blob: 450e03144f688b2ba3f4c74719be744364b1a42e [file] [log] [blame]
/// @group layout/header
/// The fixed top portion of the entire application. Contains user-menu, some controls and tabs for switching perspectives.
/// @param {string} variant Can look different according to selected theme flavor.
@mixin os-header($variant: os) {
@if $variant == os {
$header-separator-height: $os-splitter-size - 3;
$os-main-header-bg: $os-splitter-shade;
// the very top
.v-menubar {
//display: none;
//background-image: url("../image/osbee-logo.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 50%;
background-size: auto $v-unit-size; //w h
background-color: $os-main-header-bg;
@if $os-bordered == true {
border: 0px;
/* border-bottom: ceil($v-unit-size/11) solid $os-odd-highlight; */
height: $v-unit-size + ceil($v-unit-size/11);
@else {
border: 0px;
border-bottom: $v-border;
@include box-shadow(none);
/* second row */
.v-ui > .v-panel > .v-panel-content > .v-verticallayout > .v-expand >
.v-slot > .v-verticallayout > .v-expand {
> .v-slot:nth-child(1) {
/* NO borders, paddings, margins or height declarations in this area.
* Content will be pushed beneath the bottom of the browser
* window due to e4/vaaclipse restrictions. */
@if $os-bordered == true {
/* fake top border: */
@include linear-gradient(to bottom, $os-odd-highlight $header-separator-height, $os-main-header-bg $header-separator-height);
@else {
/* fake bottom border: */
@include linear-gradient(to top, $os-odd-highlight $header-separator-height, $os-main-header-bg $header-separator-height);
/*@include linear-gradient(to top, $os-light-contrast $header-separator-height,
$v-focus-color $header-separator-height,
$v-focus-color $os-splitter-size,
$os-main-header-bg $os-splitter-size);*/
/* removes empty v-slot/spacer in header-area */
> .v-slot:nth-child(2) {
//height: 0px !important;
display: none;
@if $os-bordered == false {
> .v.slot:nth-child(3) {
@include box-shadow(none);
.toptrimbar {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
position: inherit;
bottom: 0px;
height: 2.2 * $v-unit-size + $header-separator-height;
@if $web==true {
height: 2 * $v-unit-size + $header-separator-height;
@if $os-bordered==true {
height: 2.5 * $v-unit-size;
.ToolControlMenu {
//padding-top: inherit;//floor($v-unit-size/2);
position: relative;
top: 10%;
.ToolControlCombo {
//padding-top: inherit;//floor($v-unit-size/2);
position: relative;
top: 75%;
@else {
.ToolControlMenu {
vertical-align: text-top;
.ToolControlCombo {
//padding-top: inherit;//floor($v-unit-size/2);
position: relative;
top: 75%;
.v-button {
border: none;
/* background: transparent; */
/* padding: 0px; */
/* .v-filterselect, .v-filterselect-input { */
/* override _dialog */
/* background-color: $os-main-header-bg !important; */
/* color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg) !important; */
/* @include box-shadow(none); */
/* border-bottom: $v-border; */
/* } */
/* .v-filterselect.v-widget.os-combobox-with-icon .v-icon { */
/* language selection icon position (header) */
/* z-index: 999; */
/* } */
td.v-formlayout-errorcell, td.v-formlayout-captioncell {
border-bottom: none;
.perspectivepanel {
@include os-button-perspectivepanel;
position: absolute;
margin-right: $v-unit-size;
@if $os-bordered == true {
top: $header-separator-height;
@else {
bottom: $header-separator-height;
.v-button-pushed {
background: $os-button-as-tab !important;
border-color: $os-button-as-tab !important;
.v-button-caption {
color: valo-font-color($os-button-as-tab) !important;
@if $variant == cxo {
$os-main-header-bg: $os-splitter-shade;
$header-separator-height: 2px;
/* the very top */
.v-menubar {
/* background-repeat: no-repeat; */
/* background-position: 50%; */
/* background-size: auto $v-unit-size; //w h */
background-color: $os-main-header-bg;
@if $os-bordered == true {
border: 0px;
/* border-bottom: ceil($v-unit-size/11) solid $os-odd-highlight; */
height: $v-unit-size + ceil($v-unit-size/11);
@else {
border: 0px;
border-bottom: $v-border;
@include box-shadow(none);
/* second row */
.v-ui > .v-panel > .v-panel-content > .v-verticallayout > .v-expand >
.v-slot > .v-verticallayout > .v-expand {
> .v-slot:nth-child(1) {
/* NO borders, paddings, margins or height declarations possible in this area.
* Content will be pushed beneath the bottom of the browser
* window due to e4/vaaclipse restrictions. */
@if $os-bordered == true {
background-color: $os-splitter-shade;
@else {
/* fake bottom border: */
@include linear-gradient(to top, $os-odd-highlight $header-separator-height, $os-main-header-bg $header-separator-height);
@if $os-theme-desig == "cxo" {
/* fake bottom border: */
/* @include linear-gradient(to top, $os-odd-highlight $header-separator-height, $os-main-header-bg $header-separator-height); */
@include linear-gradient(to bottom, $os-header-shade-2 0%, $os-header-shade-1 90%, $os-mid-contrast 90% ,$v-app-background-color 100%);
@include linear-gradient(to top, $v-app-background-color 0px, $os-mid-contrast $os-splitter-size, #ffd210 $os-splitter-size, #fffb8e 100%);
@include linear-gradient(to top, $v-app-background-color 0px, $os-mid-contrast 1px, #ffd210 1px, #fffb8e 100%);
/*@include linear-gradient(to top, $os-light-contrast $header-separator-height,
$v-focus-color $header-separator-height,
$v-focus-color $os-splitter-size,
$os-main-header-bg $os-splitter-size);*/
/* removes empty v-slot/spacer in header-area */
> .v-slot:nth-child(2) {
//height: 0px !important;
display: none;
@if $os-bordered == false {
> .v.slot:nth-child(3) {
@include box-shadow(none);
.toptrimbar {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
position: inherit;
bottom: 0px;
height: 2.2 * $v-unit-size + $header-separator-height;
@if $os-theme-desig == "cxo" {
height: 2.2 * $v-unit-size;
/* @if $web==true { */
/* height: 2 * $v-unit-size + $header-separator-height; */
/* } */
/* @if $os-bordered==true { */
/* height: 2.5 * $v-unit-size; */
/* .ToolControlMenu { */
/* //padding-top: inherit;//floor($v-unit-size/2); */
/* position: relative; */
/* top: 10%; */
/* } */
/* .ToolControlCombo { */
/* //padding-top: inherit;//floor($v-unit-size/2); */
/* position: relative; */
/* top: 75%; */
/* } */
/* } */
/* @else { */
.ToolControlMenu {
vertical-align: text-top;
.ToolControlCombo {
padding-top: floor($v-unit-size/2);
/* position: relative; */
/* top: 75%; */
/* } */
/* .v-button { */
/* border: none; */
/* background: transparent; */
/* padding: 0px; */
/* } */
.v-filterselect, .v-filterselect-input {
/* override _forms */
background-color: $os-main-header-bg !important;
color: valo-font-color($os-main-header-bg) !important;
@include box-shadow(none);
border-bottom: $v-border;
.v-filterselect.v-widget.os-combobox-with-icon .v-icon {
/* language selection icon position (header) */
z-index: 999;
td.v-formlayout-errorcell, td.v-formlayout-captioncell {
border-bottom: none;
.perspectivepanel {
@include os-button-perspectivepanel;
margin-right: $v-unit-size;
/* @if $os-bordered == true { */
position: absolute;
bottom: 0px;
/* } */
/* @else { */
/* position: absolute; */
/* bottom: 10%; */
/* } */
/* @if $os-theme-desig == "cxo" { */
.vaaclipsebutton.v-button-vaaclipsebutton {
height: ceil(1.6 * $v-unit-size);
/* position: absolute; */
/* bottom: $os-splitter-size; */
.v-button-vaaclipsebutton.pushed {
height: ceil(1.6 * $v-unit-size);
bottom: 0px;
background: $os-button-as-tab !important;
@include linear-gradient(to top, $os-mid-contrast 1px, $os-button-as-tab 1px);
border-color: $os-button-as-tab !important;
.v-button-caption {
color: valo-font-color($os-button-as-tab) !important;