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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Builds view</title>
<h1>Builds view</h1>
This view shows the list of all the builds contained in the connected database
or in the local data files if no database is connected.
<h2>Information status</h2>
When starting the tool for the first time, this view is empty as no data has been
populated, neither from the <a href="local_data.html">local data</a> files
nor from the performance results database.
The typical usage of the performance tools is to read local data files copied
from the server (see <a href="local_data.html">local data</a>). When this has
been done, build names are displayed in this view using normal black color.
Some or all build names of the list may be displayed in a different font when
a performance results database is connected:
<i><font color="#888888">gray and italic</font></i>: no local data files
were read
<p><img src="images/builds-nolocaldata.png" alt="Builds view with no local data"/></p>
<i><font color="#888888">gray</font></i>: the local data files were read but contain
no information about this build (typically new performance tests ran but the local
data files were not copied since then):
<p><img src="images/builds-missinglocaldata.png" alt="Builds view with missing local data"/></p>
In this case it's possible to update those builds using the popup-menu:
<p><img src="images/builds-update.png" alt="Update local data builds"/></p>
It's also possible to rewrite the local data files from the database contents
in one shot using the toolbar pull-up menu:
<p><img src="images/builds-updateall.png" alt="Update all local data"/></p>
From this view, it is also possible to generate HTML pages using the generate
command accessible from the popup-menu:
<p><img src="images/builds-generate-menu.png" alt="Generate results: menu item"/></p>
After having selected the directory where to put the generated files, it's possible
to choose the baseline to compare with:
<p><img src="images/builds-generate-baseline.png" alt="Generate results: baseline selection"/></p>
And also whether you only want to generate the fingerprints or all the data:
<p><img src="images/builds-generate-fingerprints.png" alt="Generate results: fingerprints"/></p>
After the generation ends, there should be in the specified directory similar
files than the one generated on eclipsebuildserv.
<i>Note that a PHP server is neeeded to be able to read these files as it's done on
eclipsebuildserv or fullmoon...</i>
<h2><a name="writecomparison">Write comparison</a></h2>
From this view, it is also possible to write the comparison between two
selected builds using the <b>Write comparison</b> item of the View menu:
<p><img src="images/write-comparison-menu.png" alt="Write comparison menu item"/></p>
The written HTML file will contain the Scenario Status Table as it would
have been generated but comparing the two selected build instead of comparing
a build vs a baseline.
This is helpful to see if a regression occurs after having made a change with
possible impact performance...
<p>Note that this comparison can also be shown in the
<a href="builds-comparison.html">Builds Comparison view</a>...
There are several possible filters in this view.
<h3>Builds filters</h3>
<li>Baseline: hide the baselines (starting with R-3.x)</li>
<li>Old: hide all builds before last milestone except earlier milestones</li>
In this view baselines filter is not activated by default. It's because it may
be interesting to know which baselines have results in the DB.
Note that this filter is not synchronized with the one in Components view.