blob: 010142fde6573970be052b9edec20f3a35eb026d [file] [log] [blame]
/// @group components/popup
/// Popup overlay that contains a perspective selector (at the point of styling...).
@mixin os-popup-perspective {
.v-window-header {
@include os-typeface-view-h2;
.v-icon {
padding-right: $v-unit-size * 0.3;
text-align: center;
.v-window-outerheader {
&:after {
border-top-width: 0px;
.v-window-contents {
padding-top: $v-line-height * $v-scaling-factor--large + $v-layout-spacing-vertical*2 !important;
.v-window-closebox {
@include os-icon-font ( $size: $v-font-size,
$float: right,
$content: '\f410');
&:before {
color: $v-error-indicator-color;
.v-window-maximizebox {
@include os-icon-font ( $size: $v-font-size,
$float: right,
$content: '\f2d0');
.v-window-restorebox {
@include os-icon-font ($float: right,
$size: $v-font-size,
$line-height: $v-unit-size,
$content: '\f24d',
$mirror: true);
.v-window-restorebox, .v-window-closebox, .v-window-maximizebox {
padding: $v-layout-spacing-vertical $v-layout-spacing-vertical 0px 0px;
.v-window-closebox-disabled {
display: block;
cursor: auto;
color: get_color_mix(valo-font-color($os-light-contrast), #fff, 50);
.v-table-cell-content {
height: floor($v-unit-size * 1.3);
/// Notification overlay.
@mixin os-popup-notification {
h1[class^="v-Notification"] {
font-size: $v-font-size * $v-scaling-factor--large;
background: none;
border: none;