blob: 3c3ea53510df10bb4db1502e988b797c9ab0fbe9 [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* Copyright (C) - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany
* *
* This source was created by OSBP Softwarefactory Wizard! *
* *
* OSBP is (C) - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany *
* *
* *
* @file $HeadURL$
* @version $Revision$
* @date $Date$
* @author $Author$
* *
package org.osbp.mysmartshop.entities {
import org.osbp.mysmartshop.datatypes.*
mapped superclass BaseID {
id int id;
mapped superclass BaseUUID {
uuid String id;
entity DtoTestParent extends BaseUUID {
var String string;
ref cascade DtoTestChildContainment [*] containmentChilds opposite container
ref DtoTestChildCrossRef [*] crossRefChilds opposite container
ref DtoTestChildCrossRef crossRefChild
var DtoTestBean beanx;
entity DtoTestChildContainment extends BaseUUID {
ref DtoTestParent container opposite containmentChilds
entity DtoTestChildCrossRef extends BaseUUID {
ref DtoTestParent container opposite crossRefChilds
bean DtoTestBean {
var String foo;
ref DtoTestChildCrossRef crossRefChild;
entity Mcustomer extends BaseID {
var long account_num
var String lname
var String fname
var String mi
var String address1
var String address2
var String address3
var String address4
var String city
var String state_province
var String postal_code
var String country
var String phone1
var String phone2
var Date birthdate
var String marital_status
var String yearly_income
var String gender
var int total_children
var int num_children_at_home
var String education
var String date_accnt_opened
var String member_card
var String occupation
var String houseowner
var int num_cars_owned
domainKey String fullname
var String test
ref CashSlip [*] slips opposite customer
derived String foo {
return country + "_" + city
cacheable entity CashRegister extends BaseUUID {
domainKey String num
var String ip
var String location
var String currentDay
ref CashSlip [*] slips opposite register
unique index cashIpIndex {
unique index cashNumIndex {
entity CashSlip extends BaseUUID {
var String currentDay
var Timestamp now
var String cashier
var Price total
var long serial
var boolean payed
ref cascade CashPosition [*] positions opposite slip
ref Mcustomer customer opposite slips
ref CashRegister register opposite slips
ref cascade CashPayment [*] payments opposite slip
def String when() {
if(now != null)
return java.text.SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(java.text.DateFormat.SHORT).format(now)
} return ""
index currentDay_index {
index serial_index {
currentDay , serial
entity CashPosition extends BaseUUID {
var Timestamp now
var double quantity
var Price price
var Price amount
ref CashSlip slip opposite positions
entity CashPayment extends BaseUUID {
var Timestamp now
var Price payed
ref CashSlip slip opposite payments
ref CashPaymentMethod methodOfPayment opposite payments
entity CashPaymentMethod extends BaseUUID {
domainKey String num
domainDescription String name
var Boolean credit
var PaymentMethod imageName
var double lowerLimit
ref CashPayment [*] payments opposite methodOfPayment
unique index paymentNumIndex {
/** relation of the company to the owner - not the user - of this personal information manager */
entity CompanyRelationType extends BaseUUID {
/** short name for this relation type */
domainKey String name;
/** more detailed description */
var String description;
/** a company group consisting of a group of companies, from one is defined as the main company */
entity CompanyGroup extends BaseUUID {
/** name of the company group */
domainKey String name;
/** more detailed description with usable information for the PIM owner */
var String description;
/** the main company */
ref Company main_company;
/** group of companies */
ref Company [*] companies opposite company_group;
/** a company */
entity Company extends BaseUUID {
/** the company group if any */
ref CompanyGroup company_group opposite companies;
/** name of the company */
domainKey String name;
/** more detailed description with usable information for the PIM owner */
var String description;
/** relation of the company to the PIM owner */
ref CompanyRelationType relation_type;
/** any number of addresses */
ref cascade Address [*] address opposite company;
/** departments of this company */
ref cascade Department [*] departments opposite company;
/** an address */
entity Address extends BaseUUID {
/** if address for a company, the company is given */
ref Company company opposite address;
/** if address for a department, the address is given */
ref Department department opposite address;
/** if address for a person, the person is given */
// ref cascade PostalAddress[*] postal_adresses opposite address;
/** address field 1 */
var String address1;
/** address field 2 */
var String address2;
/** city */
var String city;
/** state province */
var String state_province;
/** postal code */
var String postal_code;
/** country */
var String country;
// ref cascade Email[*] emails opposite address;
/** email */
var String email;
// ref cascade Phone[*] phones opposite address;
/** landline (Festnetznummer) */
var String landline;
/** mobile */
var String mobile;
/** a companies department */
entity Department extends BaseUUID {
/** the company */
ref Company company opposite departments;
/** name of the department */
domainKey String name;
/** more detailed description with usable information for the PIM owner */
var String description;
/** any number of addresses */
ref cascade Address [*] address opposite department;
/** any number of employees */
var double default_yearly_income;