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"rulesDirectory": ["node_modules/codelyzer", "node_modules/rxjs-tslint"], | |
"rules": { | |
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true, | |
"eval", | |
["describe", "only"], | |
{ | |
"name": ["it", "only"], | |
"message": "don't focus tests" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"name": ["chai", "assert", "equal"], | |
"message": "Use 'strictEqual' instead." | |
} | |
], | |
"ban-types": { | |
"options": [["Object", "Avoid using the `Object` type. Did you mean `object`?"], ["Array", "Avoid using the `Array` type. Did you mean `array`?"]] | |
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"public-static-field", | |
"public-static-method", | |
"protected-static-field", | |
"protected-static-method", | |
"private-static-field", | |
"private-static-method", | |
"public-instance-field", | |
"protected-instance-field", | |
"private-instance-field", | |
"public-constructor", | |
"protected-constructor", | |
"private-constructor", | |
"public-instance-method", | |
"protected-instance-method", | |
"private-instance-method" | |
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{ | |
"named-imports-order": "lowercase-first" | |
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"switch-default": true, | |
"switch-final-break": [true, "always"], | |
"trailing-comma": [ | |
true, | |
{ | |
"multiline": { | |
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"functions": "never", | |
"typeLiterals": "never" | |
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"esSpecCompliant": true | |
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"typedef": [ | |
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"parameter", | |
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"member-variable-declaration", | |
"object-destructuring", | |
"array-destructuring" | |
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true, | |
"check-branch", | |
"check-decl", | |
"check-operator", | |
"check-module", | |
"check-separator", | |
"check-rest-spread", | |
"check-type", | |
"check-typecast", | |
"check-type-operator", | |
"check-preblock" | |
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"component-selector": [true, "element", "app", "kebab-case"], | |
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"directive-class-suffix": true, | |
"rxjs-no-unsafe-catch": { "severity": "warn" }, | |
"rxjs-no-unsafe-first": { "severity": "warn" }, | |
"rxjs-no-nested-subscribe": { "severity": "warn" }, | |
"rxjs-no-unsafe-takeuntil": { "severity": "warn" } | |
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"linterOptions": { | |
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"extends": ["tslint:latest", "rxjs-tslint-rules", "tslint-config-prettier"] | |
} | |