blob: 6eac81246c0b6d9b82dbbf4ffb459de53be250c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
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---------------- REQUIREMENTS -------------
* Java 1.8
* Apache Maven 3.6.1
IF you have this versions, check if you have set JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME.
- If yes: Ignore step 1 and 2
- If no: Follow the corresponding steps below
-------------------- 1 ---------------------
Install java 8
- Open a cmd and check your java version
$ java -version
- If you dont have java version 1.8 then download and install it from:
- Set JAVA_HOME (Windows OS):
Right click on This Computer and select Properties.
On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then edit JAVA_HOME to point to where the JDK software is located, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\
Also, edit The Path variable in System variables and add the bin path (C:\Program Files\Java\\bin)
- Restart your PC
- Confirm by checking the version
$ java -version
-------------------- 2 ---------------------
Install Apache Maven to your pc
Maven is a tool that can be used for building and managing any Java-based project.
- Download maven 3.6.1 from
- Extract the folder and place it on your C drive
- Set M2_HOME (Windows OS):
- Right click on This Computer and select Properties.
- On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then create M2_HOME to point to where the Maven software is located, for example, C:\apache-maven-3.5.0.
- Also edit The Path variable in System variables and add the bin path (C:\apache-maven-3.5.0\bin)
- Restart your PC
- Confirm with
$ mvn -v
-------------------- 3 ---------------------
Install Graphviz
Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. You need this software because of auto-generated graphics in the documentations.
* Download and install Graphviz from
* If not already done, set the PATH variable
Value of variable: <GRAPHVIZ_DIR>\bin
-------------------- 4 ---------------------
To get started with the project you have to clone gridFailureInformation backend and frontend projects.
Backend <project_url>:
Frontend <project_url>:
- Create a folder and do following for each of them
- Open a cmd and navigate to the folder
- use the command to create a clone of each project
ยง git clone <project_url>
Developing only:
- if you are going to develop, important is a switch to the develop branch
- navigate in the folder with the clone and switch to develop branch
$ git checkout <branch>
- At the end just pull the actual version of the code
$ git pull origin <branch>
Active Develop Branches: |
Backend -> DEVELOP |
Frontend -> DEVELOP |
Stable Branches: master |
-------------------- 5 ---------------------
Build the maven project
The backend repository consists of several subprojects. The main backend is the
"gfsBackService". Depending on the interfaces and the features you want to use, you
need to build other subprojects as well:
-addressImport: Importing addresses from csv-files
-mailExport: Publish messages via e-mail
-stoerungsauskundtInteraces: Export and import messages from the site ""
-others in future
Building such a maven project, will produce a <project_name>.jar file, which is needed to run the project.
- Open a command line and navigate to the root folder of the backend project
- Use the following call to cleanly build and install artifacts into the local repository:
$ mvn clean install
-------------------- 6 ---------------------
Open and familiarize yourself with the project
- if you successfully build the maven project you can find in /target/generated-docs all the documentations of this projects
- "howtoBuild" -> here you can read how to build the whole (backend and frontend) project
- "howtoRun" -> here you can read how to run the Application
- "architectureDocumentation" -> here you can read about the architecture pf this module