blob: 775be77bcb4e5868a2d476c568f9f61af0259951 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.ote.ui.eviewer;
public final class Constants {
public static final String INTERNAL_FILE_NAME = "element_viewer_column_state.columns";
public static final String VIEW_ID = "org.eclipse.ote.ui.eviewer.view.ElementViewer";
public static final String COLUMN_FILE_IO_ERROR = "Processing the column file has caused an exception to occur. See Error Log for details";
public static final String COLUMN_FILE_NOT_FOUND = "The column file cannot be found found the system";
public static final String COLUMN_FILE_IS_EMPTY = "The column file appears to be empty or the file format is invalid";
public static final String[] COLUMN_FILE_EXTENSIONS = new String[] {"*.csv", "*.txt", "*.columns", "*"};