blob: af89b6424fc1aee1ca62b1545f5b394f45992592 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2015 - Lunifera GmbH (Gross Enzersdorf, Austria), Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (69115 Heidelberg, Germany)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Florian Pirchner - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.common.xtext.extensions
import java.beans.Transient
import java.util.List
import java.util.Map
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LAnnotationDef
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LAnnotationTarget
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.dsl.semantic.common.types.LFeature
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.HistValidFrom
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmAnnotationReference
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmAnnotationTarget
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmAnnotationType
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmDeclaredType
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmEnumerationLiteral
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmOperation
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmTypeReference
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.TypesFactory
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.util.TypeReferences
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.JvmTypesBuilder
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.HistValidUntil
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.HistIsCurrent
import org.eclipse.osbp.runtime.common.annotations.HistIsCustomVersion
class AnnotationExtension {
@Inject extension JvmTypesBuilder
private TypesFactory typesFactory;
private TypeReferences references;
* Creates an enum annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name, Enum<?>... enums) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmEnumAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(enums.get(0).declaringClass, context) as JvmDeclaredType
for (Enum<?> enumxx : enums) {
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
// create the literal
val JvmEnumerationLiteral literal = typesFactory.createJvmEnumerationLiteral
value.values += literal
return value
* Creates an enum annotation value and adds it the the given type reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name,
JvmTypeReference typeReference) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmTypeAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(JvmTypeReference), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
value.values += typeReference
return value
* Creates an enum annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name, Enum<?> enumX) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmEnumAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(enumX.declaringClass, context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
// create the literal
val JvmEnumerationLiteral literal = typesFactory.createJvmEnumerationLiteral
value.values += literal
return value
* Creates a boolean annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name, boolean booleanValue) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmBooleanAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(Boolean), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
value.values += booleanValue
return value
* Creates a string annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name, String stringValue) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmStringAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(String), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
value.values += stringValue
return value
def addAnno(LAnnotationTarget target, JvmAnnotationTarget jvmType, JvmAnnotationReference anno) {
val annoDef = target.annotations.findFirst[annotation.annotationType == anno.annotation]
if (annoDef === null || !annoDef.exclude) {
jvmType.annotations += anno
* Creates a string annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name, int intValue) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmIntAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(Integer), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
value.values += intValue
return value
* Creates a string annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name,
JvmAnnotationReference annotationValue) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmAnnotationAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(JvmAnnotationReference), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
value.values += annotationValue
return value
* Creates a string annotation value and adds it the the given string annotation values
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name, List<String> stringValues) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmStringAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(JvmAnnotationReference), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
for (stringValue : stringValues) {
value.values += stringValue
return value
* Creates a string annotation value and adds it the the given annotation reference
def dispatch addAnnAttr(JvmAnnotationReference annRef, EObject context, String name,
JvmAnnotationReference... annotationValues) {
// create the parameter
val value = typesFactory.createJvmAnnotationAnnotationValue
annRef.explicitValues += value
// create the enum type
val declaredType = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(JvmAnnotationReference), context) as JvmDeclaredType
// create the operation
val JvmOperation op = typesFactory.createJvmOperation
return value
* Returns a map with all excluded types
def Map<String, LAnnotationDef> excludedTypes(List<LAnnotationDef> defs) {
return defs.filter([exclude]).toMap(
val anno = it.annotation
if (anno.annotationType != null) {
return anno.annotationType.qualifiedName
return ""
* Returns a map with all included types
def Map<String, LAnnotationDef> redefinedTypes(List<LAnnotationDef> defs) {
return defs.filter([!exclude]).toMap(
val anno = it.annotation
if (anno.annotationType != null) {
return anno.annotationType.qualifiedName
return ""
* Returns true, if the clazz.canonicalName exists in the excluded types of defs
def isExcluded(Class<?> clazz, List<LAnnotationDef> defs) {
if (defs == null) {
return false;
return defs.excludedTypes.containsKey(clazz.canonicalName)
* Returns true, if the clazz.canonicalName exists in the included types of defs
def isRedefined(Class<?> clazz, List<LAnnotationDef> defs) {
if (defs == null) {
return false;
return clazz.getRedefined(defs) != null
* Returns true, if the clazz.canonicalName exists in the included types of defs
def getRedefined(Class<?> clazz, List<LAnnotationDef> defs) {
if (defs == null) {
return null;
return defs.redefinedTypes.get(clazz.canonicalName)
def boolean isTransientAnnoExcluded(LFeature member) {
return typeof(Transient).isExcluded(member.annotations)
def boolean isTransientAnnoRedefined(LFeature member) {
return typeof(Transient).isRedefined(member.annotations)
def boolean isTransientAnnoCreated(JvmAnnotationTarget target, EObject context) {
return target.containsAnnotation(typeof(Transient), context)
def LAnnotationDef getTransientAnnoRedefine(LFeature member) {
return typeof(Transient).getRedefined(member.annotations)
def boolean isHistorizedValidFromAnnotation(LAttribute member) {
val result = member.annotationInfo.annotations.findFirst [
val type = it.annotation.annotationType
val ref = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(HistValidFrom), member)
return type === ref
return result !== null
def boolean isHistorizedValidUntilAnnotation(LAttribute member) {
val result = member.annotationInfo.annotations.findFirst [
val type = it.annotation.annotationType
val ref = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(HistValidUntil), member)
return type === ref
return result !== null
def boolean isHistorizedIsCurrentAnnotation(LAttribute member) {
val result = member.annotationInfo.annotations.findFirst [
val type = it.annotation.annotationType
val ref = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(HistIsCurrent), member)
return type === ref
return result !== null
def boolean isHistorizedIsCustomVersionAnnotation(LAttribute member) {
val result = member.annotationInfo.annotations.findFirst [
val type = it.annotation.annotationType
val ref = references.findDeclaredType(typeof(HistIsCustomVersion), member)
return type === ref
return result !== null
def boolean containsAnnotation(JvmAnnotationTarget target, Class<?> type, EObject context) {
for (anno : target.annotations) {
var JvmAnnotationType resolved
val JvmAnnotationType xan = anno.annotation;
if (xan !== null) {
if (xan.eIsProxy) {
resolved = EcoreUtil::resolve(xan, context) as JvmAnnotationType
} else {
resolved = xan
if (resolved.qualifiedName !== null) {
if (resolved.qualifiedName.equals(type.canonicalName)) {
return true;