| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| # QNX Software Systems - Mikhail Khodjaiants - Registers View (Bug 53640) |
| # Wind River Systems - Pawel Piech - Added Modules view (bug 211158) |
| # Wind River Systems - Ted Williams -[Memory View] Memory View: Workflow Enhancements (bug 215432) |
| # Patrick Chuong (Texas Instruments) - Move debug toolbar actions to main window (Bug 332784) |
| # Axel Richard (Obeo) - Bug 41353 - Launch configurations prototypes |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| pluginName=Debug UI |
| |
| accessAction.label=&Access |
| BreakpointsView.name=Breakpoints |
| ConsoleColorProvidersExtensionName= Console Color Providers |
| ConsoleFont.description= The font used by the debug console. |
| ConsoleFont.label= Console font |
| ConsoleLineTrackersExtensionName= Console Line Trackers |
| LaunchingPreferencePage.name=Launching |
| LaunchDelegatesPreferencePage.name=Default Launchers |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage.name=View Management |
| ConsolePreferencePage.name=Console |
| DebugModelContextBindingsName=Debug Model Context Bindings |
| ContextViewBindingsName=Context View Bindings |
| BreakpointOrganizersName=Breakpoint Organizers |
| VariableValueEditorsName=Variable Value Editors |
| |
| ContextLaunchingRunMenu.name=&Run |
| ContextLaunchingRunMenu.tooltip=Run the selected item |
| |
| ContextLaunchingDebugMenu.name=&Debug |
| ContextLaunchingDebugMenu.tooltip=Debug the selected item |
| |
| ContextLaunchingProfileMenu.name=&Profile |
| ContextLaunchingProfileMenu.tooltip=Profile the selected item |
| |
| ContextualLaunchingPrefPage.name=Contextual Launching |
| |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropPage.name=Run/Debug Settings |
| |
| Copy.label=&Copy |
| BreakpointActionSet.label=Breakpoints |
| CollapseAll.label=Collapse All |
| CollapseAll.tooltip= Collapse All |
| CopyToClipboardAction.label=&Copy Stack |
| CopyVariablesToClipboardAction.label=Copy &Variables |
| CopyExpressionsToClipboardAction.label=Copy &Expressions |
| CopyRegistersToClipboardAction.label=Copy &Registers |
| DebugActionSet.label=Debug |
| DebugToolbarActionSet.label=Debug Toolbar |
| debugCurrentInstructionPointer=Debug Current Instruction Pointer |
| debugCallStack=Debug Call Stack |
| DebugDropDownAction.label=Debug |
| DebugQuickAccess.label=Debug |
| DebugHistoryMenuAction.label=Debug &History |
| DebugLastAction.label=&Debug Last Launched |
| DebugLaunchGroup.label=De&bug |
| DebugLaunchGroup.title=Select or configure an application to debug |
| DebugModelPresentationExtensionName=Debug Model Presentation |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationTabsExtension.name=Launch Configuration Tabs |
| |
| DebugPerspective.name=Debug |
| DebugPerspective.description=This Debug perspective supports application debugging by providing views for displaying the debug stack, variables and breakpoints. |
| |
| command.openDebugPerspective.description = Open the debug perspective |
| DebugPreferencePage.name=Run/Debug |
| DebugView.name=Debug |
| DebugViewsCategory.name=Debug |
| DebugWithConfigurationAction.label=Debu&g As |
| DetailPaneFontDefinition.label=Detail pane text font |
| DetailPaneFontDefinition.description=The detail pane text font is used in the detail panes of debug views. |
| DetailPaneFactoriesExtension.name=Detail Pane Factories |
| DisableBreakpointsAction.label=&Disable |
| DisableAllBreakpointsAction.label=Disa&ble All |
| EnableBreakpointsAction.label=&Enable |
| ExpandAll.label=Expand All |
| ExpandAll.tooltip=Expand All |
| ExpressionView.name=Expressions |
| GroupBy.label=&Group By |
| GroupBy.tooltip=Show |
| LinkWithDebugView.label=Link with Debug View |
| LinkWithDebugView.tooltip=Link with Debug View |
| LaunchActionSet.label=Launch |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupExtensionName=Launch Configuration Tab Group |
| LaunchShortcutsName=Launch Shortcut |
| LaunchConfigurationTypeImageExtensionName=Launch Configuration Type Image |
| LaunchGroupsExtensionName=Launch Groups |
| modificationAction.label=&Modification |
| ModulesView.name=Modules |
| OpenDebugConfigurations.label=De&bug Configurations... |
| OpenRunConfigurations.label=Ru&n Configurations... |
| OpenProfileConfigurations.label=&Profile Configurations... |
| processPropertyPageName=Process Information |
| ProfileLaunchGroup.label=&Profile |
| ProfileLaunchGroup.title=Select or configure an application to profile |
| ProfileDropDownAction.label=Profile |
| ProfileWithConfigurationAction.label=Pro&file As |
| ProfileHistoryMenuAction.label=Profile Histor&y |
| ProfileLastAction.label=Profi&le Last Launched |
| ProfileActionSet.label=Profile |
| RegistersView.name=Registers |
| RelaunchAction.label=Re&launch |
| RemoveAction.label=Rem&ove |
| RemoveAllAction.label=Remove A&ll |
| RemoveAllTriggerpoints.label=Remove All &Triggers |
| RemoveAllBreakpointsAction.label=Remo&ve All Breakpoints |
| RemoveAllBreakpointsAction.tooltip=Remove All Breakpoints |
| RemoveAllExpressionsAction.tooltip=Remove All Expressions |
| RemoveAllTerminatedAction.label=Remove &All Terminated |
| RemoveAllTerminatedAction.tooltip=Remove All Terminated Launches |
| CollapseAllAction.label=Collapse All |
| CollapseAllAction.tooltip=Collapse All |
| RemoveBreakpointAction.tooltip=Remove Selected Breakpoints |
| RemoveExpressionAction.tooltip=Remove Selected Expressions |
| ResumeAction.label=Resu&me |
| RunDropDownAction.label=Run |
| RunQuickAccess.label=Run |
| RunMenu.label=&Run |
| RunLastAction.label=&Run Last Launched |
| RunLaunchGroup.label=Ru&n |
| RunLaunchGroup.title=Select or configure an application to run |
| RunHistoryMenuAction.label=Run His&tory |
| RunWithConfigurationAction.label=Run A&s |
| RunToLine.label=Run to &Line |
| SelectAll.label=Select &All |
| SortBy.label=Sor&t By |
| SortBy.tooltip=Sort By |
| StepWithFiltersAction.label=Use Step &Filters |
| StepWithFiltersAction.tooltip=Use Step Filters/Step Debug |
| StepIntoAction.label=Step &Into |
| StepOverAction.label=Step &Over |
| StepReturnAction.label=Step Ret&urn |
| StringVariablePresentationsName=String Variable Presentations |
| SuspendAction.label=&Suspend |
| TerminateAction.label=&Terminate |
| DropToFrame.label=Drop To Frame |
| Disconnect.label=Disconnect |
| ToggleBreakpointAction.label=Toggle Brea&kpoint |
| ToggleBreakpointsTargetFactoriesExtension.name=Toggle Breakpoints Target Factories |
| ToggleLineBreakpointAction.label=Toggle &Line Breakpoint |
| ToggleMethodBreakpointAction.label=Toggle &Method Breakpoint |
| ToggleWatchpointAction.label=Toggle &Watchpoint |
| TerminateAllAction.label=Termi&nate/Disconnect All |
| TerminateAllAction.tooltip=Terminate/Disconnect All |
| BreakpointTypesMenu.label=B&reakpoint Types |
| VariablesView.name=Variables |
| VariableTextFontDefinition.label=Variable text font |
| VariableTextFontDefinition.description=Font to use for the label text of entries in the Variables, Registers and Expression views as well as the Inspect Popup Dialog. |
| StringVariablePreferencePage.name=String Substitution |
| ToggleMemoryMonitorsPaneAction.name = &Toggle Memory Monitors Pane |
| ToggleMemoryMonitorsPaneAction.tooltip = Toggle Memory Monitors Pane |
| ToggleSplitPaneAction.name = Toggle &Split Pane |
| ToggleSplitPaneAction.tooltip = Toggle Split Pane |
| LinkRenderingPanesAction.name = &Link Memory Rendering Panes |
| LinkRenderingPanesAction.tooltip = Link Memory Rendering Panes |
| AddRemoveRenderingMenu.name = Add/Remove Rendering |
| AddRenderingAction.name = Add Rendering |
| RemoveRenderingAction.name = Remove Rendering |
| PerspectivePreferencePage.name = Perspectives |
| LaunchConfigurationsPage.name = Launch Configurations |
| |
| #string substitution variables |
| string_prompt.description=Returns the text value entered into a prompt dialog. When one argument is provided, it is used as a prompt hint on the input dialog. When a second argument is provided, it is used as an initial value in the input dialog. The first and second arguments must be separated with a ':'. |
| password_prompt.description=Returns the text value entered into a password prompt dialog. When one argument is provided, it is used as a prompt hint on the input dialog. When a second argument is provided, it is used as an initial value in the input dialog. The first and second arguments must be separated with a ':'. |
| file_prompt.description=Returns the absolute file system path of a file chosen in a file selection dialog. When one argument is provided, it is used a prompt hint on the dialog title. When a second argument is provided, it is used as an initial value for the file selection dialog. The first and second arguments must be separated with a ':'. |
| folder_prompt.description=Returns the absolute file system path of a directory chosen in a directory selection dialog. When one argument is provided, it is used a prompt hint on the dialog title. When a second argument is provided, it is used as an initial value for the directory selection dialog. The first and second arguments must be separated with a ':'. |
| selected_text.description=Returns the text currently selected in the active editor. |
| selected_resource_loc.description=Returns the absolute file system path of the selected resource. |
| selected_resource_path.description=Returns the workspace relative path of the selected resource. |
| selected_resource_name.description=Returns the name of the selected resource. |
| |
| providerName=Eclipse.org |
| |
| runCategory.name= Run/Debug |
| runCategory.description= Run/Debug command category |
| |
| NoSourceFoundEditor.name= No Source Found |
| |
| Context.debugging.description= Debugging programs |
| Context.debugging.name= Debugging |
| |
| Context.console.description= In I/O console |
| Context.console.name= In I/O Console |
| |
| Context.memoryview.description = In memory view |
| Context.memoryview.name = In Memory View |
| |
| ActionContext.breakpointsview.name=In Breakpoints View |
| ActionContext.breakpointsview.description=The breakpoints view context |
| |
| ActionDefinition.eof.name= EOF |
| ActionDefinition.eof.description= Send end of file |
| |
| ActionDefinition.clear.name=Clear Console |
| ActionDefinition.clear.description=Clear Console |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addMemoryBlock.name= Add Memory Block |
| ActionDefinition.addMemoryBlock.description=Add memory block |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleStepFilters.name= Use Step Filters |
| ActionDefinition.toggleStepFilters.description= Toggles enablement of debug step filters |
| |
| ActionDefinition.stepInto.name= Step Into |
| ActionDefinition.stepInto.description= Step into |
| |
| ActionDefinition.stepOver.name= Step Over |
| ActionDefinition.stepOver.description= Step over |
| |
| ActionDefinition.stepReturn.name= Step Return |
| ActionDefinition.stepReturn.description= Step return |
| |
| ActionDefinition.restart.name=Restart |
| ActionDefinition.restart.description=Restart a process or debug target without terminating and re-launching |
| |
| ActionDefinition.resume.name=Resume |
| ActionDefinition.resume.description=Resume |
| |
| ActionDefinition.runToLine.name=Run to Line |
| ActionDefinition.runToLine.description=Resume and break when execution reaches the current line |
| |
| ActionDefinition.terminate.name=Terminate |
| ActionDefinition.terminate.description=Terminate |
| |
| ActionDefinition.terminateAndRelaunch.name=Terminate and Relaunch |
| ActionDefinition.terminateAndRelaunch.description=Terminate and Relaunch |
| |
| ActionDefinition.terminateAll.name=Terminate/Disconnect All |
| ActionDefinition.terminateAll.description=Terminate/Disconnect All |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleBreakpoint.name=Toggle Breakpoint |
| ActionDefinition.toggleBreakpoint.description=Creates or removes a breakpoint |
| ActionDefinition.toggleLineBreakpoint.name=Toggle Line Breakpoint |
| ActionDefinition.toggleLineBreakpoint.description=Creates or removes a line breakpoint |
| |
| ActionDefinition.suspend.name=Suspend |
| ActionDefinition.suspend.description=Suspend |
| |
| ActionDefinition.dropToFrame.name=Drop to Frame |
| ActionDefinition.dropToFrame.description=Drop to Frame |
| |
| ActionDefinition.disconnect.name=Disconnect |
| ActionDefinition.disconnect.description=Disconnect |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openProfile.name=Profile... |
| ActionDefinition.openProfile.description=Open profile launch configuration dialog |
| |
| ActionDefinition.profileLast.name=Profile |
| ActionDefinition.profileLast.description=Launch in profile mode |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openRun.name=Run... |
| ActionDefinition.openRun.description=Open run launch configuration dialog |
| |
| ActionDefinition.debugLast.name=Debug |
| ActionDefinition.debugLast.description=Launch in debug mode |
| |
| ActionDefinition.runLast.name=Run |
| ActionDefinition.runLast.description=Launch in run mode |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openDebug.name=Debug... |
| ActionDefinition.openDebug.description=Open debug launch configuration dialog |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleWatchpoint.name=Toggle Watchpoint |
| ActionDefinition.toggleWatchpoint.description=Creates or removes a watchpoint |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleMethodBreakpoint.name=Toggle Method Breakpoint |
| ActionDefinition.toggleMethodBreakpoint.description=Creates or removes a method breakpoint |
| |
| ActionDefinition.removeAllBreakpoints.name=Remove All Breakpoints |
| ActionDefinition.removeAllBreakpoints.description=Removes all breakpoints |
| |
| ActionDefinition.skipAllBreakpoints.name=Skip All Breakpoints |
| ActionDefinition.skipAllBreakpoints.description=Sets whether or not any breakpoint should suspend execution |
| |
| SkipAllBreakpointsAction.label=S&kip All Breakpoints |
| SkipAllBreakpointsAction.tooltip=Skip All Breakpoints |
| editWatchExpressionAction.label=&Edit Watch Expression... |
| editWatchExpressionAction.tooltip=Edit the selected watch expression |
| reevaluateWatchExpressionAction.label=&Reevaluate Watch Expression |
| reevaluateWatchExpressionAction.tooltip=Reevaluate the watch expression in the selected stack frame |
| addWatchExpressionAction.label=&Add Watch Expression... |
| addWatchExpressionAction.tooltip=Create a new watch expression |
| convertToWatchExpressionAction.label=Convert to &Watch Expression |
| convertToWatchExpressionAction.tooltip=Convert an inspect expression to a watch expression |
| Watch.label=Wa&tch |
| Watch.name=Watch |
| Watch.description=Create a watch expression from the current selection and add it to the Expressions view |
| |
| enableWatchExpressionAction.label=Enable |
| enableWatchExpressionAction.tooltip=Enable watch expression |
| |
| disableWatchExpressionAction.label=Disable |
| disableWatchExpressionAction.tooltip=Disable watch expression |
| |
| BreakpointMarkerPreference.label= Breakpoints |
| |
| SourceContainerPresentationsName = Source Container Presentations |
| |
| DebugContextMenu.label=&Debug As |
| RunContextMenu.label=&Run As |
| ProfileContextMenu.label=&Profile As |
| |
| containerName.workingSet = Working set |
| sourceNotFoundEditorName=Source Not Found Editor |
| |
| debugPresentation.label= Debug |
| |
| MemoryViewName = Memory |
| |
| MemoryViewTableFontDefinition.label=Memory view table font |
| MemoryViewTableFontDefinition.description=The font used in the table of the memory view. |
| |
| RawHex = Hex |
| SignedIntegerName = Signed Integer |
| UnsignedIntegerName = Unsigned Integer |
| Endianess = Endianess |
| BigEndianActionName = Big Endian |
| LittleEndianActionName = Little Endian |
| RestoreDefEndianessActionName = Restore Default |
| HexIntegerName = Hex Integer |
| |
| ViewManagementAction.label=&View Management... |
| |
| setDefaultGroup.label=&Select Default Working Set... |
| setDefaultGroup.tooltip=Select Default Working Set |
| clearDefaultGroup.label=&Deselect Default Working Set |
| clearDefaultGroup.tooltip=Deselect Default Working Set |
| workingSets.label=&Working Sets... |
| workingSets.tooltip=Manage Working Sets |
| |
| editGroup.label=&Edit Working Set... |
| ToggleDefault.label=Defaul&t Working Set |
| |
| Project.label=Projects |
| Project.others=Others (no project) |
| File.label=Files |
| File.others=Others (no file) |
| BreakpointType.label=Breakpoint Types |
| BreakpointType.others=Others (type unspecified) |
| WorkingSet.label=Resource Working Sets |
| WorkingSet.others=Others (no working set) |
| BreakpointWorkingSet.label=Breakpoint Working Sets |
| BreakpointWorkingSet.others=Others (no working set) |
| BreakpointWorkingSet.name=Breakpoint |
| BreakpointWorkingSet.description=Breakpoint workingsets contain listings of workspace breakpoints |
| memoryRenderingsExtensionPointName = Memory Renderings |
| TableRenderingPrefActionName = &Table Renderings Preferences... |
| |
| |
| NewMemoryViewAction.label=&New Memory View |
| NewMemoryViewAction.tooltip=New Memory View |
| PinMemoryBlockAction.label=&Pin Memory Monitor |
| PinMemoryBlockAction.tooltip=Pin Memory Monitor |
| TableRenderingInfo.label = Rendering Selection |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.general=run debug breakpoints variables color editor source code conditional workbench expression confirmation memory reuse |
| preferenceKeywords.console=run debug console stdout stderr color process fixed width character write standard program background in out error |
| preferenceKeywords.launching=run debug launching build required dirty editor build wait workspace continue project error remove terminate launch history context previous selected resource |
| preferenceKeywords.stringSubstitution=run debug variables string substitution launch |
| preferenceKeywords.viewManagement=run debug views launch open close automatic mode |
| preferenceKeywords.perspective=perspectives switching assign automatic run debug associated suspend mode |
| preferenceKeywords.launchConfigurations=filters launch migration configurations run debug closed missing projects working set type migrate delete resource |
| preferenceKeywords.launchDelegates=launch delegate duplicate run debug profile mode configuration launchers launcher modes |
| preferenceKeywords.contextLaunching=run debug profile launch contextual delegate configuration execute default preferred mode type |
| |
| exportBreakpoints.label=E&xport Breakpoints... |
| importBreakpoints.label=I&mport Breakpoints... |
| exportBreakpoints.name=Breakpoints |
| importBreakpoints.description=Import breakpoints from the local file system. |
| exportBreakpoints.description=Export breakpoints to the local file system. |
| |
| importLaunchConfigurations.name=Launch Configurations |
| importLaunchConfigurations.description=Import launch configurations from the local file system. |
| exportLaunchConfigurations.description=Export launch configurations to the local file system. |
| |
| switchMemoryBlock.label = Switch &Memory Monitor |
| switchMemoryBlock.tooltip = Switch Memory Monitor |
| toggleMemoryMonitorsPane.label = Toggle Memory Monitors Pane |
| toggleMemoryMonitorsPane.description = Toggle visibility of the Memory Monitors Pane |
| nextMemoryBlockCommand.label = Next Memory Monitor |
| nextMemoryBlockCommand.description = Show renderings from next memory monitor. |
| newRenderingCommand.label = New Rendering |
| newRenderingCommand.description = Add a new rendering. |
| closeRenderingCommand.label = Close Rendering |
| closeRenderingCommand.description = Close the selected rendering. |
| memoryViewPrefAction.label = &Preferences... |
| resetMemoryMonitorAction.label = &Reset |
| |
| ConsolePreferencesAction.label = &Preferences... |
| ConsolePreferencesAction.tooltip = Opens the console's Preferences Page |
| |
| command.description.0 = Go to Address |
| command.name.0 = Go to Address |
| context.description.0 = In Table Memory Rendering |
| context.name.0 = In Table Memory Rendering |
| command.description.1 = Load next page of memory |
| command.name.1 = Next Page of Memory |
| command.description.2 = Load previous page of memory |
| command.name.2 = Previous Page of Memory |
| |
| console.background.label= Process console background |
| console.out.label= Standard out |
| console.in.label= Standard in |
| console.err.label= Standard error |
| debug.ui.component.label = Platform Debug UI |
| debug.core.component.label = Platform Debug Core |
| GroupLaunch.description=Launch several other configurations sequentially |
| |
| prototype.decorator.label = Prototype Decorator |