| #### [Papyrus][epapyrus] |
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| [][epapyrus] |
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| Our application is a component of [Papyrus][epapyrus], an integrated and user-consumable environment for editing any kind of EMF model and particularly supporting UML2 and related modeling languages . |
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| #### [QUDV][equdv] |
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| [][equdv] |
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| Use [QUDV][equdv] to define systems of units and quantities for use in system models. |
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| #### [Element-types][eelementtypes] |
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| [][eelementtypes] |
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| Papyrus SysML 1.6 uses the Element types framework to manage the whole life cycle of objects. |
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| #### [SysML profile][eprofile] |
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| [][eprofile] |
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| Papyrus SysML 1.6 is based upon the OMG SysML 1.6 standard. |
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| #### [SysML Requirements][ereq] |
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| [][ereq] |
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| You can define your requirements directly with table format. |
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| [equdv]: http://www.omgwiki.org/OMGSysML/doku.php?id=sysml-qudv:quantities_units_dimensions_values_qudv |
| [eelementtypes]: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Papyrus_User_Guide |
| [eprofile]: http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/1.4/ |
| [ereq]: http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/1.4/ |
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| ## SysML 1.6, an extension of [Papyrus][epapyrus] |
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| This site is mainly dedicated for developers, you can find information relative to the SysML's developments, such as [Git][egit], Dependencies, [Javadoc][ejavadoc], procedures, tips etc... |
| You can use the download menu to get the official RCP or use the updatesite url. |
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| ## Documentation |
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| Have a look at the developer documentation: [site][devhome] or [pdf][developer-guide.pdf]. |
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| Have a look at the user documentation: [site][userhome] or [pdf][user-guide.pdf]. |
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| [devhome]: ./developer/index.html |
| [developer-guide.pdf]: ./pdf/developer-guide.pdf |
| [userhome]: ./user/index.html |
| [user-guide.pdf]: ./pdf/user-guide.pdf |
| [ejavadoc]: ./xref/ |
| [egit]: ./source-repository.html |
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| ### About |
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| SysML16 is a component of the Eclipse [Papyrus][epapyrus]'s galaxy. SysML 1.6 application is a Papyrus DSML implementing the [SysML 1.6 OMG standard][eomg]. |
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| [epapyrus]: https://eclipse.org/papyrus/ |
| [eomg]: http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/1.4/ |