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<title>README Launcher Extension Points</title> | |
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<h1 align="center">Launcher</h1> | |
<p><b><i>Identifier: </i></b>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchers </p> | |
<p><b><i>Description: </i></b>This extension point allows tools to contribute launchers. A | |
launcher is responsible for initiating a debug session or running a program and | |
registering the result with the launch manager.</p> | |
<p><b><i>Configuration Markup:</i></b> </p> | |
<pre><tt> <!ATTLIST launcher</tt> | |
id CDATA #REQUIRED<tt> | |
class CDATA #REQUIRED</tt> | |
<tt> modes CDATA #REQUIRED | |
</tt> label CDATA #REQUIRED | |
wizard CDATA #IMPLIED | |
public CDATA #IMPLIED | |
description CDATA #IMPLIED | |
<tt>perspective CDATA #IMPLIED | |
></tt> </pre> | |
<ul> | |
<li><strong>id </strong>- a unique identifier that can be used to reference this | |
launcher.</li> | |
<li><b>class</b> - fully qualified name of the class that implements <b>org.eclipse.debug.core.ILauncherDelegate</b>.</li> | |
<li><b>modes</b> - A comma separated list of modes this launcher supports. The two | |
supported modes are "run" and "debug" - as defined in <b>org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager.</b>A launcher may be capable | |
of launching in one or both modes.</li> | |
<li><strong>label </strong>- a label to use for the launcher. This attribute is used by | |
the debug UI.</li> | |
<li><strong>wizard </strong>- fully qualified name of the class that implements <b>org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchWizard</b>. This attribute is used by | |
the debug UI. A launcher may contribute a wizard that allows users to configure and launch | |
specific attributes.</li> | |
<li><strong>public</strong> - whether a launcher is publically visible in the debug UI. | |
If "true", the launcher will be available from the debug UI - the | |
launcher will appear as a choice for a default launcher, launches created by this launcher | |
will appear in the launch history, and the launcher will be available from the drop-down | |
run/debug toolbar actions.</li> | |
<li><strong>description</strong> - a description of the launcher. Currently only | |
used if the <em>wizard</em> attribute is specified.</li> | |
<li><strong>perspective</strong> - the identifier of the perspective that will be | |
switched to on a successful launch. Default value is the identifier for the debug | |
perspective. This attribute is used by the debug UI.</li> | |
</ul> | |
<p><b><i>Examples:</i></b> </p> | |
<p>The following is an example of a launcher extension point: </p> | |
<pre><tt> <extension</tt> | |
<tt> point = "org.eclipse.debug.core.launchers"></tt> | |
<tt> <launcher</tt> | |
id = "com.example.ExampleLauncher" | |
<tt> class = "com.example.launchers.ExampleLauncher"</tt> | |
<tt> modes = "run, debug" | |
label = "Example Launcher" | |
wizard = "com.example.launchers.ui.ExampleLaunchWizard" | |
public = "true" | |
description = "Launches example programs" | |
perspective= "com.example.JavaPerspective"></tt> | |
<tt> </launcher></tt> | |
<tt> </extension></tt> </pre> | |
<p>In the example above, the specified launcher supports both run and debug modes. | |
Following a successful launch, the debug UI will change to the Java perspective. When the | |
debug UI presents the user with a list of launchers to choose from, "Example | |
Launcher" will appear as one of the choices with the "Launches example | |
programs" as the description, and the wizard specified by <b>com.example.launchers.ui.ExampleLaunchWizard</b> | |
will be used to configure any launch specific details.</p> | |
<p><b><i>API Information: </i></b>Value of the attribute <b>class</b> must be a fully | |
qualified class name of a Java class that implements the interface <b>org.eclipse.debug.core.ILauncher</b>Delegate. Value of the attribute | |
<strong>wizard</strong> must be a fully qualified class name of a Java class that | |
implements <b>org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchWizard</b>.<br> | |
<br> | |
</p> | |
<p><a href="hglegal.htm"><img src="ngibmcpy.gif" alt="Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved." | |
border="0" width="195" height="12"></a></p> | |
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