| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- |
| Copyright (c) 2005, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. |
| All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| |
| Contributors: |
| IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| --> |
| |
| <contexts> |
| <context id="apiprofiles_preference_page" title="API Baselines"> |
| <description>This page allows you to manage API baselines and set the problem severity for a missing baseline. An API baseline is used when analyzing APIs for compatibility with a previous release. The checked baseline is used when analyzing workspace plug-ins.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-baselines.htm" label="API Baseline Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_baseline.htm" label="Adding API Baselines"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/quickfixes/ref-api-missing-baseline-qf.htm" label="Add API Baseline Quick Fix"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-baseline-wizard.htm" label="API Baseline Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_tooling_setup_wizard_page" title="API Tools Setup"> |
| <description>This wizard is used to configure plug-in projects for API analysis.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-setup-wizard.htm" label="API Tools Setup Wizard"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_setup.htm" label="Setting Up API Tools"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/actions/ref-apitooling-setup-action.htm" label="API Tools Setup Command"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/api_javadoc_tags.htm" label="Defining API Restrictions"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_error_warning_preference_page" title="API Errors/Warnings"> |
| <description>This page allows you to configure default workspace settings for problem severities related to API compatibility and use. You can also create project specific settings via project properties.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/api_javadoc_tags.htm" label="Defining API Restrictions"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-errorswarnings.htm" label="API Error and Warning Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/Execution_Environments" label="Execution Environments"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_options.htm" label="Changing API Options"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_error_warning_explain_incompatibility_field_addition_class" title="'Field Addition to Class' Incompatibility"> |
| <description>Adding an API field to an API class is considered a breaking change for two reasons: |
| 1) Potential name clash |
| 2) Potential linkage error |
| However, field additions can be acceptable with proper precautions. |
| See the "'Add API field' incompatibility" link below for details.</description> |
| <topic href="https://wiki.eclipse.org/Evolving_Java-based_APIs_2#add-api-field" label="'Add API field' incompatibility"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_error_warning_prop_page" title="API Errors/Warnings"> |
| <description>This page allows you to configure project specific settings for problem severities related to API compatibility and use.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-errorswarnings.htm" label="API Error and Warning Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/api_javadoc_tags.htm" label="Defining API Restrictions"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_options.htm" label="Changing API Options"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="project_specific_settings_selection_dialog" title="Project Specific Configuration"> |
| <description>This dialog allows you to select a project to create project specific API problem severity settings.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-errorswarnings.htm" label="API Error and Warning Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_options.htm" label="Changing API Options"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_filters_property_page" title="API Problem Filters"> |
| <description>This page displays API problems for a project that have been filtered from the workspace. The filters are created with quick fixes, and can be removed from this page.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/propertypages/ref-filters-prop.htm" label="API Problem Filters Property Page"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_create_filters.htm" label="Adding API Problem Filters"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_remove_filters.htm" label="Removing API Problem Filters"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/quickfixes/ref-api-api-filter-qf.htm" label="API Problem Filter Quick Fix"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apiprofiles_wizard_page" title="API Baseline"> |
| <description>This wizard is used to create or edit an API baseline. You must assign a name and location to each baseline. The location is a file system directory containing the baseline's plug-ins.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-baseline-wizard.htm" label="API Baseline Wizard"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-baselines.htm" label="API Baseline Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_baseline.htm" label="Adding API Baselines"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/quickfixes/ref-api-missing-baseline-qf.htm" label="Missing API Baseline Quick Fix"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apiusescans_preference_page" title="API Use Scans"> |
| <description>This page allows you to manage a list of API use scans generated by the Ant task or the API use report tool. API use scans contain a list of references between bundles. The API analysis builder will check each of the enabled use scans to ensure all known references still exist in your workspace projects.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-usescans.htm" label="API Use Scans Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-errorswarnings.htm" label="API Error and Warning Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/ant-tasks/apiuse-ant-task.htm" label="API Use Ant Task"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-use-dialog.htm" label="API Use Reports"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_tooling_setup_action" title="API Tools Setup"> |
| <description>This action is used to open the API Tools Setup wizard. The wizard allows you to configure API analysis for plug-in projects.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/actions/ref-apitooling-setup-action.htm" label="API Tools Setup Command"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-setup-wizard.htm" label="API Tools Setup Wizard"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_setup.htm" label="Setting Up API Tools"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_compare_wizard_page" title="API Compare"> |
| <description>This wizard is used to compare a selected set of projects/source folders/package fragments/units against a selected API baseline.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/preferences/ref-baselines.htm" label="API Baseline Preferences"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_baseline.htm" label="Adding API Baselines"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-baseline-wizard.htm" label="API Baseline Wizard"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-compare-wizard.htm" label="API Compare Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_tooling_view"> |
| <description>This view is used to see the result of a comparison between a selected set of projects/source folders/package fragments/units and a selected API baseline.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/views/ref-api-tooling-view.htm" label="API Tools View"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_baseline.htm" label="Adding API Baselines"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-baseline-wizard.htm" label="API Baseline Wizard"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-compare-wizard.htm" label="API Compare Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_compare_export_dialog"> |
| <description>This dialog is used to export the result of an API comparison. Specify an ".xml" extension to generate an XML file, or an ".html" extension to generate an HTML report.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/views/ref-api-tooling-view.htm" label="API Tools View"/> |
| <topic href="tasks/api_tooling_baseline.htm" label="Adding API Baselines"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-baseline-wizard.htm" label="API Baseline Wizard"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-compare-wizard.htm" label="API Compare Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_use_pattern_tab" title="API Use Pattern Tab"> |
| <description>This tab allows you to set package name patterns to use during a use scan for augmenting API descriptions.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-use-dialog.htm" label="API Use Reports"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/ant-tasks/apiuse-ant-task.htm" label="API Use Ant Task"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-apiuse-patterns-wizard.htm" label="API Use Patterns Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="api_use_main_tab" title="API Use Main Tab"> |
| <description>This tab allows you to configure all of the settings to generate an API use report.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-api-use-dialog.htm" label="API Use Reports"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/ant-tasks/apiuse-ant-task.htm" label="API Use Ant Task"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-apiuse-patterns-wizard.htm" label="API Use Patterns Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_archive_pattern_wizard_page" title="API Use Archive Pattern Page"> |
| <description>This page allows you to add a use pattern for excluding nested archives from within a given bundle</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-apiuse-patterns-wizard.htm" label="API Use Pattern Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_pattern_selection_wizard_page" title="API Use Pattern Selection Page"> |
| <description>This page allows you to select the type of use pattern to create</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-apiuse-patterns-wizard.htm" label="API Use Pattern Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_description_pattern_wizard_page" title="API Use Pattern Package Description Page"> |
| <description>This page allows you to create a use pattern that is used to specify what is internal / API for the given package pattern</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-apiuse-patterns-wizard.htm" label="API Use Pattern Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="apitools_report_pattern_wizard_page"> |
| <description>This page allows you to create a name pattern that can be used to prune references to or from a member from the HTML of a converted use report</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/wizards/ref-apiuse-patterns-wizard.htm" label="API Use Pattern Wizard"/> |
| </context> |
| <context id="launcher_api_use_report" title="API Use Report"> |
| <description>The API Use Report launch configuration runs a use scan reporting API references, internal references, and illegal API use.</description> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/ant-tasks/apiuse-ant-task.htm" label="API Use Scan Report Task"/> |
| <topic href="reference/api-tooling/ant-tasks/apiuse-reportconversion-ant-task.htm" label="API Use Scan Report Conversion Task"/> |
| </context> |
| </contexts> |