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<p><b>Schemes</b> are used to represent a general style or theme of
bindings. For example, the Workbench provides a &quot;Default&quot; scheme and
an &quot;Emacs&quot; scheme.&nbsp; Only one scheme is active at any
given time.&nbsp; End users control which one
is active using the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Keys)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<b>General &gt; Keys</b> </a>
preference page.
<p><img src="images/keybindings.png" alt="" border="0"></p>
<p>From an implementation point of view, schemes are simply
named groupings of bindings.&nbsp; A scheme won't
accomplish anything on its own unless there are bindings associated with
<p>Let's look again at the workbench markup for <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_bindings.html">org.eclipse.ui.bindings</a>
</b>to find the binding definitions and how a scheme gets
associated with a binding.</p>
sequence=&quot;Ctrl+X Ctrl+S&quot;
<p>There are two different key bindings defined for the &quot;;
command.&nbsp; Note that each one has a different <b>schemeId</b>
defined.&nbsp; When the default scheme is active, the &quot;Ctrl+S&quot;
key binding will invoke the command.&nbsp; When the emacs scheme is
active, the sequence &quot;Ctrl+X Ctrl+S&quot; will invoke the command. </p>
<h4>Defining new schemes</h4>
<p>When your plug-in defines a binding, it will most likely assign it to an existing
scheme.&nbsp; However, your plug-in may want to define a
completely new style of scheme.&nbsp; If this is the case, you can define
a new type of scheme inside the <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_bindings.html">org.eclipse.ui.bindings</a></b>
definition.&nbsp; The workbench markup that defines the default and emacs key
configurations are shown below:</p>
<p>Note that the <b>name</b> defined here is the one used in the preferences page in the list of
<h4>Activating a scheme </h4>
<p>The user controls the active scheme via the preferences page.&nbsp;
However, you can define the default active scheme as a part of the
"plugin_customization.ini" file. It is a preference:</p>