| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2022 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Console_settings=Debug Console Settings. |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Show__Console_View_when_there_is_program_error_3=Show when &program writes to standard error |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Show__Console_View_when_there_is_program_output_3=&Show when program writes to standard out |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Show__Console_View_enable_auto_scroll_lock=Enable &auto scroll lock |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Standard_Error__3=Standard &Error text color: |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Standard_In__4=Standard &In text color: |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Standard_Out__2=Standard &Out text color: |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Wrap_text_1=Fixed &width console |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Console_width=&Maximum character width: |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Limit_console_output_1=&Limit console output |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Console_buffer_size__characters___2=Console &buffer size (characters): |
| ConsolePreferencePage_The_console_buffer_size_must_be_at_least_1000_characters__1=Buffer size must be between 1000 and {0} inclusive. |
| ConsolePreferencePage_console_width=Character width must be between 80 and 1000 inclusive. |
| ConsolePreferencePage_12=Displayed &tab width: |
| ConsolePreferencePage_13=Tab width must be between 1 and 100 inclusive. |
| ConsolePreferencePage_11=Back&ground color: |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Interpret_control_characters=Interpret ASCII &control characters |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Interpret_cr_as_control_character=Interpret Carriage &Return (\\r) as control character |
| ConsolePreferencePage_Enable_Word_Wrap_text=E&nable word wrap |
| |
| DebugPreferencePage_1=General Settings for Running and Debugging. |
| DebugPreferencePage_2=Re&use editor when displaying source code |
| DebugPreferencePage_3=Activate the workbenc&h when a breakpoint is hit |
| DebugPreferencePage_0=&Memory unbuffered color: |
| DebugPreferencePage_4=Changed &value color: |
| DebugPreferencePage_10=Si&ze of recently launched applications list: |
| DebugPreferencePage_11=The size of recently launched applications should be between {0} and {1} |
| DebugPreferencePage_21=Open the associated perspective when an application suspends |
| DebugPreferencePage_22=A&lways |
| DebugPreferencePage_23=&Never |
| DebugPreferencePage_24=&Prompt |
| DebugPreferencePage_25=Skip &breakpoints during a 'Run to Line' operation |
| DebugPreferencePage_26=A&ctivate the debug view when a breakpoint is hit |
| DebugPreferencePage_27=Memor&y buffered color: |
| DebugPreferencePage_28=Changed value bac&kground color: |
| DebugPreferencePage_29=&Prompt for confirmation when deleting all breakpoints |
| DebugPreferencePage_30=Prompt for confirmation when deleting breakpoint con&tainers |
| DebugPreferencePage_31=&Prompt for confirmation when removing all triggerpoints |
| DebugPreferencePage_32=&Prompt for confirmation when disabling all breakpoints |
| DebugPreferencePage_5=Prompt for confirmation when deleting all e&xpressions |
| DebugPreferencePage_showValuesInline=Show debug values &inline on text editors (Experimental) |
| |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_1=&Build (if required) before launching |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_2=Save required dirty editors before launching |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_3=Alwa&ys |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_4=&Never |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_5=&Prompt |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_6=Wait for ongoing build to complete before launching |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_7=A&lways |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_8=N&ever |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_9=Pro&mpt |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_0=Select the launch configurations to &migrate: |
| LaunchersPreferencePage_0=Currently there are no conflicting launchers. |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_10=Remove term&inated launches when a new launch is created |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_11=Open the associated perspective when launching |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_12=Al&ways |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_13=Ne&ver |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_14=Pr&ompt |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_15=Launch in debug mode when workspace contains breakpoints |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_16=Alway&s |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_17=Neve&r |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_18=Promp&t |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_21=Continue launch if project contains errors |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_22=Al&ways |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_23=Pr&ompt |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_26=Search for, select, and upgrade launch configurations to be compatible with current tooling. |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_27=Mi&grate... |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_28=Select Launch Configurations |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_29=No Candidates |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_30=None of the available launch configurations require migration. |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_31=Migrating launch configurations... |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_32=Launch Configuration Filters |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_33=&Filter configurations in closed projects |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_34=Filter configurations in dele&ted or missing projects |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_35=Migration |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_36=General Options |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_37=Always launch the previously launched appli&cation |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_38=Launch t&he selected resource or active editor. If not launchable: |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_39=Launch the associated pro&ject |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_40=Launch Operation |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_41=La&unch the previously launched application |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_confirm_0=Prompt for confirmation when removin&g a configuration from the launch history |
| LaunchingPreferencePage_42=Termin&ate and relaunch while launching (Press 'Shift' to toggle during launch from menu and toolbar) |
| |
| ProcessPropertyPage_Command_Line__1=Co&mmand Line: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_0=Run-&at time: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_10=&Terminated-at time: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_11=PID: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_1=&Path: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_2=Process properties |
| ProcessPropertyPage_3=No path information available |
| ProcessPropertyPage_4=No time information available |
| ProcessPropertyPage_5=No command line information provided |
| ProcessPropertyPage_6=&Working Directory: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_7=En&vironment: |
| ProcessPropertyPage_8=No environment information provided |
| ProcessPropertyPage_9=No working directory information provided |
| |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_3=Variable |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_4=Value |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_5=Description |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_6=&Create and configure string substitution variables. |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_7=&New... |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_8=&Edit... |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_9=&Remove |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_10=&Name: |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_11=&Value: |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_12=&Description: |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_13=New String Substitution Variable |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_14=Edit Variable: {0} |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_15=Overwrite variable? |
| SimpleVariablePreferencePage_16=A variable named {0} already exists. Overwrite? |
| SimpleLaunchVariablePreferencePage_21=Remove Contributed Variables |
| SimpleLaunchVariablePreferencePage_22=The following variables were contributed by plug-ins. Removing them may cause unknown problems.\n{0}\nProceed? |
| SimpleLaunchVariablePreferencePage_23=\ [contributed] |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_24=Error |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_25=Unable to save changes |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_26=\ [read-only] |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_27=Contributed By |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_23=Cannot overwrite read-only variable |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_22=A read-only variable named {0} already exists. Read-only variables can not be overwritten. |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_21=Problem creating variable |
| StringVariablePreferencePage_20=Variables cannot have an empty name. |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage_0=The 'Debug' view can automatically open and close views based on selection. Choose in which perspectives this feature should be enabled: |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage_1=View Management |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage_2=&Perspectives: |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage_3=Do ¬ automatically open/close views which have been manually closed/opened. |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage_4=The list of views that have been manually opened/closed is persisted between sessions. |
| ViewManagementPreferencePage_5=&Reset |
| PerspectivePreferencePage_0=These settings control perspectives for running and debugging. A perspective can automatically open when launching or when an application suspends. |
| PerspectivePreferencePage_1=Appli&cation Types/Launchers: |
| PerspectivePreferencePage_2=Modes/Perspec&tives: |
| PerspectivePreferencePage_4=None |
| PerspectivePreferencePage_5=These settings assign perspectives to each application type or launcher and launch mode set. Select "None" to indicate that a perspective should not be opened. |
| LaunchConfigurationsPreferencePage_0=Filter checked launch configuration type&s: |
| LaunchConfigurationsPreferencePage_1=Launch Configurations |
| LaunchConfigurationsPreferencePage_2=Delete &configurations when associated resource is deleted |
| LaunchConfigurationsPreferencePage_3=Apply window &working set(s) |
| LaunchDelegatesPreferencePage_1=The settings on this page specify which launcher to use when multiple launchers are available for a configuration and launch mode. |
| LaunchDelegatesPreferencePage_2=Launch &Type/Mode: |
| LaunchDelegatesPreferencePage_3=P&referred Launcher: |
| LaunchDelegatesPreferencePage_0=Default Launcher |
| LaunchDelegatesPreferencePage_4=Launcher Description |
| LaunchPerspectivePreferencePage_0=There is no perspective information available to change. |
| LaunchPerspectivePreferencePage_1=The selected types/launchers do not have any common mode sets. |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_0=This page allows you to manage launch configurations associated with the currently selected resource. |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_1=Launch con&figurations for ''{0}'': |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_2=&New... |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_3=Create new launch configuration |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_4=Du&plicate |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_5=Duplicate selected launch configuration |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_6=&Edit... |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_7=Edit selected launch configuration |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_8=De&lete |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_9=Delete selected launch configuration |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_11=Select Configuration Type |
| DefaultLaunchConfigurationsPropertiesPage_12=&Select the type of configuration to create: |
| RunDebugPropertiesPage_0=There was a problem trying to edit {0} |