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| <toc label="Concepts"> |
| <topic label="Welcome" href="concepts/welcome.htm"> |
| <enablement> |
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| </topic> |
| <topic label="Workbench" href="concepts/concepts-2.htm" > |
| <topic label="Resources" href="concepts/concepts-12.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Resource hierarchies" href="concepts/concepts-17.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Linked resources" href="concepts/concepts-13.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Virtual folders" href="concepts/virtualfolders.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Path variables" href="concepts/cpathvars.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Resource filters" href="concepts/resourcefilters.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Working sets" href="concepts/cworkset.htm"/> |
| <topic label="Builds" href="concepts/concepts-22.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Local history" href="concepts/concepts-17a.htm" /> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="c_afterworkbench" /> |
| <topic label="Perspectives" href="concepts/concepts-4.htm" /> |
| <anchor id="c_afterperspectives" /> |
| <topic label="Editors" href="concepts/concepts-6.htm" > |
| <topic href="reference/ref-anteditor.htm" label="Ant Editor"> |
| </topic> |
| <topic label="External editors" href="concepts/concepts-6a.htm" /> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="c_aftereditors" /> |
| <topic label="Views" href="concepts/concepts-5.htm" > |
| <topic label="Detached views" href="concepts/concepts-21a.htm" /> |
| <topic href="reference/ref-antview.htm" label="Ant view"> |
| </topic> |
| <topic label="Project Explorer view" href="reference/ref-27.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Help view" href="concepts/help_view.htm"> |
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| <topic label="Tasks view" href="concepts/ctskview.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Problems view" href="concepts/cprbview.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Outline view" href="concepts/coutline.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Properties view" href="concepts/cpropview.htm" /> |
| <topic label="Search view" href="concepts/csearchview.htm" /> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="c_afterviews" /> |
| <topic label="Toolbars" href="concepts/concepts-18.htm" /> |
| <anchor id="c_aftertoolbars" /> |
| <topic label="Markers" href="concepts/concepts-11.htm" /> |
| <anchor id="c_aftermarkers" /> |
| <topic label="Bookmarks" href="concepts/cbookmrk.htm" /> |
| <anchor id="c_afterbookmarks" /> |
| <topic label="Label decorations" href="concepts/cdecorations.htm" /> |
| <anchor id="c_afterdecorations" /> |
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| <topic label="Ant & External tools" href="concepts/concepts-antexttools.htm" > |
| <topic label="Ant support" href="concepts/concepts-antsupport.htm"/> |
| <enablement> |
| <test property="org.eclipse.core.runtime.isBundleInstalled" args="org.eclipse.ant.ui"/> |
| </enablement> |
| <topic href="concepts/concepts-exttools.htm" label="External tools"> |
| </topic> |
| </topic> |
| <anchor id="c_afterteam" /> |
| <topic label="Accessibility features in Eclipse" href="concepts/accessibility/accessmain.htm"> |
| <topic label="Navigating the user interface using the keyboard" href="concepts/accessibility/navigation.htm"/> |
| <topic label="Accessibility features in textual editors" href="concepts/accessibility/text_editor.htm"/> |
| <topic label="Fonts and colors in Eclipse" href="concepts/accessibility/fontsandcolors.htm"/> |
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| <topic label="Features" href="concepts/concepts-25.htm" /> |
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