blob: ec4713ce973c212234f91adb04bcc6158a790bdd [file] [log] [blame]
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<section name="Releng">
<subsection name="Context">
<p>Goal is to be able to release this project that contains the parent pom for all Papyrus components and the archetypes to create the Components projects</p>
<subsection name="Prerequisites">
<p>Ensure the <a href=""></a> is green.</p>
<p>Ensure that no critical bugs are opened <a href=";component=Components&#38;product=Papyrus&#38;query_format=specific">;component=Components&#38;product=Papyrus&#38;query_format=specific</a></p>
<subsection name="Actions">
<li>Modify the change log located in the org.eclipse.papyrus.components.parent/src/changes/changes.xml </li>
<li>Remove the -SNAPSHOT extension in the the different pom.xml</li>
<li>Merge these modifications</li>
<li>Run the job Components: <a href="">papyrus-components</a></li>
<li>Execute the job Components: <a href="">papyrus-components-deploy-nexus</a></li>
<li>It should deploy the new version into the <a href=";quick~org.eclipse.papyrus.components">nexus repository</a> and execute downstream the website job Components: <a href="">papyrus-components-deploy-website</a>. The downstream jobs can be seen at the end of the build's console report.</li>
<li>Deploy the web site by copying the staging directory in the papyrus web git repository. To do this, first clone the <a href=""> Papyrus Web git repository </a> and unzip in the components/components/ directory the unzipped built site from <a href="*zip*/"> papyrus-components-deploy-website </a></li>
<li>Modify the index.html to reflect the new release version by adding a new item to the dropdown menu and updating the referenced page address. This file can be found in the Papyrus Web git repository at the root of the components/components/ folder</li>
<li>Increase the different pom.xml artifact version by adding a +(0.0.1)-SNAPSHOT suffix. Do not forget to update both compoents/parent/ and components/parent/archetype pom.xml</li>
<subsection name="Post-Actions">
<p>You could inform Papyrus Components project leader that you have improve the project in order they switch to the new pom version.</p>