Bug 569551 - Compression Attribute Ignored by ImageLoader

Previously, gdk_pixbuf_save_to_bufferv was called with no options set,
completely ignoring the compression value that can be set by the user.

This patch fixes that for JPG and PNG, which are the most common types
that use compression. The ImageAnalyzer example in SWT only supports the
compression setting for these two types, so for now those are the only
ones supported.

Change-Id: I94357bb16108447196b019087c5dda489975a380
Signed-off-by: Joel Majano <jmajano@redhat.com>
Reviewed-on: https://git.eclipse.org/r/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt/+/189782
Tested-by: Platform Bot <platform-bot@eclipse.org>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Kurtakov <akurtako@redhat.com>
1 file changed
tree: a2eddf3842f5a1b8c00ebe355b9aae125786cfb5
  1. bundles/
  2. container/
  3. examples/
  4. features/
  5. local-build/
  6. tests/
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  10. Jenkinsfile
  12. NOTICE
  13. pom.xml
  14. README.md

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