blob: 89716dc1cf0ed11f2d385b4ee3297a7d63f1d453 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.tests.junit;
import static org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationListener.changedAdapter;
import static org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationListener.changingAdapter;
import static org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressListener.completedAdapter;
import static org.eclipse.swt.browser.VisibilityWindowListener.showAdapter;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWTException;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.BrowserFunction;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.CloseWindowListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.OpenWindowListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.StatusTextListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.TitleListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.VisibilityWindowAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.VisibilityWindowListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.WindowEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
* Automated Test Suite for class org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
* @see org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser
public class Test_org_eclipse_swt_browser_Browser extends Test_org_eclipse_swt_widgets_Composite {
/** This forces tests to display the shell/browser for a brief moment. Useful to see what's going on with broken jUnits */
boolean debug_show_browser = false; // true to display browser.
int debug_show_browser_timeout_seconds = 2; // if above set to true, then how long should the browser be shown for.
// This is independent of whether test passes or fails.
boolean debug_verbose_output = false;
int secondsToWaitTillFail; // configured in setUp() to allow individual tests to override this.
public TestName name = new TestName();
Browser browser;
boolean isChromium = false, isEdge = false;
static int[] webkitGtkVersionInts = new int[3];
/** Accumiliate logs, print only if test case fails. Cleared for each test case. */
StringBuilder testLog;
private void testLogAppend(String msg) {
testLog.append(" " + msg + "\n");
public void setUp() {
secondsToWaitTillFail = Math.max(15, debug_show_browser_timeout_seconds);
// If webkit crashes, it's very hard to tell which jUnit caused the JVM crash.
// To get around this, we print each test's name and if there is a crash, it will be printed right after.
// This is kept for future use as sometimes crashes can appear out of the blue with no changes in SWT code.
// E.g an upgrade from WebkitGtk2.16 to WebkitGtk2.18 caused random crashes because dispose logic was changed.
System.out.println("Running Test_org_eclipse_swt_browser_Browser#" + name.getMethodName());
shell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
isChromium = browser.getBrowserType().equals("chromium");
isEdge = browser.getBrowserType().equals("edge");
String shellTitle = name.getMethodName();
if (SwtTestUtil.isGTK && browser.getBrowserType().equals("webkit")) {
// Note, webkitGtk version is only available once Browser is instantiated.
String webkitGtkVersionStr = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.swt.internal.webkitgtk.version"); //$NON-NLS-1$
shellTitle = shellTitle + " Webkit version: " + webkitGtkVersionStr;
setWidget(browser); // For browser to occupy the whole shell, not just half of it.
testLog = new StringBuilder("\nTest log:\n");
* Test that if Browser is constructed with the parent being "null", Browser throws an exception.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_ConstructorLorg_eclipse_swt_widgets_CompositeI() {
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.BORDER);
// System.out.println("Test_org_eclipse_swt_browser_Browser#test_Constructor*#getBrowserType(): " + browser.getBrowserType());
browser = new Browser(null, SWT.NONE); // Should throw.
public void test_evalute_Cookies () {
final AtomicBoolean loaded = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addProgressListener(ProgressListener.completedAdapter(event -> loaded.set(true)));
// Using JavaScript Cookie API on local (file) URL gives DOM Exception 18
// Set the cookies
// document.cookie behaves different from other global vars
browser.evaluate("document.cookie = \"cookie1=value1\";");
browser.evaluate("document.cookie = \"cookie2=value2\";");
// Retrieve entire cookie store
String res = (String) browser.evaluate("return document.cookie;");
public void test_ClearAllSessionCookies () {
// clearSessions will only work for Webkit2 when >= 2.16
assumeTrue(webkitGtkVersionInts[1] >= 16);
final AtomicBoolean loaded = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addProgressListener(ProgressListener.completedAdapter(event -> loaded.set(true)));
// Using JavaScript Cookie API on local (file) URL gives DOM Exception 18
// Set the cookies
Browser.setCookie("cookie1=value1", "");
Browser.setCookie("cookie2=value2", "");
// Get the cookies
String v1 = Browser.getCookie("cookie1", "");
String v2 = Browser.getCookie("cookie2", "");
assertEquals("value1", v1);
assertEquals("value2", v2);
// Should be empty
String e1 = Browser.getCookie("cookie1", "");
String e2 = Browser.getCookie("cookie2", "");
assertTrue(e1 == null || e1.isEmpty());
assertTrue(e2 == null || e2.isEmpty());
public void test_get_set_Cookies() {
// set/get cookies will only work for WebKit2.20+
assumeTrue(webkitGtkVersionInts[1] >= 20);
final AtomicBoolean loaded = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addProgressListener(ProgressListener.completedAdapter(event -> loaded.set(true)));
// Using JavaScript Cookie API on local (file) URL gives DOM Exception 18
// Set the cookies
Browser.setCookie("cookie1=value1", "");
Browser.setCookie("cookie2=value2", "");
// Get the cookies
String v1 = Browser.getCookie("cookie1", "");
assertEquals("value1", v1);
String v2 = Browser.getCookie("cookie2", "");
assertEquals("value2", v2);
public void test_getChildren() {
// Win32's Browser is a special case. It has 1 child by default, the OleFrame.
// See Bug 499387 and Bug 511874
if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows && !isChromium && !isEdge) {
int childCount = composite.getChildren().length;
String msg = "Browser on Win32 is a special case, the first child is an OleFrame (ActiveX control). Actual child count is: " + childCount;
assertTrue(msg, childCount == 1);
} else {
public void test_CloseWindowListener_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addCloseWindowListener(event -> {}); // shouldn't throw
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_CloseWindowListener_addWithNullArg() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_CloseWindowListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_CloseWindowListener_addAndRemove () {
CloseWindowListener listener = event -> {};
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addCloseWindowListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeCloseWindowListener(listener);
public void test_CloseWindowListener_close () {
AtomicBoolean browserCloseListenerFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addCloseWindowListener( e -> {
disposedIntentionally= true;
browser.setText("<script language='JavaScript'>window.close()</script>");;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(browserCloseListenerFired::get);
assertTrue("Test timed out.", passed);
public void test_LocationListener_adapter_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
LocationAdapter adapter = new LocationAdapter() {};
browser.addLocationListener(adapter); // shouldn't throw
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_LocationListener_addWithNullArg() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_LocationListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_LocationListener_addAndRemove() {
LocationListener listener = new LocationListener() {
public void changed(LocationEvent event) {
public void changing(LocationEvent event) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addLocationListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeLocationListener(listener);
public void test_LocationListener_changing() {
AtomicBoolean changingFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addLocationListener(changingAdapter(e -> changingFired.set(true)));;
if (isChromium) {
} else { // Chromium cannot fire changing event for setText
browser.setText("Hello world");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(changingFired::get);
assertTrue("LocationListener.changing() event was never fired", passed);
public void test_LocationListener_changed() {
AtomicBoolean changedFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addLocationListener(changedAdapter(e -> changedFired.set(true)));;
browser.setText("Hello world");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(changedFired::get);
assertTrue("LocationListener.changed() event was never fired", passed);
public void test_LocationListener_changingAndOnlyThenChanged() {
// Test proper order of events.
// Check that 'changed' is only fired after 'changing' has fired at least once.
AtomicBoolean changingFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean changedFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean changedFiredTooEarly = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean finished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addLocationListener(new LocationListener() {
public void changing(LocationEvent event) { // Multiple changing events can occur during a load.
public void changed(LocationEvent event) {
if (!changingFired.get())
if (isChromium) {
} else { // Chromium cannot fire changing event for setText
browser.setText("Hello world");
if (finished.get() && changingFired.get() && changedFired.get() && !changedFiredTooEarly.get()) {
return; // pass
} else if (!finished.get()) {
fail("Test timed out. 'changed()' never fired");
} else {
if (changedFiredTooEarly.get())
fail("changed() was fired before changing(). Wrong signal order");
else if (!changingFired.get())
fail("changing() was never fired");
else {
fail("LocationListener test failed. changing():" + changingFired.get()
+ " changed():" + changedFired.get() + " changedFiredTooEarly:" + changedFiredTooEarly.get());
public void test_LocationListener_then_ProgressListener() {
AtomicBoolean locationChanged = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean progressChanged = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean progressChangedAfterLocationChanged = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addLocationListener(changedAdapter(event -> locationChanged.set(true)));
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
if (locationChanged.get()) {
browser.setText("Hello world");
String errorMsg = "\nUnexpected listener states. Expecting true for all, but have:\n"
+ "Location changed: " + locationChanged.get() + "\n"
+ "ProgressChangedAfterLocationChanged: " + progressChangedAfterLocationChanged.get() + "\n"
+ "progressChanged: " + progressChanged.get();
assertTrue(errorMsg, progressChangedAfterLocationChanged.get());
* "event.doit = false" in Location.changing() should stop 'Loction.changed & progress.completed' from getting fired.
public void test_LocationListener_ProgressListener_cancledLoad () {
AtomicBoolean locationChanging = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean unexpectedLocationChanged = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean unexpectedProgressCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addLocationListener(new LocationListener() {
public void changing(LocationEvent event) {
event.doit = false;
public void changed(LocationEvent event) {
if (event.location.length() != 0) { // See footnote 1
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
String location = browser.getUrl();
if (location.length() != 0) { // See footnote 1
if (isChromium) {
} else { // Chromium cannot fire changing event for setText
browser.setText("You should not see this message.");
// We must wait for events *not* to fire.
// On Gtk, Quadcore (Intel i7-4870HQ pci-e SSD, all events fire after ~80ms.
// For stability, wait 1000 ms.
boolean passed = locationChanging.get() && !unexpectedLocationChanged.get() && !unexpectedProgressCompleted.get();
String errMsg = "\nUnexpected event fired. \n"
+ "LocationChanging (should be true): " + locationChanging.get() + "\n"
+ "LocationChanged unexpectedly (should be false): " + unexpectedLocationChanged.get() + "\n"
+ "ProgressChanged unexpectedly (should be false): " + unexpectedProgressCompleted.get() + "\n";
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
* Feature on Internet Explorer. If there is no current location, IE still fires a DocumentComplete
* following the BeforeNavigate2 cancel event. This DocumentComplete event contains an empty URL
* since the URL in BeforeNavigate2 was correctly cancelled.
* The test considers it is OK to send a Location.changed and a Progress.completed events after
* a Location.changing cancel true - at the condition that the current location is empty,
* otherwise it is considered that the location was not successfully cancelled.
/** Ensue that only one changed and one completed event are fired for url changes */
public void test_LocationListener_ProgressListener_noExtraEvents() {
AtomicInteger changedCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger completedCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
browser.addLocationListener(changedAdapter(e -> changedCount.incrementAndGet()));
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(e -> completedCount.incrementAndGet()));;
browser.setText("Hello world");
// We have to wait to check that no extra events are fired.
// On Gtk, Quad Core, pcie this takes 80 ms. ~1000ms for stability.
boolean passed = changedCount.get() == 1 && completedCount.get() == 1;
String errorMsg = "\nIncorrect event sequences. Events missing or too many fired:"
+ "\nExpected one of each, but received:"
+ "\nChanged count: " + changedCount.get()
+ "\nCompleted count: " + completedCount.get();
assertTrue(errorMsg, passed);
public void test_OpenWindowListener_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {});
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_OpenWindowListener_addWithNulArg() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_OpenWindowListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_OpenWindowListener_addAndRemove() {
OpenWindowListener listener = event -> {};
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addOpenWindowListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeOpenWindowListener(listener);
public void test_OpenWindowListener_openHasValidEventDetails() {
AtomicBoolean openFiredCorrectly = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final Browser browserChild = new Browser(shell, SWT.None);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {
assertTrue("Expected Browser1 instance, but have another instance", (Browser) event.widget == browser);
assertTrue("Expected event.browser to be null", event.browser == null);
event.browser = browserChild;
browser.setText("<html><script type='text/javascript'>'about:blank')</script>\n" +
"<body>This test uses javascript to open a new window.</body></html>");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(openFiredCorrectly::get);
assertTrue("Test timed out. OpenWindow event not fired.", passed);
/** Test that a script '' opens a child popup shell. */
public void test_OpenWindowListener_open_ChildPopup() {
AtomicBoolean childCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Shell childShell = new Shell(shell, SWT.None);
childShell.setText("Child shell");
childShell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
final Browser browserChild = new Browser(childShell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {
event.browser = browserChild;
browserChild.addVisibilityWindowListener(showAdapter(event -> {;
browserChild.setText("Child Browser");
//Triggers test to finish.
browserChild.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> childCompleted.set(true)));;
+ "<script type='text/javascript'>"
+ "var newWin ='about:blank');" // opens child window.
+ "</script>\n" +
"<body>This test uses javascript to open a new window.</body></html>");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(childCompleted::get);
String errMsg = "\nTest timed out.";
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
/** Validate event order : Child's visibility should come before progress completed event */
public void test_OpenWindow_Progress_Listener_ValidateEventOrder() {
AtomicBoolean windowOpenFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean childCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean visibilityShowed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Shell childShell = new Shell(shell, SWT.None);
childShell.setText("Child shell");
childShell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
final Browser browserChild = new Browser(childShell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {
event.browser = browserChild;
assertFalse("OpenWindowListenr should have been fired first", visibilityShowed.get() || childCompleted.get()); // Validate event order.
browserChild.addVisibilityWindowListener(showAdapter(event -> {;
assertTrue("Child should have fired before progress completed",
windowOpenFired.get() && !childCompleted.get()); // Validate event order.
browserChild.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
assertTrue("Child's Progress Completed before parent's expected events",
windowOpenFired.get() && visibilityShowed.get()); // Validate event order.
childCompleted.set(true); // Triggers test to finish.
browserChild.setText("Child Browser!");
+ "<script type='text/javascript'>"
+ "var newWin ='about:blank');" // opens child window.
+ "</script>\n" +
"<body>This test uses javascript to open a new window.</body></html>");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> windowOpenFired.get() && visibilityShowed.get() && childCompleted.get());
String errMsg = "\nTest timed out."
+"\nExpected true for the below, but have:"
+"\nWindoOpenFired:" + windowOpenFired.get()
+"\nVisibilityShowed:" + visibilityShowed.get()
+"\nChildCompleted:" + childCompleted.get();
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
public void test_ProgressListener_newProgressAdapter() {
new ProgressAdapter() {};
public void test_ProgressListener_newProgressAdapter_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addProgressListener(new ProgressAdapter() {});
public void test_ProgressListener_newListener_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addProgressListener(new ProgressListener() {
public void changed(ProgressEvent event) {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_ProgressListener_addWithNullArg() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_ProgressListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_ProgressListener_addAndRemove() {
ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener() {
public void changed(ProgressEvent event) {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addProgressListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeProgressListener(listener);
public void test_ProgressListener_completed_Called() {
AtomicBoolean childCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
ProgressListener l = new ProgressListener() {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
public void changed(ProgressEvent event) {
browser.setText("<html><body>This test ensures that the completed listener is called.</body></html>");;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(childCompleted::get);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_StatusTextListener_addWithNull() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_StatusTextListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_StatusTextListener_addAndRemove() {
StatusTextListener listener = event -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addStatusTextListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeStatusTextListener(listener);
* Test if hovering over a hyperlink triggers status Text change listener.
* Logic:
* 1) Create a page that has a hyper link (covering the whole page)
* 2) Move shell to top left corner
* 3) Upon compleation of page load, move cursor across whole shell.
* (Note, in current jUnit, browser sometimes only takes up half the shell).
* 4) StatusTextListener should get triggered. Test passes.
* 5) Else timeout & fail.
* Set variable "debug_show_browser" to true to see this being performed at human-observable speed.
* Note: Historically one could execute some javascript to change status bar (window.status=txt).
* But most browsers don't support this anymore. Only hovering over a hyperlink changes status.
* StatusTextListener may be triggerd upon page load also. So this test can pass if
* a page load sets the status text (on older browsers) or passes when the mouse hovers
* over the hyperlink (newer Webkit2+) browser.
public void test_StatusTextListener_hoverMouseOverLink() {
assumeFalse(isEdge); // no API in Edge for this
AtomicBoolean statusChanged = new AtomicBoolean(false);
int size = 500;
// 1) Create a page that has a hyper link (covering the whole page)
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
StringBuilder longhtml = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
longhtml.append("text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text<br>");
browser.setText("<a href='http://localhost'>" + longhtml + "</a>");
// 2) Move shell to top left corner
shell.setLocation(0, 0);
shell.setSize(size, size);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
// * 3) Upon compleation of page load, move cursor across whole shell.
// * (Note, in current jUnit, browser sometimes only takes up half the shell).
Display display = event.display;
Point cachedLocation = display.getCursorLocation();
display.setCursorLocation(20, 10);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i = i + 5) {
display.setCursorLocation(i, i);
waitForMilliseconds(debug_show_browser ? 3 : 1); // Move mouse slower during debug.
display.setCursorLocation(cachedLocation); // for convenience of developer. Not needed for test.
browser.addStatusTextListener(event -> {
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(statusChanged::get);
String msg = "Mouse movent over text was suppose to trigger StatusTextListener. But it didn't";
assertTrue(msg, passed);
public void test_TitleListener_addListener_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addTitleListener(event -> {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_TitleListener_addwithNull() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_TitleListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_TitleListener_addAndRemove() {
TitleListener listener = event -> {};
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addTitleListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeTitleListener(listener);
public void test_TitleListener_event() {
AtomicBoolean titleListenerFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addTitleListener(event -> titleListenerFired.set(true));
browser.setText("<html><title>Hello world</title><body>Page with a title</body></html>");;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(titleListenerFired::get);
String errMsg = "Title listener never fired. Test timed out.";
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
public void test_setText() {
String expectedTitle = "Website Title";
Runnable browserSetFunc = () -> {
String html = "<html><title>Website Title</title><body>Html page with custom title</body></html>";
boolean opSuccess = browser.setText(html);
assertTrue("Expecting setText() to return true", opSuccess);
validateTitleChanged(expectedTitle, browserSetFunc);
public void test_setUrl_local() {
String expectedTitle = "Website Title";
Runnable browserSetFunc = () -> {
String pluginPath = System.getProperty("PLUGIN_PATH");
testLogAppend("PLUGIN_PATH: " + pluginPath);
String url;
// Depending on how the jUnit test is ran, (gui/maven/ant), url for local file needs to be acquired differently.
if (pluginPath != null) {
url = pluginPath + "/data/testWebsiteWithTitle.html";
} else {
// used when ran from Eclipse gui.
url = Test_org_eclipse_swt_browser_Browser.class.getClassLoader().getResource("testWebsiteWithTitle.html").toString();
testLogAppend("URL: " + url);
boolean opSuccess = browser.setUrl(url);
assertTrue("Expecting setUrl() to return true" + testLog.toString(), opSuccess);
validateTitleChanged(expectedTitle, browserSetFunc);
/** This test requires working Internet connection */
public void test_setUrl_remote() {
// This test sometimes times out if build server has a bad connection. Thus for this test we have a longer timeout.
secondsToWaitTillFail = 35;
String url = ""; // loads very quickly and conveniently has a consistent title
// Skip this test if we don't have a working Internet connection.
assumeTrue("Skipping test due to bad internet connection", checkInternet(url));
testLog.append("checkInternet() passed");
String expectedTitle = "Example Domain";
Runnable browserSetFunc = () -> {
testLog.append("Setting Browser url to:" + url);
boolean opSuccess = browser.setUrl(url);
assertTrue("Expecting setUrl() to return true", opSuccess);
validateTitleChanged(expectedTitle, browserSetFunc);
/** This test requires working Internet connection */
public void test_setUrl_remote_with_post() {
// This test sometimes times out if build server has a bad connection. Thus for this test we have a longer timeout.
secondsToWaitTillFail = 35;
String url = "";
// Skip this test if we don't have a working Internet connection.
assumeTrue("Skipping test due to bad internet connection", checkInternet(url));
testLog.append("checkInternet() passed");
Runnable browserSetFunc = () -> {
testLog.append("Setting Browser url to:" + url);
boolean opSuccess = browser.setUrl(
url, "bug_severity=enhancement&bug_status=NEW&email1=rgrunber&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring",
assertTrue("Expecting setUrl() to return true", opSuccess);
final AtomicReference<Boolean> completed = new AtomicReference<>(false);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
testLog.append("ProgressListener fired");
boolean hasFinished = waitForPassCondition(() -> completed.get().booleanValue());
assertTrue("Test timed out. ProgressListener not fired " + testLog.toString(), hasFinished);
// Even a successful empty query returns about 10000 chars of HTML
int numChars = browser.getText().length();
assertTrue("Response data contained " + numChars + " chars.", numChars > 10000);
private void validateTitleChanged(String expectedTitle, Runnable browserSetFunc) {
final AtomicReference<String> actualTitle = new AtomicReference<>("");
browser.addTitleListener(event -> {
testLog.append("TitleListener fired");
assertTrue("event title is empty" + testLog.toString(), event.title != null);
boolean hasFinished = waitForPassCondition(() -> actualTitle.get().length() != 0
&& !actualTitle.get().contains("about:blank")); // Windows sometimes does 2 loads, one "about:blank", and one actual load.
boolean passed = hasFinished && actualTitle.get().equals(expectedTitle);
String errMsg = "";
if (!hasFinished)
errMsg = "Test timed out. TitleListener not fired";
else if (!actualTitle.get().equals(expectedTitle)) {
errMsg = "\nExpected title and actual title do not match."
+ "\nExpected: " + expectedTitle
+ "\nActual: " + actualTitle;
assertTrue(errMsg + testLog.toString(), passed);
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_newAdapter() {
new VisibilityWindowAdapter() {};
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_newAdapter_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addVisibilityWindowListener(new VisibilityWindowAdapter(){});
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_newListener_closeShell() {
Display display = Display.getCurrent();
Shell shell = new Shell(display);
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addVisibilityWindowListener(new VisibilityWindowListener() {
public void hide(WindowEvent event) {
public void show(WindowEvent event) {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_addWithNull() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_removeWithNullArg() {
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_addAndRemove() {
VisibilityWindowListener listener = new VisibilityWindowListener() {
public void hide(WindowEvent event) {
public void show(WindowEvent event) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.addVisibilityWindowListener(listener);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) browser.removeVisibilityWindowListener(listener);
/** Verify that if multiple child shells are open, no duplicate visibility events are sent. */
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_multiple_shells() {
assumeTrue(!isChromium); // this fails sometimes due cef limitation, can be enabled on newer versions.
AtomicBoolean secondChildCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicInteger childCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {
Shell childShell = new Shell(shell);
childShell.setText("Child shell " + childCount.get());
childShell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
Browser browserChild = new Browser(childShell, SWT.NONE);
event.browser = browserChild;
browserChild.setText("Child window");
browserChild.addVisibilityWindowListener(new VisibilityWindowAdapter() {
AtomicInteger invocationCount = new AtomicInteger(1);
AtomicInteger childID = new AtomicInteger(childCount.get());
public void show(WindowEvent event) {
if (childID.get() == 0 && invocationCount.get() >= 2) {
// Certain browsers fire multiple show events for no good reason. Further show events
// are considered 'legal' as long as they don't contain size and location information.
if (event.location != null || event.size != null) {
fail("Child browser's visibility show listener should only be fired once");
if (childCount.get() == 1) {
browserChild.addProgressListener(new ProgressAdapter() {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
+ "<script type='text/javascript'>"
+ "'about:blank');" // opens child window.
+ "'about:blank');"
+ "</script>\n" +
"<body>This test uses javascript to open a new window.</body></html>");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(secondChildCompleted::get);
String errMsg = "\nTest timed out.";
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
* Validate that when javascript opens a new window and specifies size,
* it's size is passed to the visibility event correctly.
public void test_VisibilityWindowListener_eventSize() {
AtomicBoolean childCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicReference<Point> result = new AtomicReference<>(new Point(0,0));
Shell childShell = new Shell(shell);
childShell.setSize(250, 350);
childShell.setText("Child shell");
childShell.setLayout(new FillLayout());
final Browser browserChild = new Browser(childShell, SWT.NONE);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {
event.browser = browserChild;
testLog.append("openWindowListener fired");
browserChild.addVisibilityWindowListener(showAdapter(event -> {
testLog.append("Visibilty show eventfired.\nEvent size: " + event.size);
+ "<script type='text/javascript'>"
+ "'javascript:\"Child Window\"','', \"height=200,width=300\")\n"
+ "</script>\n" +
"<body>This test uses javascript to open a new window.</body></html>");
boolean finishedWithoutTimeout = waitForPassCondition(childCompleted::get);
boolean passed = false;
if (SwtTestUtil.isCocoa) {
// On Cocoa, event height/width aren't respected if declared by javascript.
passed = finishedWithoutTimeout && result.get().x != 0 && result.get().y != 0;
} else
passed = finishedWithoutTimeout && result.get().x == 300 && result.get().y == 200;
String errMsg = finishedWithoutTimeout ?
"Incorrect size received:"
+ "\nexpected width=300, actual:" + result.get().x
+ "\nexpected height=100, actual:" + result.get().y
: "test timed out. Child's visibility Window listener didn't trigger";
assertTrue(errMsg + testLog.toString(), passed);
public void test_isVisible() {
// Note. This test sometimes crashes with webkit1 because shell.setVisible() calls g_main_context_iteration(). See Bug 509411
// To reproduce, try running test suite 20 times in a loop.
* Test that going back in history, when no new pages were visited, returns false.
public void test_back() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
/* returning 10 times in history - expecting false is returned */
boolean result = browser.back();
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_setTextNull() {
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_setUrlWithNullArg() {
* Logic:
* - Load a page. Turn off javascript (which takes effect on next pageload)
* - Load a second page. Try to execute some javascript. If javascript is exectuted then fail.
public void test_setJavascriptEnabled() {
AtomicInteger pageLoadCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicBoolean testFinished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean testPassed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
if (pageLoadCount.get() == 1) {
browser.setText("Second page with javascript dissabled");
} else if (pageLoadCount.get() == 2) {
Boolean expectedNull = null;
try {
expectedNull = (Boolean) browser.evaluate("return true");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("1) if javascript is dissabled, browser.evaluate() should return null. But an Exception was thrown");
assertNull("2) Javascript should not have executed. But not-null was returned:" + expectedNull,
browser.setText("First page with javascript enabled. This should not be visiable as a second page should load");
assertTrue("3) Javascript was executed on the second page. But it shouldn't have", testPassed.get());
/** Check that if there are two browser instances, turning off JS in one instance doesn't turn off JS in the other instance. */
public void test_setJavascriptEnabled_multipleInstances() {
AtomicInteger pageLoadCount = new AtomicInteger(1);
AtomicInteger pageLoadCountSecondInstance = new AtomicInteger(1);
AtomicBoolean instanceOneFinishedCorrectly = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean instanceTwoFinishedCorrectly = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Browser browserSecondInsance = new Browser(shell, SWT.None);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
if (pageLoadCount.get() == 1) {
browser.setText("First instance, second page (with javascript turned off)");
browserSecondInsance.setText("Second instance, second page (javascript execution not changed)");
} else if (pageLoadCount.get() == 2) {
Boolean shouldBeNull = (Boolean) browser.evaluate("return true");
assertNull("1) Evaluate execution should be null, but 'true was returned'", shouldBeNull);
browserSecondInsance.addProgressListener(new ProgressAdapter() {
public void completed(ProgressEvent event) {
if (pageLoadCountSecondInstance.get() == 2) {
Boolean shouldBeTrue = (Boolean) browserSecondInsance.evaluate("return true");
assertTrue("2) Javascript should be executable in second instance (as javascript was not turned off), but it was not. "
+ "Expected:'someStr', Actual:"+shouldBeTrue, shouldBeTrue);
browser.setText("First Instance, first page");
browserSecondInsance.setText("Second instance, first page");;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {return instanceOneFinishedCorrectly.get() && instanceTwoFinishedCorrectly.get();});
String message = "3) Test timed out. Debug Info:\n" +
"InstanceOneFinishedCorrectly: " + instanceOneFinishedCorrectly.get() + "\n" +
"InstanceTwoFinishedCorrectly: " + instanceTwoFinishedCorrectly.get() + "\n" +
"Instance 1 & 2 page counts: " + pageLoadCount.get() + " & " + pageLoadCountSecondInstance.get();
assertTrue(message, passed);
* This test replicates what happens internally
* if you click on a link in a javadoc popup hoverbox.
* I.e, in a location listener, evaluation() is performed.
* The goal of this test is to ensure there are no 'Freezes'/deadlocks if
* javascript evaluation is invoked inside an SWT listener.
* At time of writing, it also highlights that evaluation inside SWT listeners
* is not consistent across browsers.
public void test_LocationListener_evaluateInCallback() {
AtomicBoolean changingFinished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicBoolean changedFinished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addLocationListener(new LocationListener() {
public void changing(LocationEvent event) {
browser.evaluate("SWTchanging = true");
public void changed(LocationEvent event) {
browser.evaluate("SWTchanged = true");
if (isChromium) {
} else { // Chromium cannot fire changing event for setText
browser.setText("<body>Hello <b>World</b></body>");
// Wait till both listeners were fired.
if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows && !isChromium) {
waitForPassCondition(changingFinished::get); // Windows doesn't reach changedFinished.get();
} else
waitForPassCondition(() -> (changingFinished.get() && changedFinished.get()));
// Inspect if evaluate() was executed correctly.
Boolean changed = false;
try { changed = (Boolean) browser.evaluate("return SWTchanged"); } catch (SWTException e) {}
Boolean changing = false;
try { changing = (Boolean) browser.evaluate("return SWTchanging"); } catch (SWTException e) {}
String errMsg = "\n changing: fired:" + changingFinished.get() + " evaluated:" + changing +
"\n changed: fired:" + changedFinished.get() + " evaluated:" + changed;
boolean passed = false;
if (isChromium) {
// On Chromium, evaluation in 'changing' fails.
passed = changingFinished.get() && changedFinished.get() && changed; // && changing (broken)
} else if (SwtTestUtil.isGTK) {
// Evaluation works in all cases.
passed = changingFinished.get() && changedFinished.get() && changed && changing;
} else if (SwtTestUtil.isCocoa) {
// On Cocoa, evaluation in 'changing' fails.
passed = changingFinished.get() && changedFinished.get() && changed; // && changing (broken)
} else if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows) {
// On Windows, evaluation inside SWT listeners fails altogether.
// Further, only 'changing' is fired if evaluation is invoked inside listeners.
passed = changingFinished.get();
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
/** Verify that evaluation works inside an OpenWindowListener */
public void test_OpenWindowListener_evaluateInCallback() {
assumeTrue(!isChromium); // This works on Webkit1, but can sporadically fail, see Bug 509411
AtomicBoolean eventFired = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addOpenWindowListener(event -> {
browser.evaluate("SWTopenListener = true");
event.required = true;
boolean fired = waitForPassCondition(eventFired::get);
boolean evaluated = false;
try { evaluated = (Boolean) browser.evaluate("return SWTopenListener"); } catch (SWTException e) {}
boolean passed = fired && evaluated;
String errMsg = "Event fired:" + fired + " evaluated:" + evaluated;
assertTrue(errMsg, passed);
* Test that going forward in history (without having gone back before) returns false.
public void test_forward() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
/* going forward 10 times in history - expecting false is returned */
boolean result = browser.forward();
* Test that getUrl() returns a non-null string.
public void test_getUrl() {
String string = browser.getUrl();
* Test of 'back in history' api.
* - Test isBackEnabled() and back() return the same value.
* - Test that going isBackEnabled still returns false if back was called multiple times.
public void test_isBackEnabled() {
/* back should return the same value that isBackEnabled previously returned */
assertEquals(browser.isBackEnabled(), browser.back());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
/* going back 10 times in history - expecting false is returned */
boolean result = browser.isBackEnabled();
* Test of 'forward in history' api.
* - Test isForwardEnabled() and forward() return the same value.
* - Test that going isBackEnabled still returns false if back was called multiple times.
public void test_isForwardEnabled() {
/* forward should return the same value that isForwardEnabled previously returned */
assertEquals(browser.isForwardEnabled(), browser.forward());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
/* going forward 10 times in history - expecting false is returned */
boolean result = browser.isForwardEnabled();
* Test that refresh executes without throwing exceptions.
* (Maybe we should actually load a page first?)
public void test_refresh() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
public void test_setFocus_toChild_afterOpen() {
// The different browsers set focus to a different child
public void test_setFocus_toChild_beforeOpen() {
// The different browsers set focus to a different child
/** Text without html tags */
public void test_getText() {
if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows || isChromium) {
// Window's Browser implementation returns the processed HTML rather than the original one.
// The processed webpage has html tags added to it.
getText_helper("helloWorld", "<html><head></head><body>helloWorld</body></html>");
} else {
// Linux Webkit1, Webkit2
// Cocoa
getText_helper("helloWorld", "helloWorld");
public void test_getText_html() {
String testString = "<html><head></head><body>hello<b>World</b></body></html>";
getText_helper(testString, testString);
/** Ensure we get webpage before javascript processed it.
* E.g js would add 'style' tag to body after processing. */
public void test_getText_script() {
String testString = "<html><head></head><body>hello World<script> = \"red\";</script></body></html>";
if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows || isChromium) {
// Window's Browser implementation returns the processed HTML rather than the original one.
// The processed page injects "style" property into the body from the script.
getText_helper(testString, "<html><head></head><body style=\"background-color: red;\">hello World<script> = \"red\";</script></body></html>");
} else {
// Linux Webkit1, Webkit2
// Cocoa
getText_helper(testString, testString);
/** Ensure that 'DOCTYPE' is not stripped out of original string */
public void test_getText_doctype() {
String testString = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>hello World</body></html>";
if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows && !isChromium) {
// Window's Browser implementation returns the processed HTML rather than the original one.
// The processed page strips out DOCTYPE.
getText_helper(testString, "<html><head></head><body>hello World</body></html>");
} else {
// Linux Webkit1, Webkit2
// Cocoa
private void getText_helper(String testString, String expectedOutput) {
AtomicReference<String> returnString= new AtomicReference<>("");
AtomicBoolean finished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
if (debug_verbose_output)
boolean passed = returnString.get().equals(expectedOutput);
String error_msg = finished.get() ?
"Test did not return correct string.\n"
+ "Expected:"+testString+"\n"
+ "Actual:"+returnString.get()
: "Test timed out";
assertTrue(error_msg, passed);
* Test that a page load an be stopped (stop()) without throwing an exception.
public void test_stop() {
/* THIS TEST REQUIRES WEB ACCESS! How else can we really test the http:// part of a browser widget? */
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_execute_withNullArg() {
* Test execute and windowCloseListener.
* Close listener used to tell if execute actually worked in some meaningful way.
public void test_execute_and_closeListener () {
AtomicBoolean hasClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.setText("You should not see this page, it should have been closed by javascript");
browser.addCloseWindowListener(e -> {
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(hasClosed::get);
if (passed)
disposedIntentionally = true;
String message = "Either browser.execute() did not work (if you still see the html page) or closeListener Was not triggered if "
+ "browser looks disposed, but test still fails.";
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns a String type. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_string() {
final AtomicReference<String> returnValue = new AtomicReference<>();
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
String evalResult = (String) browser
.evaluate("return document.getElementById('myid').childNodes[0].nodeValue;");
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
browser.setText("<html><body><p id='myid'>HelloWorld</p></body></html>");;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(()-> "HelloWorld".equals(returnValue.get()));
assertTrue("Evaluation did not return a value. Or test timed out.", passed);
// Test where the script has the 'return' not in the beginning,
public void test_evaluate_returnMoved() {
final AtomicReference<String> returnValue = new AtomicReference<>();
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
String evalResult = (String) browser.evaluate("var x = 1; return 'hello'");
browser.setText("test text");;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(()-> "hello".equals(returnValue.get()));
assertTrue("Evaluation did not return a value. Or test timed out.", passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns a number (Double). Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_number_normal() {
Double testNum = 123.0;
boolean passed = evaluate_number_helper(testNum);
assertTrue("Failed to evaluate number: " + testNum.toString(), passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns a number (Double). Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_number_negative() {
Double testNum = -123.0;
boolean passed = evaluate_number_helper(testNum);
assertTrue("Failed to evaluate number: " + testNum.toString(), passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns a number (Double). Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_number_big() {
Double testNum = 10000000000.0;
boolean passed = evaluate_number_helper(testNum);
assertTrue("Failed to evaluate number: " + testNum.toString(), passed);
boolean evaluate_number_helper(Double testNum) {
final AtomicReference<Double> returnValue = new AtomicReference<>();
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
Double evalResult = (Double) browser.evaluate("return " + testNum.toString());
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> testNum.equals(returnValue.get()));
return passed;
* Test the evaluate() api that returns a boolean. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_boolean() {
final AtomicBoolean atomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
Boolean evalResult = (Boolean) browser.evaluate("return true");
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(atomicBoolean::get);
assertTrue("Evaluation did not return a boolean. Or test timed out.", passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns null. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_null() {
// Boolen only used as dummy placeholder so the object is not null.
final AtomicReference<Object> returnValue = new AtomicReference<>(true);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
Object evalResult = browser.evaluate("return null");
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> returnValue.get() == null);
assertTrue("Evaluate did not return a null. Timed out.", passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that throws the invalid return value exception. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_invalid_return_value() {
if (SwtTestUtil.isWindows) {
/* Bug 508210 . Inconsistent beahiour on windows at the moment.
* Fixing requires deeper investigation. Disabling newly added test for now.
final AtomicInteger exception = new AtomicInteger(-1);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
try {
browser.evaluate("return new Date()"); // Date is not supoprted as return value.
} catch (SWTException e) {
AtomicBoolean wrongExceptionCode = new AtomicBoolean(false);
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {
if (exception.get() != -1) {
if (exception.get() == SWT.ERROR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE) {
return true;
} else if (exception.get() == SWT.ERROR_FAILED_EVALUATE) {
return true;
return false;
if (wrongExceptionCode.get()) {
System.err.println("SWT Warning: test_evaluate_invalid_return_value threw wrong exception code."
String message = exception.get() == -1 ? "Exception was not thrown. Test timed out" : "Exception thrown, but wrong code: " + exception.get();
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that throws the evaluation failed exception. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_evaluation_failed_exception() {
final AtomicInteger exception = new AtomicInteger(-1);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
try {
browser.evaluate("return runSomeUndefinedFunctionInJavaScriptWhichCausesUndefinedError()");
} catch (SWTException e) {
AtomicReference<String> additionalErrorInfo = new AtomicReference<>("");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {
if (exception.get() != -1) {
if (exception.get() == SWT.ERROR_FAILED_EVALUATE) {
return true;
} else {
additionalErrorInfo.set("Invalid exception thrown: " + exception.get());
return false;
String message = "".equals(additionalErrorInfo.get()) ? "Javascript did not throw an error. Test timed out" :
"Javascript threw an error, but not the right one." + additionalErrorInfo.get();
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns an array of numbers. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_array_numbers() {
// Small note:
// evaluate() returns 'Double' type. Java doesn't have AtomicDouble
// for convienience we simply convert double to int as we're dealing with integers anyway.
final AtomicIntegerArray atomicIntArray = new AtomicIntegerArray(3);
atomicIntArray.set(0, -1);
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
Object[] evalResult = (Object[]) browser.evaluate("return new Array(1,2,3)");
atomicIntArray.set(0, ((Double) evalResult[0]).intValue());
atomicIntArray.set(1, ((Double) evalResult[1]).intValue());
atomicIntArray.set(2, ((Double) evalResult[2]).intValue());
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
browser.setText("<html><body><p id='myid'>HelloWorld</p></body></html>");;
AtomicReference<String> additionalErrorInfo = new AtomicReference<>("");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {
if (atomicIntArray.get(0) != -1) {
if (atomicIntArray.get(0) == 1 && atomicIntArray.get(1) == 2 && atomicIntArray.get(2) == 3) {
return true;
} else {
additionalErrorInfo.set("Resulting numbers in the array are not as expected");
return false;
String message = "".equals(additionalErrorInfo.get()) ? "Javascript did not call java" : "Javasscript called java, but passed wrong values: " + additionalErrorInfo.get();
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns an array of strings. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_array_strings () {
final AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicStringArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(3);
atomicStringArray.set(0, "executing");
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
Object[] evalResult = (Object[]) browser.evaluate("return new Array(\"str1\", \"str2\", \"str3\")");
atomicStringArray.set(0, (String) evalResult[0]);
atomicStringArray.set(1, (String) evalResult[1]);
atomicStringArray.set(2, (String) evalResult[2]);
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
browser.setText("<html><body><p id='myid'>HelloWorld</p></body></html>");;
AtomicReference<String> additionalErrorInfo = new AtomicReference<>("");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {
if (! "executing".equals(atomicStringArray.get(0))) {
if (atomicStringArray.get(0).equals("str1")
&& atomicStringArray.get(1).equals("str2")
&& atomicStringArray.get(2).equals("str3")) {
return true;
} else
additionalErrorInfo.set("Resulting strings in array are not as expected");
return false;
String message = "".equals(additionalErrorInfo.get()) ?
"Expected an array of strings, but did not receive array or got the wrong result."
: "Received a callback from javascript, but: " + additionalErrorInfo.get() + " : " + atomicStringArray.toString();
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test the evaluate() api that returns an array of mixed types. Functionality based on Snippet308.
* Only wait till success. Otherwise timeout after 3 seconds.
public void test_evaluate_array_mixedTypes () {
final AtomicReferenceArray<Object> atomicArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(3);
atomicArray.set(0, "executing");
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(event -> {
Object[] evalResult = (Object[]) browser.evaluate("return new Array(\"str1\", 2, true)");
atomicArray.set(2, evalResult[2]);
atomicArray.set(1, evalResult[1]);
atomicArray.set(0, evalResult[0]); // should be set last. to avoid loop below ending & failing to early.
if (debug_verbose_output)
System.out.println("Node value: " + evalResult);
browser.setText("<html><body><p id='myid'>HelloWorld</p></body></html>");;
AtomicReference<String> additionalErrorInfo = new AtomicReference<>("");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {
if (! "executing".equals(atomicArray.get(0))) {
if (atomicArray.get(0).equals("str1")
&& ((Double) atomicArray.get(1)) == 2
&& ((Boolean) atomicArray.get(2))) {
return true;
} else
additionalErrorInfo.set("Resulting String are not as exected");
return false;
String message = "".equals(additionalErrorInfo.get()) ? "Javascript did not call java" : "Javascript called java but passed wrong values: " + atomicArray.toString();
assertTrue(message, passed);
ProgressListener callCustomFunctionUponLoad = completedAdapter(event -> browser.execute("callCustomFunction()"));
* Test that javascript can call java.
* loosely based on Snippet307.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback () {
AtomicBoolean javaCallbackExecuted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
return null;
String htmlWithScript = "<html><head>\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"
+ "function callCustomFunction() {\n" // Define a javascript function.
+ " = 'red'\n"
+ " jsCallbackToJava()\n" // This calls the javafunction that we registered.
+ "}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body> I'm going to make a callback to java </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(javaCallbackExecuted::get);
String message = "Java failed to get a callback from javascript. Test timed out";
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test that javascript can call java and pass an integer to java.
* loosely based on Snippet307.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_integer () {
AtomicInteger returnInt = new AtomicInteger(0);
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
Double returnedDouble = (Double) arguments[0];
returnInt.set(returnedDouble.intValue()); // 5.0 -> 5
return null;
String htmlWithScript = "<html><head>\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"
+ "function callCustomFunction() {\n" // Define a javascript function.
+ " = 'red'\n"
+ " jsCallbackToJava(5)\n" // This calls the javafunction that we registered ** with value of 5.
+ "}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body> I'm going to make a callback to java </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> returnInt.get() == 5);
String message = "Javascript should have passed an integer to java. But this did not happen";
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test that javascript can call java and pass a Boolean to java.
* loosely based on Snippet307.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_boolean () {
AtomicBoolean javaCallbackExecuted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
Boolean returnBool = (Boolean) arguments[0];
return null;
String htmlWithScript = "<html><head>\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"
+ "function callCustomFunction() {\n" // Define a javascript function.
+ " = 'red'\n"
+ " jsCallbackToJava(true)\n" // This calls the javafunction that we registered.
+ "}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body> I'm going to make a callback to java </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(javaCallbackExecuted::get);
String message = "Javascript did not pass a boolean back to java";
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test that javascript can call java and pass a String to java.
* loosely based on Snippet307.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_String () {
final AtomicReference<String> returnValue = new AtomicReference<>();
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
String returnString = (String) arguments[0];
return null;
String htmlWithScript = "<html><head>\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"
+ "function callCustomFunction() {\n" // Define a javascript function.
+ " = 'red'\n"
+ " jsCallbackToJava('hellojava')\n" // This calls the javafunction that we registered.
+ "}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body> I'm going to make a callback to java </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> "hellojava".equals(returnValue.get()));
String message = "Javascript was suppose to call java with a String. But it seems java did not receive the call or wrong value was passed";
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test that javascript can call java and pass multiple values to java.
* loosely based on Snippet307.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_multipleValues () {
final AtomicReferenceArray<Object> atomicArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(3); // Strin, Double, Boolean
atomicArray.set(0, "executing");
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
atomicArray.set(1, arguments[1]);
atomicArray.set(2, arguments[2]);
atomicArray.set(0, arguments[0]); // item at index 0 should be set last for this test case.
return null;
String htmlWithScript = "<html><head>\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"
+ "function callCustomFunction() {\n" // Define a javascript function.
+ " = 'red'\n"
+ " jsCallbackToJava('hellojava', 5, true)\n" // This calls the javafunction that we registered.
+ "}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body> I'm going to make a callback to java </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
// Screenshots.takeScreenshot(getClass(), "test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_multipleValues__BeforeWaiting"); // Useful if investigating build failures on Hudson
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> {
if (atomicArray.get(0).equals("hellojava")
&& ((Double) atomicArray.get(1)) == 5
&& ((Boolean) atomicArray.get(2))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Screenshots.takeScreenshot(getClass(), "test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_multipleValues__AfterWaiting"); // Useful if investigating build failures on Hudson
String msg = "Values not set. Test timed out. Array should be [\"hellojava\", 5, true], but is: " + atomicArray.toString();
assertTrue(msg, passed);
* Test that javascript can call java, java returns an Integer back to javascript.
* It's a bit tricky to tell if javascript actually received the correct value from java.
* Solution: make a second function/callback that is called with the value that javascript received from java.
* Logic:
* 1) Java registers function callCustomFunction() by setting html body.
* 2) which in turn calls JavascriptCallback, which returns value 42 back to javascript.
* 3) javascript then calls JavascriptCallback_javascriptReceivedJavaInt() and passes it value received from java.
* 4) Java validates that the correct value (42) was passed to javascript and was passed back to java.
* loosely based on Snippet307.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback_with_javaReturningInt () {
AtomicInteger returnInt = new AtomicInteger(0);
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
return 42;
class JavascriptCallback_javascriptReceivedJavaInt extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback_javascriptReceivedJavaInt(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
Double returnVal = (Double) arguments[0];
returnInt.set(returnVal.intValue()); // 4)
return null;
String htmlWithScript = "<html><head>\n"
+ "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"
+ "function callCustomFunction() {\n" // Define a javascript function.
+ " = 'red'\n"
+ " var retVal = jsCallbackToJava()\n" // 2)
+ " document.write(retVal)\n" // This calls the javafunction that we registered. Set HTML body to return value.
+ " jsSuccess(retVal)\n" // 3)
+ "}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body> If you see this, javascript did not receive anything from Java. This page should just be '42' </body>\n"
+ "</html>\n";
// 1)
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
new JavascriptCallback_javascriptReceivedJavaInt(browser, "jsSuccess");
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(() -> returnInt.get() == 42);
String message = "Java should have returned something back to javascript. But something went wrong";
assertTrue(message, passed);
* Test that a callback works even after a new page is loaded.
* I.e, BrowserFunctions should have to be re-initialized after a page load.
* Logic:
* - load a page.
* - Register java callback.
* - call java callback from javascript. (exec)
* - java callback instantiates new page load.
* - new page load triggers 'completed' listener
* - completed listener calls the registered function again.
* - once regiseterd function is called a 2nd time, it sets the test to pass.
public void test_BrowserFunction_callback_afterPageReload() {
AtomicBoolean javaCallbackExecuted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
AtomicInteger callCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
class JavascriptCallback extends BrowserFunction { // Note: Local class defined inside method.
JavascriptCallback(Browser browser, String name) {
super(browser, name);
public Object function(Object[] arguments) {
if (callCount.get() == 0) {
browser.setText("2nd page load");
} else {
return null;
browser.setText("1st (initial) page load");
new JavascriptCallback(browser, "jsCallbackToJava");
// see if function still works after a page change:
browser.addProgressListener(completedAdapter(e -> browser.execute("jsCallbackToJava()")));;
boolean passed = waitForPassCondition(javaCallbackExecuted::get);
String message = "A javascript callback should work after a page has been reloaded. But something went wrong";
assertTrue(message, passed);
/* custom */
* Wait for passTest to return true. Timeout otherwise.
* @param passTest a Supplier lambda that returns true if pass condition is true. False otherwise.
* @return true if test passes, false on timeout.
protected boolean waitForPassCondition(final Supplier<Boolean> passTest) {
return waitForPassCondition(passTest, 1000 * secondsToWaitTillFail);
private boolean waitForPassCondition(final Supplier<Boolean> passTest, int millisecondsToWait) {
final AtomicBoolean passed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final Instant timeOut =;
final Instant debug_showBrowserTimeout =;
final Display display = shell.getDisplay();
// This thread tests the pass-condition periodically.
// Triggers fail if timeout occurs.
new Thread(() -> {
while ( {
if (passTest.get()) {
try {Thread.sleep(2);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
// If debug_show_browser is enabled, it only wakes up the display thread after the timeout occured.
while (debug_show_browser && {
try {Thread.sleep(500);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
display.wake(); // timeout. Test failed by default.
while ( {
if (passed.get()) { // Logic to show browser window for longer if enabled.
if (!debug_show_browser) break;
if ( break;
if (!shell.isDisposed()) {
if (!display.readAndDispatch()) {
return passed.get();
/** Contrary to Thread.wait(), this method allows swt's display to carry out actions. */
void waitForMilliseconds(final int milliseconds) {
waitForPassCondition(() -> false, milliseconds);
* Check if Internet connection to a http url works.
* @param url a full url like
* @return true if server responded with correct code (200), false otherwise.
private static Boolean checkInternet(String url) {
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
try {
connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
int code = connection.getResponseCode(); // 200 is success. See
if (code == 200)
return true;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
System.err.println("Given url is malformed: " + url + "Try a fully formed url like:");
} catch (IOException e) {
// No connection was made.
} finally {
if (connection != null) {
return false;