blob: b0f50999c3c2a411824bb0d774ed42650f10e31c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2022 Obeo Designer, CEA LIST, Artal Technologies
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
* Aurelien Didier (ARTAL) - - adaptation to integrate in Papyrus
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.emf.utils.ServiceUtilsForEObject;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sirius.uml.diagram.clazz.Activator;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sirius.uml.diagram.clazz.internal.constants.MappingTypes;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sirius.uml.diagram.clazz.internal.ui.dialog.AssociationSelectionDialog;
import org.eclipse.papyrus.sirius.uml.diagram.clazz.internal.utils.InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DDiagram;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DDiagramElement;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DEdge;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DNodeContainer;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DSemanticDiagram;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.EdgeArrows;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.EdgeTarget;
import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.DSemanticDecorator;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Abstraction;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Association;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.AssociationClass;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.BehavioredClassifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Constraint;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Dependency;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ElementImport;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Enumeration;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Feature;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Generalization;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.GeneralizationSet;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InformationFlow;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InformationItem;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InstanceSpecification;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Interface;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.InterfaceRealization;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Model;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Namespace;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.OpaqueExpression;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageImport;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageMerge;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PackageableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.PrimitiveType;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Realization;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Stereotype;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Substitution;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateBinding;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateableElement;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Usage;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ValueSpecification;
* Services to handle typed Element concerns.
public class ClassDiagramServices {
* A singleton instance to be accessed by other java services.
public static final ClassDiagramServices INSTANCE = new ClassDiagramServices();
/** Dialog CANCEL button label */
private static final String CANCEL_LABEL = "Cancel";
/** Dialog OK button label */
private static final String OK_LABEL = "OK";
/** Annotation generic source name */
private static final String ANNOTATION_GENERIC_SOURCE = "org.eclipse.papyrus";
/** Annotation InstanceEnd source name */
private static final String ANNOTATION_INSTANCE_END_SOURCE = InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.INSTANCE_END;
* index used to find the source of an {@link InstanceSpecification} link
* index used to find the target of an {@link InstanceSpecification} link
/** Annotation detail key */
private static final String ANNOTATION_DETAIL_KEY = "nature";
/** Annotation detail value */
private static final String ANNOTATION_DETAIL_VALUE = "UML_Nature";
/** underscore separator */
private static final String UNDERSCORE = "_";
* index used to find the source of the {@link GeneralizationSet}
private static final int GENERALIZATION_SET__SOURCE_INDEX = 0;
* index used to find the target of the {@link GeneralizationSet}
private static final int GENERALIZATION_SET__TARGET_INDEX = 1;
* Move the given Element
* @param semanticObjectToDrop
* semantic element to drop
* @param targetContainerView
* the target container view
* @return the element
public EObject dndElement(EObject semanticObjectToDrop, EObject targetContainerView) {
if ((targetContainerView instanceof DSemanticDecorator) && (semanticObjectToDrop instanceof PackageableElement)) {
Element element = (PackageableElement) semanticObjectToDrop;
EObject target = ((DSemanticDecorator) targetContainerView).getTarget();
Model targetModel = null;
if (target instanceof Model) {
targetModel = (Model) target;
if (targetModel != null) {
targetModel.getPackagedElements().add((PackageableElement) element);
return semanticObjectToDrop;
* Get diagram root.
* @param context
* the current context (view)
* @return the root diagram owning the element
private static EObject getDiagramRoot(EObject sourceView) {
DDiagramElement diagramElement = (DDiagramElement) sourceView;
DSemanticDiagram diagram = (DSemanticDiagram) diagramElement.getParentDiagram();
EObject root = diagram.getTarget();
return root;
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Abstraction}
* @return
* {@link Abstraction} available in the context
public Collection<Abstraction> abstraction_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllAbstractions(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link Abstraction} recursively
private static final Collection<Abstraction> getAllAbstractions(final Package pack) {
final Collection<Abstraction> abstractions = new HashSet<Abstraction>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
abstractions.addAll(getAllAbstractions((Package) current));
if (current instanceof Abstraction) {
abstractions.add((Abstraction) current);
return abstractions;
* Service used to determinate if the selected {@link Abstraction} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean abstraction_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link Abstraction} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean abstraction_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
// same conditions for source and target
return abstraction_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect a {@link Abstraction} source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void abstraction_reconnectSource(final Element context, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
dependency_reconnectSource(context, oldSource, newSource);
* Service used to reconnect a {@link Abstraction} target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void abstraction_reconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget) {
dependency_reconnectTarget(context, oldTarget, newTarget);
* This method returns all {@link Association} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Association}
* @return
* all {@link Association} available in the context
public Collection<Association> association_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllAssociations(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link Association} recursively
private static final Collection<Association> getAllAssociations(final Package pack) {
final Collection<Association> associations = new HashSet<Association>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
associations.addAll(getAllAssociations((Package) current));
if (current instanceof Association) {
associations.add((Association) current);
return associations;
* This method returns the semantic element used as source by the graphical representation of the {@link Association}
* @param association
* an {@link Association}
* @return
* the type of the source of the {@link Association} link or <code>null</code> when the number of memberEnds is different than 2
public Type association_getSourceType(final Association association) {
return AssociationServices.INSTANCE.getSourceType(association);
* This method returns the semantic element used as target by the graphical representation of the {@link Association}
* @param association
* an {@link Association}
* @return
* the type of the source of the {@link Association} link or <code>null</code> when the number of memberEnds is different than 2
public Type association_getTargetType(final Association association) {
return AssociationServices.INSTANCE.getTargetType(association);
* Compute the source label of the given {@link Association}.
* @param association
* an {@link Association}
* @return
* the wanted label
public String association_getBeginLabel(final Association association) {
return LabelServices.INSTANCE.association_getBeginLabel(association);
* Compute the target label of the given {@link Association}.
* @param association
* an {@link Association}
* @return
* the wanted label
public String association_getEndLabel(final Association association) {
return LabelServices.INSTANCE.association_getEndLabel(association);
* Service used to determinate if the selected {@link Association} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean association_canReconnectSource(final Association context, final Element newSource) {
return AssociationServices.INSTANCE.canReconnectSource(context, newSource);
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link Association} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean association_canReconnectTarget(final Association context, final Element newTarget) {
return AssociationServices.INSTANCE.canReconnectTarget(context, newTarget);
* Reconnect the source of an {@link Association}
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge source before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge source after reconnecting
public void association_reconnectSource(final Association context, final Classifier oldSource, final Classifier newSource) {
AssociationServices.INSTANCE.reconnectSource(context, oldSource, newSource);
* Reconnect the target of an {@link Association}
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge target before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after target reconnecting
public void association_reconnectTarget(final Association context, final Classifier oldTarget, final Classifier newTarget) {
AssociationServices.INSTANCE.reconnectTarget(context, oldTarget, newTarget);
* This method provides the arrow to use for the decorator on the source side of the association
* @param association
* an Association
* @return
* the arrow to use for source decorator for this association
public EdgeArrows association_getSourceDecorator(final Association association) {
return AssociationEndDecoratorUtils.getSourceDecorator(association);
* This method provides the arrow to use for the decorator on the target side of the association
* @param association
* an Association
* @return
* the arrow to use for target decorator for this association
public EdgeArrows association_getTargetDecorator(final Association association) {
return AssociationEndDecoratorUtils.getTargetDecorator(association);
* This method returns all {@link AssociationClass} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link AssociationClass}
* @return
* all {@link AssociationClass} available in the context
public Collection<AssociationClass> associationClass_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllAssociationClasses(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link AssociationClass} recursively
private static final Collection<AssociationClass> getAllAssociationClasses(final Package pack) {
final Collection<AssociationClass> associationClasses = new HashSet<AssociationClass>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
associationClasses.addAll(getAllAssociationClasses((Package) current));
if (current instanceof AssociationClass) {
associationClasses.add((AssociationClass) current);
return associationClasses;
* This method returns the semantic element used as source by the graphical representation of the {@link AssociationClass}
* @param associationClass
* an {@link AssociationClass}
* @return
* the type of the source of the {@link AssociationClass} link or <code>null</code> when the number of memberEnds is different than 2
public Type associationClass_getSourceType(final AssociationClass associationClass) {
return AssociationClassServices.INSTANCE.getSourceType(associationClass);
* This method returns the semantic element used as target by the graphical representation of the {@link AssociationClass}
* @param associationClass
* an {@link AssociationClass}
* @return
* the type of the source of the {@link AssociationClass} link or <code>null</code> when the number of memberEnds is different than 2
public Type associationClass_getTargetType(final AssociationClass associationClass) {
return AssociationClassServices.INSTANCE.getTargetType(associationClass);
* Compute the source label of the given {@link AssociationClass}.
* @param associationClass
* an {@link AssociationClass}
* @return
* the wanted label
public String associationClass_getBeginLabel(final AssociationClass associationClass) {
return LabelServices.INSTANCE.associationClass_getBeginLabel(associationClass);
* Compute the target label of the given {@link AssociationClass}.
* @param associationClass
* an {@link AssociationClass}
* @return
* the wanted label
public String associationClass_getEndLabel(final AssociationClass associationClass) {
return LabelServices.INSTANCE.associationClass_getEndLabel(associationClass);
* Returns collection of visible {@link AssociationClass} in a diagram.
* This method is used by the field 'semantic candidates expression' of {@link MappingTypes#ASSOCIATIONCLASS_NODE} and {@link MappingTypes#ASSOCIATIONCLASS_NODE_TO_LINK}
* to find {@link MappingTypes#ASSOCIATIONCLASS_LINK} represented in the diagram and to complete the representation of the {@link AssociationClass} automatically
* @param context
* context of the research
* @param diagram
* the current diagram
* @return Set of visible association Classes or empty collection
public Collection<AssociationClass> associationClass_getVisibleAssociationClasses(final EObject context, final DSemanticDiagram diagram) {
final Set<AssociationClass> associationClasses = new HashSet<AssociationClass>();
if (diagram.isSynchronized()) {
// in this case the 3 elements composing an AssociationClass will appears in the diagram and it is the wanted behavior
// the source/target of the association should be already displayed!
} else {
// the diagram is not synchronized and we just finished to create the graphical representation of the main link of an AssociationClass. We need to create the 2 others parts of the link
for (final DEdge current : diagram.getEdges()) {
if (MappingTypes.ASSOCIATIONCLASS_LINK.equals(current.getMapping().getName()) && current.getTarget() instanceof AssociationClass) {
associationClasses.add((AssociationClass) current.getTarget());
return associationClasses;
* Service used to determinate if the selected {@link AssociationClass} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean associationClass_canReconnectSource(final AssociationClass context, final Element newSource) {
return AssociationClassServices.INSTANCE.canReconnectSource(context, newSource);
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link AssociationClass} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean associationClass_canReconnectTarget(final AssociationClass context, final Element newTarget) {
return AssociationClassServices.INSTANCE.canReconnectTarget(context, newTarget);
* Reconnect the source of an {@link AssociationClass}
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge source before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge source after reconnecting
public void associationClass_reconnectSource(final AssociationClass context, final Classifier oldSource, final Classifier newSource) {
AssociationClassServices.INSTANCE.reconnectSource(context, oldSource, newSource);
* Reconnect the target of an {@link AssociationClass}
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge target before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after target reconnecting
public void associationClass_reconnectTarget(final AssociationClass context, final Classifier oldTarget, final Classifier newTarget) {
AssociationClassServices.INSTANCE.reconnectTarget(context, oldTarget, newTarget);
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Constraint}
* @param diagram
* the current diagram
* @return
* the Constraints available in the context
public Collection<EObject> constraint_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext, final DDiagram diagram) {
final Collection<EObject> constraints = new HashSet<EObject>();
// we show in the diagram all Constraint owned directly by the diagram
if (semanticContext instanceof Namespace) {
constraints.addAll(((Namespace) semanticContext).getOwnedRules());
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
// we show in the diagram all Constraint owned by a element represented in the diagram
// this behavior avoid to make disappear the constraint of the diagram when the user create a ContextLink between the Constraint and a Namespace
for (final DDiagramElement diagramElement : diagram.getOwnedDiagramElements()) {
final EObject current = diagramElement.getTarget();
if (current instanceof Namespace) {
// a context link has been created
constraints.addAll(((Namespace) current).getOwnedRules());
if (current instanceof Package) {
// a context link has not yet been created Contraint#context==null
constraints.addAll(((Package) current).getPackagedElements().stream().filter(Constraint.class::isInstance).collect(Collectors.toList()));
return constraints;
* TODO : move me into an EditionService?
* @param constraint
* a UML {@link Constraint}
* @return
* the body of the first specification if exists or an empty string
public String constraint_getFirstSpecificationBody(final Constraint constraint) {
final ValueSpecification valueSpec = constraint.getSpecification();
if (valueSpec instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
OpaqueExpression opaqueEsp = (OpaqueExpression) valueSpec;
if (!opaqueEsp.getBodies().isEmpty()) {
return opaqueEsp.getBodies().get(0);
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* TODO : move me into an EditionService?
* This method set the first body in the specification of the {@link Constraint}
* @param constraint
* a UML {@link Constraint}
* @param newBody
* the new body
public void constraint_setFirstSpecificationBody(final Constraint constraint, final String newBody) {
final ValueSpecification valueSpec = ((Constraint) constraint).getSpecification();
if (valueSpec instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
final OpaqueExpression opaqueEsp = (OpaqueExpression) valueSpec;
if (opaqueEsp.getBodies().isEmpty() && opaqueEsp.getLanguages().size() == 1) {
// the language is defined; but not the body
} else if (opaqueEsp.getBodies().size() > 0 && opaqueEsp.getBodies().size() == opaqueEsp.getLanguages().size()) {
opaqueEsp.getBodies().add(0, newBody);
} else {"We were not able to set the new body into the Constraint because the number of language is not the same than the number of body"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* This method is in charge to move semantically the target element inside the source element
* @param context
* the current context
* @param source
* the source element
* @param target
* the target element
public static void containmentLink_creation(final EObject context, final Element source, final Element target) {
if (source instanceof Package && target instanceof PackageableElement) {
((Package) source).getPackagedElements().add((PackageableElement) target);
} else if (source instanceof Class && target instanceof Classifier) {
((Class) source).getNestedClassifiers().add((Classifier) target);
* Check if the source and target are valid for a ContainmentLink
* @param context
* the current context
* @param sourceView
* the source view
* @param targetView
* the target view
* @param source
* the semantic source element
* @param target
* the semantic target element
* @return true if the source and target are valid
public boolean containmentLink_isValidSourceAndTarget(final EObject context, final EObject sourceView, final EObject targetView, final Element source, final Element target) {
boolean isValid = false;
if (source == target) {
// 1. we forbid reflexive ContainmentLink of course
return false;
// 2. semantic condition
if (source instanceof Package) {
isValid = target instanceof PackageableElement;
} else if (source instanceof Class) {
isValid = target instanceof Classifier;
if (isValid) {
// 3. to avoid a loop of containment
isValid = !((Namespace) source).allNamespaces().contains(target);
// 4. we only allow to target an element on the diagram background (to ease Diagram development)
final EObject graphicalParent = ((DNodeContainer) targetView).eContainer();
isValid = graphicalParent instanceof DSemanticDiagram;
return isValid;
* Get the target elements for the containment link.
* @param context
* the current context
* @return containment link lists
public static List<?> containmentLink_getTarget(final Element source) {
if (source instanceof Class) {
return ((Class) source).getNestedClassifiers();
} else if (source instanceof Package) {
return ((Package) source).getPackagedElements();
return null;
* This is the reconnect source precondition method.
* @param oldSource
* the old source element
* @param newSourceView
* the new source view
* @param newSource
* the new source element
* @param otherEnd
* the other end view (the target View)
* @return
* <code>true</code> if we can change the source of the ContainmentLink
public boolean containmentLink_canReconnectSource(final Element oldSource, final DNodeContainer newSourceView, final Element newSource, final DNodeContainer otherEnd) {
final Element target = (Element) otherEnd.getTarget();
return containmentLink_isValidSourceAndTarget(null, null, otherEnd, newSource, target);
* This is the reconnect target precondition method.
* @param oldTarget
* the old target element
* @param newTargetView
* the new target view
* @param newTarget
* the new target element
* @param otherEnd
* the other end view (the source View)
* @return
* <code>true</code> if we can change the target of the ContainmentLink
public boolean containmentLink_canReconnectTarget(final Element oldTarget, final DNodeContainer newTargetView, final Element newTarget, final DNodeContainer otherEnd) {
final Element source = (Element) otherEnd.getTarget();
return containmentLink_isValidSourceAndTarget(null, null, newTargetView, source, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect a Containment Link source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param edgeView
* Represents the graphical new edge
* @param oldSourceView
* Represents the graphical element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSourceView
* Represents the graphical element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void containmentLink_reconnectSource(final Element context, final DEdge edgeView, final EdgeTarget oldSourceView, final EdgeTarget newSourceView, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
// 1. get the target element of the ContainmentLink and move it into its new container
final Element targetElement = (Element) ((DNodeContainer) edgeView.getTargetNode()).getTarget();
// 2. move the element in its new owner
containmentLink_creation(null, newSource, targetElement);
* Service used to reconnect a Containment Link target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param edgeView
* Represents the graphical new edge
* @param oldTargetView
* Represents the graphical element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTargetView
* Represents the graphical element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void containmentLink_reconnectTarget(final Element context, final DEdge edgeView, final EdgeTarget oldTargetView, final EdgeTarget newTargetView, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget) {
// 1. reparent the old target element at the semantic level to get a consistent diagram
final EObject graphicalParent = ((DNodeContainer) oldTargetView).eContainer();
Assert.isTrue(graphicalParent instanceof DSemanticDiagram); // always true with the current configuration
final EObject semanticGraphicalParent = ((DSemanticDiagram) graphicalParent).getTarget();
Assert.isTrue(semanticGraphicalParent instanceof Package && oldTarget instanceof PackageableElement); // always true in with current odesign configuration
((Package) semanticGraphicalParent).getPackagedElements().add((PackageableElement) oldTarget);
// 2. move the element in its new parent
containmentLink_creation(null, context, newTarget);
* Check if the source and target are valid for a ContextLink
* @param context
* the current context
* @param sourceView
* the source view
* @param targetView
* the target view
* @param source
* the semantic source element
* @param target
* the semantic target element
* @return true if the source and target are valid
public boolean contextLink_isValidSourceAndTarget(final EObject context, final EObject sourceView, final EObject targetView, final Element source, final Element target) {
boolean isValid = false;
if (source == target) {
// 1. we forbid reflexive Context of course
return false;
// 2. semantic condition
if (source instanceof Constraint) {
isValid = target instanceof Namespace;
return isValid;
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Dependency}
* @return
* all {@link Dependency} available in the context
public Collection<Dependency> dependency_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllDependencies(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all owned {@link Dependency} recursively
private static final Collection<Dependency> getAllDependencies(final Package pack) {
final Collection<Dependency> dependencies = new HashSet<Dependency>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
dependencies.addAll(getAllDependencies((Package) current));
if (current instanceof Dependency) {
dependencies.add((Dependency) current);
return dependencies;
* Service used to determinate if the selected {@link Dependency} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean dependency_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Package
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link Dependency} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean dependency_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
// same condition than for source
return dependency_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect a {@link Dependency} source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void dependency_reconnectSource(final Element context, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
final Dependency dependency = (Dependency) context;
// 1. change the client of the dependency
dependency.getClients().add((NamedElement) newSource);
// 2. the dependency is owned by the nearest package of the source
final Package newOwner = newSource.getNearestPackage();
if (dependency.getOwner() != newOwner) {
* Service used to reconnect a Containment target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void dependency_reconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget) {
final Dependency dependencyEdge = (Dependency) context;
dependencyEdge.getSuppliers().add((NamedElement) newTarget);
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link ElementImport}
* @return
* {@link ElementImport} available in the context
public Collection<ElementImport> elementImport_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Namespace) {
final Namespace namespace = (Namespace) semanticContext;
return getAllElementImports(namespace);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param namespace
* a UML {@link Namespace}
* @return
* all {@link ElementImport} recursively
private static final Collection<ElementImport> getAllElementImports(final Namespace namespace) {
final Collection<ElementImport> elementImports = new HashSet<ElementImport>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = namespace.getOwnedMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Namespace) {
elementImports.addAll(getAllElementImports((Namespace) current));
return elementImports;
* Service used to determine if the selected ElementImport source edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean elementImport_canReconnectSource(Element context, Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Package
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to determine if the selected ElementImport target edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean elementImport_canReconnectTarget(Element context, Element newTarget) {
// same conditions for source and target
return elementImport_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect an ElementImport edge source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before
* reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after
* reconnecting
public void elementImport_reconnectSource(final Element context, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
final ElementImport elementImport = (ElementImport) context;
((Namespace) oldSource).getElementImports().remove(elementImport);
((Namespace) newSource).getElementImports().add(elementImport);
* Service used to reconnect an ElementImport edge target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge reconnecting
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointer by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void elementImport_reconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget) {
final ElementImport elementImportEdge = (ElementImport) context;
elementImportEdge.setImportedElement((PackageableElement) newTarget);
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Generalization}
* @return
* {@link Generalization} available in the context
public Collection<Generalization> generalization_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Namespace) {
final Namespace namespace = (Namespace) semanticContext;
return getAllGeneralizations(namespace);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param namespace
* a UML {@link Namespace}
* @return
* all {@link Generalization} recursively
private static final Collection<Generalization> getAllGeneralizations(final Namespace namespace) {
final Collection<Generalization> generalizations = new HashSet<Generalization>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = namespace.getOwnedMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Classifier) {
generalizations.addAll(((Classifier) current).getGeneralizations());
if (current instanceof Namespace) {
generalizations.addAll(getAllGeneralizations((Namespace) current));
return generalizations;
* Service used to determine if the selected Generalization edge source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean generalization_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
return (newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType);
* Service used to determine if the selected Generalization edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean generalization_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
// same condition for source and target
return generalization_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect a Generalization source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void generalization_reconnectSource(final Element context, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
final Generalization generalization = (Generalization) context;
((Classifier) oldSource).getGeneralizations().remove(generalization);
((Classifier) newSource).getGeneralizations().add(generalization);
* Service used to reconnect a Generalization target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void generalization_reconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget) {
final Generalization generalizationEdge = (Generalization) context;
generalizationEdge.setGeneral((Classifier) newTarget);
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Generalization}
* @return
* {@link Generalization} available in the context
public Collection<GeneralizationSet> generalizationSet_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllGeneralizationSets(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link GeneralizationSet} recursively
private static final Collection<GeneralizationSet> getAllGeneralizationSets(final Package pack) {
final Collection<GeneralizationSet> generalizationSets = new HashSet<GeneralizationSet>();
final Iterator<PackageableElement> iter = pack.getPackagedElements().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof GeneralizationSet) {
generalizationSets.add(((GeneralizationSet) current));
if (current instanceof Package) {
generalizationSets.addAll(getAllGeneralizationSets((Package) current));
return generalizationSets;
* @param generalizationSet
* a {@link GeneralizationSet}
* @return
* the {@link Generalization} to use as source or <code>null</code>
public Generalization generalizationSet_getSource(final GeneralizationSet generalizationSet) {
if (generalizationSet.getGeneralizations().size() >= 1) {
return generalizationSet.getGeneralizations().get(GENERALIZATION_SET__SOURCE_INDEX);
return null;
* @param generalizationSet
* a {@link GeneralizationSet}
* @return
* the {@link Generalization} to use as target or <code>null</code>
public Generalization generalizationSet_getTarget(final GeneralizationSet generalizationSet) {
if (generalizationSet.getGeneralizations().size() >= 2) {
return generalizationSet.getGeneralizations().get(GENERALIZATION_SET__TARGET_INDEX);
return null;
* Service used to reconnect a GeneralizationSet edge source.
* @param generalizationSet
* {@link GeneralizationSet} attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void generalizationSet_reconnectSource(final GeneralizationSet generalizationSet, final Generalization oldSource, final Generalization newSource) {
// 1. update the source
generalizationSet.getGeneralizations().add(GENERALIZATION_SET__SOURCE_INDEX, newSource);
// 2. update the parent
// 3. build new name for the generalization set
final String oldSourceName = oldSource.getGeneral().getName();
final String newSourceName = newSource.getGeneral().getName();
final String newName = generalizationSet.getName().replace(oldSourceName, newSourceName);
* Service used to reconnect a GeneralizationSet edge target.
* @param generalizationSet
* {@link GeneralizationSet} attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void generalizationSet_reconnectTarget(final GeneralizationSet generalizationSet, final Generalization oldTarget, final Generalization newTarget) {
// 1. update the target
generalizationSet.getGeneralizations().add(GENERALIZATION_SET__TARGET_INDEX, newTarget);
// 2. build new name for the generalization set
final String oldTargetName = oldTarget.getGeneral().getName();
final String newTargetName = newTarget.getGeneral().getName();
final String newName = generalizationSet.getName().replace(oldTargetName, newTargetName);
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Generalization}
* @return
* all {@link InformationFlow} available in the context
public Collection<InformationFlow> informationFlow_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package namespace = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllInformationFlows(namespace);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param namespace
* a UML {@link Namespace}
* @return
* all {@link InformationFlow} recursively
private static final Collection<InformationFlow> getAllInformationFlows(final Package namespace) {
final Collection<InformationFlow> informationFlows = new HashSet<InformationFlow>();
final Iterator<PackageableElement> iter = namespace.getPackagedElements().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof InformationFlow) {
informationFlows.add((InformationFlow) current);
if (current instanceof Package) {
informationFlows.addAll(getAllInformationFlows((Package) current));
return informationFlows;
* Service used to determine if the selected InformationFlow source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean informationFlow_canReconnectSource(final InformationFlow context, final Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Package
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to determine if the selected InformationFlow target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean informationFlow_canReconnectTarget(final InformationFlow context, final Element newTarget) {
// same condition for source and target
return informationFlow_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect an InformationFlow source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void informationFlow_reconnectSource(final InformationFlow context, final NamedElement oldSource, final NamedElement newSource) {
// 1. update source
// 2. update container
final Package owner = newSource.getNearestPackage();
* Service used to reconnect an informationFlow target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void informationFlow_reconnectTarget(final InformationFlow context, final NamedElement oldTarget, final NamedElement newTarget) {
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Generalization}
* @return
* All {@link InstanceSpecification} available in the context
public Collection<InstanceSpecification> instanceSpecificationLink_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package namespace = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllInstanceSpecificationLinks(namespace);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Namespace}
* @return
* all {@link InstanceSpecification} recursively
private final Collection<InstanceSpecification> getAllInstanceSpecificationLinks(final Package pack) {
final Collection<InstanceSpecification> instanceSpecifications = new HashSet<InstanceSpecification>();
final Iterator<PackageableElement> iter = pack.getPackagedElements().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (instanceSpecification_isLink(current)) {
instanceSpecifications.add((InstanceSpecification) current);
if (current instanceof Package) {
instanceSpecifications.addAll(getAllInstanceSpecificationLinks((Package) current));
return instanceSpecifications;
* Check if the current element is instance of instance specification Link or
* Class.
* @param elem
* the current element to be checked
* @return true if instance specification Class, otherwise return false
public boolean instanceSpecification_isLink(final EObject elem) {
if (elem instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
final InstanceSpecification instanceSpecification = (InstanceSpecification) elem;
return instanceSpecification.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_INSTANCE_END_SOURCE) != null;
return false;
* Check if the current element is instance of instance specification Link or
* Class.
* @param elem
* the current element to be checked
* @return true if instance specification Class, otherwise return false
public boolean instanceSpecification_isNode(Element elem) {
return !instanceSpecification_isLink(elem);
* Create a new Instance Specification link.
* This code is adapted/duplicated from the Papyrus Service Edit
* see org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types.internal.ui.commands.InstanceSpecificationLinkCreateCommand and
* see org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types.internal.ui.advice.InstanceSpecificationLinkEditHelperAdvice
* @param context
* the context element
* @param sourceView
* the source view
* @param source
* the semantic source element
* @param target
* the semantic target element
* @return the created {@link InstanceSpecification}
public InstanceSpecification instanceSpecificationLink_createInstanceSpecificationLink(EObject context, EObject sourceView, InstanceSpecification source, InstanceSpecification target) {
final ServicesRegistry registry = getServiceRegistry(context);
InstanceSpecification instanceSpecification = null;
if (registry != null) {
final AssociationSelectionDialog dialog = new AssociationSelectionDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), SWT.NATIVE, InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.getModelAssociations(source, target), registry);;
final Association selectedAssociation = dialog.getSelectedAssociation();
if (selectedAssociation != null && !dialog.isCanceled()) {
instanceSpecification = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createInstanceSpecification();
Set<Classifier> sourceSpecificationClassifiersSet = InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.getSpecificationClassifier(source);
Set<Classifier> targetSpecificationClassifiersSet = InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.getSpecificationClassifier(target);
boolean revertEnds = false;
if (selectedAssociation != null) {
Type sourceType = selectedAssociation.getMemberEnds().get(0).getType();
revertEnds = false == sourceSpecificationClassifiersSet.contains(sourceType);
if (revertEnds) {
InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.addEnd(instanceSpecification, target);
InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.addEnd(instanceSpecification, source);
} else {
InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.addEnd(instanceSpecification, source);
InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.addEnd(instanceSpecification, target);
InstanceSpecificationLinkUtils.setupSlots(selectedAssociation, instanceSpecification, source, target, sourceSpecificationClassifiersSet, targetSpecificationClassifiersSet);
// add the created instance specification into the nearest package of the source
return instanceSpecification;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link InstanceSpecification} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean instanceSpecificationLink_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof InstanceSpecification;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link InstanceSpecification} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean instanceSpecificationlink_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
return newTarget instanceof InstanceSpecification;
* Service used to reconnect an InstanceSpecifictaion source
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return the Element attached to the edge once it has been modified
public void instanceSpecificationLink_reconnectSource(final InstanceSpecification context, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
final EAnnotation eAnnotation = context.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_INSTANCE_END_SOURCE);
eAnnotation.getReferences().add(INSTANCE_SPECIFICATION_LINK__SOURCE_INDEX, (InstanceSpecification) newSource);
final Package newOwner = newSource.getNearestPackage();
* Service used to reconnect an InstanceSpecifictaion target
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return the Element attached to the edge once it has been modified
public void instanceSpecificationLink_reconnectTarget(final InstanceSpecification context, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget) {
final EAnnotation eAnnotation = context.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_INSTANCE_END_SOURCE);
eAnnotation.getReferences().add(INSTANCE_SPECIFICATION_LINK__TARGET_INDEX, (InstanceSpecification) newTarget);
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link InterfaceRealization}
* @return
* all {@link InterfaceRealization} available in the context
public Collection<InterfaceRealization> interfaceRealization_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllInterfaceRealizations(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link InterfaceRealization} recursively
private final Collection<InterfaceRealization> getAllInterfaceRealizations(final Package pack) {
final Collection<InterfaceRealization> interfaceRealizations = new HashSet<InterfaceRealization>();
final Iterator<PackageableElement> iter = pack.getPackagedElements().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
interfaceRealizations.addAll(getAllInterfaceRealizations((Package) current));
if (current instanceof BehavioredClassifier) {
interfaceRealizations.addAll(((BehavioredClassifier) current).getInterfaceRealizations());
return interfaceRealizations;
*TODO : delete this method
* Create a new {@link InterfaceRealization}
* @param context
* the context element
* @param sourceView
* the source view
* @param source
* the source element
* @param target
* the target element
* @return
* the created {@link InterfaceRealization}
@Deprecated //now it is done directly in the odesign
public InterfaceRealization interfaceRealization_createInterfaceRealization(final EObject context, final EObject sourceView, final Element source, final Element target) {
InterfaceRealization interfaceRealization = null;
if (sourceView instanceof DDiagramElement) {
if (source instanceof BehavioredClassifier && target instanceof Interface) {
final BehavioredClassifier sourceElement = (BehavioredClassifier) source;
final Interface targetElement = (Interface) target;
interfaceRealization = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createInterfaceRealization();
return interfaceRealization;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link InterfaceRealization} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean interfaceRealization_canReconnectSource(Element context, Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof BehavioredClassifier;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link InterfaceRealization} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the target element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean interfaceRealization_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
return newTarget instanceof Interface;
* Service used to reconnect a {@link InterfaceRealization} source.
* @param interfaceRealization
* {@link InterfaceRealization} attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void interfaceRealization_reconnectSource(final InterfaceRealization interfaceRealization, final BehavioredClassifier oldSource, final BehavioredClassifier newSource) {
interfaceRealization.getClients().add((NamedElement) newSource);
* Service used to reconnect a {@link InterfaceRealization} target.
* @param interfaceRealization
* {@link InterfaceRealization} attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void interfaceRealization_reconnectTarget(final InterfaceRealization interfaceRealization, final Interface oldTarget, final Interface newTarget) {
interfaceRealization.getSuppliers().add((NamedElement) newTarget);
* TODO : delete this method
* Create a new Link link.
* @param sourceView
* the source view
* @param source
* the semantic source element
* @param target
* the semantic target element
@Deprecated //now it is done directly in the odesign
public void link_creation(EObject context, EObject sourceView, Element source, Element target) {
if (source instanceof Comment) {
((Comment) source).getAnnotatedElements().add(target);
} else if (source instanceof Constraint) {
((Constraint) source).getConstrainedElements().add(target);
* Get the target element of the Link.
* @param source
* the element ({@link Comment} or {@link Constraint}
* @return
* the list of annotated elements if source if a {@link Comment} and the list of constrained elements if the source is a {@link Constraint} and <code>null</code> in other cases
public static Collection<Element> link_getTarget(final Element source) {
if (source instanceof Constraint) {
final Constraint sourceElement = (Constraint) source;
return sourceElement.getConstrainedElements();
} else if (source instanceof Comment) {
final Comment sourceElement = (Comment) source;
return sourceElement.getAnnotatedElements();
return null;
* Service used to determine if the selected Link edge source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean link_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
// we want to avoid to change the semantic of a link : either is works on Constraint, either it works on Comment
if (context instanceof Constraint && newSource instanceof Constraint) {
return true;
if (context instanceof Comment && newSource instanceof Comment) {
return true;
return false;
* Service used to determine if the selected Link edge target could be
* reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean link_canReconnectTarget(Element context, Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Comment
|| newSource instanceof Constraint
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Package
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to reconnect a Link source.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldsource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @param otherEnd
* Represents the view attached to the target of the link
public void link_reconnectSource(final Element context, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource, final EObject otherEnd) {
Element target = null;
if (otherEnd instanceof DSemanticDecorator) {
target = (Element) ((DSemanticDecorator) otherEnd).getTarget();
// remove the target from the old source
if (oldSource instanceof Comment) {
((Comment) oldSource).getAnnotatedElements().remove(target);
} else if (oldSource instanceof Constraint) {
((Constraint) oldSource).getConstrainedElements().remove(target);
// add the target to the new source
if (newSource instanceof Comment) {
((Comment) newSource).getAnnotatedElements().add(target);
} else if (newSource instanceof Constraint) {
((Constraint) newSource).getConstrainedElements().add(target);
* Service used to reconnect a Link edge target.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @param otherEnd
* Represents the view attached to the source of the link
public void link_reconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element oldTarget, final Element newTarget, final EObject otherEnd) {
Element source = null;
if (otherEnd instanceof DSemanticDecorator) {
source = (Element) ((DSemanticDecorator) otherEnd).getTarget();
if (source instanceof Comment) {
((Comment) source).getAnnotatedElements().remove(oldTarget);
((Comment) source).getAnnotatedElements().add(newTarget);
} else if (source instanceof Constraint) {
((Constraint) source).getConstrainedElements().remove(oldTarget);
((Constraint) source).getConstrainedElements().add(newTarget);
* This method returns all {@link PackageImport} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link PackageImport}
* @return
* all {@link PackageImport} available in the context
public Collection<PackageImport> packageImport_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllPackageImports(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link PackageImport} recursively
private final Collection<PackageImport> getAllPackageImports(final Package pack) {
final Collection<PackageImport> packageImports = new HashSet<PackageImport>();
final Iterator<PackageableElement> iter = pack.getPackagedElements().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
packageImports.addAll(getAllPackageImports((Package) current));
return packageImports;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link PackageImport} source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean packageImport_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
if (context instanceof PackageImport && newSource instanceof Package) {
final PackageImport pImport = (PackageImport) context;
final Package newOwner = (Package) newSource;
final Package importedPackage = pImport.getImportedPackage();
return newOwner != null && newOwner != importedPackage;
return false;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link PackageImport} target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the target element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean packageImport_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
if (context instanceof PackageImport && newTarget instanceof Package) {
final PackageImport pImport = (PackageImport) context;
final Package owner = (Package) pImport.getOwner();
return newTarget != null && newTarget != owner;
return false;
* Service used to reconnect an PackageImport edge source.
* @param packageImport
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void packageImport_reconnectSource(final PackageImport packageImport, final Package oldSource, final Package newSource) {
* Service used to reconnect a PackageImport edge target.
* @param packageImport
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void packageImport_reconnectTarget(final PackageImport packageImport, final Package oldTarget, final Package newTarget) {
* This method returns all {@link PackageMerge} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link PackageMerge}
* @return
* all {@link PackageMerge} available in the context
public Collection<PackageMerge> packageMerge_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllPackageMerges(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link PackageMerge} recursively
private final Collection<PackageMerge> getAllPackageMerges(final Package pack) {
final Collection<PackageMerge> packageImports = new HashSet<PackageMerge>();
final Iterator<PackageableElement> iter = pack.getPackagedElements().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
packageImports.addAll(getAllPackageMerges((Package) current));
return packageImports;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link PackageMerge} edge source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean packageMerge_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
if (context instanceof PackageMerge && newSource instanceof Package) {
final PackageMerge pMerge = (PackageMerge) context;
final Package newOwner = (Package) newSource;
final Package mergedPackage = pMerge.getMergedPackage();
return newOwner != null && newOwner != mergedPackage;
return false;
* Service used to determine if the selected {@link PackageMerge} edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the target element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean packageMerge_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
if (context instanceof PackageMerge && newTarget instanceof Package) {
final PackageMerge pImport = (PackageMerge) context;
final Package owner = (Package) pImport.getOwner();
return newTarget != null && newTarget != owner;
return false;
* Service used to reconnect a PackageMerge edge source.
* @param packageMerge
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void packageMerge_reconnectSource(final PackageMerge packageMerge, final Package oldSource, final Package newSource) {
* Service used to reconnect a PackageMerge edge target.
* @param packageMerge
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void packageMerge_reconnectTarget(final PackageMerge packageMerge, final Package oldTarget, final Package newTarget) {
* This methods returns all {@link Realization} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Realization}
* @return
* all {@link Realization} available in the context
public Collection<Realization> realization_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllRealizations(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link Realization} recursively
private final Collection<Realization> getAllRealizations(final Package pack) {
final Collection<Realization> realizations = new HashSet<Realization>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
realizations.addAll(getAllRealizations((Package) current));
if (current instanceof Realization) {
realizations.add((Realization) current);
return realizations;
* Service used to determine if the selected Realization edge source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the source of the realization can be reconnection to the newSource
public boolean realization_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Package
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType
|| newSource instanceof InstanceSpecification;
* Service used to determine if the selected Realization edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the target element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the target of the realization can be reconnection to the newTarget
public boolean realization_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
// same condition than for source
return realization_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect a Realization edge source.
* @param realization
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void realization_reconnectSource(final Realization realization, final NamedElement oldSource, final NamedElement newSource) {
// 1. change the client of the Realization
realization.getClients().add((NamedElement) newSource);
// 2. the dependency is owned by the nearest package of the source
final Package newOwner = newSource.getNearestPackage();
if (realization.getOwner() != newOwner) {
* Service used to reconnect a Realization edge target.
* @param realization
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newtarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void realization_reconnectTarget(final Realization realization, final NamedElement oldTarget, final NamedElement newtarget) {
* This method returns all {@link Substitution} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Substitution}
* @return
* all {@link Substitution} available in the context
public Collection<Substitution> substitution_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllSubstitutions(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link Substitution} recursively
private final Collection<Substitution> getAllSubstitutions(final Package pack) {
final Collection<Substitution> substitutions = new HashSet<Substitution>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
substitutions.addAll(getAllSubstitutions((Package) current));
if (current instanceof Class) {
substitutions.addAll(((Class) current).getSubstitutions());
return substitutions;
* Service used to determine if the selected Substitution edge source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param substitution
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean substitution_canReconnectSource(final Substitution substitution, final Element newSource) {
// we forbid reflexive substitution
if (newSource == substitution.getContract()) {
return false;
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to determine if the selected Substitution edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param substitution
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean substitution_canReconnectTarget(final Substitution substitution, final Element newTarget) {
// we forbid reflexive substitution
if (newTarget == substitution.getOwner()) {
return false;
return newTarget instanceof Class
|| newTarget instanceof Interface
|| newTarget instanceof Enumeration
|| newTarget instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to reconnect a Substitution edge source.
* @param substitution
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void substitution_reconnectSource(final Substitution substitution, final Classifier oldSource, final Classifier newSource) {
substitution.getClients().add((NamedElement) newSource);
* Service used to reconnect a Substitution edge target.
* @param substitution
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newTarget
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void substitution_reconnectTarget(final Substitution substitution, final Classifier oldTarget, final Classifier newTarget) {
substitution.getSuppliers().add((NamedElement) newTarget);
* This method returns all {@link TemplateBinding} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link TemplateBinding}
* @return
* all {@link TemplateBinding} available in the context
public Collection<TemplateBinding> templateBindings_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllTemplateBindings(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link TemplateBinding} recursively
private final Collection<TemplateBinding> getAllTemplateBindings(final Package pack) {
final Collection<TemplateBinding> templateBindings = new HashSet<TemplateBinding>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
templateBindings.addAll(getAllTemplateBindings((Package) current));
if (current instanceof TemplateableElement) {
templateBindings.addAll(((TemplateableElement) current).getTemplateBindings());
return templateBindings;
* This method returns all {@link Usage} found in the context
* @param semanticContext
* the context in which we are looking for {@link Usage}
* @return
* all {@link Usage} available in the context
public Collection<Usage> usage_getSemanticCandidates(final EObject semanticContext) {
if (semanticContext instanceof Package) {
final Package pack = (Package) semanticContext;
return getAllUsages(pack);
return Collections.emptyList();
* @param pack
* a UML {@link Package}
* @return
* all {@link Usage} recursively
private final Collection<Usage> getAllUsages(final Package pack) {
final Collection<Usage> usages = new HashSet<Usage>();
final Iterator<NamedElement> iter = pack.getMembers().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final NamedElement current =;
if (current instanceof Package) {
usages.addAll(getAllUsages((Package) current));
if (current instanceof Usage) {
usages.add((Usage) current);
return usages;
* Service used to determine if the selected Usage edge source could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newSource
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean usage_canReconnectSource(final Element context, final Element newSource) {
return newSource instanceof Class
|| newSource instanceof Enumeration
|| newSource instanceof Interface
|| newSource instanceof Package
|| newSource instanceof PrimitiveType;
* Service used to determine if the selected Usage edge target could be reconnected to an element.
* @param context
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param newTarget
* Represents the source element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
* @return true if the edge could be reconnected
public boolean usage_canReconnectTarget(final Element context, final Element newTarget) {
// same condition for source and target
return usage_canReconnectSource(context, newTarget);
* Service used to reconnect a Usage edge source.
* @param usage
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param oldSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param newSource
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void usage_reconnectSource(final Usage usage, final Element oldSource, final Element newSource) {
// remove the old source from the Usage element and the new source
usage.getClients().add((NamedElement) newSource);
final Package oldOwner = oldSource.getNearestPackage();
final Package newOwner = newSource.getNearestPackage();
if (oldOwner != newOwner) {
* Service used to reconnect a Usage edge target.
* @param usage
* Element attached to the existing edge
* @param source
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge before reconnecting
* @param target
* Represents the semantic element pointed by the edge after reconnecting
public void usage_reconnectTarget(final Usage usage, final Element source, final Element target) {
usage.getSuppliers().add((NamedElement) target);
* Precondition test if sirius diagram or not.
* @param context
* the current context
* @return true if context is a DDiagram
public boolean isDDiagram(EObject self) {
return self instanceof DDiagram;
* Precondition check is data type.
* @param context
* the current context
* @return true is DataType and not enumeration or PrimitiveType
public boolean isDataType(EObject context) {
return !(context instanceof Enumeration || context instanceof PrimitiveType);
* Get the feature to contain the element
* @param context
* the current context
* @return the target feature
public String getTypeTarget(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof Class || context instanceof Interface) {
return "nestedClassifier";
return "packagedElement";
* Get the feature to contain the element
* @param context
* the current context
* @param newContainerView
* the new container view
* @return the target name
public String getTypeTarget(EObject context, EObject newContainerView) {
if (newContainerView instanceof Class || newContainerView instanceof Interface) {
return "nestedClassifier";
return "packagedElement";
* Check if the current link type is corresponding to the linkTypeName.
public boolean isCurrentLinkType(EObject elem, String linkTypeName) {
return elem.getClass().getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase(linkTypeName);
* Get the Constraint label.
public String getConstraintLabel(Element elem) {
StringBuilder constLabel = new StringBuilder();
String body = "";
String lang = "";
if (elem instanceof Constraint) {
Constraint constraint = ((Constraint) elem);
ValueSpecification valueSpec = constraint.getSpecification();
if (valueSpec instanceof OpaqueExpression) {
OpaqueExpression opaqueEsp = (OpaqueExpression) valueSpec;
if (!opaqueEsp.getBodies().isEmpty()) {
body = opaqueEsp.getBodies().get(0);
if (!opaqueEsp.getLanguages().isEmpty()) {
lang = opaqueEsp.getLanguages().get(0);
List<Stereotype> appliedStereoTypes = constraint.getAppliedStereotypes();
if (!appliedStereoTypes.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < constraint.getAppliedStereotypes().size(); i++) {
Stereotype stereoType = appliedStereoTypes.get(i);
if (i + 1 == appliedStereoTypes.size()) {
} else {
constLabel.append(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
constLabel.append("{{" + lang + "} " + body + "}"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
return constLabel.toString();
* Compute label for InformationItem
* @param elem
* the current element
* @return the label of element
public String buildLabel(Element element) {
StringBuilder labelBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String name = LabelServices.INSTANCE.computeUmlLabel(element);
String prefix;
if (element instanceof InformationItem) {
prefix = "Information"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (element instanceof PrimitiveType) {
prefix = "Primitive"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
prefix = element.eClass().getName();
prefix = ILabelConstants.ST_LEFT + prefix + ILabelConstants.ST_RIGHT;
if (!name.startsWith(prefix)) {
return labelBuilder.toString();
return name;
* @param eobject
* an eobject
* @return
* the Papyrus {@link ServicesRegistry} associated to the current eobject
private final ServicesRegistry getServiceRegistry(final EObject eobject) {
ServicesRegistry registry = null;
try {
registry = ServiceUtilsForEObject.getInstance().getServiceRegistry(eobject);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
return registry;
* Get the root model of the diagram
private Model getRootModel(Element element) {
Model currentModel = element.getModel();
if (!element.equals(currentModel)) {
currentModel = getRootModel(currentModel);
return currentModel;
* Get the target element of the instance specification link.
* @param elem
* the instance specification Link
* @return the target element of the current instance specification link
public EObject instanceSpecificationLink_getTarget(EObject elem) {
if (elem instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification instanceSpecification = (InstanceSpecification) elem;
if (!instanceSpecification.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) {
EAnnotation eAnnotation = instanceSpecification.getEAnnotations().get(0);
if (!eAnnotation.getReferences().isEmpty()) {
return eAnnotation.getReferences().get(1);
return null;
* Get the source element of the instance specification link.
* @param elem
* the instance specification Link
* @return the source element of the current instance specification link
public EObject instanceSpecificationLink_getSource(EObject elem) {
if (elem instanceof InstanceSpecification) {
InstanceSpecification instanceSpecification = (InstanceSpecification) elem;
if (!instanceSpecification.getEAnnotations().isEmpty()) {
EAnnotation eAnnotation = instanceSpecification.getEAnnotations().get(0);
if (!eAnnotation.getReferences().isEmpty()) {
return eAnnotation.getReferences().get(0);
return null;
* Compute the instance specification edge begin name
* @param context
* the current instance specification
* @return the begin name
public String computeInstanceSpecBeginLabel(EObject context) {
InstanceSpecification instanceSpec = (InstanceSpecification) context;
InstanceSpecification source = (InstanceSpecification) instanceSpec.getEAnnotations().get(0).getReferences()
return source.getName();
* Compute the instance specification edge end name
* @param context
* the current instance specification
* @return the end name
public String computeInstanceSpecEndLabel(EObject context) {
InstanceSpecification instanceSpec = (InstanceSpecification) context;
InstanceSpecification target = (InstanceSpecification) instanceSpec.getEAnnotations().get(0).getReferences()
return target.getName();
* TODO must be replaced by AQL code in the VSM by self.oclAsType(uml::Property).association = null
* @param elem
* @return
public boolean isNotAssociation(EObject elem) {
return ((Property) elem).getAssociation() == null;
* Create an operation in a class.
* @param type
* the container {@link org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type} element
* @return New operation
public Operation createOperation(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type type) {
return OperationServices.INSTANCE.createOperation(type);
* Iterate over the given {@link Collection} of root elements to find a
* {@link Type} element with the given name.
* @param roots
* the elements to inspect
* @param typeName
* the name to match
* @return the found {@link Type} or <code>null</code>
public Type findTypeByName(Collection<EObject> roots, String typeName) {
return ElementServices.INSTANCE.findTypeByName(roots, typeName);
* With the given {@link EObject} iterate over root elements to find a
* {@link Type} element with the given name.
* @param object
* the elements to inspect
* @param typeName
* the name to match
* @return the found {@link Type} or <code>null</code>
public Type findTypeByName(EObject object, String typeName) {
return ElementServices.INSTANCE.findTypeByName(object, typeName);
* Get all the stereotype applications according to the selected diagram.
* @param diagram
* Current diagram
* @return Stereotype applications
public Collection<Object> getAllStereotypeApplications(DDiagram diagram) {
* Retrieve the cross references of the association of all the UML elements
* displayed as node in a Diagram. Note that a Property cross reference will
* lead to retrieve the cross references of this property.
* @param diagram
* a diagram.
* @return the list of cross reference of the given
public Collection<EObject> getAssociationInverseRefs(DDiagram diagram) {
return NodeInverseRefsServices.INSTANCE.getAssociationInverseRefs(diagram);
* Get base class associated to a stereotype application.
* @param stereotypeApplication
* Stereotype application
* @return Base class
public Element getBaseClass(EObject stereotypeApplication) {
return StereotypeServices.INSTANCE.getBaseClass(stereotypeApplication);
* Check an element is not a Class.
* @param element
* Element
* @return return true if the element is not a Class
public boolean isNotTypeOfClass(EObject element) {
return !isTypeOfClass(element);
* Check is a feature is static.
* @param feature
* Feature
* @return True if it is a static feature
public boolean isStatic(Feature feature) {
return feature != null && feature.isStatic();
* Check if an element is type of class.
* @param element
* Element
* @return True if element is a class
public boolean isTypeOfClass(EObject element) {
return "Class".equals(element.eClass().getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$