Bug 567903 - [Robotics, ROS2] Move ROS2 independent parts into a new plugin

- Move getInstName into ComponentUtils
- Move topic related methods to new class TopicUtils (in codegen.common.utils)
- Move escapeCamlName into Helpers, as it is also used in other cases (protobuf)
- Run "organize xtend imports"
- Add codegen folder to working-set import in Oomph setup file

Change-Id: I3eedc2dca2f3f6a83a32b2adfc3a45bd3ab0b569
Signed-off-by: Ansgar Radermacher <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>
26 files changed
tree: 6b244ad4fb8a028eddbb635f59eb6af10517345f
  1. plugins/
  2. releng/
  3. targetplatform/
  4. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml