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<H1 CLASS="Head">
<P CLASS="Para">On the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.BuildOrder)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<strong>General &gt; Workspace &gt; Build</strong></a> preferences page, you can configure how the projects inside the workspace will be built.&nbsp;</P>
<TABLE BORDER="1" cellspacing="0">
<TH ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1"> <P CLASS="Para"> Option</P></TH>
<TH ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1"> <P CLASS="Para"> Description</P></TH>
<TH ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1"> <P CLASS="Para"> Default</P></TH>
<td>Build automatically</td>
<td>If this option is turned on, then the Workbench will perform an automatic
build whenever a modified resource is saved.</td>
<td>Save automatically before build</td>
<td>If this option is selected, when a manual build is performed the Workbench
will automatically save all resources that have been modified since the
last build was performed.<br></td>
<TD ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" valign="top" align="left"> <P CLASS="Para">
Use default builder order</P></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" valign="top" align="left"> <P CLASS="Para">
This option allows the platform to computes the build ordering.
Turning off this option enables access to the projects list, the ordering
of which can be manipulated. </P>
<P>Often the order in which projects are built is important.&nbsp; For
example, if one project requires the Java classes which were defined in another
project, the first project must be built after its prerequisite classes have
been built.&nbsp; The Workbench allows users to explicitly define the order in
which projects are built. Alternatively, users can let the platform compute the
build order by interpreting project references as prerequisite relationships.
The build order is applied for both building the entire workspace or for a group
of projects.&nbsp;<P></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" valign="top" align="left"> <P CLASS="Para">
Project build order</P></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" valign="top" align="left"> <P CLASS="Para">This
option allows you to select projects and use the <b>Up</b> and <b>Down</b>
buttons to change the build order. Add and remove projects in the build
order using the <b>Add Project</b> and <b>Remove Project</b> buttons.
Projects removed from the build order <i>will</i> be built, but they
will be built after all projects in the build order are built.</P></TD>
<TD>&nbsp; </TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" valign="top" align="left"> <P CLASS="Para">
Max iterations when building with cycles</P></TD>
<TD ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" valign="top" align="left"> <P CLASS="Para">This
preference allows you to deal with build orders that contain cycles.
Ideally, you should avoid cyclic references between projects. Projects
with cycles really logically belong to a single project, and so they
should be collapsed into a single project if possible. However, if you
absolutely must have cycles, it may take several iterations of the build
order to correctly build everything. Changing this preference will alter
the maximum number of times the workbench will attempt to iterate over
the build order before giving up.</P></TD>
<TD> 10</TD>
<TD>Max simultaneous project builds</TD>
<TD>Under some safe circumstances, the workspace can chose to build independent projects in parallel. In such
case, this preference controls the maximum amount of jobs/threads that will be running builds in parallel. A value of
<code>1</code> indicates that build won't be parallelized and keeps the legacy behavior.</p>
<p>The optimal value depends on your machine and workspace projects specificities. We do recommend to try relatively
low values (such as <code>4</code>) first which already allow to save time, when projects allow it, while not risking to
overload your CPU.</TD>
<P CLASS="Para">Here is what the Build preference page looks like:&nbsp;
<P><img src="../images/Image224_pref_build.png" alt="Build order preference page" border="0">
<h3 class="related">Related reference</h3>
<a href="ref-5.htm">Builds</a><br>
<a href="ref-59.htm">Project menu</a>