Bug 580532: [ClassDiagram][Sirius][Synchronization] Change node declaration from Not Synchronized to Unsynchronized.
- done for CD_InstanceSpecification_Node, CD_Interface, CD_PrimitiveType and CD_Signal
- complete the field 'semantic candidates expression'
- set these nodes to Unsynchronizable
- clean field 'associated elements expression'
- add precondition expression 'aql:self.oclIsTypeof(uml::...)

Signed-off-by: Vincent Lorenzo <vincent.lorenzo@cea.fr>
Change-Id: I7d06e48a59d66464d256f53eaea473964bfb195e
1 file changed
tree: 598203befa24375aa072ce5541d6e5ec29d7aca6
  1. features/
  2. plugins/
  3. releng-sirius/
  4. specs/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  7. pom.xml