blob: 00174d2511dfafbc4e3fd1899fb3ef02359ca894 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id: Editor.js,v 1.36 2014/02/11 09:27:17 gaudenz Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2006-2012, JGraph Ltd
// Specifies if local storage should be used (eg. on the iPad which has no filesystem)
var useLocalStorage = typeof(Storage) != 'undefined' && (mxClient.IS_IOS || urlParams['storage'] == 'local');
var fileSupport = window.File != null && window.FileReader != null && window.FileList != null;
// Specifies if the touch UI should be used
var touchStyle = mxClient.IS_TOUCH || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 || urlParams['touch'] == '1';
// Counts open editor tabs (must be global for cross-window access)
var counter = 0;
// Cross-domain window access is not allowed in FF, so if we
// were opened from another domain then this will fail.
var op = window;
while (op.opener != null && !isNaN(op.opener.counter))
op = op.opener;
// Increments the counter in the first opener in the chain
if (op != null)
counter = op.counter;
catch (e)
// ignore
* Editor constructor executed on page load.
Editor = function()
this.graph = new Graph();
this.outline = new mxOutline(this.graph);
this.outline.updateOnPan = true;
this.undoManager = this.createUndoManager();
this.status = '';
this.getOrCreateFilename = function()
return this.filename || mxResources.get('drawing', [counter]) + '.xml';
this.getFilename = function()
return this.filename;
// Sets the status and fires a statusChanged event
this.setStatus = function(value)
this.status = value;
this.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('statusChanged'));
// Returns the current status
this.getStatus = function()
return this.status;
// Updates modified state if graph changes
this.graphChangeListener = function()
this.graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, mxUtils.bind(this, function()
this.graphChangeListener.apply(this, arguments);
// Sets persistent graph state defaults
this.graph.resetViewOnRootChange = false;
this.graph.scrollbars = this.defaultScrollbars;
this.graph.background = null;
// Editor inherits from mxEventSource
mxUtils.extend(Editor, mxEventSource);
* Specifies the image URL to be used for the grid.
Editor.prototype.gridImage = IMAGE_PATH + '/grid.gif';
* Scrollbars are enabled on non-touch devices. Disabled on Firefox because it causes problems with touch
* events and touch feature cannot be detected.
Editor.prototype.defaultScrollbars = !touchStyle && (!mxClient.IS_NS || mxClient.IS_SF || mxClient.IS_GC);
* Specifies the image URL to be used for the transparent background.
Editor.prototype.transparentImage = IMAGE_PATH + '/transparent.gif';
* Specifies if the editor is enabled. Default is true.
Editor.prototype.enabled = true;
* Contains the name which was used for the last save. Default value is null.
Editor.prototype.filename = null;
* Contains the current modified state of the diagram. This is false for
* new diagrams and after the diagram was saved.
Editor.prototype.modified = false;
* Specifies if the diagram should be saved automatically if possible. Default
* is true.
Editor.prototype.autosave = true;
* Specifies the app name. Default is document.title.
Editor.prototype.appName = document.title;
* Sets the XML node for the current diagram.
Editor.prototype.resetGraph = function()
this.graph.view.scale = 1;
this.graph.gridEnabled = true;
this.graph.graphHandler.guidesEnabled = true;
this.graph.foldingEnabled = true;
this.graph.scrollbars = this.defaultScrollbars;
this.graph.pageVisible = true;
this.graph.pageBreaksVisible = this.graph.pageVisible;
this.graph.preferPageSize = this.graph.pageBreaksVisible;
this.graph.background = null;
this.graph.pageScale = mxGraph.prototype.pageScale;
* Sets the XML node for the current diagram.
Editor.prototype.setGraphXml = function(node)
var dec = new mxCodec(node.ownerDocument);
if (node.nodeName == 'mxGraphModel')
this.graph.view.scale = 1;
this.graph.gridEnabled = node.getAttribute('grid') != '0';
this.graph.graphHandler.guidesEnabled = node.getAttribute('guides') != '0';
this.graph.setTooltips(node.getAttribute('tooltips') != '0');
this.graph.setConnectable(node.getAttribute('connect') != '0');
this.graph.foldingEnabled = node.getAttribute('fold') != '0';
this.graph.pageVisible = node.getAttribute('page') == '1';
this.graph.pageBreaksVisible = this.graph.pageVisible;
this.graph.preferPageSize = this.graph.pageBreaksVisible;
// Loads the persistent state settings
var ps = node.getAttribute('pageScale');
if (ps != null)
this.graph.pageScale = ps;
this.graph.pageScale = mxGraph.prototype.pageScale;
var pw = node.getAttribute('pageWidth');
var ph = node.getAttribute('pageHeight');
if (pw != null && ph != null)
this.graph.pageFormat = new mxRectangle(0, 0, parseFloat(pw), parseFloat(ph));
this.outline.outline.pageFormat = this.graph.pageFormat;
// Loads the persistent state settings
var bg = node.getAttribute('background');
if (bg != null && bg.length > 0)
this.graph.background = bg;
this.graph.background = null;
dec.decode(node, this.graph.getModel());
else if (node.nodeName == 'root')
// Workaround for invalid XML output in Firefox 20 due to bug in mxUtils.getXml
var wrapper = dec.document.createElement('mxGraphModel');
dec.decode(wrapper, this.graph.getModel());
throw {
message: 'Cannot open file',
toString: function() { return this.message; }
* Returns the XML node that represents the current diagram.
Editor.prototype.getGraphXml = function()
var enc = new mxCodec(mxUtils.createXmlDocument());
var node = enc.encode(this.graph.getModel());
if (this.graph.view.translate.x != 0 || this.graph.view.translate.y != 0)
node.setAttribute('dx', Math.round(this.graph.view.translate.x * 100) / 100);
node.setAttribute('dy', Math.round(this.graph.view.translate.y * 100) / 100);
node.setAttribute('grid', (this.graph.isGridEnabled()) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('guides', (this.graph.graphHandler.guidesEnabled) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('guides', (this.graph.graphHandler.guidesEnabled) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('tooltips', (this.graph.tooltipHandler.isEnabled()) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('connect', (this.graph.connectionHandler.isEnabled()) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('fold', (this.graph.foldingEnabled) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('page', (this.graph.pageVisible) ? '1' : '0');
node.setAttribute('pageScale', this.graph.pageScale);
node.setAttribute('pageWidth', this.graph.pageFormat.width);
node.setAttribute('pageHeight', this.graph.pageFormat.height);
if (this.graph.background != null)
node.setAttribute('background', this.graph.background);
return node;
* Keeps the graph container in sync with the persistent graph state
Editor.prototype.updateGraphComponents = function()
var graph = this.graph;
var outline = this.outline;
if (graph.container != null && outline.outline.container != null)
var bg = (graph.background == null || graph.background == 'none') ? '#ffffff' : graph.background;
if (graph.view.backgroundPageShape != null)
graph.view.backgroundPageShape.fill = bg;
} = bg;
if (graph.pageVisible)
{ = '#ebebeb'; = 'solid'; = '#e5e5e5'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '0px'; = '0px';
{ = '';
} =;
if (outline.outline.pageVisible != graph.pageVisible || outline.outline.pageScale != graph.pageScale)
outline.outline.pageScale = graph.pageScale;
outline.outline.pageVisible = graph.pageVisible;
if (!graph.scrollbars)
{ = 'hidden';
else if (graph.scrollbars)
{ = 'auto';
// Transparent.gif is a workaround for focus repaint problems in IE
var noBackground = (mxClient.IS_IE && document.documentMode >= 9) ? 'url(' + this.transparentImage + ')' : 'none'; = noBackground;
var bgImg = (!graph.pageVisible && graph.isGridEnabled()) ? 'url(' + this.gridImage + ')' : noBackground;
if (graph.view.canvas.ownerSVGElement != null)
{ = bgImg;
{ = bgImg;
if (graph.view.backgroundPageShape != null)
{ = (this.graph.isGridEnabled()) ? 'url(' + this.gridImage + ')' : 'none';
* Sets the modified flag.
Editor.prototype.setModified = function(value)
this.modified = value;
* Sets the filename.
Editor.prototype.setFilename = function(value)
this.filename = value;
* Initializes the environment.
Editor.prototype.init = function()
// Adds stylesheet for IE6
if (mxClient.IS_IE6)
{'stylesheet', CSS_PATH + '/grapheditor-ie6.css');
// Adds required resources (disables loading of fallback properties, this can only
// be used if we know that all keys are defined in the language specific file)
mxResources.loadDefaultBundle = false;
// Makes the connection hotspot smaller
mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT = 0.3;
var mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker;
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function()
var marker = mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments);
// Overrides to ignore hotspot only for target terminal
marker.intersects = mxUtils.bind(this, function(state, evt)
if (this.isConnecting())
return true;
return mxCellMarker.prototype.intersects.apply(marker, arguments);
return marker;
// Makes the shadow brighter
mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR = '#d0d0d0';
// Changes some default colors
mxConstants.HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#99ccff';
mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = '#0088cf';
mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#99ccff';
mxConstants.OUTLINE_HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.CONNECT_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#cee7ff';
mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR = '#00a8ff';
mxConstants.LABEL_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = '#cee7ff';
mxConstants.GUIDE_COLOR = '#0088cf';
mxGraph.prototype.pageBreakColor = '#c0c0c0';
mxGraph.prototype.pageScale = 1;
// Adds rotation handle and live preview
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotationEnabled = true;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.manageSizers = true;
mxVertexHandler.prototype.livePreview = true;
// Matches label positions of mxGraph 1.x
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingTop = 5;
mxText.prototype.baseSpacingBottom = 1;
// Increases default rubberband opacity (default is 20)
mxRubberband.prototype.defaultOpacity = 30;
// Changes border color of background page shape
mxGraphView.prototype.createBackgroundPageShape = function(bounds)
return new mxRectangleShape(bounds, this.graph.background || 'white', '#cacaca');
// Fits the number of background pages to the graph
mxGraphView.prototype.getBackgroundPageBounds = function()
var gb = this.getGraphBounds();
// Computes unscaled, untranslated graph bounds
var x = (gb.width > 0) ? gb.x / this.scale - this.translate.x : 0;
var y = (gb.height > 0) ? gb.y / this.scale - this.translate.y : 0;
var w = gb.width / this.scale;
var h = gb.height / this.scale;
var fmt = this.graph.pageFormat;
var ps = this.graph.pageScale;
var pw = fmt.width * ps;
var ph = fmt.height * ps;
var x0 = Math.floor(Math.min(0, x) / pw);
var y0 = Math.floor(Math.min(0, y) / ph);
var xe = Math.ceil(Math.max(1, x + w) / pw);
var ye = Math.ceil(Math.max(1, y + h) / ph);
var rows = xe - x0;
var cols = ye - y0;
var bounds = new mxRectangle(this.scale * (this.translate.x + x0 * pw), this.scale *
(this.translate.y + y0 * ph), this.scale * rows * pw, this.scale * cols * ph);
return bounds;
// Add panning for background page in VML
var graphPanGraph = mxGraph.prototype.panGraph;
mxGraph.prototype.panGraph = function(dx, dy)
graphPanGraph.apply(this, arguments);
if ((this.dialect != mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG && this.view.backgroundPageShape != null) &&
(!this.useScrollbarsForPanning || !mxUtils.hasScrollbars(this.container)))
{ = dx + 'px'; = dy + 'px';
// Adds pinch support for background page
// TODO: Scale background page on iOS
/*var panningHandlerScaleGraph = mxPanningHandler.prototype.scaleGraph;
mxPanningHandler.prototype.scaleGraph = function(scale, preview)
panningHandlerScaleGraph.apply(this, arguments);
var shape = this.graph.view.backgroundPageShape;
if (shape != null)
if (preview)
mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(, 'transform', 'scale(' + scale + ')');
mxUtils.setPrefixedStyle(, 'transform', '');
var editor = this;
// Uses HTML for background pages (to support grid background image)
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackground = function()
var bg = this.graph.getBackgroundImage();
if (bg != null)
if (this.backgroundImage == null || this.backgroundImage.image != bg.src)
if (this.backgroundImage != null)
var bounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
this.backgroundImage = new mxImageShape(bounds, bg.src);
this.backgroundImage.dialect = this.graph.dialect;
this.redrawBackgroundImage(this.backgroundImage, bg);
else if (this.backgroundImage != null)
this.backgroundImage = null;
if (this.graph.pageVisible)
var bounds = this.getBackgroundPageBounds();
if (this.backgroundPageShape == null)
this.backgroundPageShape = this.createBackgroundPageShape(bounds);
this.backgroundPageShape.scale = 1;
this.backgroundPageShape.isShadow = true;
this.backgroundPageShape.dialect = mxConstants.DIALECT_STRICTHTML;
// Required for the browser to render the background page in correct order = 'absolute';
this.graph.container.insertBefore(this.backgroundPageShape.node, this.graph.container.firstChild);
this.backgroundPageShape.node.className = 'geBackgroundPage';
// Adds listener for double click handling on background
mxEvent.addListener(this.backgroundPageShape.node, 'dblclick',
mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// Adds basic listeners for graph event dispatching outside of the
// container and finishing the handling of a single gesture
mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, new mxMouseEvent(evt));
mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
// Hides the tooltip if mouse is outside container
if (this.graph.tooltipHandler != null && this.graph.tooltipHandler.isHideOnHover())
if (this.graph.isMouseDown && !mxEvent.isConsumed(evt))
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, new mxMouseEvent(evt));
mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt)
this.graph.fireMouseEvent(mxEvent.MOUSE_UP, new mxMouseEvent(evt));
this.backgroundPageShape.scale = 1;
this.backgroundPageShape.bounds = bounds;
this.backgroundPageShape.redraw(); = '-1px -1px';
} = (this.graph.isGridEnabled()) ?
'url(' + editor.gridImage + ')' : 'none';
else if (this.backgroundPageShape != null)
this.backgroundPageShape = null;
// Draws page breaks only within the page
mxGraph.prototype.updatePageBreaks = function(visible, width, height)
var scale = this.view.scale;
var tr = this.view.translate;
var fmt = this.pageFormat;
var ps = scale * this.pageScale;
var bounds2 = this.view.getBackgroundPageBounds();
width = bounds2.width;
height = bounds2.height;
var bounds = new mxRectangle(scale * tr.x, scale * tr.y, fmt.width * ps, fmt.height * ps);
// Does not show page breaks if the scale is too small
visible = visible && Math.min(bounds.width, bounds.height) > this.minPageBreakDist;
var horizontalCount = (visible) ? Math.ceil(width / bounds.width) - 1 : 0;
var verticalCount = (visible) ? Math.ceil(height / bounds.height) - 1 : 0;
var right = bounds2.x + width;
var bottom = bounds2.y + height;
if (this.horizontalPageBreaks == null && horizontalCount > 0)
this.horizontalPageBreaks = [];
if (this.horizontalPageBreaks != null)
for (var i = 0; i <= horizontalCount; i++)
var pts = [new mxPoint(bounds2.x + (i + 1) * bounds.width, bounds2.y),
new mxPoint(bounds2.x + (i + 1) * bounds.width, bottom)];
if (this.horizontalPageBreaks[i] != null)
this.horizontalPageBreaks[i].scale = 1;
this.horizontalPageBreaks[i].points = pts;
var pageBreak = new mxPolyline(pts, this.pageBreakColor, this.scale);
pageBreak.dialect = this.dialect;
pageBreak.isDashed = this.pageBreakDashed;
pageBreak.addPipe = false;
pageBreak.scale = scale;
this.horizontalPageBreaks[i] = pageBreak;
for (var i = horizontalCount; i < this.horizontalPageBreaks.length; i++)
this.horizontalPageBreaks.splice(horizontalCount, this.horizontalPageBreaks.length - horizontalCount);
if (this.verticalPageBreaks == null && verticalCount > 0)
this.verticalPageBreaks = [];
if (this.verticalPageBreaks != null)
for (var i = 0; i <= verticalCount; i++)
var pts = [new mxPoint(bounds2.x, bounds2.y + (i + 1) * bounds.height),
new mxPoint(right, bounds2.y + (i + 1) * bounds.height)];
if (this.verticalPageBreaks[i] != null)
this.verticalPageBreaks[i].scale = 1; //scale;
this.verticalPageBreaks[i].points = pts;
var pageBreak = new mxPolyline(pts, this.pageBreakColor, scale);
pageBreak.dialect = this.dialect;
pageBreak.isDashed = this.pageBreakDashed;
pageBreak.addPipe = false;
pageBreak.scale = scale;
this.verticalPageBreaks[i] = pageBreak;
for (var i = verticalCount; i < this.verticalPageBreaks.length; i++)
this.verticalPageBreaks.splice(verticalCount, this.verticalPageBreaks.length - verticalCount);
// Enables snapping to off-grid terminals for edge waypoints
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true;
// Enables guides
mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = true;
// Disables removing relative children from parents
var mxGraphHandlerShouldRemoveCellsFromParent = mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function(parent, cells, evt)
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (this.graph.getModel().isVertex(cells[i]))
var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(cells[i]);
if (geo != null && geo.relative)
return false;
return mxGraphHandlerShouldRemoveCellsFromParent.apply(this, arguments);
// Alt-move disables guides
mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt)
return !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt);
// Consumes click events for disabled menu items
mxPopupMenuAddItem = mxPopupMenu.prototype.addItem;
mxPopupMenu.prototype.addItem = function(title, image, funct, parent, iconCls, enabled)
var result = mxPopupMenuAddItem.apply(this, arguments);
if (enabled != null && !enabled)
mxEvent.addListener(result, 'mousedown', function(evt)
return result;
// Selects descendants before children selection mode
var graphHandlerGetInitialCellForEvent = mxGraphHandler.prototype.getInitialCellForEvent;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.getInitialCellForEvent = function(me)
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var psel = model.getParent(this.graph.getSelectionCell());
var cell = graphHandlerGetInitialCellForEvent.apply(this, arguments);
var parent = model.getParent(cell);
if (psel == null || (psel != cell && psel != parent))
while (!this.graph.isCellSelected(cell) && !this.graph.isCellSelected(parent) &&
model.isVertex(parent) && !this.graph.isValidRoot(parent))
cell = parent;
parent = this.graph.getModel().getParent(cell);
return cell;
// Selection is delayed to mouseup if child selected
var graphHandlerIsDelayedSelection = mxGraphHandler.prototype.isDelayedSelection;
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isDelayedSelection = function(cell)
var result = graphHandlerIsDelayedSelection.apply(this, arguments);
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var psel = model.getParent(this.graph.getSelectionCell());
var parent = model.getParent(cell);
if (psel == null || (psel != cell && psel != parent))
if (!this.graph.isCellSelected(cell) && model.isVertex(parent) && !this.graph.isValidRoot(parent))
result = true;
return result;
// Delayed selection of parent group
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectDelayed = function(me)
if (!this.graph.popupMenuHandler.isPopupTrigger(me))
var cell = me.getCell();
if (cell == null)
cell = this.cell;
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var parent = model.getParent(cell);
while (this.graph.isCellSelected(cell) && model.isVertex(parent) && !this.graph.isValidRoot(parent))
cell = parent;
parent = model.getParent(cell);
this.graph.selectCellForEvent(cell, me.getEvent());
// Returns last selected ancestor
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.getCellForPopupEvent = function(me)
var cell = me.getCell();
var model = this.graph.getModel();
var parent = model.getParent(cell);
while (model.isVertex(parent) && !this.graph.isValidRoot(parent))
if (this.graph.isCellSelected(parent))
cell = parent;
parent = model.getParent(parent);
return cell;
* Creates and returns a new undo manager.
Editor.prototype.createUndoManager = function()
var graph = this.graph;
var undoMgr = new mxUndoManager();
this.undoListener = function(sender, evt)
// Installs the command history
var listener = mxUtils.bind(this, function(sender, evt)
this.undoListener.apply(this, arguments);
graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener);
graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener);
// Keeps the selection in sync with the history
var undoHandler = function(sender, evt)
var cand = graph.getSelectionCellsForChanges(evt.getProperty('edit').changes);
var cells = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cand.length; i++)
if (graph.view.getState(cand[i]) != null)
undoMgr.addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, undoHandler);
undoMgr.addListener(mxEvent.REDO, undoHandler);
return undoMgr;
* Adds basic stencil set (no namespace).
Editor.prototype.initStencilRegistry = function()
// Loads default stencils
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(STENCIL_PATH + '/general.xml');
* Overrides stencil registry for dynamic loading of stencils.
* Maps from library names to an array of Javascript filenames,
* which are synchronously loaded. Currently only stencil files
* (.xml) and JS files (.js) are supported.
* IMPORTANT: For embedded diagrams to work entries must also
* be added in
mxStencilRegistry.libraries = {};
* Stores all package names that have been dynamically loaded.
* Each package is only loaded once.
mxStencilRegistry.packages = [];
// Extends the default stencil registry to add dynamic loading
mxStencilRegistry.getStencil = function(name)
var result = mxStencilRegistry.stencils[name];
if (result == null)
var basename = mxStencilRegistry.getBasenameForStencil(name);
// Loads stencil files and tries again
if (basename != null)
var libs = mxStencilRegistry.libraries[basename];
if (libs != null)
if (mxStencilRegistry.packages[basename] == null)
mxStencilRegistry.packages[basename] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < libs.length; i++)
var fname = libs[i];
if (fname.toLowerCase().substring(fname.length - 4, fname.length) == '.xml')
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(fname, null);
else if (fname.toLowerCase().substring(fname.length - 3, fname.length) == '.js')
var req = mxUtils.load(fname);
if (req != null)
{, req.getText());
// FIXME: This does not yet work as the loading is triggered after
// the shape was used in the graph, at which point the keys have
// typically been translated in the calling method.
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet(STENCIL_PATH + '/' + basename + '.xml', null);
result = mxStencilRegistry.stencils[name];
return result;
// Returns the basename for the given stencil or null if no file must be
// loaded to render the given stencil.
mxStencilRegistry.getBasenameForStencil = function(name)
var parts = name.split('.');
var tmp = null;
if (parts.length > 0 && parts[0] == 'mxgraph')
tmp = parts[1];
for (var i = 2; i < parts.length - 1; i++)
tmp += '/' + parts[i];
return tmp;
// Loads the given stencil set
mxStencilRegistry.loadStencilSet = function(stencilFile, postStencilLoad, force)
force = (force != null) ? force : false;
// Uses additional cache for detecting previous load attempts
var xmlDoc = mxStencilRegistry.packages[stencilFile];
if (force || xmlDoc == null)
var install = false;
if (xmlDoc == null)
var req = mxUtils.load(stencilFile);
xmlDoc = req.getXml();
mxStencilRegistry.packages[stencilFile] = xmlDoc;
install = true;
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet(xmlDoc.documentElement, postStencilLoad, install);
// Parses the given stencil set
mxStencilRegistry.parseStencilSet = function(root, postStencilLoad, install)
install = (install != null) ? install : true;
var shape = root.firstChild;
var packageName = '';
var name = root.getAttribute('name');
if (name != null)
packageName = name + '.';
while (shape != null)
if (shape.nodeType == mxConstants.NODETYPE_ELEMENT)
name = shape.getAttribute('name');
if (name != null)
packageName = packageName.toLowerCase();
var stencilName = name.replace(/ /g,"_");
if (install)
mxStencilRegistry.addStencil(packageName + stencilName.toLowerCase(), new mxStencil(shape));
if (postStencilLoad != null)
var w = shape.getAttribute('w');
var h = shape.getAttribute('h');
w = (w == null) ? 80 : parseInt(w, 10);
h = (h == null) ? 80 : parseInt(h, 10);
postStencilLoad(packageName, stencilName, name, w, h);
shape = shape.nextSibling;
* Class for asynchronously opening a new window and loading a file at the same
* time. This acts as a bridge between the open dialog and the new editor.
OpenFile = function(done)
this.producer = null;
this.consumer = null;
this.done = done;
* Registers the editor from the new window.
OpenFile.prototype.setConsumer = function(value)
this.consumer = value;
* Sets the data from the loaded file.
OpenFile.prototype.setData = function(value, filename)
{ = value;
this.filename = filename;
* Displays an error message.
OpenFile.prototype.error = function(msg)
* Consumes the data.
OpenFile.prototype.execute = function()
if (this.consumer != null && != null)
this.consumer(, this.filename);
* Cancels the operation.
OpenFile.prototype.cancel = function(cancel)
if (this.done != null)
this.done((cancel != null) ? cancel : true);