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<title>Platform Debug Release Notes</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>3.0 - RC4</p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">68181</a>: [doc] Error in IDebugUIConstants javadoc (launchActionSet)<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>3.0 - RC3</p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">61992</a>: Slow selection change in debug view<br>
<a href="">66586</a>: Debug-related views no longer "come to front" in non-debug perspective<br>
<a href="">66990</a>: PopupInformationControl does not specify shell for handler<br>
<a href="">66330</a>: Remote Debug Connection not disconnected when JDIDebugModel.newDebugTarget(...) fails<br>
<a href="">66443</a>: Review LaunchView call to IEditorReference#getEditor(true)<br>
<a href="">67522</a>: Views don't open when auto-manage initially activated<br>
<a href="">67463</a>: Launch Shortcuts schema is incorrect<br>
<a href="">67507</a>: Ampersand ('&') in label when adding directory to source lookup path<br>
<a href="">67620</a>: Breakpoints should not be shown in the overview ruler<br>
<a href="">65051</a>: string_prompt variable prevents other variables from executing<br>
<a href="">67781</a>: color tuning<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>3.0 - RC2</p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">64638</a>: Don't use new "Run" icon on Debug objects<br>
<a href="">45980</a>: Check calls to<br>
<a href="">65067</a>: switch perspective when breakpoint hit not honored<br>
<a href="">57293</a>: [doc] Beef up contextViewBinding schema<br>
<a href="">66033</a>: Move isAutoManageViews() to LaunchViewContextListener<br>
<a href="">63340</a>: Remove DebugContextManager<br>
<a href="">65814</a>: o.e.debug.core.memoryRenderings extension point<br>
<a href="">65581</a>: broken doc link for stringVariablePresentations<br>
<a href="">65351</a>: Breakpoint migration from 2.1 to 3.0<br>
<a href="">64940</a>: Delay on breakpoint rendering when enable/disable<br>
<a href="">66187</a>: Polish patch: support view activation via a keyboard shortcut<br>
<a href="">65356</a>: source lookup tab migration from 2.1 to 3.0<br>
<a href="">65072</a>: workbench not activated when breakpoint hit<br>
<a href="">64984</a>: Inspect doesn't work in Display View<br>
<a href="">65039</a>: Launch view should use IPerspectiveListener2<br>
<a href="">64666</a>: Run/Debug prompts to continue before compiling [JUnit]<br>
<a href="">52336</a>: [Viewers] Internal error at start of debug session<br>
<a href="">62677</a>: Adding working set to Source Lookup Tabs causes problems in the tab.<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>June 1, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">56012</a>: Consistency in space at top of launch configuration tabs<br>
<a href="">64188</a>: Classcast exception when trying to resolve non-stackframe object<br>
<a href="">63468</a>: ConsoleView should set it's title using setContentDescription()<br>
<a href="">64019</a>: IllegalArgumentException when editing ant builder<br>
<a href="">63449</a>: Wrong menu path for profile action set.<br>
<a href="">61117</a>: enable checkbox state after "Show Breakpoints Supported by Selected Target"<br>
<a href="">62322</a>: Green triangle for Run is confused with the Resume button<br>
<a href="">63951</a>: Wrong window activated when new window is opened<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>May 25, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">63328</a>: Move "show debug action set" to LaunchView<br>
<a href="">63493</a>: LaunchView keeps lots of state from last debug session in memory<br>
<a href="">63016</a>: Display view always brought to the top<br>
<a href="">64337</a>: unqualified source lookup fails in external archive<br>
<a href="">62803</a>: ExternalArchiveSourceContainer needs to handle multiple root paths<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>May 21, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">63348</a>: NPE from popup<br>
<a href="">63374</a>: NPE in LaunchView.partClosed<br>
<a href="">63575</a>: Invalid button states in EnvironmentTab of Launch Configuration<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>May 20, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">62798</a>: Ok to launch Yes/No should also honor cancel<br>
<a href="">62960</a>: NullPointerException when restoring default in Source Lookup Tab<br>
<a href="">62677</a>: Adding working set to Source Lookup Tabs causes problems in the tab.<br>
<a href="">63009</a>: Source Lookup Tab does not properly show icons for Jar files<br>
<a href="">63182</a>: Warning about error in pre-requisite wrong<br>
<a href="">63090</a>: Console scroll button has its logic reversed.<br>
<a href="">63053</a>: View Management view menu drop down has no mnemonic<br>
<a href="">63249</a>: uneccessary error logging<br>
<a href="">63029</a>: Show As for logical structure has no mnemonic<br>
<a href="">62564</a>: A runnable may not be run, if the previous one throws an exception<br>
<a href="">54407</a>: Make a pass on all the properties files<br>
<a href="">62643</a>: [External Tools] Quoted args send quote to process<br>
<a href="">63027</a>: View Management "Reset Now" button does not layed out correctly<br>
<a href="">56042</a>: [Coolbar] [Workbench] Toolbar flash selecting stack frames<br>
<a href="">62592</a>: Debug view can fail to close generic debugging views<br>
<a href="">63050</a>: NPE in VariablesViewContentProvider<br>
<a href="">62574</a>: Expose Debug view's "view tracking" behavior<br>
<a href="">63293</a>: Pressing "Reset Now/Cancel" does not cancel<br>
<a href="">63256</a>: NPE when adding a breakpoint in an external Java file<br>
<a href="">62391</a>: View management: Views opened in wrong perspective<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>May 18, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">57519</a>: Console should bold title when new output is available<br>
<a href="">53508</a>: Activate debug action set with debug view<br>
<a href="">61801</a>: A null String object reference becomes the value "null"<br>
<a href="">62069</a>: NullPointerException in LaunchViewContextListener#initViewCollection<br>
<a href="">61940</a>: Customized perspective opens closed views<br>
<a href="">61064</a>: improve string variable descriptions<br>
<a href="">61116</a>: Common watch expressions don't work for wrapper adapters<br>
<a href="">60024</a>: Memory view code could make use of Debug plugin logging support<br>
<a href="">61385</a>: Remove debug action group doc<br>
<a href="">47295</a>: Hard to pin down a console<br>
<a href="">62236</a>: Debug color settings should NOT be shown in Workbench>Colors and Fonts<br>
<a href="">61938</a>: Add source location dialog always selects Java Classpath Variable<br>
<a href="">62193</a>: No RunToLine action in context menu<br>
<a href="">62488</a>: Default pref settings<br>
<a href="">62490</a>: out-of-box experience<br>
<a href="">61412</a>: Source lookup tab causes config to need saving<br>
<a href="">44632</a>: Debug view need to be error-proof<br>
<a href="">61958</a>: dangerous practice of catching Throwable<br>
<a href="">60327</a>: Review LaunchViewContextListener multi-window behavior<br>
<a href="">56412</a>: Duplicate favorites after rename<br>
<a href="">61630</a>: schema for external tools configurationDuplicationMaps ext point<br>
<a href="">55400</a>: context menu&gt;watch from the variables view doesn't open/activate the expressions view<br>
<a href="">62258</a>: No vertical scroll bar on inspect results<br>
<a href="">61826</a>: Add file extension filtering for run/debug context menu<br>
<a href="">51435</a>: CommonSourceNotFoundEditor#resetEditor<br>
<a href="">60016</a>: Accessibility: Run config, Arguments tab: Working directory not read<br>
<a href="">61868</a>: Double tree viewer in debug view<br>
<a href="">61917</a>: use .exsd for extension pt schemas<br>
<a href="">62202</a>: Run context menu does not filter actions based on enabled activities<br>
<a href="">62269</a>: Uneccessary label computation<br>
<a href="">61928</a>: Launch Views leaking<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>May 11, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">54598</a>: Launch configuration; wizard buttons New/Delete margins<br>
<a href="">57637</a>: turn Remove All Terminated Launches on by default<br>
<a href="">60305</a>: Layout problems on the Environment tab<br>
<a href="">58384</a>: Profile toolbar launch menu should use "Profile As &gt;"<br>
<a href="">51916</a>: Add ability to change source lookup of a running launch<br>
<a href="">58725</a>: [Debug] "Switch to assciated perspective when launching" should set to "Prompt" by default<br>
<a href="">60286</a>: API Request: Ability to open launch configuration properties dialog on a specific tab<br>
<a href="">60838</a>: Support matchesContentType property test<br>
<a href="">45656</a>: New Annotation Features<br>
<a href="">59319</a>: make scroll lock global to all process consoles<br>
<a href="">60927</a>: notifyResult(...) in OpenLaunchDialogAction<br>
<a href="">60952</a>: Chkpii errors in I20040504<br>
<a href="">60364</a>: debug used deprecated runtime code<br>
<a href="">61321</a>: ui.console should not depend on core.resources<br>
<a href="">60918</a>: [KeyBindings] Some key bindings not working<br>
<a href="">60974</a>: make org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.console.ProcessConsolePage.getConsoleViewer() method public<br>
<a href="">61105</a>: Configure view management per perspective<br>
<a href="">60010</a>: Auto manage view action move to view menu<br>
<a href="">61221</a>: No progress dialog when prompted to wait for build<br>
<a href="">57763</a>: NPE running from scrapbook<br>
<a href="">61166</a>: source not found<br>
<a href="">61120</a>: Should closed projects be skipped?<br>
<a href="">55423</a>: don't schedule build if already building<br>
<a href="">41376</a>: Incorrect english: doesn't account for case where launch config type starts with vowel<br>
<a href="">53722</a>: Run As... menu disabled if selection is empty<br>
<a href="">61634</a>: Compile errors in workspace message should be more general<br>
<a href="">61336</a>: Compile errors prompt should use a warning dialog<br>
<a href="">61291</a>: Breakpoint view is displayed when a breakpoint is hit<br>
<a href="">57052</a>: [KeyBindings] F11 (Debug Last Launched) Conflict on MacOS X<br>
<a href="">46168</a>: fork() methods should use jobs<br>
<a href="">61427</a>: LaunchConfigurationDialog leaked for each use<br>
<a href="">54946</a>: Contextual launch contribution should not set adaptable=true<br>
<a href="">60051</a>: Launching with Ant buildfile errors <br>
<a href="">61308</a>: Display var/expression shows in unreadable popup<br>
<a href="">57333</a>: Provide API to specify whether a substitution variable supports arguments<br>
<a href="">57164</a>: Context view activation should maintain view "stack"<br>
<a href="">57588</a>: Removing process from launch doesn't remove associated console<br>
<a href="">61810</a>: NPE in the log<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>May 4, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">60064</a>: Memory preference page is missing mnemonic<br>
<a href="">60254</a>: Change required in AbstractMemoryRenderer<br>
<a href="">56146</a>: Memory View Contribution to Eclipse<br>
<a href="">56827</a>: NPE - ExpressionManager expects a delegate for all debug models<br>
<a href="">57862</a>: Ability to configure variables from variable selection dialog<br>
<a href="">54726</a>: Fix schema reference in launch shortcut extension<br>
<a href="">51503</a>: Add filter button to Expressions view to show expressions by debug target<br>
<a href="">59776</a>: Migrate memory view pref page to view setting<br>
<a href="">60203</a>: Launch job waiting forever<br>
<a href="">60655</a>: Memory Block is not enabled / disabled by the Memory View properly<br>
<a href="">59986</a>: Move from ProgressMonitorDialog to IProgressService.busyCursorWhile()<br>
<a href="">57272</a>: AlwaysNeverDialog should have "Eclipse standard" look<br>
<a href="">60708</a>: Edit String Substitution Variable dialog does not use the dialog font<br>
<a href="">58933</a>: Remove activity filtering in Breakpoints view<br>
<a href="">59330</a>: migrate to new search API<br>
<a href="">59183</a>: Cancelling foreground launch waits for build to complete<br>
<a href="">59535</a>: Opening launch configuration dialog with "profile" mode.<br>
<a href="">59356</a>: LaunchConfigurationDelegate needs a way to tell it per instance to not put up status prompts.<br>
<a href="">60409</a>: Use of deprecated fontDefinition extension point<br>
<a href="">59854</a>: Debug keybindings wrong on Mac<br>
<a href="">59990</a>: function keys not working<br>
<a href="">58528</a>: User prompted to switch to debug when debug perspective is active<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>April 27, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">58957</a>: breakpoints : Remove BreakpointManagerListener on dispose<br>
<a href="">57305</a>: flashing breakpoints view<br>
<a href="">57173</a>: Activity filtering not working for debug<br>
<a href="">58684</a>: Installed JRE can't be named "."<br>
<a href="">42138</a>: Provide a way to dynamically change the process label shown in the console title and debug view<br>
<a href="">47164</a>: Need to be able to disable go to file action for breakpoints.<br>
<a href="">57517</a>: eval popup are initially too small<br>
<a href="">57735</a>: When including assert tags in private method, breakpoint can't be set<br>
<a href="">59483</a>: Predefine some launch conifiguration variables<br>
<a href="">59042</a>: Invalid Launch configurations are never cleaned up<br>
<a href="">58725</a>: [Debug] "Switch to assciated perspective when launching" should set to "Prompt" by default<br>
<a href="">39024</a>: Need better icon for object browsers action<br>
<a href="">57999</a>: Breakpoints added to view while breakpoint manager disabled are not greyed<br>
<a href="">58516</a>: HandlerSubmission constructor marked as deprecated<br>
<a href="">58766</a>: doc/enhance stratum breakpoint<br>
<a href="">59002</a>: Do we need marker definitions for instruction pointers<br>
<a href="">57642</a>: [ViewMgmt] debug tests failures due to missing selection<br>
<a href="">57836</a>: Support to put paths in variable values<br>
<a href="">59729</a>: Run-> context menu only enabled for a single selection<br>
<a href="">56246</a>: InstructionPointerAnnotation and IDebugEditorPresentation<br>
<a href="">58209</a>: Support multi-select for Resume action<br>
<a href="">58377</a>: 'Esc' out of change variable dialog doesn't cancel action<br>
<a href="">58650</a>: replace debugModelActivityBinding with pattern binding<br>
<a href="">59828</a>: Various issues with SelectedResourceManager<br>
<a href="">7552</a>: Keep breakpoints when renaming a resource<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>April 20, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">58290</a>: Launch error message spelling<br>
<a href="">56850</a>: DebugViewDecoratingLabelProvider.computedText never cleared<br>
<a href="">29890</a>: Debug Platform Source Lookup Facilites<br>
<a href="">45887</a>: When selecting "Build before launching", the build is not specific to the project launched, but the whole workspace<br>
<a href="">58754</a>: Wait for build never and prompt preferences reversed<br>
<a href="">55419</a>: Generalize compilation error detection for other launchers<br>
<a href="">56191</a>: Skip breakpoints in run-to-line<br>
<a href="">57306</a>: Improve progress feedback when user wants to wait on build before a launch<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>April 13, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">57790</a>: Support multiple debug-model-to-context extensions<br>
<a href="">53222</a>: Trigger activities when debug elements selected<br>
<a href="">53640</a>: Registers view<br>
<a href="">57929</a>: Scope step actions with debuging context<br>
<a href="">58052</a>: Launch view can open views in the wrong window<br>
<a href="">57788</a>: API changes to IHandler causing compile errors<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>April 6, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">56235</a>: Organize Favorites dialog could remember size<br>
<a href="">56266</a>: Reorder preference choices for Save dirty editors<br>
<a href="">56966</a>: Skip All Breakpoints should have a keyboard shortcut<br>
<a href="">30639</a>: Debug preference pages cut of in High Contrast<br>
<a href="">57328</a>: NPE from ResourceResolver<br>
<a href="">55685</a>: Get rid of MoveResultToViewerAction<br>
<a href="">55808</a>: SelectedResourceManager holds onto selections too long<br>
<a href="">56192</a>: Remove unused command for close popup<br>
<a href="">55612</a>: Rename "Run" keybinding category to "Run/Debug"<br>
<a href="">56035</a>: Console text font should be moved to Workbench Appearance<br>
<a href="">51901</a>: Breakpoint image specification is on jdt.ui instead of debug.ui<br>
<a href="">56214</a>: ProjectSourceContainer#getSourceContainers() and referenced projects<br>
<a href="">51084</a>: Launch view should not track view open/close during perspective reset<br>
<a href="">52524</a>: Blocked launch dialog should offer cancel as an option<br>
<a href="">56013</a>: Remove the use of the deprecated shared icons<br>
<a href="">56070</a>: New and Delete buttons remained disabled after cancelling search<br>
<a href="">53548</a>: Automatically close views that were opened automatically<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>March 30, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">56677</a>: AssertionFailed from LaunchConfigurationView<br>
<a href="">56082</a>: no junit test for LaunchConfigurationDelegate.preLaunchCheck()<br>
<a href="">55309</a>: Leak: RetargetWatchpointAction hangs onto last activated part<br>
<a href="">56672</a>: 'Marker id not found' error in breakpoint view during fast create/delete breakpoint actions<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>March 25, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">55704</a>: Step into selection leads to too many breakpoints being skipped<br>
<a href="">56238</a>: Continue Launch when compile errors preference: Never<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>March 23, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">53677</a>: Remove "debug popup" scope when dialogs support key bindings<br>
<a href="">52613</a>: [New Look] Duplicate debugger perspective opened while stopping at brk pt<br>
<a href="">55124</a>: Warning reported in the builds<br>
<a href="">36495</a>: Debugger support for roles and activities<br>
<a href="">55040</a>: Don't provide ILaunchListener2 API<br>
<a href="">54925</a>: want option to not run programs with errors<br>
<a href="">54631</a>: debug view opens while prompting for perspective change<br>
<a href="">6400</a>: DCR - suggestion to improve running vs. debugging<br>
<a href="">55183</a>: Preference to switch perspective on suspend is too eager<br>
<a href="">55442</a>: ClassCastException in LaunchViewEventHandler<br>
<a href="">55194</a>: "String" problems with the DebugPreferencePage<br>
<a href="">55430</a>: "[KeyBindings] Migrate Popup keybinding support to new EnabledSubmission API<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>March 16, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">50156</a>: Disable "Use Step Filters" toggle for targets that do not support step filters<br>
<a href="">54189</a>: Disable "Use ToggleAutoManageViewsActionDelegate is missing required id<br>
<a href="">37485</a>: Icons for launch short-cuts should be optional<br>
<a href="">44234</a>: Type names always qualified in expressions view<br>
<a href="">53223</a>: Expression popup should also show toString()/details<br>
<a href="">54073</a>: Chkpii warnings in plugin.xml files<br>
<a href="">10302</a>: 'Run to Line' stops at breakpoints<br>
<a href="">52809</a>: Evaluating in debugger should not stop on breakpoint<br>
<a href="">38950</a>: Display offset of cursor in variables detail pane<br>
<a href="">10078</a>: Feature: Global enable/disable of breakpoints (and leave breakpoints list untouched)<br>
<a href="">54182</a>: Two prompts when starting a debug session<br>
<a href="">44632</a>: Debug view need to be error-proof<br>
<a href="">12746</a>: refactoring support for launch configurations<br>
<a href="">52017</a>: Add createCheckButton API to AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab<br>
<a href="">34345</a>: Disabled watch expression label includes "obsolete"<br>
<a href="">53001</a>: Need a separator between 'Include type inheriting ...' and 'stop in main' in the main Java launch configuration tab<br>
<a href="">54859</a>: Breakpoint are not set as non-registered when deleted from the breakpoint view<br>
<a href="">54117</a>: Contextual Launch should use XML Expression Language<br>
<a href="">52952</a>: show all env vars when replacing environment<br>
<a href="">48933</a>: Move to use the Platform UI color support<br>
<a href="">50384</a>: Debugger perspective: default layout improvements<br>
<a href="">37514</a>: global retargettable breakpoint action<br>
<a href="">52450</a>: Don't open Expression View by default<br>
<a href="">51402</a>: [Generic console] need showConsoleView() method<br>
<a href="">51935</a>: Add UI support for variables when specifying environment variable values<br>
<a href="">54065</a>: Tooltip text for profile button in toolbar is wrong<br>
<a href="">54901</a>: Better error logging when launch configuration blows up<br>
<a href="">51568</a>: Numerated accelerators for launch shorts in context menu<br>
<a href="">54924</a>: Variable selection dialog needs mneumonic for Variable Desc<br>
<a href="">54619</a>: Doc for breakpoint manager enablement<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>March 9, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">14414</a>: Use detail pane for variable value setting<br>
<a href="">53636</a>: Label changes after display/inspect popup is visible<br>
<a href="">53665</a>: NPE with "double click"<br>
<a href="">48313</a>: Message console does not support tab size<br>
<a href="">52964</a>: Persist size of debug pop-ups (or size better)<br>
<a href="">53470</a>: launch waiting for build shows up in context menu<br>
<a href="">53693</a>: Variables view doesn't show variables.<br>
<a href="">51787</a>: Stepping in Java Perspective<br>
<a href="">53554</a>: Default perspective switching preferences are backwards<br>
<a href="">53954</a>: "Change variable value" action.<br>
<a href="">50886</a>: Update debug markerAnnotationSpecification<br>
<a href="">44135</a>: ability to prompt for arguments in run/debug profiles<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>March 2, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">52607</a>: console: no action when drop down is pressed<br>
<a href="">51387</a>: API for retreiving console associated with a process<br>
<a href="">52867</a>: New look - console no longer has a view title<br>
<a href="">53225</a>: Display keybinding for default close action in debug popup<br>
<a href="">51386</a>: Variables view does not persist size of details area<br>
<a href="">13933</a>: Terminating launch does not send launchChanged event<br>
<a href="">53313</a>: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException from LaunchConfiguration<br>
<a href="">52330</a>: Logical Structure should have a single value<br>
<a href="">52974</a>: NPE in launch dialog when creating a new config<br>
<a href="">53409</a>: Launch view doesn't persist "views to not close"<br>
<a href="">49887</a>: Expose the exit value of IProcess<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Feb 24, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">29953</a>: Launch configuration not found, many stacktraces in the .log<br>
<a href="">13449</a>: Better description when launch configuration type is selected<br>
<a href="">52397</a>: NPE from AddFavoritesAction and others when rename launch config<br>
<a href="">52763</a>: Edit String Substitution Variable dialog clears value on name change<br>
<a href="">52170</a>: Improve debug context inheritance<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Feb 17, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">51998</a>: Bad label for a menu item<br>
<a href="">51465</a>: Variable subranges<br>
<a href="">51635</a>: Debug view is not brought to the front when a breakpoint is hit<br>
<a href="">37942</a>: Launch config dialog should have some way to determine the full location of JARs that are listed on the classpath<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Feb 12, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">51803</a>: ClassCastException importing preferences<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Feb 10, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">18338</a>: Run/Debug in the context menu<br>
<a href="">51388</a>: Show "Selection Not Applicable"<br>
<a href="">51422</a>: NPE on hitting breakpoint<br>
<a href="">49934</a>: Promote views with debugging contexts<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Feb 3, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">50155</a>: New Job#schedule() behavior<br>
<a href="">50203</a>: Exception in error log + blank rendered in sessions view<br>
<a href="">50543</a>: Cannot override PATH environment variable<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Jan 27, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">49972</a>: Nothing happens when launching<br>
<a href="">50232</a>: Missing localizations for extension point names<br>
<a href="">49891</a>: Problems launching a program, when using linked resources in CLASSPATH, which are not set<br>
<a href="">50407</a>: NPE in selected text resolver<br>
<a href="">50223</a>: Missing localizations for extension point names<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Jan 20, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">46781</a>: Console buffer size limit<br>
<a href="">46869</a>: Message console does not buffer output<br>
<a href="">49288</a>: Set Variable dialog not sized properly or resizable.<br>
<a href="">47601</a>: external tools: add ${selection} as a variable<br>
<a href="">48320</a>: Adapt to annotation deprecations<br>
<a href="">49977</a>: Less invasive background labels<br>
<a href="">41510</a>: Step with Filters: unify function across languages by allowing filters to be enabled/disabled on the 3 basic step functions<br>
<a href="">50232</a>: Missing localizations for extension point names<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Jan 13, 2004 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">45603</a>: Cycles in string substitutions<br>
<a href="">46363</a>: Lazy label provider for variables view<br>
<a href="">49884</a>: ProcessConsolePage does not deregister hyperlink action<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Dec 15, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">48608</a>: Handle null for IProcess#getStreamsProxy()<br>
<a href="">46868</a>: Changing text color via a MessageStream doesn't update colors<br>
<a href="">46797</a>: Possible NPE when writing launch configurations<br>
<a href="">48226</a>: Tooltip text for "External Tools" toolbar button not updated.<br>
<a href="">47668</a>: Exclude exception location<br>
<a href="">37506</a>: RefreshTab makes use of WorkbenchPlugin<br>
<a href="">45991</a>: need package.html in "variables" plug-in<br>
<a href="">47848</a>: IDebugEditorPresentation methods called in different order<br>
<a href="">47855</a>: Review VariableViewToggleAction<br>
<a href="">48224</a>: Target execution order hidden<br>
<a href="">47268</a>: Selected launch configuration incorrect<br>
<a href="">48190</a>: Variables context menu actions need eclipses [...]<br>
<a href="">40541</a>: NPE in launch configuration dialog<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Dec 9, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">37918</a>: Console uses Date format that is not appropriate for Japanese<br>
<a href="">47949</a>: Nothing added to launch history<br>
<a href="">47924</a>: Thread label flicker<br>
<a href="">47834</a>: No feedback that launch got queued/postponed<br>
<a href="">47377</a>: Console: order of local toolbar items should remain stable<br>
<a href="">42272</a>: Resize problem in Launch Config dialog<br>
<a href="">41609</a>: invalid tab size (rendering) in console<br>
<a href="">48315</a>: LaunchView thread timer runs too long<br>
<a href="">47389</a>: Use of deprecated API from IActivityManager<br>
<a href="">38419</a>: Variable "filters" is a misnomer<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Dec 2, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">47478</a>: Switching to use JRE Library container<br>
<a href="">47107</a>: Open Resource not available in Debug perspective<br>
<a href="">45981</a>: Move debug projects to use PDE dynamic classpath support<br>
<a href="">46811</a>: Deadlock saving working copied<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 25, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">47248</a>: NPE starting run-time workspace<br>
<a href="">38979</a>: Should not be able to remove contributed variables<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 21, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">47100</a>: TitleAreaDialog image has been disposed<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 20, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">47071</a>: Set instruction point layer to 6 in code<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 19, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">46858</a>: FileLink needs to resolve an editorId<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 18, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">45524</a>: Artwork for array partitions<br>
<a href="">46728</a>: org.eclipse.ui.console should be tagged as 3.0 plug-in<br>
<a href="">44479</a>: Exception when trying to start RuntimeWorkbench while workspace is building<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 11, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">43388</a>: Possible problem with DebugPlugin$AsynchJob<br>
<a href="">36942</a>: [plan item] Present logical view of Java objects in debugger<br>
<a href="">45903</a>: Breakpoint incorrectly enabled after activity filtering<br>
<a href="">43387</a>: Refresh tab and specific resources<br>
<a href="">44566</a>: Refresh tab does not enable "Apply" when changing selection<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Nov 4, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">45849</a>: ConcurrentModificationException in Expression manager<br>
<a href="">43332</a>: String Substitution Support - org.eclipse.core.variables<br>
<a href="">43952</a>: Improve launch tab interface/notification<br>
<a href="">44100</a>: UI blocked removing breakpoints from breakpoints view with other jobs<br>
<a href="">46152</a>: Revise usage of<br>
<a href="">46035</a>: NPE in Run... pages<br>
<a href="">45858</a>: User gets prompted multiple times to save the same resources<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Oct 28, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">43388</a>: Possible problem with DebugPlugin$AsynchJob<br>
<a href="">45195</a>: Debug View: Copy Stack only copies <pending...><br>
<a href="">44856</a>: errors in label update<br>
<a href="">44723</a>: Redundant launching job message<br>
<a href="">36735</a>: Would like automatic partitioning of large arrays<br>
<a href="">44099</a>: organize favorites...<br>
<a href="">44577</a>: Suspended debug target not given "suspended" overlay<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Oct 21, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">44934</a>: Remove dependancies on Xerces plugin<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Oct 15, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">44660</a>: MessageConsole.appendToDocument(...)<br>
<a href="">44040</a>: IConsoleLineTrackerExtension and after consoleClosed<br>
<a href="">44012</a>: missing closed notification for console line tracker<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Oct 07, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">40609</a>: Launch configuration dialog re-initializes all of the tabs on close<br>
<a href="">43226</a>: Deadlock using 0916<br>
<a href="">44048</a>: Cannot create New String Substitutions<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Sep 30, 2003 </p>
<h3>API Changes</h3>
<li>Support for variables that support string substitution has been changed.
The previously experimental extension points for simpleLaunchVariables, contextLaunchVariables,
and refreshLaunchVariables have been replaced with new (and yet experimental)
extension points valueVariables and contextVariables. The new support is purely
string based and is currently implemented in internal packages. It is percieved
that the new support could be moved to a new plug-in such that more clients
could leverage the support, as the current implementation is not tied to the
debug plug-in. </li>
<li>A console line tracker (IConsoleLineTracker) can be notified when its associated
console is closed (i.e. all of its streams are closed), by implementing the
new interface IConsoleLineTrackerExtension. The notification indicates that
no more output will be appended to the console.</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">31734</a>: Console line trackers not notified of last line<br>
<a href="">43608</a>: NPE removing an existing program in the external tools launching configuration<br>
<a href="">43477</a>: Console plug-in needs package.html<br>
<a href="">43704</a>: LaunchConfiguration.getFile does not handle linked resources: NPE<br>
<a href="">41579</a>: Move selection to next suspended thread after resuming<br>
<a href="">43197</a>: Race condition between console line tracker and debug terminate event<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Sep 23, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">43225</a>: No prompt to save dirty editors <br>
<a href="">43353</a>: Environment variable names all lowercased when appending to native environment<br>
<a href="">43331</a>: Rework Refresh Tab to avoid use of "refresh variables"<br>
<a href="">43334</a>: Refresh Tab always needs "apply" when working set specified<br>
<a href="">33866</a>: Move to using the PDE generated build.xml for exporting plugins<br>
<a href="">37263</a>: Support for generic console<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Sep 16, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">42570</a>: Promote RuntimeProcess to API<br>
<a href="">42779</a>: Duplicate entry in expression view<br>
<a href="">42814</a>: Ability of "override" environment<br>
<a href="">42877</a>: Clean up Launch in Background / Run in Background<br>
<a href="">19292</a>: Icons for enable/disable breakpoints very confusing<br>
<a href="">37091</a>: Need icon for environment tab and variables<br>
<a href="">10668</a>: Variable view - should reselect selected variable name<br>
<a href="">42177</a>: Installed JRE's preference page is huge<br>
<a href="">40863</a>: Env var usability<br>
<a href="">37784</a>: Rename "Debug" preference page to "Run/Debug"<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Sep 09, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">42020</a>: Move "Run in background" to builders only<br>
<a href="">41866</a>: Reference to IConsoleDocumentContentProvider in error message<br>
<a href="">42179</a>: Reevaluate watch expression enabled with no active targets<br>
<a href="">41633</a>: ILaunchManager#getLaunchConfigurations returns private configs<br>
<a href="">41352</a>: Incorrect lineAppended notification from ConsoleLineNotifier<br>
<a href="">1562</a>: Suspending on a that breakpoint (1GD5P0D)<br>
<a href="">42184</a>: Edit->Find action for the console is only enabled after some text is selected<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Sep 2, 2003 </p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">41758</a>: "Profile Last Launched" menu item is at the bottom, should be at the top<br>
<a href="">42218</a>: LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_DIALOG_LAUNCH_LAST no longer used<br>
<a href="">41947</a>: LaunchConfigurationDialog and cancellation<br>
<a href="">42064</a>: "New Launch Variable" and "Edit Launch Variable" dialogs do not use dialog font<br>
<a href="">42189</a>: NPE during shutdown<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
<p>Aug 27, 2003 </p>
<h3>New Features in Milestone 3 (release 3.0)</h3>
<h4>Extensible Watch Expressions</h4>
<p>In release 3.0, the debug platform provides an implementation of watch expressions.
Debug models can contribute watch expression delegates if they support watch
expressions. When a stack frame is selected, the associated delegate is queried
to provide a value for a watch expression in the given (stack frame) context.
The debug platform provides persistence, enabling, disabling, entering, and
editing of watch expressions. See the new extension point <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.watchExpressionDelegates</code>
for more details.</p>
<h3>API Changes</h3>
<h4>Launch Tabs &amp; Tab Groups</h4>
<p>Launch tab groups and launch tabs are no longer notified when a launch completes.
The method <code>launched(ILaunch)</code> in the interfaces <code>ILaunchConfigurationTab</code>
and <code>ILaunchConfigurationTabGroup</code> has been deprecated and is no
longer called. Relying on this method for launch function was always problematic,
since tabs only exist when launching is performed from the launch dialog. Also,
with the introduction of background launching, this method can no longer be
called, as the launch dialog is be closed before the resulting launch object
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">41675</a>: breakpoints no longer visible in overview ruler<br>
<a href="">38842</a>: Make enabling and disabling expressions part of the debug framework.<br>
<a href="">27493</a>: Re-use "watch list" actions<br>
<a href="">41940</a>: watch item not updated when enabled<br>
<a href="">41941</a>: API method should be internal<br>
<a href="">41550</a>: launch in the background<br>
<a href="">41977</a>: watch items will not disappear<br>
<a href="">42013</a>: Launching should not be UIJob<br>
<a href="">42037</a>: Breakpoint not shown as checked when enabled.<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
Aug 19, 2003
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">41499</a>: Update doc for watchExpressionDelegates extension point<br>
<a href="">41448</a>: launch shortcuts should be sorted<br>
<a href="">41506</a>: NPE attempting to create watch expression<br>
<a href="">27281</a>: The watch expressions don't persist across workbench invocations<br>
<a href="">41575</a>: Can't open breakpoint view<br>
<a href="">41585</a>: shared launch configurations are not being encoded with UTF-8<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
Aug 12, 2003
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">41290</a>: Typo: "persepctive" in launch configurations window<br>
<a href="">41276</a>: Clarify ILaunchConfiguration#getLocation()<br>
<a href="">41384</a>: Chkpii errors in debug<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
Aug 5, 2003
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">40964</a>: Got DebugException when stepping and removing a breakpoint<br>
<a href="">38365</a>: current instruction pointer annotation only added for ITextEditor<br>
<a href="">40961</a>: Refresh tab indicates working set error when no refresh<br>
<a href="">40962</a>: Refresh tab revert enabled incorrectly<br>
<a href="">19581</a>: Single launch config error logged many time<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
July 29, 2003
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">40576</a>: NPE with pinned console<br>
<a href="">40844</a>: NPE using debug<br>
<a href="">35453</a>: Process output causes switch to wrong console view.<br>
<a href="">35573</a>: Console output on new run or debug<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
July 22, 2003
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">40235</a>: preference page 'launch variables' uses borderless table, which looks suboptimal<br>
<a href="">40275</a>: Superfluous semicolons in the generated jdt eval tests<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
July 15, 2003
<h3>New Features in Milestone 2 (release 3.0)</h3>
<h4>Extensible Debug Events</h4>
<p>The debug platform supports an extensible set of debug events. A debug event
kind of <code>MODEL_SPECIFIC</code> has been added in the 3.0 release to indicate
an application specific debug event. When a debug event of kind <code>MODEL_SPECIFIC</code>
is created, the detail code in the event is client defined. The source of the
event (debug element that generated the event) identifies the debug model from
which the event was generated. The debug platform and user interface ignores
model specific debug events.</p>
<p>A data field has been added to debug events to allow clients to store application
specific data in debug events.</p>
<h4>Extensible Instruction Pointer Images</h4>
<p>When a stack frame is selected in the debug view, the debugger opens a corresponding
editor and displays an image in the editor ruler on the line that corresponds
to the selected stack frame. In releases prior to 3.0, the images were provided
by the debug plug-in and could not be overridden by a debug model. In release
3.0, a debug model presentation (<code>IDebugModelPresentation</code>) can provide
specialized images by implementing the debug editor presentation interface (<code>IDebugEditorPresentation</code>).</p>
<h4>Editor Positioning and Custom Decorations</h4>
<p>In release 3.0, debug model presentations can control the positioning of editors
opened by the debugger for a stack frame, and may add extra decorations to the
editor for a stack frame (for example, custom background coloring, etc.). This
can be acheived by having a debug model presentation implement the new interface
<code>IDebugEditorPresentation</code>, and implementing the appropriate methods
- <code>selectAndReveal</code>,<code> decorateEditor</code>, and <code>removeDecorations</code>.</p>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">33598</a>: Need to dynamically set icon for current line<br>
<a href="">38976</a>: Cancelling on launch var pref page does not work<br>
<a href="">38980</a>: var descriptions not persisted.<br>
<a href="">37793</a>: When moving folders and/or files in the navigator window UI hangs<br>
<a href="">36147</a>: Launch framework doesn't handle out of sync launch files<br>
<a href="">37092</a>: Environment tab variables should be sorted<br>
<a href="">38534</a>: Duplicate environment variables<br>
<a href="">39979</a>: Edit button should be disabled for multiselect<br>
<a href="">36597</a>: Would like to say what text attributes to use when selecting the executing statement<br>
<a href="">35208</a>: IAE in JavaMainTab when entering project name with path seperator<br>
<a href="">39980</a>: Selection of launch variables in the Launch Variable pref page<br>
<a href="">38324</a>: Double dialog for launch variable is unnecessary<br>
<a href="">40122</a>: NPE in TextEditorSelection.remove<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
July 9, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">39058</a>: Would like "collapse all" action in variable view<br>
<a href="">38577</a>: Setting detail pane to be visible can hide selected variable<br>
<a href="">39482</a>: NPE adding Java Watch expressions<br>
<a href="">39709</a>: Duplicated entries in the debugger<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
July 1, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">38584</a>: Book Capitilization for the tooltip for Toggle Variable Filters<br>
<a href="">38508</a>: [Dialog] [Font] Remote Java Application/Connect Page<br>
<a href="">38302</a>: An IProcess that returns null for getStreamsProxy generates 2 null pointer exceptions<br>
<a href="">39397</a>: Consolidate variables & general debug preference page<br>
<a href="">39208</a>: Context menu "Copy" should show Icon from ISharedImages [Console]<br>
<a href="">39344</a>: Convert ProcessMonitor to be a Job<br>
<a href="">39258</a>: Launch Configuration dialog: Screen cheese when switching between nodes<br>
<a href="">39394</a>: Extensible debug events<br>
<a href="">23432</a>: Some exceptions should not be logged.<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
June 17, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">38676</a>: can't debug into class if file/class name identifier has _$$_<br>
<a href="">38722</a>: Need restoration of preference store for those actions that are enabled only<br>
<a href="">38532</a>: Variables view orientation actions should more closely mimic the type hierarchy<br>
<a href="">22941</a>: Details area orientation<br>
<a href="">37241</a>: Support for core variables<br>
<a href="">38837</a>: CHKPII errors with launch variables<br>
<a href="">38972</a>: variable values only persisted when added/removed<br>
<a href="">38967</a>: simple launch variables & lazy init of plug-in<br>
<a href="">38725</a>: Debug context variables missing descriptions<br>
<a href="">38727</a>: IVariableComponent#setEnabled(boolean)<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
June 10, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">38671</a>: NPE from LaunchVariableManager<br>
<a href="">38649</a>: Plugin.xml and schema validation<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
June 5, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">38423</a>: NPE during creation of varibles view<br>
<a href="">38529</a>: UI locks up toggline on the variable filters<br>
<a href="">38420</a>: Details pane does not populate when first opened<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
June 3, 2003
<h3> Extensible Launch Modes</h3>
<p>The debug platform supports an extensible set of launch modes. Releases prior
to 3.0 only supported two launch modes - run and debug. The debug platform now
provides an extension point for contributing new launch modes - <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchModes</code>.
The debug platform now defines (contributes) three basic launch modes - run,
debug, and profile. Other clients may contribute new launch modes. The launch
manager (<code>ILaunchManager</code>) has additional API to retrieve all launch
modes, and a human readable label for each launch mode.</p>
<p>The debug platform has a new extension point to support the contribution of
a launch delegate for a specific launch configuration type and launch mode -
<code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchDelegates</code>. This allows launch configurations
to be extended by third parties, to support new launch modes. For example, a
client could contribute a launch delegate that launches a Java Application in
profile mode (currently, the SDK does not provide a profiler).</p>
<p>The debug platform has added an optional element (<code>launchMode</code>),
to the definition of a launch tab group extension - <code>(org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabGroup</code>),
to support the contribution of a set of tabs for a specific launch configuration
type and launch mode. This allows third parties to extend an existing lauch
configuration user interface. For example, a client contributing a launch delegate
to profile a Java Application would also contribute a set of tabs to configure
the profiler. The launchMode element defines a perpsective attribute to specify
the default perspective associated with the launch configuration type and mode.
This controls the perspective that is switched to/opened, by default, when a
configuration is launched in the associated mode. For example, a client contributing
a profiler may also contribute a profiling perspective that should be displayed
when an application is profiled.</p>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">38083</a>: [Viewers] Debug exception when double-clicking on hashtable<br>
<a href="">38249</a>: NPE trying to create project builder<br>
<a href="">37141</a>: Common tab icon should not be a bug<br>
<a href="">38283</a>: Remove the setting of the target perspective on working copies<br>
<a href="">38102</a>: [Debug] [Preferences] Launch Variables Page; Table Columns truncated<br>
<a href="">38330</a>: No double click to edit for launch variable<br>
<a href="">38325</a>: Launch variable not removed from table on remove<br>
<a href="">38336</a>: Support delete key in launch variable table<br>
<a href="">38328</a>: Launch variable table needs to be sorted alphabetically<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
May 27, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">38070</a>: AbstractLaunchConfigurationTabGroup#launched() javadoc typo<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
May 06, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">37090</a>: Apply/Revert incorrectly enabled for Environment tab<br>
<a href="">36930</a>: Support variables in launch configurations<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 29, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">27243</a>: Environment for external tools<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 22, 2003
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">35740</a>: Disable edit launch config popup action for private launch<br>
<a href="">36390</a>: Doc error in schema for consoleColorProviders and consoleLineTrackers<br>
<a href="">36152</a>: Workbench Help set on wrong Composite<br>
<a href="">36035</a>: Request a variant on DebugPlugin.exec that takes an environment pointer<br>
<a href="">36409</a>: TODO marker for help context for OpenLaunchDialogAction<br>
<a href="">27444</a>: [Dialogs] Dialog font should be used by debug components<br>