| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2021 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| # Ian Pun & Lucas Bullen (Red Hat Inc.) - Bug 518652 |
| # Axel Richard (Obeo) - Bug 41353 - Launch configurations prototypes |
| # Jens Reimann (jreimann@redhat.com) - add copy & paste support |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| CommonTab__Browse_6=&Browse... |
| CommonTab__Common_15=&Common |
| CommonTab_Display_in_favorites_menu__10=Display in favo&rites menu |
| CommonTab_Invalid_shared_configuration_location_14=Invalid shared configuration location |
| CommonTab_Invalid_stdin_file_location_15=No file specified for process input |
| CommonTab_L_ocal_3=L&ocal file |
| CommonTab_S_hared_4=S&hared file: |
| CommonTab_Select_a_location_for_the_launch_configuration_13=Select a location for the launch configuration |
| CommonTab_Select_a_location_for_the_Input_File_15=Select a location for the standard input file |
| CommonTab_Cannot_save_launch_configuration_in_a_closed_project__1=Cannot save launch configuration in a closed project. |
| CommonTab_10=Launch in bac&kground |
| CommonTab_11=A&ppend |
| CommonTab_12=&Workspace... |
| CommonTab_13=Select a Resource: |
| CommonTab_14=Select a resource to redirect output to: |
| CommonTab_0=Save as |
| CommonTab_1=Encoding |
| CommonTab_15=The selected encoding is not supported. |
| CommonTab_16=Workspace... |
| CommonTab_17=Input &File: |
| CommonTab_18=Select a resource to redirect input from: |
| CommonTab_19=File System... |
| CommonTab_2=Defa&ult - inherited ({0}) |
| CommonTab_20=Variables... |
| CommonTab_21=&Merge standard and error output (disables coloring of error output) |
| CommonTab_3=Oth&er |
| CommonTab_4=Standard Input and Output |
| CommonTab_5=&Allocate console (necessary for input) |
| CommonTab_6=Output Fi&le: |
| CommonTab_7=File &System... |
| CommonTab_8=No file specified for process output |
| CommonTab_9=Variables... |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_ConsoleEncoding=Console encoding |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_CaptureOutput=Capture output |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_CaptureInConsole=Capture in console |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_CaptureStdInFile=Capture standard input file |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_CaptureInFile=Capture in file |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_AppendToFile=Append to file |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_LaunchInBackground=Launch in background |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_FavoriteGroups=Favorite groups |
| CommonTab_AttributeLabel_TerminateDescendants=&Terminate child-processes if terminating the launched process |
| |
| CompileErrorPromptStatusHandler_0=Errors in Workspace |
| CompileErrorPromptStatusHandler_1=Errors exist in a required project. Continue launch? |
| CompileErrorPromptStatusHandler_2=Errors exist in required project(s):\n\n{0}\n\nProceed with launch? |
| CompileErrorProjectPromptStatusHandler_1=&Always launch without asking |
| # {0} is replaced with a comma separated list of project names |
| CompileErrorProjectPromptStatusHandler_0={0}... |
| |
| EnvironmentTab_22=New Environment Variable |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog__Apply_17=Appl&y |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog__Name__16=&Name: |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_An_exception_occurred_while_retrieving_launch_configurations_20=An exception occurred while retrieving launch configurations |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_1=Configure launch settings from this dialog: |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_2=- Press the 'New Configuration' button to create a configuration of the selected type. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_3=- Edit or view an existing configuration by selecting it. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_4=- Press the 'Delete' button to remove the selected configuration. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_6=- Press the 'Duplicate' button to copy the selected configuration. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_5=Configure launch perspective settings from the <a>'Perspectives'</a> preference page. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_7=- Press the 'Export' button to export the selected configurations. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_8=- Press the 'Filter' button to configure filtering options. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_9=- Press the 'New Prototype' button to create a launch configuration prototype of the selected type. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_10=- Select launch configuration(s) and then select 'Link Prototype' menu item to link a prototype. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_11=- Select launch configuration(s) and then select 'Unlink Prototype' menu item to unlink a prototype. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_12=- Select launch configuration(s) and then select 'Reset with Prototype Values' menu item to reset with prototype values. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_13=Select a supported <a>launch mode</a>. |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_14=This configuration does not support some of the launch modes: {0} |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_15=More than one launcher available - <a>Select other...</a> |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_16=Using {0} - <a>Select other...</a> |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_17=Multiple launchers available - <a>Select one...</a> |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_18=Multiple launchers available - select one to continue |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Create__manage__and_run_launch_configurations_8=Create, manage, and run configurations |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Discard_changes__38=Discard changes? |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Do_you_wish_to_discard_changes_37=\nDo you wish to discard changes?\n |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Error_19=Error |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Exception_occurred_creating_launch_configuration_tabs_27=Exception occurred creating launch configuration tabs |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Exception_occurred_while_saving_launch_configuration_47=Exception occurred while saving launch configuration |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Launch_configuration_already_exists_with_this_name_12=A ''{0}'' configuration with this name already exists |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Launch_Configuration_Error_46=Launch Configuration Error |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Launch_Configurations_18=Launch Configurations |
| LaunchConfigurationFilteredTree_save_changes=Save Changes |
| LaunchConfigurationFilteredTree_search_with_changes=You cannot perform a text search when the current configuration has pending changes.\n\nDo you want to save the changes and continue searching? |
| LaunchConfigurationFilteredTree_search_with_errors=You cannot perform a text search when the current configuration has errors.\n\nDo you want to discard the changes and continue searching? |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Name_required_for_launch_configuration_11=A name is required for the configuration |
| LaunchConfigurationEditDialog_0=Modify configuration and continue. |
| LaunchConfigurationEditDialog_1=Con&tinue |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Ready_to_launch_2=Ready to launch |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_The_configuration___29=Save the changes in the configuration "{0}"? |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_The_configuration___35=The configuration "{0}" has unsaved changes that CANNOT be saved because of the following error:\n\n |
| LaunchConfigurationFilteredTree_discard_changes=Discard Changes |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_unspecified_28=unspecified |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Save_Button=&Save |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Dont_Save_Button=Do&n't Save |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Discard_Button=&Discard |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Dont_Discard_Button=Do&n't Discard |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Do_you_wish_to_delete_the_selected_launch_configurations__1=Delete the selected launch configurations? |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Do_you_wish_to_delete_the_selected_launch_configuration__2=Delete the selected launch configuration? |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Confirm_Launch_Configuration_Deletion_3=Confirm Launch Configuration Deletion |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Close_1=Close |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Revert_2=Re&vert |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_Error_1=Error |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_Warning_2=Warning |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_Information_3=Information |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine=Sho&w Command Line |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Title=Command Line |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Copy=C&opy && Close |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Close=&Close |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Default=Command Line could not be retrieved. |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Apply_Revert_Title=Apply Changes |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Apply_Revert_Question=The configuration "{0}" has unsaved changes. Do you wish to apply the changes before showing command line? |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Apply_Revert_Apply=&Apply |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Apply_Revert_Revert=&Revert |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_ShowCommandLine_Apply_Revert_Cancel=&Close |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_0=New launch configuration |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_1=Delete selected launch configuration(s) |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_2=New launch configuration prototype |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_4=Filter launch configurations... |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_5=Duplicates the currently selected launch configuration |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_6=Export launch configuration |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_7=Link Prototype |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_8=Unlink Prototype |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_9=Reset with Prototype Values |
| LaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_0=Select Configuration |
| LaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_1=&Select a configuration to launch: |
| LaunchConfigurationView_0=Filter matched {0} of {1} items |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_c_ancel=Cancel |
| LaunchConfigurationSelectionDialog_deleteButtonLabel=&Delete |
| |
| # {0} is substituted with a launch mode - possible values include run, debug, profile, or |
| # any label of a contributed ILaunchMode. |
| LaunchConfigurationsDialog_configurations={0} Configurations |
| PerspectiveManager_Error_1=Error |
| PerspectiveManager_Unable_to_switch_perpsectives_as_specified_by_launch___0__4=Unable to open perspectives as specified by launch: {0} |
| PerspectiveManager_Unable_to_switch_to_perspective___0__2=Unable to open perspective: {0} |
| |
| # {0} is substituted with a launch mode - possible values include Run, Debug, Profile, |
| # or any label of a contributed ILaunchMode. |
| LaunchShortcutSelectionDialog_0={0} As |
| |
| # {0} is substituted with a launch mode - possible values include run, debug, profile, or |
| # any label of a contributed ILaunchMode. |
| # |
| # {1} is the name of the resource being launched (run or debugged, etc.). |
| # Possible values can be the name of any IResource in the current workspace: for example |
| # if you tried to launch a class named Main in the file Main.java and you were presented |
| # with the selection dialog, the value of {1} would be Main.java (the name of the IResource) |
| LaunchShortcutSelectionDialog_1=&Select a way to {0} ''{1}'': |
| LaunchShortcutSelectionDialog_2=Description |
| LaunchShortcutSelectionDialog_3=Description not available |
| # {0} is substituted with a launch mode - possible values include Run, Debug, Profile, |
| # or any label of a contributed ILaunchMode. |
| LaunchShortcutSelectionDialog_4=&Select what to {0}: |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationPresentationManager_0=Tab group extension: {0} for type {1} for the {2} mode has been replaced by extension: {3} |
| LaunchConfigurationPropertiesDialog_Edit_launch_configuration_properties_1=Edit launch configuration properties |
| LaunchConfigurationPropertiesDialog_Properties_for__0__2=Edit Configuration |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationDialog_Modify_attributes_and_launch__1=Edit configuration and launch. |
| |
| LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer_No_tabs_defined_for_launch_configuration_type__0__1=No tabs defined for launch configuration type {0} |
| |
| DuplicateLaunchConfigurationAction__Duplicate_1=&Duplicate |
| |
| DeleteLaunchConfigurationAction_Dele_te_1=Dele&te |
| |
| CreateLaunchConfigurationAction_Ne_w_1=Ne&w Configuration |
| ExportLaunchConfigurationAction_Export_1=E&xport... |
| CreateLaunchConfigurationAction_New_configuration_2=New_configuration |
| CreateLaunchConfigurationPrototypeAction_Ne_w_1=New &Prototype |
| CreateLaunchConfigurationPrototypeAction_New_prototype_2=New_prototype |
| LinkPrototypeAction_Link_prototype_1=&Link Prototype... |
| UnlinkPrototypeAction_Unlink_prototype_1=&Unlink Prototype |
| ResetWithPrototypeValuesAction_Reset_with_prototype_values_1=&Reset with Prototype Values |
| |
| EnvironmentTab_Variable_1=Variable |
| EnvironmentTab_Value_2=Value |
| EnvironmentTab_Environment_variables_to_set__3=Environment variables to &set: |
| EnvironmentTab_Add_4=&Add... |
| EnvironmentTab_Edit_5=E&dit... |
| EnvironmentTab_Remove_6=Rem&ove |
| EnvironmentTab_Environment_7=Environment |
| EnvironmentTab_8=&Name: |
| EnvironmentTab_9=&Value: |
| EnvironmentTab_Remove_All=Rem&ove all selected |
| EnvironmentTab_Copy=&Copy |
| EnvironmentTab_Paste=&Paste |
| EnvironmentTab_Paste_Overwrite_Title=Overwrite variables? |
| EnvironmentTab_Paste_Overwrite_Message=Pasting will overwrite the following variables: {0} |
| |
| |
| # This externalized string is used in the select environment variables dialog's label provider. |
| # Each item in the dialog is a single environment variable. |
| # {0} is replaced with the name of the environment variable |
| # {1} is replaced with the current value of the environment variable |
| EnvironmentTab_7={0} [ {1} ] |
| EnvironmentTab_11=Edit Environment Variable |
| EnvironmentTab_12=Overwrite variable? |
| EnvironmentTab_13=A variable named {0} already exists. Overwrite? |
| EnvironmentTab_16=&Append environment to native environment |
| EnvironmentTab_17=Re&place native environment with specified environment |
| EnvironmentTab_18=Se&lect... |
| EnvironmentTab_19=Select &environment variables to add: |
| EnvironmentTab_20=Select Environment Variables |
| EnvironmentTab_AttributeLabel_AppendEnvironmentVariables=Append environment to native environment |
| EnvironmentTab_AttributeLabel_EnvironmentVariables=Environment variables |
| |
| #PrototypeTab |
| PrototypeTab_Prototype_1=Prototype |
| PrototypeTab_Label_2=Prototype: |
| PrototypeTab_Link_Button_Label_3=&Link... |
| PrototypeTab_Unlink_Button_Label_4=Unlin&k |
| PrototypeTab_Select_Message_5=Please select a prototype |
| PrototypeTab_Select_Empty_Message_6=You have to select a prototype |
| PrototypeTab_Select_Prototype_Error_7=The prototype doesn't exist. Please select a valid prototype. |
| PrototypeTab_Reset_Button_Label_8=&Reset to Prototype |
| PrototypeTab_Reset_Menu_Action_9=Reset selected checked attribute(s) with prototype value(s) |
| PrototypeTab_Explanation_Label_10=- Values of checked attributes from prototype are applied to associated launch configurations. |
| PrototypeTab_Explanation_Label_11=- Values of unchecked attributes from prototype are not applied to associated launch configurations. |
| PrototypeTab_Atrribute_label=Attribute |
| PrototypeTab_Modified_label=Modified |
| PrototypeTab_Property_Value_label=Prototype Value |
| |
| FavoritesDialog_1=Organize {0} Favorites |
| FavoritesDialog_2=Fa&vorites: |
| FavoritesDialog_3=Ad&d... |
| FavoritesDialog_4=Re&move |
| FavoritesDialog_5=U&p |
| FavoritesDialog_6=Do&wn |
| FavoritesDialog_7=Select &Launch Configurations: |
| FavoritesDialog_0=Add {0} Favorites |
| FavoritesDialog_8=Updating Favorites... |
| |
| OrganizeFavoritesAction_0=Organize Fa&vorites... |
| PerspectiveManager_12=Confirm Perspective Switch |
| PerspectiveManager_13=This kind of launch is configured to open the {0} perspective when it suspends. Do you want to switch to this perspective now? |
| PerspectiveManager_15=This kind of launch is associated with the {0} perspective. Do you want to switch to this perspective now? |
| PerspectiveManager_suspend_description=This kind of launch is configured to open the {0} perspective when it suspends.\n\n{1}\n\nSwitch to this perspective? |
| PerspectiveManager_launch_description=This kind of launch is associated with the {0} perspective.\n\n{1}\n\nDo you want to switch to this perspective now? |
| PerspectiveManager_switch=&Switch |
| |
| DebugModePromptStatusHandler_0=Breakpoints in Workspace |
| DebugModePromptStatusHandler_1=There are breakpoints enabled in the workspace. Would you rather launch in debug mode? |
| SaveScopeResourcesHandler_2=Select resources to save: |
| SaveScopeResourcesHandler_3=Save and Launch |
| SaveScopeResourcesHandler_1=Always save &resources before launching |
| FilterLaunchConfigurationAction_0=Filter |
| FilterDropDownMenuCreator_0=Filter &Closed Projects |
| FilterDropDownMenuCreator_1=Filter &Deleted/Unavailable Projects |
| FilterDropDownMenuCreator_2=Filter Configuration &Types |
| FilterDropDownMenuCreator_3=Filtering &Preferences... |
| FilterDropDownMenuCreator_4=Apply Window &Working Set(s) |
| CollapseAllLaunchConfigurationAction_0=Collapse All |
| CollapseAllLaunchConfigurationAction_1=Collapses all expanded launch configurations. |
| CollapseAllLaunchConfigurationAction_2=This action collapses all of the launch configurations currently visible and expanded. |
| SelectLaunchOptionsDialog_3=Select Launch Mode |
| SelectLaunchOptionsDialog_4=&Select a supported mode combination: |
| SelectLaunchersDialog_0=Select Preferred Launcher |
| SelectLaunchersDialog_1=&Use configuration specific settings |
| SelectLaunchersDialog_2=This dialog allows you to specify which launcher to use when multiple launchers are available for a configuration and launch mode. |
| SelectLaunchersDialog_4=<a href="ws">Change Workspace Settings...</a> |
| SelectLaunchersDialog_5=Description |
| SelectLaunchersDialog_launchers=Launc&hers: |