blob: 21dc8cdfac1a70162f3634771973ba9171446a44 [file] [log] [blame]
angular.module('app', ['uiSwitch']).controller('MainController', function($scope,$http,$interval,$q,$timeout) {
// add contains method to String
String.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) != -1; };
var canceler = $q.defer();
var cameraCanceler = $q.defer();
var timerForDevicesUpdate = null;
var timerForNotifications = null;
$scope.imgModules = {
'energyConsumption': 'power_consumption.png'
$scope.moduleFilterDefinition = {
$scope.datapointsNamePerModule = {
"binarySwitch" : ["powSe"],
"temperature" : ["minVe", "unit", "curT0", "maxVe"],
"noise" : ["noise"],
"extendedCarbonDioxideSensor" : ["cDeVe", "alarm"],
"atmosphericPressureSensor" : ["atmPe"],
"relativeHumidity" : ["relHy"],
"contactSensor" : ["alarm"],
"streaming" : ["frmt", "psWd", "login", "url"],
"personSensor" : ["detPs"],
"motionSensor" : ["alarm"],
"colour" : ["colour"],
"energyConsumption" : ["volte", "currt", "power"],
"lock" : ["dooLk", "opeOy"],
"battery" : ["discg", "charg", "level", "capay"],
"doorStatus": ["dooSt"]
$scope.devices = {};
$scope.cams = [];
$scope.hideHlsVideo = true;
$scope.hideMjpegVideo = false;
$scope.hls = null;
$scope.mjpegPlayer = null;
$scope.credentials ='';
$scope.imgPath = "dot.png";
$scope.urlBase = window.location.protocol + "//" +;
$scope.cseContext = "~/in-cse/in-name";
$scope.currentUrl = new URL(window.location);
$scope.sessionId = $scope.currentUrl.searchParams.get("sessionId");
$scope.load = function() {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: $scope.urlBase + '/Home_Monitoring_Application/in-cse/context',
params: {sessionId: $scope.sessionId}
$http(req).success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
$scope.cseContext = response;
}; /*"~/dt-in-cse/dt-in-name"*/ /* ~/cseId/cseName */
$scope.count = 0;
// device polling interval
var devicePolling = 10000;
// default polling interval in ms
var defaultModulePolling = 180000;
// blacklist module polling interval in ms
var blModules = ["runMode","streaming","colour","colourSaturation","faultDetection"];
// fast polling interval in ms
var fastModulePolling = 3000;
var fastModules = ["binarySwitch","energyConsumption","lock"];
$scope.getDevicesAsArray = function() {
return Object.values($scope.devices);
$scope.getModulesFromDevice = function(device) {
console.log("getModules called");
return Object.values(device.modules);
$scope.moduleFilter = function (module) {
return module.value !== '';
$scope.switchFilter = function (module) {
if (!(( === 'binarySwitch') || ( === 'lock'))) {
return false;
return true;
//filter to remove any device which contains a streaming module from the display device list
$scope.deviceFilter = function (device) {
if (device.desc === '') {
return false;
return !(device.desc === 'org.onem2m.home.device.deviceCamera');
$scope.getDevices = function() {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: $scope.urlBase + '/' + $scope.cseContext
+ '?fu=1&drt=2&lbl=object.type/device',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-M2M-Origin': $scope.credentials
$http(req).success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
var jsonData = response;
var key = $scope.getRootKey(jsonData);
var devices;
devices = jsonData[key];
// devices is an array containing device FlexContainer resourceId
// remove old devices
// treat new discovered devices
var newDevices = $scope.getNewDevices(devices);
// newDevices is an array containg new-device FlexContainer resourceId
for (i=0; i<newDevices.length; i++) {
var deviceRi = newDevices[i];
var getDeviceReq = {
method: 'GET',
url: $scope.urlBase + '/~' + deviceRi + '?rcn=7',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-M2M-Origin': $scope.credentials
deviceRi: deviceRi // add device ri in request
$http(getDeviceReq).success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
var device = {'id':'', 'name':'','desc':'',
var jsonData = response;
var key = $scope.getRootKey(jsonData);
var jsonDevice = jsonData[key];
var labels = jsonDevice.lbl;
var id = $scope.getIdFromLabel (labels); = id; = $scope.getNameFromLabel(labels);
device.desc = jsonDevice.cnd;
device.isUpdated = false;
device.fcntRi = jsonDevice.ri;
device.fcntaRi = config.deviceRi;
deviceRi = config.deviceRi; // deviceRi is the address of the device in the context of INCSE
// so it could be the "true" device ri if the device is hosted by the CSE
// or it could be the ri of the FlexContainerAnnc object representing the device
// In this latter case, the device is hosted somewhere else.
for (key in jsonDevice) {
// starts with prop
var value = jsonDevice[key];
if (typeof value !== "undefined") {
// override name if there is a propDeviceAliasName
if (key === 'pDANe') { = value;
var propName = key;{'name':propName,
// add new device in devices list
$scope.devices[deviceRi] = device;
// get all the modules for the given device
}).error(function (response, status, headers, config) {
console.log("error getNewDevices " + response);
}).error(function (response, status, headers, config) {
console.log("error getDevices " + response);
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
// this is not a big issue here
// as the device will be detected again as a new device
$scope.getModules = function (device) {
var getModulesRiReq = {
method: 'GET',
url: $scope.urlBase + '/' + $scope.cseContext
+ '?fu=1&drt=2&lbl=object.type/module&' +,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-M2M-Origin': $scope.credentials
device: device
$http(getModulesRiReq).success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
var jsonData = response;
var key = $scope.getRootKey(jsonData);
var modules = jsonData[key];
// modules is an array. It contains module resource id
// TODO : fix issue related to missing modules
// in some cases (access right), some modules take time to become available.
function(moduleRi) {
// retrieve module data
$scope.getModule(config.device, moduleRi);
}).error(function (response, status, headers, config) {
console.log("error getModules " + response);
$scope.getModule = function (device, moduleRi) {
var getModuleReq = {
method: 'GET',
url: $scope.urlBase + '/~' + moduleRi + '?rcn=7',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
device: device
$http(getModuleReq).success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
var jsonData = response;
var key = $scope.getRootKey(jsonData);
var root = jsonData[key];
var module = {'id':'','name':'','colorClass':'','datapoints':{},
'actions':[],'img':'','value':'','interval': {},'started':false,
'url':config.url,'deviceName','hideSpinning':true, 'state':false};
// fill the module name
var tab = root.cnd.split(".");
var moduleName = tab[tab.length -1];
var label = root.lbl;
var id = $scope.getPidFromLabel (label); = id;
module.ri = root.ri; = moduleName;
module.img = 'images/'+$scope.getImageModule(moduleName);
// fill the class with the module name to define the text color. see css file.
module.colorClass = tab[tab.length -1];
module.datapoints = {};
module.actions = [];
if (root.prROy) {
module.isReadOnly = (root.prROy === 'true');
} else {
module.isReadOnly = false;
// create the attributes
var dpNames = $scope.datapointsNamePerModule[];
if (dpNames) {
function(dpName) {
module.datapoints[dpName] = {"name": dpName, "value":root[dpName]};
var propName = $scope.getPropValueModule(moduleName);
if (propName) {
module.value = module.datapoints[propName].value;
if ( === 'streaming') {
var index = $scope.getCamModuleIndex(;
if (index == -1) {
if ($scope.cams.length == 1) {
if ( === 'binarySwitch') {
module.state = (module.datapoints.powSe.value === 'true') ;
if ( === 'lock') {
module.state = (module.datapoints.dooLk.value === 'true')
// add module in device
config.device.modules[module.ri] = module;
}).error(function (response, status, headers, config) {
console.log("error getModule " + response);
$scope.createSubscription = function(toBeSubscribedResource) {
req = {
method : 'POST',
url : $scope.urlBase + '/Home_Monitoring_Application/in-cse/context',
data : {
sessionId: $scope.sessionId
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
// don't care about response
$scope.getNotifications = function() {
req = {
method : 'GET',
url : $scope.urlBase + '/Home_Monitoring_Application/in-cse/context/notifications',
params: {sessionId: $scope.sessionId},
headers : {
'Accept' : 'application/json'
function(response, status, headers, config) {
// for each notification --> update device & module model
var notifications = response;
// notifications is an array
function(notification) {
var sgn = notification["m2m:sgn"];
var nev = null;
if (sgn !== null) {
nev = sgn["m2m:nev"];
var rep = null;
if (nev != null) {
rep = nev["m2m:rep"];
var moduleRep = null;
if (rep != null) {
var key = $scope.getRootKey(rep);
moduleRep = rep[key];
if (moduleRep != null) {
var internalModule = $scope.getModuleByRi(moduleRep.ri, moduleRep.pi);
var propValueModule = $scope.getPropValueModule(;
if (propValueModule) {
var value = moduleRep[propValueModule];
if (internalModule.value) {
internalModule.value = value;
if (moduleRep.powSe) {
console.log('powSe value:' + moduleRep.powSe);
var datapoints = internalModule.datapoints;
var powSeValue = (moduleRep.powSe === 'true');
datapoints.powSe.value = powSeValue;
if (internalModule.state != powSeValue) {
internalModule.state = powSeValue;
console.log('powSe updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
if (moduleRep.dooLk) {
console.log('dooLk value:' + moduleRep.dooLk);
var datapoints = internalModule.datapoints;
var dooLkValue = (moduleRep.dooLk ==='true');
datapoints.dooLk.value = dooLkValue;
if (internalModule.state != dooLkValue) {
internalModule.state = dooLkValue;
// put background red
// here we need to be carefull with device = moduleRep.pi
// as we have announced device.
device = $scope.getDeviceByRi(moduleRep.pi);
if (device) {
$scope.removeColor = function(d) {
// remove background after 1,5s
function() {
d.isUpdated = false;
// called when the user clicks on the witch widget in the HMI
$scope.changeState = function(device,switchModule) {
var req;
switchModule.hideSpinning = false;
if ( === 'lock') {
var openOnly = $scope.getValueFromModule(switchModule, "opeOy");
console.log("openOnly: " + openOnly);
if (switchModule.state || (openOnly == null) || (openOnly === 'false')) {
switchModule.newState = switchModule.state;
var lk = switchModule.state;
// switch on/off
req = {
method : 'PUT',
url : switchModule.url,
data : '{\"hd:lock\": {\"dooLk\": \"' + lk + '\"}}',
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'X-M2M-Origin' : $scope.credentials
valueToBeSet: lk,
currentSwitch: switchModule
$http(req).success(function(response, status, headers, config) {
console.log("binary lock state changed");
// config = switchModule
config.currentSwitch.hideSpinning = true;
if (config.currentSwitch.state !== config.valueToBeSet) {
config.currentSwitch.state = config.valueToBeSet;
var datapoints = config.currentSwitch.datapoints;
datapoints.dooLk.value = config.valueToBeSet;
console.log("door lock state changed");
}).error(function(response, status, headers, config) {
console.log("error on lock state change action");
config.currentSwitch.hideSpinning = true;
config.currentSwitch.state = !config.valueToBeSet;
} else if ( === 'binarySwitch') {
switchModule.newState = switchModule.state;
req = {
method : 'PUT',
url : switchModule.url,
data : '{\"hd:binSh\": {\"powSe\": \"' + switchModule.state + '\"}}',
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'X-M2M-Origin' : $scope.credentials
valueToBeSet : switchModule.state,
currentSwitch : switchModule
function(response, status, headers, config) {
// binarySwitchModule.state = !binarySwitchModule.state;
config.currentSwitch.hideSpinning = true;
if (config.currentSwitch.state !== config.valueToBeSet) {
config.currentSwitch.state = config.valueToBeSet;
var datapoints = config.currentSwitch.datapoints;
datapoints.powSe.value = config.valueToBeSet;
console.log("binary switch state changed");
}).error(function(response, status, headers, config) {
config.currentSwitch.hideSpinning = true;
config.currentSwitch.state = !config.valueToBeSet;
console.log("error on binary switch state change action");
$scope.getIdFromLabel = function(labels) {
for(label in labels) {
var labelValue = labels[label];
if (labelValue.contains('id/')) {
return labelValue.replace('id/','');
return null;
$scope.getPidFromLabel = function(labels) {
for(label in labels) {
var labelValue = labels[label];
if (labelValue.contains('pid/')) {
return labelValue.replace('pid/','');
return null;
$scope.getNameFromLabel = function(labels) {
for(label in labels) {
var labelValue = labels[label];
if (labelValue.contains('name/')) {
return labelValue.replace('name/','');
return null;
$scope.getRootKey = function(rootObj) {
for (var key in rootObj) {
return key;
return null;
$scope.getImageModule = function(moduleName) {
return $scope.imgModules[moduleName];
$scope.getPropValueModule = function(moduleName) {
var propName = $scope.moduleFilterDefinition[moduleName];
return propName;
$scope.getPropValueFromDevice = function (device, propName) {
for (var i = 0; i<; i++) {
if ([i].name == propName) {
return null;
$scope.getNewDevices = function(deviceList) {
var newDevices = [];
deviceList.forEach(function (device) {
// device = device resource id
if (!$scope.devices[device]) {
return newDevices;
$scope.removeOldDevices = function(deviceList) {
for(deviceRi in $scope.devices) {
if (!deviceList.includes(deviceRi)) {
// the device must be removed from the $scope.devices object
// as this device does not exist anymore.
delete $scope.devices[deviceRi];
// var registeredDevice,returnDevice,returnDeviceId;
// var sortedDeviceList = [];
// var found;
// for (i=0; i<$scope.devices.length; i++) {
// found = false;
// registeredDevice = $scope.devices[i];
// for (j=0; j<deviceList.length; j++) {
// returnDevice = deviceList[j];
// if (returnDevice === {
// found = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (found) {
// sortedDeviceList.push(registeredDevice);
// } else {
// // stop requests of old modules
// for (k = 0; k<registeredDevice.modules.length; k++) {
// var module = registeredDevice.modules[k];
// var index = $scope.getCamModuleIndex(;
// if (index != -1) {
// var newCams = [];
// for(var i = 0; i< $scope.cams.length;i++) {
// if (i != index) {
// newCams.push($scope.cams[i]);
// }
// }
// var selectedCamDestroyed = $scope.cams[index].btnClass == 'selectedCam';
// $scope.cams = newCams;
// if (selectedCamDestroyed) {
// if ($scope.cams.length != 0) {
// // load the first cam in the array
// $scope.loadWebcam($scope.cams[0]);
// } else {
// // no more cams, stop everything
// if ($scope.mjpegPlayer != null) {
// $scope.mjpegPlayer.stop();
// $scope.mjpegPlayer = null;
// }
// if ($scope.hls != null) {
// $scope.hls.destroy();
// $scope.hls = null;
// }
// $scope.hideHlsVideo = false;
// $scope.hideMjpegVideo = false;
// }
// }
// }
// module = null;
// }
// registeredDevice = null;
// }
// }
// $scope.devices = sortedDeviceList;
$scope.arrayContains = function (array, label) {
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (label === array[i]) {
return true;
return false;
$scope.loadWebcam = function (cam) {
for ( var i = 0; i < $scope.cams.length; i++) {
$scope.cams[i].btnClass = '';
cam.btnClass = 'selectedCam';
if ($scope.cams.length != 0) {
var url = $scope.getValueFromModule(cam, "url");
var format = $scope.getValueFromModule(cam, "frmt");
console.log("url/format: " + url + "/" + format);
if (format === "HLS") {
// $ = "";
if ($scope.hls != null) {
// $scope.hls.stop();
$scope.hls = null;
if ($scope.mjpegPlayer != null) {
$scope.mjpegPlayer = null;
$scope.hideHlsVideo = false;
$scope.hideMjpegVideo = true;
var playerElement = document.getElementById("clappr");
$scope.hls = new Clappr.Player({
source: url,
mute: true,
height: 360,
width: 480
} else if (format === "MJPEG") {
if ($scope.hls != null) {
// $scope.hls.stop();
$scope.hls = null;
if ($scope.mjpegPlayer != null) {
$scope.mjpegPlayer = null;
$scope.mjpegPlayer = new MJPEG.Player("player", url);
$scope.hideHlsVideo = true;
$scope.hideMjpegVideo = false;
$scope.getValueFromModule = function (module, propName) {
return module.datapoints[propName].value;
$scope.getCamModuleIndex = function (moduleId) {
for (var i=0; i<$scope.cams.length; i++) {
if (moduleId == $scope.cams[i].id) {
return i;
return -1;
$scope.test = function() {
$scope.test2 = function(device,switchModule) {
$scope.getModuleByRi = function(moduleResourceId, deviceResourceId) {
device = $scope.getDeviceByRi(deviceResourceId);
module = null;
if (device) {
module = device.modules[moduleResourceId]
return module;
$scope.getDeviceByRi = function (deviceResourceId) {
device = $scope.devices[deviceResourceId];
if (!device) {
// try to find device by trueRi
for(dri in $scope.devices) {
currentDevice = $scope.devices[dri];
if (currentDevice.fcntRi === deviceResourceId) {
device = currentDevice;
return device;
var init = function () {
var req = {
method: 'GET',
url: '../security/cred',
params : {sessionId: $scope.sessionId},
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
$http(req).success(function (response, status, headers, config) {
$scope.credentials = response.credentials;
$ =;
timerForDevicesUpdate = $interval(function() { $scope.getDevices(); }, devicePolling);
timerForNotifications = $interval(function() { $scope.getNotifications(); }, 3000);
function jsonp_callback() {