blob: 8e1751d92e6b924a5bb612c8ec125d8bfc95dd55 [file] [log] [blame]
== Runtime View
=== Login and authentication
The login and authentication process is as follows:
.StatementPublicAffairs application is called by the *portal* application. The User is already logged in
actor User
participant PortalFrontend
participant PortalBackend
participant StatementPublicAffairsFrontend
entity FrontendAuthService
participant StatementPublicAffairsBackend
User->PortalFrontend: Start StatementPublicAffairs(JWT)
PortalFrontend->StatementPublicAffairsFrontend: navigate to frontend-URL with JWT
StatementPublicAffairsFrontend->FrontendAuthService: Extract JWT and store token in session
... some delay ...
StatementPublicAffairsFrontend->StatementPublicAffairsBackend: Call any secured service with JWT
group Call secured service
StatementPublicAffairsBackend->PortalBackend: "/checkAut(JWT)"
group Authorization succeeded
StatementPublicAffairsBackend->StatementPublicAffairsBackend: run service
StatementPublicAffairsBackend->StatementPublicAffairsFrontend: return service result
group Authorization failed
StatementPublicAffairsBackend->StatementPublicAffairsFrontend: return HTTP Code 401
The user authenticates himself via the openKONSEQUENZ Portal Application (AuthNAuth). In that SSO (single sign on) process, he returns a JWT (JSON Web Token) that can be used as a authentication token for all other openKONSEQUENZ applications. The front-end application provides the token for all HTTPS requests at the module back-end. There it is verified against the AuthNAuth module. Furher request specific authorization processes then use the roles appended in the verified token for the authorization mechanism.