blob: c29eada532ccca6adda6ed25daea5c0d6199be84 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Export a jar of .class files for the org.eclipse.debug.core Eclipse plugin
along with other important plugin files to the "plugin-export" subdirectory
of the target Eclipse installation -->
<project name="Export debug.core" default="export" basedir="..">
<!-- Set the timestamp and important properties -->
<target name="init">
<property name="destdir" value="../../plugin-export" />
<property name="dest" value="${destdir}/org.eclipse.debug.core_3.0.0" />
<!-- Create the jar of .class files, and copy other important files to export dir -->
<target name="export" depends="init">
<mkdir dir="${destdir}" />
<delete dir="${dest}" />
<mkdir dir="${dest}" />
<!-- Create the source zip -->
<zip zipfile="${dest}/">
<fileset dir="core"/>
<copy file="plugin.xml" todir="${dest}"/>
<copy file="" todir="${dest}"/>
<copy file=".classpath" todir="${dest}"/>
<copy file=".options" todir="${dest}"/>