Bug 578826: [Sirius][ClassDiagram] Papyrus must provide JUnit tests for the Graphical Drop tools
 - commplete some SemanticDropMapping
 - contribute JUnit Tests for Semantic Drops of Top Nodes
 - group all top nodes tests in the same java class and delete the concerned test classes
 - start to develop an API for SubNode JUnit Tests

Signed-off-by: Vincent Lorenzo <vincent.lorenzo@cea.fr>
Change-Id: If9a6450ed3123eec00d2856b70bfa992d2a8ab99
32 files changed
tree: 750c106a66b652218936719a2830e11263236655
  1. features/
  2. plugins/
  3. releng-sirius/
  4. tests/
  5. .gitignore
  6. pom.xml