| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| # Wind River Systems - Ted Williams - [Memory View] Memory View: Workflow Enhancements (Bug 215432) |
| # Remy Chi Jian Suen - Make WorkingDirectoryBlock from JDT a Debug API class (Bug 221973) |
| # Obeo - Axel Richard - Launch configurations prototypes (Bug 41353) |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| DebugUIPlugin_23=Build in Progress |
| DebugUIPlugin_24=Wait for build to finish? |
| DebugUIPlugin_25=Launching {0} |
| DebugUIPlugin_0=\ (waiting for build...) |
| DebugUIPlugin_Build_error__Check_log_for_details__2=Build error. Check log for details. |
| DebugUIPlugin_Run_Debug_1=Run/Debug |
| |
| DefaultLabelProvider__disconnected__1=<disconnected> |
| DefaultLabelProvider_1=<terminated> |
| DefaultLabelProvider_0=... |
| DefaultLabelProvider__unknown__1=<unknown> |
| DefaultLabelProvider_Breakpoint_1=Breakpoint |
| DefaultLabelProvider_12=\ (pending) |
| DefaultLabelProvider_13=\ <error(s)_during_the_evaluation> |
| DefaultLabelProvider_15=\ (disabled) |
| DefaultLabelProvider_16=<terminated, exit value: {0}> |
| MultipleInputDialog_6=&Browse... |
| MultipleInputDialog_7=Select a file: |
| MultipleInputDialog_8=Varia&bles... |
| |
| WorkingDirectoryStatusHandler_Eclipse_Runtime_1=Eclipse Runtime |
| WorkingDirectoryStatusHandler_0=Eclipse is not able to set the working directory specified by the program being launched as the current runtime does not support working directories.\nContinue launch without setting the working directory? |
| |
| DebugUITools_3=Launching |
| DebugUITools_Error_1=Error |
| DebugUITools_Exception_occurred_during_launch_2=Exception occurred during launch |
| |
| InstructionPointerAnnotation_0=Debug Current Instruction Pointer |
| InstructionPointerAnnotation_1=Debug Call Stack |
| |
| DefaultLabelProvider_17=\ [line: {0}] |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Action |
| ############################################################## |
| AddMemoryBlockAction_title=Add Memory Monitor |
| AddMemoryBlockAction_tooltip=Add Memory Monitor |
| AddMemoryBlockAction_failed =Add Memory Monitor Failed. |
| AddMemoryBlockAction_input_invalid = Input is invalid. |
| AddMemoryRenderingDialog_Memory_Monitor=Memory Monitor |
| AddMemoryRenderingAction_Add_renderings=Add Rendering(s) |
| AddMemoryRenderingDialog_Memory_renderings=Memory Rendering(s) |
| AddMemoryRenderingDialog_Add_memory_rendering=Add Memory Rendering |
| AddMemoryBlockAction_noMemoryBlock = Failed to get memory monitor. |
| AddMemoryRenderingDialog_Add_New=Add New... |
| AddMemoryRenderingDialog_Unknown=Unknown |
| RemoveMemoryBlockAction_title=Remove Memory Monitor |
| RemoveMemoryBlockAction_tooltip=Remove Memory Monitor |
| MemoryViewCellModifier_failure_title = Edit Memory |
| MemoryViewCellModifier_failed = Edit failed: |
| MemoryViewCellModifier_data_is_invalid = Data is invalid. |
| ResetMemoryBlockAction_title = Reset to Base Address |
| ResetMemoryBlockAction_tootip = Reset to Base Address |
| ResetMemoryBlockPreferencePage_0=Reset Memory Monitor |
| ResetMemoryBlockPreferencePage_1=When resetting memory monitor: |
| ResetMemoryBlockPreferencePage_2=Reset visible renderings |
| ResetMemoryBlockPreferencePage_3=Reset all renderings |
| GoToAddressAction_title = Go to Address... |
| GoToAddressComposite_0=Go to Address: |
| GoToAddressComposite_1=OK |
| GoToAddressComposite_2=Cancel |
| GoToAddressComposite_4=Go to Offset: |
| GoToAddressComposite_5=Jump Memory Units: |
| GoToAddressComposite_6=Input as Hex |
| GoToAddressComposite_7=Unable to calculate address from offset. |
| GoToAddressAction_Go_to_address_failed = Go To Address Failed |
| GoToAddressAction_Address_is_invalid = Address is invalid |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_0=Format... |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_1=Please specify column and row size. |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_2=Row Size: |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_3=unit(s) per row |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_4=Column Size: |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_5=unit(s) per column |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_6=Restore Defaults |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_7=Preview: |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_8=Save as Defaults |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_9=Preview is not available. |
| FormatTableRenderingDialog_0=Default Row Size: |
| FormatTableRenderingDialog_1=unit(s) per row |
| FormatTableRenderingDialog_2=Default Column Size: |
| FormatTableRenderingDialog_3=unit(s) per column |
| FormatTableRenderingDialog_4=Failed to Save Settings |
| FormatTableRenderingDialog_5=Default settings cannot be saved. |
| CopyViewToClipboardAction_title = Copy To Clipboard |
| CopyViewToClipboardAction_tooltip = Copy To Clipboard |
| PrintViewTabAction_title = Print |
| PrintViewTabAction_tooltip = Print |
| PrintViewTabAction_jobtitle = Memory for |
| ReformatAction_title = Resize to Fit |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Dialog |
| ############################################################## |
| MonitorMemoryBlockDialog_EnterExpressionToMonitor = Enter address or expression to monitor: |
| MonitorMemoryBlockDialog_MonitorMemory = Monitor Memory |
| MonitorMemoryBlockDialog_NumberOfBytes = Number of bytes: |
| GoToAddressDialog_Address = Address: |
| GoToAddressDialog_GoToAddress = Go To Address... |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Launch Groups |
| ############################################################## |
| GroupLaunch_Cannot_launch=Cannot launch ''{0}'' in the ''{1}'' mode |
| GroupLaunch_Cycle=Infinite loop detected for ''{0}'' group |
| GroupLaunch_Error=Error |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_0=The selected launch contains a direct or indirect reference to this group |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_4=&Launch mode: |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_5=Use default mode when launching |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_7=Select a launch configuration |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_8=&Post launch action: |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_9=&Seconds: |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_1=Selected launch mode is not supported for selected launch configuration(s) |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_2=The selection contains prototype(s) |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_10=Enter valid number of seconds |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_11=Select only one launch configuration |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_12=Add Launch Configuration |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_13=Edit Launch Configuration |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_14=Add one or more launch configurations to the launch group |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_15=Edit an existing entry in the launch group |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_adoptText=&Adopt launch if already running |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_adoptTooltip=Instead of launching a new process, adds the running launch to the group. |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_errorNoRegexp=No or invalid regular expression |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_regexp=&Regular Expression: |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_0=Wait for output matching "{0}" |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_1=&Up |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_2=Do&wn |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_3=&Edit... |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_4=&Add... |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_5=Re&move |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_6=Name |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_7=Mode |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_10=&Launches |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_12=Action |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_13=Delay {0} seconds |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_14=Launch {0} does not exist. |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_15=Launch {0} is filtered. |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_16=Must have at least one valid enabled launch. |
| GroupLaunchConfigurationTabGroup_lblAdopt=\ (adopt if running) |
| |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_1=Select Codepages |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_2=Memory to ASCII strings: |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_4=Memory to EBCDIC strings: |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_6=Invalid codepage |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_7=ASCII codepage entered is invalid. |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_8=Invalid codepage |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_9=EBCDIC codepage entered is invalid. |
| CodePagesPrefDialog_0=The codepage is not supported. |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # View Tab |
| ############################################################## |
| MemoryView_Memory_monitors=Monitors |
| MemoryBlocksTreeViewPane_0=Remove All Memory Monitors |
| MemoryBlocksTreeViewPane_1=Remove all memory monitors? |
| MemoryBlocksTreeViewPane_2=Remove All |
| MemoryView_Memory_renderings=Renderings |
| MemoryViewContentProvider_Unable_to_retrieve_content = Unable to retrieve content. |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Views |
| ############################################################## |
| RemoveMemoryRenderingAction_Remove_rendering=Remove Rendering |
| EmptyViewTab_Unable_to_create=Unable to create |
| CreateRenderingTab_Memory_monitor=Memory Monitor: |
| CreateRenderingTab_label=New Renderings... |
| CreateRenderingTab_Select_renderings_to_create=Select rendering(s) to create: |
| CreateRenderingTab_Add_renderings=Add Rendering(s) |
| CreateRenderingTab_0=No rendering is selected. |
| CreateRenderingTab_1=Add Rendering Failed |
| CreateRenderingTab_2=No rendering is selected. |
| CreateRendering_0=Add Memory Rendering Failed |
| CreateRendering_1=Unable to add the selected rendering. |
| CreateRendering_2=Pending |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Managers |
| ############################################################## |
| ShowAddressColumnAction_0=Hide Address Column |
| ShowAddressColumnAction_1=Show Address Column |
| ImageDescriptorRegistry_0=Allocating image for wrong display |
| ErrorRendering_0=Reason:\n |
| AbstractTableRendering_1=Unable to get the base address from the memory block. |
| AbstractTableRendering_2=Address |
| AbstractTableRendering_3=Error occurred:\n |
| AbstractTableRendering_8=Unknown |
| AbstractTableRendering_4=Next Page |
| AbstractTableRendering_6=Previous Page |
| AbstractTableRendering_10=Unable to get base address. |
| AbstractTableRendering_11=Address is out of range. |
| AbstractTableRendering_12=Reset Failed. |
| AbstractTableRendering_13=Unable to reset to the base address. |
| AbstractTableRendering_20=Default format is invalid: |
| AbstractTableRendering_16=Please specify row and column sizes to use. |
| AbstractTableRendering_18=Save these settings to avoid this problem in the future. |
| AbstractAsyncTableRendering_1=Pending... |
| AbstractAsyncTableRendering_2=Create Table Rendering |
| SetPaddedStringDialog_0=Padded String |
| SetPaddedStringDialog_1=Enter string to show unretrievable memory. |
| SetPaddedStringPreferencePage_0=Padded String: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_1=Rendering: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_2=Selected Address: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_3=units |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_4=Length: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_5=Selected Content: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_6=Addressable Size: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_8=bits |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_9=Changed: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_10=Changed: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_11=Unknown |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_12=Unknown |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_13=Big Endian |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_14=Little Endian |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_15=Unknown |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_16=Data Endianess: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_17=Unknown |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_18=Big Endian |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_19=Little Endian |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_20=Unknown |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_21=Display Endianess: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_22=Readable: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_23=Writable: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_25=Line Address: |
| TableRenderingPropertiesPage_26=Units Per Line: |
| TableRenderingContentProvider_0=Unable to load memory from the specified address: 0x |
| TableRenderingContentProvider_1=Buffer start and end address are invalid. |
| TableRenderingContentProvider_2=Buffer start and end address are invalid. |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_10=Select memory loading mode when rendering is scrolled to end of buffer: |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_2=Number of lines per page: |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_3=Page size cannot be less than 1. |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_4=Sizes specified are invalid. |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_0=Automatic |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_5=Number of lines to preload |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_6=Before visible region: |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_7=After visible region: |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_8=Manual |
| TableRenderingPreferencePage_9=Minimum number of lines to preload is 1. |
| TableRenderingPrefAction_0=Table Renderings |
| SwitchMemoryBlockAction_0=Unknown |
| SwitchMemoryBlockAction_4=Pending |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_11=Format specified is invalid. |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_13=Column size cannot be larger than the row size. |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_15=<Address> |
| FormatTableRenderingAction_16=&Format... |
| ViewPaneOrientationAction_0=Horizontal Orientation |
| ViewPaneOrientationAction_1=Horizontal Orientation |
| ViewPaneOrientationAction_2=Vertical Orientation |
| ViewPaneOrientationAction_3=Vertical Orientation |
| AbstractDebugCheckboxSelectionDialog_0=&Select All |
| AbstractDebugCheckboxSelectionDialog_1=&Deselect All |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Blocks |
| ############################################################## |
| |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_4=Select a &workspace relative working directory: |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_7=Select a working directory for the launch configuration: |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_0=W&orkspace... |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_Working_Directory_8=Working Directory |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_10=Working directory does not exist |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_12=Working directory: |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_17=Variabl&es... |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_18=Defa&ult: |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_19=Ot&her: |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_20=Working directory not specified |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_1=&File System... |
| WorkingDirectoryBlock_Exception_occurred_reading_configuration___15=Exception occurred reading configuration: |
| |
| ############################################################## |
| # Elements |
| ############################################################## |
| ExpressionManagerContentProvider_1=Add new expression |