Bug 575778 - Using Alpha transparency and Pattern leads to EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

The fix for Bug 121220 assumes that all patterns are Image-based,
leading to crashes when a gradient or solid color brush is passed
to TextureBrush_GetImage.

Change-Id: I2bd25e15ec29cbedda6f532414c30ea5b17abd93
Reviewed-on: https://git.eclipse.org/r/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt/+/184471
Reviewed-by: Sravan Kumar Lakkimsetti <sravankumarl@in.ibm.com>
Reviewed-by: Niraj Modi <niraj.modi@in.ibm.com>
Tested-by: Niraj Modi <niraj.modi@in.ibm.com>
1 file changed
tree: 560505b7a51a285e6eb922e22b2e4c6bfc20e8ec
  1. bundles/
  2. container/
  3. examples/
  4. features/
  5. local-build/
  6. tests/
  7. .gitignore
  9. Jenkinsfile
  11. NOTICE
  12. pom.xml
  13. README.md

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