Package; s : String = '' | s.concat(", StringUtil.bind(PivotMessages.TypedValueRequired, TypeId.ITERABLE_NAME, ValueUtil.getTypeName(null)), InvalidValueException.class);
"let e : Collection(ocl::Package) = invalid in e->iterate(" +
"p : ocl::Package; s : String = '' | s.concat(", PivotMessages.InvalidLiteral, InvalidValueException.class);
* Tests the one() iterator.
@Test public void test_one() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}->one(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'e'}->one(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'd', 'e'}->one(e | e = 'c')");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Sequence{'a'}->one(true)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Map{}->one(k <- v | k = v)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Map{'a' <- 'a', 'b' <- 'c' }->one(k <- v | k = v)");
ocl.assertQueryTrue(ocl.pkg1, "Map{'a' <- 'a', 'b' <- 'c' }->one(k <- v | k <> v)");
ocl.assertQueryFalse(ocl.pkg1, "Map{'a' <- 'a', 'b' <- 'b' }->one(k <- v | k <> v)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_one_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->one('true')"); // Bug 415669
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->one(2)"); // Bug 415669
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->one(b and b)");
// same deal for a null value (in the one case)
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->one(null.oclAsType(Boolean))");
* Tests the reject() iterator.
@Test public void test_reject() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Type packageType = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
CollectionValue expected = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.pkg2, ocl.pkg3);
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->reject(p : ocl::Package | = 'bob')");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->reject(p | = 'bob')");
// shortest form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->reject(name = 'bob')");
expected = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->reject(true)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Map{1 <- 1, 3 <- 9}", "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k)->reject(k <- v | k = 2)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Map{1 <- 1, 3 <- 9}", "Set{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k)->reject(k <- v | v = 4)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_reject_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->reject('true')"); // Bug 415669
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->reject(2)"); // Bug 415669
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->reject(b and b)");
// same deal for a null value (in the exists case)
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->reject(null.oclAsType(Boolean))");
* Tests the select() iterator.
@Test public void test_select() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Type packageType = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
CollectionValue expected = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.pkg2, ocl.pkg3);
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->select(p : ocl::Package | <> 'bob')");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->select(p | <> 'bob')");
// shortest form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "ownedPackages?->select(name <> 'bob')");
Value expected2 = idResolver.createSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.bob, ocl.pkg2, ocl.pkg3);
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected2, "ownedPackages?->select(true)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Map{2 <- 4}", "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k)->select(k <- v | k = 2)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Map{2 <- 4}", "Sequence{1..3}->collectBy(k | k*k)->select(k <- v | v = 4)");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_select_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->select('true')"); // Bug 415669
ocl.assertQueryInvalid(null, "Bag{1, 2, 3}->select(2)"); // Bug 415669
"let b:Boolean = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->select(b and b)");
// same deal for a null value (in the exists case)
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->select(null.oclAsType(Boolean))");
* Tests the sortedBy() iterator.
@Test public void test_sortedBy() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
IdResolver idResolver = ocl.getIdResolver();
@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Type packageType = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
CollectionTypeId typeId = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(packageType.getTypeId());
OrderedSetValue expectedSet = idResolver.createOrderedSetOfEach(typeId, ocl.bob, ocl.pkg2, ocl.pkg3);
// complete form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expectedSet, "ownedPackages?->sortedBy(p : ocl::Package |");
// shorter form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expectedSet, "ownedPackages?->sortedBy(p |");
// shortest form
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expectedSet, "ownedPackages?->sortedBy(name)");
CollectionTypeId stringsTypeId = TypeId.SEQUENCE.getSpecializedId(TypeId.STRING);
SequenceValue expected = idResolver.createSequenceOfEach(stringsTypeId, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
ocl.assertQueryEquals(ocl.pkg1, expected, "Bag{'d', 'b', 'e', 'a', 'c'}->sortedBy(e | e)");
ocl.assertQueryResults(null, "Sequence{'x', 'aa', 'zzz', 'zzz', 'zzz', 'yyyy', 'yyyy'}", "Bag{'x', 'yyyy', 'zzz', 'aa', 'zzz', 'yyyy', 'zzz'}->sortedBy(size())");
* Tests that when the body of an iterator results in invalid, the entire
* iterator expression's value is invalid.
@Test public void test_sortedBy_invalidBody_142518() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
"let s : String = null in Bag{1, 2, 3}->sortedBy(s.size())", StringUtil.bind(PivotMessages.TypedValueRequired, TypeId.STRING_NAME, ValueUtil.getTypeName(null)), InvalidValueException.class);
// same deal for null values
"Bag{1, 2, 3}->sortedBy(null)", StringUtil.bind(PivotMessages.UndefinedBody, "sortedBy"), InvalidValueException.class);
* Test to check the validation of the <tt>sortedBy</tt> iterator, that
* the body expression type has a <tt>&lt;</tt> operation.
@Test public void test_sortedByRequiresComparability_192729() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension environmentFactory = (EnvironmentFactoryInternalExtension) ocl.getEnvironmentFactory();
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class context = environmentFactory.getASClass("Package");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class type = environmentFactory.getASClass("Class");
ocl.assertValidationErrorQuery(context, "ownedClasses->sortedBy(e | e)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedOperation_ERROR_, type + "", LibraryConstants.COMPARE_TO);
ocl.assertQuery(context, "ownedClasses->sortedBy(e |");
ocl.loadEPackage("ecore", EcorePackage.eINSTANCE);
// EDate defines an OclComparable::compareTo by having a java.lang.Comparable instance class
ocl.assertQuery(context, "let dates : Sequence(ecore::EDate) = Sequence{} in dates->sortedBy(e | e)");
// EInt defines OclComparable::compareTo by having a behavioral mapping to the Integer type
ocl.assertQueryResults(context, "Sequence{1,7,9}", "let values : Sequence(ecore::EInt) = Sequence{1,9,7} in values->sortedBy(e | e)");
* Tests the validation the number of iterator variables for iterators that
* do not support multiple variables.
@Test public void test_invalidMultipleIteratorVariables() {
MyOCL ocl = createOCL();
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR, // FIXME Bug 296990
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->exists(e1, e2, e3 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "exists", "e1, e2, e3| e1 = e2");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR, // FIXME Bug 296990
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->forAll(e1, e2, e3 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "forAll", "e1, e2, e3| e1 = e2");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->collect(e1, e2 | Tuple{a : String = e1, b : String = e2})",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "collect", "e1, e2| Tuple{a : String = e1, b : String = e2}");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->any(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "any", "e1, e2| e1 = e2");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->one(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "one", "e1, e2| e1 = e2");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->select(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "select", "e1, e2| e1 = e2");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->reject(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "reject", "e1, e2| e1 = e2");
ocl.assertBadQuery(SemanticException.class, Diagnostic.ERROR,
null, "Sequence{'a', 'b', 'c'}->isUnique(e1, e2 | e1 = e2)",
PivotMessagesInternal.UnresolvedIterationCall_ERROR_, "Sequence(String)", "isUnique", "e1, e2| e1 = e2");