Bug 577687 - [Robotics, ROS2] Bad code generation for multiple periodic activities

- Handle multiple activities with periodic timers in "main" code
- Add information in comment related to the activity in timer start/stop
	=> add expected code accordingly.
- [releng] relax condition of oep.um.architecture plugin

Change-Id: Ib59068415948d744da3afd6604d4fbfc47ecca88
Signed-off-by: Ansgar Radermacher <ansgar.radermacher@cea.fr>
6 files changed
tree: 819f82ceb9ecbebfb5876789e29248e9e46a9811
  1. plugins/
  2. releng/
  3. targetplatform/
  4. .gitignore
  5. pom.xml