| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <setup:ProjectCatalog |
| xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" |
| xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xmlns:setup="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/1.0" |
| name="com.github" |
| label="Github.com"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| name="Global Variables"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| name="github.user.id" |
| label="Github user ID" |
| documentation="The Eclipse user ID for Git/Gerrit commits. Use 'anonymous' if you have no Eclipse user ID."/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| name="github.author.name" |
| label="Github author name" |
| documentation="The Eclipse author name for Git/Gerrit commits. Use 'Anonymous' if you're not a registered Eclipse Git author or don't plan to commit to Git."/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| name="github.author.email" |
| label="Github author email" |
| documentation="The Eclipse author email for Git/Gerrit commits. Use 'anonymous@example.com' if you're not a registered Eclipse Git author or don't plan to commit to Git."/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| name="github.remoteURIs" |
| label="Github repository"> |
| <choice |
| value="git@github.com:@{remoteURI}.git" |
| label="Git (read-write)"/> |
| <choice |
| value="https://${github.user.id|username}@github.com/@{remoteURI}.git" |
| label="HTTPS (read-write)"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/MatchChoice"/> |
| </choice> |
| <choice |
| value="https://github.com/@{remoteURI}.git" |
| label="HTTPS (read-only, anonymous)"/> |
| <description>Choose from the available Github URIs</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| name="eclipse.target.platform" |
| defaultValue="None" |
| storageURI="scope://Workspace" |
| label="Target Platform"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/GlobalVariable"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Mars" |
| label="Eclipse Mars - 4.5"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Luna" |
| label="Eclipse Luna - 4.4"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Kepler" |
| label="Eclipse Kepler - 4.3"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Juno" |
| label="Eclipse Juno - 4.2"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Indigo" |
| label="Eclipse Indigo - 3.7"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Helios" |
| label="Eclipse Helios - 3.6"/> |
| <choice |
| value="Galileo" |
| label="Eclipse Galileo - 3.5"/> |
| <choice |
| value="None" |
| label="None"/> |
| <description>Choose the compatibly level of the target platform</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:WorkspaceTask" |
| id="workspace"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:ResourceCreationTask" |
eclipse.preferences.version=1" |
| targetURL="configuration:/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:TextModifyTask" |
| url="configuration:/config.ini"> |
| <modification |
| pattern="osgi\.instance\.area\.default=(@user\.home/workspace)"> |
| <substitution>${workspace.location|path}</substitution> |
| </modification> |
| </setupTask> |
| <project href="user:/com.github.projects.setup?name='user.project',label='<User>',description='A container project for local user projects that are virtual members of the Github.com project catalog'#/"/> |
| <project href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanKoehnlein/FXDiagram/master/de.fxdiagram.docs/FXDiagram.setup#/"/> |
| <project href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openhab/openhab2/master/targetplatform/openHAB2.setup#/"/> |
| <project href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ctron/package-drone/master/de.dentrassi.pm.oomph/PackageDrone.setup#/"/> |
| <project href="https://github.com/meysholdt/Xpect/raw/master/org.xpect.releng/Xpect.setup#/"/> |
| <description>All the projects at Github.com that provide automated setup support along with additional user-added projects</description> |
| </setup:ProjectCatalog> |