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= openKonsequenz "StandbyPlanning" - documentation for administration
:Date: 2019-01-10
:Revision: 1
What is needed?
* KeyCloak
* Postgres
* oK-Auth-Application
** portalFE
** portal
=== KeyCloak[[KeyCloak]]
You need to have a running KeyCloak. All the user of the application standbyplanning have to be well-kept in KeyCloak.
For minimal access use the role
Ensure you have configured a client.
Client ID: standbyplanning
Name : Bereitschaftsplanung
Enabled: true
Consent Required: false
Client Protocol: openid-connect
Access Type : public
Standard Flow Enabled: true
Implicit Flow Enabled: false
Direct Access Grants Enabled: true
Authorization Enabled: false
Root URL:
Valid Redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080/*
Base URL: http://localhost:8080/spfe/
Admin URL:
Web Origins: *
Ensure you have configured the roles.
Role Name: BP_Admin
Scope Param Required: false
Composite Roles: false
Role Name: BP_Gruppenleiter
Scope Param Required: false
Composite Roles: false
Role Name: BP_Leseberechtigte
Scope Param Required: false
Composite Roles: false
Role Name: BP_Sachbearbeiter
Scope Param Required: false
Composite Roles: false
=== Postgres
A postgres database and a user have to be created. After that all the needed tables and sequences will be genreated bei the "Standby Planning" backend (spbe). For more details see ../howto/config.adoc
=== oK-Auth-Application
The auth&auth application is available from the oK Eclipse Git. Refere to for getting the code and more installation details.
For more details how to configure the Standby Planning Application in the Auth-Application see ../howto/config.adoc