blob: fa18c60df8553cd908f1b119b63e07f6817122a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 - Loetz GmbH&Co.KG, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Christophe Loetz (Loetz GmbH&Co.KG) - initial implementation
package org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.validation
import java.util.Set
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.basic.validation.IBasicValidatorDelegate
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.AxisEnum
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartAttribute
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartCube
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartCubeAxis
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartDSLPackage
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartDefinition
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartEntity
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartRole
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartTask
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.util.DatamartAttributeUtil
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Check
import org.eclipse.osbp.xtext.datamartdsl.DatamartSource
* Custom validation rules.
* see
class DatamartDSLValidator extends AbstractDatamartDSLValidator {
@Inject(optional=true) IBasicValidatorDelegate delegate
def checkCommercialLicensed(DatamartDefinition datamart) {
if ((datamart.source instanceof DatamartTask)) {
if(delegate !== null && !delegate.validateCommercial("datamart", "net.osbee.bpm")) {
info('''BPM is needed and not yet licensed. License BPM at''', datamart, null)
if ((datamart.source instanceof DatamartCube)) {
if(delegate !== null && !delegate.validateCommercial("datamart", "net.osbee.xtext.cube")) {
info('''Cube is needed and not yet licensed. License Cube at''', datamart, null)
def checkSecurityLicensed(DatamartRole role) {
if(delegate !== null && !delegate.validateCommercial("datamart", "net.osbee.organization.permissions")) {
info('''Authorization is needed and not yet licensed. License Authorization at''', role, null)
def checkForDuplicatedAttributeNamesOrAliases(DatamartAttribute attribute) {
var attributeNames = <String>newHashSet()
var eObj = attribute.eContainer
while ((eObj !== null) && !(eObj instanceof DatamartEntity)){
eObj = eObj.eContainer
if (eObj !== null){
(eObj as DatamartEntity).checkForDuplicatedAttributeNamesOrAliases(attributeNames)
private def void checkForDuplicatedAttributeNamesOrAliases(DatamartEntity entity, Set<String> attributeNames) {
var error = false
for (attribute : entity.attributes) {
var added = attributeNames.add(DatamartAttributeUtil.getAliasedAttributeName(attribute))
if (!added){
error = true
var errorTxt = '''Duplicated attribute names or aliases are not allowed in the same datamart definition.'''
if (attribute.aliased){
error(errorTxt, attribute, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_ATTRIBUTE__ALIAS_NAME)
} else {
error(errorTxt, attribute, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_ATTRIBUTE_BASE__ATTRIBUTE_REF)
if (!error){
var eObj = entity.eContainer
while ((eObj !== null) && !(eObj instanceof DatamartEntity)){
eObj = eObj.eContainer
if (eObj !== null){
(eObj as DatamartEntity).checkForDuplicatedAttributeNamesOrAliases(attributeNames)
* Checks if both axis "rows" and "columns" are defined when a DatamartCube definition contains either the axis "pages", "chapters" "sections" or all 3 of them.
def checkForRowsAndColumnsPresenceInCube(DatamartCube cube) {
var error = false
var hasAxisColumns = cube.axisslicer.exists[it instanceof DatamartCubeAxis && (it as DatamartCubeAxis) == AxisEnum.COLUMNS]
var hasAxisRows = cube.axisslicer.exists[it instanceof DatamartCubeAxis && (it as DatamartCubeAxis) == AxisEnum.ROWS]
var axisPages = cube.axisslicer.findFirst[it instanceof DatamartCubeAxis && (it as DatamartCubeAxis) == AxisEnum.PAGES]
var axisChapters = cube.axisslicer.findFirst[it instanceof DatamartCubeAxis && (it as DatamartCubeAxis) == AxisEnum.CHAPTERS]
var axisSections = cube.axisslicer.findFirst[it instanceof DatamartCubeAxis && (it as DatamartCubeAxis) == AxisEnum.SECTIONS]
if(axisPages!==null && !hasAxisColumns || axisPages!==null && !hasAxisRows){
error = true
var errorTxt = ''' "pages" can't be used without setting up both "columns" and "rows".'''
error(errorTxt, axisPages, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_CUBE_AXIS__AXIS)
if(axisChapters!==null && !hasAxisColumns || axisChapters!==null && !hasAxisRows){
error = true
var errorTxt = ''' ''chapters'' can't be used without setting up both ''columns'' and ''rows''.'''
error(errorTxt, axisChapters, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_CUBE_AXIS__AXIS)
if(axisSections!==null && !hasAxisColumns || axisSections!==null && !hasAxisRows){
error = true
var errorTxt = ''' ''sections'' can't be used without setting up both ''columns'' and ''rows''.'''
error(errorTxt, axisSections, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_CUBE_AXIS__AXIS)
* Checks if both axis "rows" and "columns" are defined when a DatamartEntity definition contains either the axis "pages", "chapters" "sections" or all 3 of them.
def checkForRowsAndColumnsPresenceInEntity(DatamartEntity entity) {
var error = false
var hasAxisColumns = entity.attributes.exists[it instanceof DatamartAttribute && (it as DatamartAttribute) == AxisEnum.COLUMNS]
var hasAxisRows = entity.attributes.exists[it instanceof DatamartAttribute && (it as DatamartAttribute) == AxisEnum.ROWS]
var axisPages = entity.attributes.findFirst[it instanceof DatamartAttribute && (it as DatamartAttribute) == AxisEnum.PAGES]
var axisChapters = entity.attributes.findFirst[it instanceof DatamartAttribute && (it as DatamartAttribute) == AxisEnum.CHAPTERS]
var axisSections = entity.attributes.findFirst[it instanceof DatamartAttribute && (it as DatamartAttribute) == AxisEnum.SECTIONS]
if(axisPages!==null && !hasAxisColumns || axisPages!==null && !hasAxisRows){
error = true
var errorTxt = ''' ''pages'' can't be used without setting up both ''columns'' and ''rows''.'''
error(errorTxt, axisPages, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_ATTRIBUTE__AXIS)
if(axisChapters!==null && !hasAxisColumns || axisChapters!==null && !hasAxisRows){
error = true
var errorTxt = ''' ''chapters'' can't be used without setting up both ''columns'' and ''rows''.'''
error(errorTxt, axisChapters, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_ATTRIBUTE__AXIS)
if(axisSections!==null && !hasAxisColumns || axisSections!==null && !hasAxisRows){
error = true
var errorTxt = ''' ''sections'' can't be used without setting up both ''columns'' and ''rows''.'''
error(errorTxt, axisSections, DatamartDSLPackage.Literals.DATAMART_ATTRIBUTE__AXIS)