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<title>Eclipse Console</title>
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<p>Application programming interfaces for interaction
with the Eclipse console.</p>
<h2>Package Specification</h2>
<p>The Eclipse platform UI console plug-in provides a set of classes and interfaces to
facilitate the creation and display of consoles in the <b>ConsoleView</b>. This package
contains a generic abstract console (<b>AbstractConsole</b>) that provides some basic
functionality as well as two complete implementations of consoles that may be subclassed.
<p> The class <b>TextConsole</b> supports regular expression matching and hyperlinks.
Clients must provide their own document partitioner.
<p><b>IOConsole</b> extends <b>TextConsole</b> and provides support for creating consoles based upon
input and output streams via the use of <b>IOConsoleOutputStream</b> and
<b>IOConsoleInputStream</b>. IOConsole is not an abstract class, it may be used as is or
<p>A console manager (<b>IConsoleManager</b>) manages all active consoles, and
provides notification of consoles which are added and removed. Consoles are
displayed in a page book view. Each console implementation is reponsible for
creating its page (<b>IPageBookView</b>), which provides freedom of presentation
to the console implementation. A single console may be displayed simultaneously
in multiple console views, in different workbench windows.