blob: 82725ab086634f036fa7521d53ea80dd3ba7f4b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa;
public class NSBitmapImageRep extends NSImageRep {
public NSBitmapImageRep() {
public NSBitmapImageRep(int /*long*/ id) {
public NSBitmapImageRep(id id) {
public NSData TIFFRepresentation() {
int /*long*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_TIFFRepresentation);
return result != 0 ? new NSData(result) : null;
public int /*long*/ bitmapData() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_bitmapData);
public int /*long*/ bitmapFormat() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_bitmapFormat);
public int /*long*/ bitsPerPixel() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_bitsPerPixel);
public int /*long*/ bytesPerPlane() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_bytesPerPlane);
public int /*long*/ bytesPerRow() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_bytesPerRow);
public NSColor colorAtX(int /*long*/ x, int /*long*/ y) {
int /*long*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_colorAtX_y_, x, y);
return result != 0 ? new NSColor(result) : null;
public void getBitmapDataPlanes(int[] /*long[]*/ data) {
OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_getBitmapDataPlanes_, data);
public static id imageRepWithData(NSData data) {
int /*long*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(OS.class_NSBitmapImageRep, OS.sel_imageRepWithData_, data != null ? : 0);
return result != 0 ? new id(result) : null;
public NSBitmapImageRep initWithBitmapDataPlanes(int /*long*/ planes, int /*long*/ width, int /*long*/ height, int /*long*/ bps, int /*long*/ spp, boolean alpha, boolean isPlanar, NSString colorSpaceName, int /*long*/ bitmapFormat, int /*long*/ rBytes, int /*long*/ pBits) {
int /*long*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh_bitsPerSample_samplesPerPixel_hasAlpha_isPlanar_colorSpaceName_bitmapFormat_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel_, planes, width, height, bps, spp, alpha, isPlanar, colorSpaceName != null ? : 0, bitmapFormat, rBytes, pBits);
return result == ? this : (result != 0 ? new NSBitmapImageRep(result) : null);
public NSBitmapImageRep initWithBitmapDataPlanes(int /*long*/ planes, int /*long*/ width, int /*long*/ height, int /*long*/ bps, int /*long*/ spp, boolean alpha, boolean isPlanar, NSString colorSpaceName, int /*long*/ rBytes, int /*long*/ pBits) {
int /*long*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh_bitsPerSample_samplesPerPixel_hasAlpha_isPlanar_colorSpaceName_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel_, planes, width, height, bps, spp, alpha, isPlanar, colorSpaceName != null ? : 0, rBytes, pBits);
return result == ? this : (result != 0 ? new NSBitmapImageRep(result) : null);
public NSBitmapImageRep initWithFocusedViewRect(NSRect rect) {
int /*long*/ result = OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_initWithFocusedViewRect_, rect);
return result == ? this : (result != 0 ? new NSBitmapImageRep(result) : null);
public boolean isPlanar() {
return OS.objc_msgSend_bool(, OS.sel_isPlanar);
public int /*long*/ numberOfPlanes() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_numberOfPlanes);
public int /*long*/ samplesPerPixel() {
return OS.objc_msgSend(, OS.sel_samplesPerPixel);